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The Legislature Has Adopted A

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current resolution to stop grinding out bilis on the lSth inst.,aud toadjourn on the '22d. The Ypsilanti Commercial has secn an Ohio Republian fricnd who assures il that the policy of Hayes is not indorsed in that Btate, and that the prospect for a Eepublioau victory this fall is exceedingly small. In the Senate on Saturday last Senator Burleigh -was appointed a member of tbe Judioiary Committee, vke Senator Burch, who has resigned his seat in that body to accept the position of U. S. District Attorney for the Western District of Michigan. Senator Christiaxcy and Senator Ben Hill, of Georgia,- the Ben Hill whorn Blaine failed to annihilate, - have been writing sort of mutual admiration letters. Both indorse the policy of conciliation. Verily, Hayesism makes the strangest of strange bed-feüows. The Mayor and Common Council of Adrián have resolved to cut down their several official salaries for the current year from $50 to nothing, and the taxpayers will be relieved of $450 of their burdon (provided the economical fever of the city law-makers don't run off before tax-paying time). That letter of Gen. Butler in another column, commending the promptness of Postmaster-General Kay in removing his nephew, is excellent reading, but Uien to get at the " true inwardness " of it ono needs a squint to his eyelike that of the writer. It is as neat a spsoimen of sarcasm as has lurned up in many a day. Geo. C. Bates, of Chicago, well known in this State, as editor, lawyer, and politician was one of the speakers at last Sunday evening's meeting of the Detroit Reform Club. Mr. Bates is an eloquent speaker and can speak from the card in portraying the evils flowing from a too free ■ uso ot intoxicating liquors. Tuis is the unkind thrust the Lansing Republican makes at the Rev. John Ruseell, one of the few relies of the policy of making men températe and virtuous by law : " Three months of Dr. Reynolds havo reformed more drunkards than ten years of John Russell." And our cotemporary might have added : closed more saloons. " For shootino off his mouth " too much over at Baltimore, a large number of the citizens of Washington have petitioned the President for the removal of Fred. Douglass as Marshal of the District of Columbi. Fred must keep a civil tongue in his Ucad and learn to wag it respectfully when citizons of Washington are the subject. The Lansing República, basely charges that the Ypsilanti Commercial bas " sold out to the Democrats," which opens a good opportunity for a libel suit, But, then, what bothers us is to determine who will be the plaintiff: he of the Commercial or the Democrats. We inclino decidedly to the opinión that the latter have the best show. A FRUITLESS RESOLUTION : that adopted by the Legislature asking a Congressional appropriation in aid of a tunnel at Detroit. Congress has got through doing that kind ot business. The problem of tunnel or no tunnel ia to be solved by capitalists and parties interested, and the sooner Detroit capitalists come to that conclusión the sooner the tunnel will be constructed. A concurrent resolution has been adopted by both the Senate and House requesting State Boards, Regents, Trustees, etc, to cut 10 per cent. off from all salaries between $1,500 and $2,000, and 20 per cent. from all salarios over $2,000. If carried out some of the State institutions will bo likely to lose some men whose services they cannot afford to dispense with. Ex-Speaker J. J. Woodman, of Paw Paw, one of the " boss " grangers of this State, is a prominent candidate for the appointment of Commissioner of Agrioulture, and the Lansing Iïepullican says that " Hayes will have to look a long time before he finds one superior for the position." If he really is a fit man for the place lightning will be more likely to strike him than he is to be appointed. Ex-President Grant is reported as being out of sorts with President Hayer, not alono becauso of " my policy," but because of the " fuss " made about the use of wines at the White House. The announced banishment of intoxicating beverages from State dinners he regards as a reflection upon his administration in that respect, while he gives out that theie is no truth in the announcement. Grant's toes are evidently tender. After the first day of June postage to Japan will be ó cents (prepaid) on each half ounce lettor, 2 cents on each postal card, 2 cents on each newspaper weighing not. over four ounces, and 2 cents for each two ounces of books, other printed matter, patterns, &c. From Japan, 10 cents (unpaid) on each lettor rato. These rates are on mails carried by the direct steamors between San Francisco and Yokohaina. Cheap enough. TlIE Legislaturo about on its " last legs" at Lansing (the Lord bo praised) lias been a very economioal body, - judging by the persistenco with which some of the minor appropriation bilis have been fought, and by efforts to cut down salaries at Stato institutions indirectly under its control. But, considering the unusually large percentage of absenteeism, the frequent adjournments from Friday to Monday evening, and the readiness of members to draw pay for " lost days" - whether by absence or adjournmont - the economy was scarcely more than skin deep. At least $25,000 of tho people's money have been unnecessarily 6quanr]ered in this way. TöÈ speech made by tku. Shennan at tllö Chauiber of Ootnüierce dinner on Monday eveniiig last was oertainly no in tho best of taste. Such lunguage as this, " Thirteen years after the war when I thought we wore safo for the rest of our days, wo iind ourselves lef out in the cold, without pay, or rationa or anything ; negleoted, slightcd, hurí in feeling, but not in courage," is nearer that of the spoiled child who cried because he could n't have the moon tuan of the 8tate8man. Aud this : " The army is 25,000 homeless uien to-day, with families depending on them, and know not where to go for pay or provisions.' Such talk is for political effect, aud should have corae frora soine third rate political hack rather than frora the General in comniand of tho anny. Bul if his picture was a true oue upon whom rests the blame ? The House passed au appropriation bill, conditioned, it is true, by a prohibition of the use of tho iirmy to control State Capitols and State Legislatures. The subsequeni aotion of President Hayes confessed Buch use of the army unnecessary, and his admissions confessed it unoonstitutional, - thus sustaining the House and censuring tho Sonate. Busides, the President could have convened Congress in extra session aud had the necessary appropriation bill passed before this. Gen. Shennan will make neither personal fauie nor political capital by such utterances. OUK esteemed co-laborer of the Lansing Hepulliean has a brief article on " Bullying a Legislature," in which he says : "This practice does not work very well in the west. It has been tried in Miohigan, but never with such success as to encourage ita repetitie." 'And now what has Mn cotemporary to say about a kindred topic, " Bullying by a Legislature ? " Does it approve legislativo bullying of the University Regenta? the open threats to withhold confessedly just and necessary appropriatious if certain ineddlesome, arbitrary, and unjust demands were not complied with ? the attempts to purchase the vote of an individual Kegent, and failing in that his iesignation, by promising an appropriation for the Normal School, - an institution having no mannor of conuection with the University, - coiipling the offered bribe, to be paid with the people's money, with tho threat, " Refuse to resign and you shall have no new building,";-' and other like threats and potnisos ? What of such " bullying," neighbor ? and what respect is due to a Legislature which will, without protest or rebuke, permit its committees, or agents, or owners, to enter upon and prösecute such a 8ystematic schuine or career o) " bullying " or bull-dozing 'r1 Is n't H time for honest legialators, for honorable legUlators, to take obBervations and make an earnest effort in the direction of protectiug their own reputations ? " A JOINT resolution requiring the State Treasurer to pay certain moneys due the several counties " was the very innocent and inexpressive title of a joint resolution which the House adopted on Thursday last, by a vote of 55 yeas to 30 nays. The resolution takes $163,000 out of the State treaaury and pours it into the treasuries of certain counties. The inonoys aro 5 per cent, interest (so-called) on 50 per cent, in valué of tho sales of swamp lands under the law of 1858, which has remained a dead letter on the statute books ever sinco its enactment, and which, in fact, has been generally regarded as an uncon8titutional act. If the Senate shall concur and Gov. Croswell approve, the old counties will be bied to enablo the couuties in which the swamp lands were located to profit by the steal. On Friday a vigorous protest against the adoption of the resolution, drafted by Representativo Conely, of Wayne, and 8igned by 23 other members, including Messrs. Sawyer and Norris, of this county, was read and ordered spread upon tho journal. We regret to see Representativo Allen recorded as voting tor the resolution. The law just enacted by the Legislature of this State prohibiting township treasurers froin holding office more than two years in succession is both an unnecessary and a foolish law : or so it seems to us. If a town has a competent and fit treasurer, one properly located and who discharges the duties of the office promptly and to tho satisfaction of the tax-payers and citizens generally, wo can see not the least reason why he should hot bo eligible to a re-election ust as many times in succession as the electors of the towuship may desire his services. All the evils or dangers the iaw just enacted seeks to guard against or remedy can be effectually met by an annual settlement as required by law, and the annual filing of new bonds as now required.. Compulsory change of officors is not the best inetbod to secure the best officers, the most satisfactory service, or the most rigid accountability. Better enforce the laws wo havo than to mako an annual erop of new ones. Judge Halmer H. Emmons, of the ?ixth United States Judicial Circuit Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee), died at his residence in Detroit, on Mouday last, of cancor ín the stom. ich, in the 62d year of bis age. Judge Emmons, was born at Sandy Hill, N. ï"., studied at law at Koesvillo and Esex, N. Y., and removed to Detroit in 1838, where he has ever since resided. □Ce was a brilliant and successful lawyer, and has won as judgo a roputation ieyond tho expectation of his friends. The Bar Association of Detroit adoptod appropriato and highly coinplimentary resolutions on Tuesday. Before Judge Emmons is buried tlio ntrigue commencos, at Washington and Liansing, to secure Zack Chandler'g return to the Senate by procuring the apxintment of Judge Christiancy to tho yacant seat on the bench. A fow days ïelay would have boen raoro respectful o say the least. Ex-Gov. Tilden, Gov. Robinson, and sther prominent New York Democrats leclined to attend the dinnor given by hu Chamber of Commerce in honor of , ?resident Hayes, " lest their presence ■ ihould Been an indorsement of tho decaration of President Hayes' elaction." On Tuesday the Sonate killed, by a vote of 14 to6, thebill previously passed by the House to remove the School of Mines to the Upper Península (aomewhere) ; and on the same day the House cut out the itouis for the support of the School of Mines and for the Dental College building, reduecd one or two other items, and then passed the University appropriation bill, - giving $27,000 for 1877, and $22,000 for 1878. On Wednesday, by a vote of 13 to 15, the Sennte defeated the bill repealing the l-20th of a mili aid law. We go to pres without yesterday's proceedings. Wm. E. DodGE has raised a hornet's nest about his ears by withdrawing f rom the Union League Club of New York, assigning as his reason that a large portion of the revenues of the club were derivod from the sale of intoxicating liquors. He had known of the trafíic a long time but his conscience had recently been quickened on the subject. There is little doubt but many of the fasbionable clubs of our larger cities are nurseries of immoderate drinking and intemperate habits.


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