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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. t-i)'A1.I MACl-HAN, SI. D., l'hysirian and 1 Rurgeon. Offico and residence, 71 Huron stre-et, nn Arbor. Office hours f rom 8 to 9 a. m. and fi-om ' to 3 p. ra. 77 J. HERDMAN, M. D., Physician and SurV . geou. Office, 'j'Aiihwñst corner Main and 'Hurón streete. Ktidewce, 48 South State :itreet. Offlce hours from 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. :n. LK. HcF.ABLMD, snrgical and ïlechan, ieal Dentist, corner of Main anl Hurón (]repls (Ticlison's olí) sfarid.) Great paiug taken in ■ llojierations entrusted to my care Prices to snit ïf times. AU vork warzanted. Teeth extracted Jjtuout pain'. Office honra: 8 to U . n,; 1 to 6 y.r..; 7 lo 8:30 p. m. II. JACKSOK, Dentist. Office corner oí W , Main and Washington strcet, over BacS & el's store, Ann Arbor, Mieh. Anesthetics adminjetered if required. EU0ENE K. FKUEAMT, Attoruey t Law, Notnry Pubhc, and Conimissiouer af Deedw or Penmylvania. Consultation in the Gman or Éuish lau'uage. Office in TCinsey aud Seabolt's Blwk, Washington St., Ann Arbor. pBANK E. ÏOÜNG, Attorm-y and Oovmaelor at r Lw, Solicitor in Cliaucery, Genera) Corrveyancer, mil Notary Public. Office with Jolin N. Gott. Abf titlc carofnlly compiled. 1629 Ip CLARTÏ. Justioe of the Peace, Rotary Pub'jt lic and Convcyancer. Wilt ioau monef for oib'i-y on real éstate security. Office over Ño. S Hnruu strcet, Ann Arbor, Mïch. ■tTTTNES & WOKDEN, 20 South Ma'jri street, )y Ann Arbor, Mieh., wnolcsale and retail dealers u Dry Goods, Carpeta and Groceries.. ■ IACK & SCHS1ID, dealers in Dry Goods, iVx Oroceries, Crockery, etc., No. 51 Soutii Main ttrfPt. BACH & ABKt, deaJera in Dry aoode, Qrocerk'3, etc., No. 26 Soutü Main strcet, Ann irlior, Mieh. TITM. WAGN'EB, d.-alor in Kpdy-Made Cli.thf iog, Clotlis, Casaimeres, Vestiuge, Trunke, Cariiet Bage, etc, 21 South Maiu Street. JFKIJDEUICK SCHAEBKRLE, teacher of , the PIANO, VIOMN AND GU1TAB. Kesidence soulheast corner Main and Liberty trects, Ann Arbor, Mieh. NOAH W. GHEEVEB, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office cast side of Court House Square, Aun Arbur, Mioü. JOHN L. BURLEtGH, Attoinev and Counselor at Law, X'.). '-i Einli Block, Hecond floor, A.VN AEBOlt, ■ . MICHIUAN. HENBY K. HILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Dealer in Keal Kstate. Offico, No. 3 Opera Hoiise Block, ANN ABBOR. E7EBYBODY SAYS THAT REVENAUCH IS THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. '8 East Huron Street, upstairs. A. tl. WINBLOW, 32 East Huron Street. DKALKR IK PiCUKE FRAMES, BlUCKETS AND TiOLIii S1KISS. J. H. NIOKELS, TR1NH & SALT ME ATS, Mams, SuuMucs, L:ir(l, etc, STAl'K STKEET, OPPOS[TE NOHTHWEST CORNER OF ÜNIVEKSlïï CAMPUS. Order promptly filled. Farmers having mcats to ee!l s'iould give him a cali. 1508-yl SH ANAHAN. & IÍROKAVV Have opened a Heat Markct on 'rl li Main St., Ibree clajra nortli of Hjil k Marble'8, where will b kept a f uil line of ïrr.ih mul galt MeaU, Smohed Jlam, Sausuge, Inrd, etc. Ailcrdere promptly Jillcd. 0ml618 THE ANN ABBOB SAVINGS BANK A.nn Arbor, M;iohlgan. ': ves depositB of One Dollar and npwarda and lleras Five per cent. interest on all deposite remainii'g throe mouths or longer. NTEEEST COMPOUNDED ANN UALLY. use, buje and eells U. S. Bond, Gold, Silverand lateteU Coupons, and New York, Dc-troit and Chiïo Exchatge. AIsu dis feight Drafts on Oreat Britain, Ire!ani, iy, or any other part of the European Couinent. Thi.' liauk is orgaaized under the General Bank mg Law of this St ite. The stockholdere are indiWdunüy liablo to the amount of their etock, and 't' wh i!e capital i.-, ecurity for depositors, wbile wit'j Einks of ieeue tbe capital is invested ior the ccnrüy of Liil-hoUers. This fact makes this Iniiluiioi] a very paf e deposit of moneys. Manïrd Women eau deposit subject to their own rtrsitB unly. Mom-y to Loan on Approved Securitiea. I Uibecioes- R. A. Beal, C. Mck, W. D. Harrifün, W. Deube), W." W. Wiues, D. Hiscock, W. B. Bmitlj, OFFICERS : SlAtK, Pres't. W. ÏV. Wikep, Vice-Preu't. O. E. Hisoook, Cashier. EBERBAtH & SON, Bilïïsts ai Ptaacists, 12 South Main St., K(è!1 on hand a large and well selected stock of MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, J)1'E STUFFS, ARTÏSTS' & WAX FLOWER MATERIALS Toilet Art irles, Trusses, KIe. PURE WIE4ES AND ÜQUORS, il -M. Mm uaid to the hirülUB or Phy ■" miU, S hoo s, ,-t.-.. witii PMÍosophlcal 1 loinica! ApiraratUB, Bohemlan Cuemical , Porcelaiii Ware, Pure Keageuts, etc. 1 y-ieiau8' pre sriptjons cjrefoljy prepared at


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Michigan Argus