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See the new advertisement of Bach & Abel. .-The hog cholera has again appeared il Sharon. - A glorious rain yesterday, and uow you can ee things grow. - Ii you don't wish to miss your traiu study the revised time table in this Abgus. - The Fifth-warders are arranging for the observance of Deeoration Day, May 30. - This week the Akous "War Map" in eludes the field of operations in Asia Minor. - The Eed Ribbon movement has closed out the last saloon both at Milan and Dundee - Tho Governor ha3 approved the bil amendiug the charter of the village of Saline - The Ypsilanti Reform Club propoaes to appropriately celébrate the coming Fourth of July. - The new military company at Dexter is o be christened " Company I," and assigned to the First Regiment. - On Tuesday evening next, May 22, the Beform Club of Dexter will perform " Ten Xights in a Bar-room." - The latest white frost we have to record was that of Monday morning laat. lt was not sharp eiiough to do much nipping. - Nathan Burnham, of the Fitth ward, who has resided in this city forty-three years, died on the 16th inst., ot heart disease, aged 70 jeara. - Vpsilanti owes a bonded debt of $25,000 n addition to the coutested $50,000 voted in ,id of the Detroit, Hillsdale and Indiana Railroad. - Profs. Olney and Pattengill examined the Flint High School on Fri day last : on the application to be coutinued on the list of diploma schools. - The Deeoration Society, of the Fifth ward, will give an entertainment at the Opera House, Tuesday evemng next, in aid of the Memorial doy fund. _ Eev. E. H. Pilcher, formerly of this cfty, and one of the oldeet Methodist ministers in this State, has accepted a pastorate at Brantford, Ontario. - The University Base Ball Club is ñttiüg up a ball ground on the fair grounds : and the admirers of the " noble game" will have to pay to see the play go on. - In the United States Court, Detroit, on l'riday last, an order of final discharge in bankruptcy was made in favor of John H. Majnard, of this city. - Ypsilanti officers for the current year : Marshal, Daniel W. Thompson ; Treasurer, F' Í. Bogardus ; Attorney, Albert Crane ; Physician, Dr. Edward Batwell. - A Detrcit photographer grouped and photographed the University seuiors on Saturday last. They were not engaged in a (war) dance at the exact moment. - Geoige Reuwick, of Northfield, has been drawn as a petit juror for the June term of the United States (Jircuit Court, Detroit, and must put in bis appearanoe on Tuesday, June 5- George Richards and Thomas Fay, two of the tramp species, lodged in jail Sunday night, and on Mouday Justice Clark levied a contribütiou of $6 on each. Drunk and disorderly. - Joe Jacobs wants oue huudred little girls - no objection to large ones, - not this time for empty boxes, but to buy a " Sun Down," or a '■ Pic-nic Hat." He has a large stock of them, very cheap, - Giles B. Stebbins, of Detroit, was the speaker at the meeting of the Reform Club on Sunday afteruoon last, and gave an interesting address, after which a number of new members were enrolled. - Daniel Pratt, travelerj lecturer, and scientist, having concluded to ' quit his drinking," joined ttie Reform Club on Sunday afternoou last and has displayed the led ribbon on our streets during the week. - This is the way the Detroit Tribune puts it: "The lion and the sbeep laid down together. We refer, of couise. to the Ypsilanti weeklies. Il is none of your business which ons wo refer to as the sbeep." - Prof. J, B. Steere will talk about " Birds oí Paradise " on Tuesday evening next, at 8 o'clock, at the residence of H. W. Rogers, Ksq., for the Ladies' Library Associ itiou. All areinvited. Adraission 10 cents. - A new OJd Fellow's Lodge is to be organized in this city, a number of members having amicably withdrawn from Washtenaw Lodge No, 9 for that purpose. The new lodge will meet in the rooms of the parent lodge. - Daniel Pratt, the " great American trav(a eler" harmless sort of dead-bead), tickled the University boys on Saturday last by ïndorsiug their position on the dancing question. A."crumb of comfort" in the day of need. - When valuable property is destroyed by fire people are reminded of the importance of having reliable Insurance, Amoug the companies which stand high we may inention the old iEtna, Pho3nix, Franklin, &c, all represented by C. Mack. - A barn and shed, north of the railroad and adjoining the machine shop of Jolin Gilbert, Ypsilauti, was fired by the sparks from a paasing engine on Tuesday aftemoon of last week, and burned to the ground. Loss about 81,000 with no insurauce. - The Mayor has issued a proclamation enjoining vigilance upon the pohce and all good citizens in guarding against fires and in the detection of the incendiaries, and also offering arewardfor information which will lead to the arrest of guilty parties. - We are advised that much the larger portion of peach trees we credited last week to J. J. Parshall, were set out by hiin on the portion of his farm recently sold to W. W. Nichols, of this city. Mr. Nichols has had put out this season over 4,000 fruit trees. - The Legislature having passed and (Jov. Ctoswell approved " an act to prevent the sale of fruits and vegetables in cases, boxes, or baskets less than the legal measure," we wonder lowmuch smaller peach baskets and beiry boxes will be this year than heretofore. - Senator Christiancy and Congressman Brewer, of Pontiac, have been retained by the Executive Committee of the Regents to prosecute the chancery suits against Drs. Douglas and Rose. Hope they will make a speedy end ■of it. (P. S. Mr. Brewer has declined.) - S. Whedon Smith, of this city, who grad"uated at the recent commencement of the Col'ege of Medicine and Surgery, has pitched his tent and huug out his shiugle in Port Huron. Er. Smith is an industrious and enthusiastie . student in his chosen profession and will labor todeserve success. - Dr. W. F. Breakey and Dr. E. S. Dun'ter, of this city, were elected delegates to the American Medical Association by the State Medical Society, at lts recent meeting at Battle Creek. And Dr. Dunster has as yet made no apology for lecturing to students who are conected with the Homeopathie College. - Prof. Wm. P. Trowbridge, a nativo of Michigan, has dissolved his connectiou with UieSheflield Scientiñc School, Yale College, and axepted the chair of Engineering in the Columbia College School of Mines, New York City. Professor Trowbridge was Professor of Mathematics in the University of Michigan in 185G-57, and left here to enter the Coast SurTey Office at Washington. - On Friday evening next, May 25, Mrs. Youmans, of Canada, will speak at the Opera House, on the subject of temperance. This lady is a very effective worker in the cause of 'emperauce, and has achieved considerable feputation as a forcible and eloquent public speaker. It is very fortúnate for the advanca"lent of the cause in this city that this lady has íound it possible to come to Ann Arbor. Let our citizens and all who sympathize with the great reform movemeut in this vicinity come out and hear her. - Among the inmatea of the county board ing house on Main street is a young man nam ed George W. Mead, who on the 6th inst, in Bridgewater, attempted to viólate the peison of a little girl under five years oíd. He con fesses his guilt. A term of years in prison i too mild a punishment for such a wrotch. - üur neighboring city of Ypsilanti pro poses to contest any f urther payment of inter est on the bonds issued in aid of the Detroi and Hillsdale road. We tbink any reliance upon any change in the decisions of the Uni ted States Supreme Court will be misplaced The defense Ypsilanti should hare set up years ago is thal the bonds were never passec legitimately and honestly into the hands of innocent holders. - We have no doubt that the recent terribl accident at Bockford, 111., will cause the Building Committee having in charge the selection of Court House plans to scrutiuize cloBaly all plans presented. Let us have no weak walls resting on hali-constructed and insumcienl foundations and no domes supported partially on walls and partially on trusses or columnsLet every side of the tower have an equal and the same kind of support. - The several supervisors of this city, also of each of the twnships, are required by statute to be at their offices on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday next, from 8 o'clock a. si. until noon, and from 1 o'clock until 5 o'clock p. M., for the purpose of reviewing their assessment rolls. If you wish to have the assessor's valuation of your worldly possessious decreased (or increased) you should make a note of this tem and put in your appearance on one of the days named. - The lecture given by Prof. Langley, on Friday evening last, bef&re the Ann Arbor Scientific Association, was both interesting and nstructive. Models of Qray's and Beü's telehones were exhibí ted and their principies and workings explained. The larger portion of the ecture was given to brilüaut experiments - accompanied by explanations - with the new lectro-dynamic machine manufactured by the Ann Arbor Agricultural Company, after the lan and under the direction of Prof. L. himelf. This machine has the power of a Bunsen tattery of 150 cells, and so far it works up to he highest expectatious. We will attempt a .escription of neither the machine nor experiments.


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