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THE EAST. Albbbt Ktkinway, of tlie HïTB of Hteiuway & SonR, piano manufacturéis, died tho Othei day in New York oity Tho Laurel Hamifaotnring Company, with ofliccs located in liuHimore, lias collapsed. Liabililics $800,000 Tho coal companies of Pennsylvania have dotcrinined to suspend mining operationsfor two months Tho Clinton stcam lnraber milis and viUtege on the ügdeusbingh aud Lako Cliamplain r&ilroad, in Clinton couutv. N. Y., wero burnod on Monday aftei'nooü. Over flfty good dwelling-houses wero burncd, cömprlsing the wholo village, eicepttwó fíame and Ihrcc poor log structuren. Barns, stablos, torca, telcgraph and raihoad ofiices, schoolhouse and milis were all burned, with considerable livo stock. ïhirty thonsand logs and a l&rge stock of mannfactured hunber were bnrned, Oret thirty inhabitod dwelKna and flve milis, eight miles bolow, were burnod aboat the. same time. 8i hundrod poorpeople ure rendered nomóless by these twohres. Loss 500,000. A sttüe of Fitz-Greene Halleck, tlie poet, has bien unveiled in Central Park, New ïork. Fivo children of Frank Dunnogal, n ïailroad employé at Little Hook, Cortland couniy, N. V., W8W to dcath lust week. The oldest was 9 yoars old. Dunnegal and his wife were a short distance from the honro when they discovered the firc, and made every effort to roseue tho childron, hut tho llames had gnini'd too much headway. Tho crios of thu httlo ones calling for help eould bc distinctly heard by the pareñts A new white whitle has jnst amyed at New York, and taken np his quartersin tho aquarium. . . .The recent tenible forest iires in Nt York, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and ermont have destroyed millions of dollars' worth of property, and rendered hundredn of people homeless. An immense arca of woodlaml was buriud over, and the loss of tiniber alone is vory great. It is beMoved that many persons have lost thcir lives wliilc tryiug to save thcir homes. As unusual scène was witnessed in the New Xork Capítol, at Albany, a few evcnings ago. The lower house of the T.ojrislatnrc refnsed to pass, over the Oovornor's veto, a bilí apprcpriati.Mg il, 000,000 to complete the new Capital bnildiug, whereat the crowd in the galleries and in tho lobbies yelled and hooted agaiust those wlio votcd against the; flMrkingmerrfl interests. As ome of the membrrs appenred outside, several were beaten and dnven back by the veiling erowd, and a few members were obliged to escape by the rear doora to theiihotels. A large body of pólice anived sobseqnently and drove tlie crowd from the Capítol and from the Governoi's house, which was throatened. A large crowd thtn went to tho hotels, tbroatening to niobthe members, and in some cases sqnads followed the members to their rooms in tho hotels, threatening vengoance by the workingmeu. Finally the pólice ïn&nagcd to disperse the inob. THE WEST. Advtcks from the Spotted Tail agency state that Lient. Clark, one of Crook's staff, enUsted Crazy Uoise and fifteon head men of his band. The enlistment was made for tbc botter control of the Indiana at the agencies. They swore v-ith npliftcd handa to bo tnie and faithful to tlie Government and obej Bil orders. Thvee prominent cbiefs have beon eslisted as serDta to Spotted T;iil. lied CTond and Crazy llorse M. C. Pago, United States Ui: trict Attorney for Montana, was recently drowncd whilo attempting to ford a swollcn stream in that Tcmtory.... Ohio and Illinois, by legislativo enaetment have made silver coin a legal tender for the payment of all debte The Indiana Grand Lodgo of Odd Fellows has just held it.s eemiannual session at Indianapolis. Ileports show 515 effective lodges In tlio State, with a mcrabersuip of over 26,000. The amoiint paid for relief and eharity for six montha is L40,000. Tho resources of the lodged are over il, 500,000. Tut freight-house and elcvator of tho Green Ba; and Minnesota railroad, at Winona, Minn., have been destroyed by firo. Loss, 100,000. Doe's saw-mill, warehouse and lnmberyard, at Oshkosh, Wis., have been burned. The loss is esümated at ÍC0.0OO. A TiiitRiDLY murderous affray occimed on the Osageriver, uear Tuscnmbia, Mo., a few days ago. John B. Adcock and William Skaggs quarreled on shore. A duel with knives was decided on. The duelista started for midfltream in a skiff. Failing to accomplisli their object üu-re, they repaired to the opposite shore and renewod the iight. Skaggs was diserabowelod, and his adversar; moftally wounded... .The St. Louis Tint bas been purehasecl, for (50.000 caeh, by B. M. Chamberu, a weaithy banker, Tïho announces that he will bring tho paper up to a first-class standatd A correspoudent in jN'icollut county, Kliuu., reports : " Grasshoppers aio a mvstery. in some places where the eggs trece thiokest, and hoppers plenty a week ago, neilher eggs nor inseets are to bc found. In others, where least expected, conntlesa millions swami. Enterprising farmeis are burning, ditching, stampiug, plowing, harrowiug - doing their bestto (irstii'y the pests irhile small." Tm: Government steamer J. Don Camerou, euroutefrom Pittaburgh to (bc Yellowstone. struck a snag and sunk in tho Missouri river, near Sioux City, a fow day ago. tiho was loaded vifcli Govorument stores and army ofticers' effects, most of which will bs a total loss, aggregating $120,000. . . . At Cleveland, Ohio. a fow Dights ag'j, John Dono van quarreled with his wifo about oue of their children, and tinally Btrnck her. Kbe replied by rapping hun over the head with a polier, for 'the time settling his temper. Bhortly after she took ' the two chikhen, aged respeetively 2 years and8 months, went to the river, and, holding a babc in eaeh arm, plunged into the water. Before assistanco conld reach them all tliree were drowned. C. H. Blackburx, the Cincinnati lawyer who dtsappeared o uddenly, turned up in Indianapolis the other day . He has been taken back to Cineiimati to an.-wer to a charge of ibozzlemeat Sire. John Wilkes, of Tollestou, Ind., was struck by lightnmg and instntly killed, vhüe sitiing at the front door of her house. She bad two children ia her lap, botli of whom, strnnge to relate, were anhanüed. TUK. SOUTIl. Misa Chisolm, who was reoently shot while defending her father, Judge Chisolm, againxt the attack of a mob in Kemper county, Ilias. , has tiinco died of hor woimds. .. .The South Carolina Legislatnro haa elected Aasociato JusHoe A. J. Willard Chief Justice of the State Supremo Comt. Thiety-osb oonnties in Kansas report cnoouragiog erop prcepoctí. Jloro land is ander culiivation than last ytrar, and cereals promiHe '■y yield. . . .New military posta are to be üod at the mouths of tiie Big Ilorn and ToDgne rivera, in the lar West. The buildingH will bo consliuotod of Iioitu loga, matched and lined witli paper-board. Tuk (ovcrnmciit has seizod the premisos of oneof tho largost distillerics i.i Chicago, thatof tho Illinois Distilling Company, for nn alloged iolation of the revenue law in the surreptitious filling of barrels wbioh had been previoildly ganged when a lltüe lesa than f uil Tho Illinois Legislahuf, han appropriated $50,000 to complete the nicmiiiiu'nt to Stöpüen A. Douglaa, the foundation of whieli laid ia Chicago bouw Hftcen venís ago Cihicago elevalors, as per (jiïicial Bgnres, eontain t, 796.400 bushels of wheat; 8,869,444 bnshnta of oonr; 158,fiöS budhels of oats; 166,831 bnahels of rye; and 372,474 bushelsof barloy niaking a total of Ö.3C3..S07 bushels, against 2,737,'J05 bushels at thiii pedod last year. J. H. Ueves, a C!ollector of Internal Hevenue in the Fifth District of Virginia, telegraphs to the Oommlwfoner of Internal Bevemie tlmt Coileotoi Joelyn and Di iub Anstin and three othóra have beeu Buot in Lee counfcy, Va., while in tho discharge of thcir duiv. Olio vvasmortally woimded....W. (!. D. Wiñ. the proprietorof the Willard Hotel, Lonismlfe, (ty., who somo time ayo hot and killed hjohief Clork, lias been tned and acquitted. The Legifllatura of Houth Carolina haa olect1 HeuiyMÓIVor Associato Juntice of the Sujireme Conrt of that Htate, in placo of J. II. Willard, clcctcd Chief Justico. Molvor received every voto cant, Hcpiiblicans and Dsmoorata aliko VOÜng for him... .The Southern Prcsbytorian Oonvention met in New Orleans last weck. Dr. '. A. Stcllmnn, of Alabama, was elected Moderator. A teIEoram from Gen. Ord. coinnianding in Texa, to Qett. Sheridan, at Chicago, reports a Bghi lietwoen a company of cavalrv and a band of Comanohe Indiana, at Lakc Quemada, in Texas. The Indiana ware put to ront, with a los of foor killed, the troops oaptoring ix KinawH and sixty-nine ponics, beside-i destroying tlicir lodges, onmp eqnipège, and Sllpjil'rs. A Nokfoi.k (Vu.) di:ip:itch ohrouioles the desti'uetion i.y lire of the town of Cnswell, N. C. There was but liltle insoranoe held in tlio town by the property-holiIerB, and the greatest disprovaUB....The8t. Ijcniis RepubUcan aa] ■ that organizatlons of menoxistu) - 'ri border counties of Missouri andArkansu, who cali :.: "Gliouls," wliose ehief pnrpo pi .i uu and proteo! sm 11 illicit distilleriea in the mountains, and kill, or whip, or olhenvi-ii' puntan all persone who oppoae tnetn, and ahow any dlpoBition to enforce the laws. WASHINGTON. It íh stftled thal the reorgaulzatton of the Consular service will immediately begin, l'.ilicient (iitiirvs ui not be romoved, Three important principies have been agreed npOD as tlio Uiid of thia reforinatiun ; i. fckwetery Ev&xts will cndeavor to fill all tho important commercial Consulates with men of commercial expericnce. '2. In seleeting Consuls for Oriental points, wherc judicial duties are tobe performt'd, only edneated Immn will bo appoiBtcd. 8. It nll be considerea an essentlaJ iunlincation tUat Consuls shall speak tlio langnage of the couuti-A in whicb thev are stationod. Tuk Pension Bureau has non on te Blea neurly 90,000 unadjudieated pension cases, boeiden aome 00,000 so-called rejected 00868, about 2,000 of whieh annually require to bo reopcucd on tho prosontalion of additional ovidenee. Oongress will, at its next sest-ion. be askcd Tor a snfficient clerical foree to bring op the present applications and flecuro prompt attention to clainis presontod in future. Civiliax employés of tho Quartermaster's and Paymaster's Bureaus of the War Pepuitment, and o! her non-enlisted men connected with the service, have been notiticd that they may continue work il' they like. lmt it must be nndorstood that tlicy will have no claim upon tho Government anisas Obagress chooaeB to make an allowance for their B6TVÍ0G8. ...The Snpreme Conrt of the District of Columbia has decided adverscly upon the dUime of Admiral Portcr and the oiïiccrs and meu of the North Atlantic squadron to a claim of $3,000,000 in prize money. A Washington dispatch says: "Seoretary Sheruiau declines to issue a positivo order for the dismissal of the one-million-dollar snit agalnst Jacob llehm, of Chicago. He will leave il to tho diiirts to determine whether, undcr the chvumstanceR of the case, on hearing SUflb evidence as may bc offexed, the honor and good fnith of tho Government require that the prosocution shoiüd be dismiased." The Postmastcr General desires that newspapora uithing to adyertise in liis department Bhould seiid totheChief Clerk, W. H. Enapp, the amoont of their ciivulation, regular ratos per Bqaare, aml how much discoant will be allowed. QENKRAL. Tue townof St. Stophens, New lirunswR-!;, ha beon visited by a disastrous conilagration. öne-half the business portion of the town w,s swept away. The lops is cwtiniated at half a niillion dollars At I'ort Stanley, ()utario, a few days aso, a tidal wave live feèt high came rushing ashore on Lako Krie, aooompanled by a load, hissing noisc. Tho wave lastcd but 'a few niimitüs, aml as ([uiekly receded, followed at intervals for nn lionr by smaller waves a foot or more in hcisiht, Therowas vory litüe wind at tho timo. Tho lake was almóst perfeot ly calm. The town of Woodstock, N. B., has been visited by a disastrous conflagralion. Over sixty buildings in tho best part of the town ere burnod. The loss ise.4iinated at iSOOjOüO. . . . Mr. 1'. T. Barnuiii. the Bhowm&o. prqposea to undertake the recovery of little Chai-lio Iios?, and with this object in' view will offer a reward of 10,000. Ho has mado aiTangements also, it is understood, to exhibit the adventurous youug fellow In caso he is recovered, Mr. Christian liosa, the father, having consentcd to the Bohème The General Assembly of the Prcsbyterian Church of the United States is in ses'sion in Chicago. Eer, James F.ells, of San Francisco, acts as Moderator. The attendanco is quito largo Gen. Ghrant and family saited bom l'hiladelphia for Liverpool, on the 17th of Jlay, the duparturo of the ex-Pret-ident bcing attended witíi elabórate demonstrations of respect on the part of the people of Philadclphi:t. BUBXRE8B f aihu-es : M. Steinburg, clothing, Walker streel, New York, liabilities, ?80,000 Itothschild & Hyman, dry goods, Broadway, New York, liabilities. (800,000 ; Marfleld, tanker; Circlcville. Ohio, lialñlities $80,000, assets $100,000 ; H. M. Bradley. a leading iumberman at Bay City, Mich., liabïlities not stated the Lumbermen's Exchange Bank, Ludington, Mich., liabilitioï $7,000, assets 84,000 The Ccntennial authoritics havo just pak anothrr instalhnent, omounting to $275,000, t( the United States as a portion of the origina loan appropriation of $1,500,000 by the Government to aid the Centennial Exhibition al Philado lphia last year. This makes $l,275,00( of this loan paid, 'lea ving Y225,000 yet unpaid. THE TURCO-KUSSIAN WAR. A Constautinople dispatch says tho Turkish squadron bombarded the fortilied port of Sukum Kaleh, on the Black sea. in Asia. A body of troops laudod who set the Hussians a defiance, and remained masters of the ])osi lio:,, the populatiou of the neighborhooc joining. In Asia Minor tho snow is still deep on tht ground, retarding military operations The iiiKurrection in the Caucasns is rapidly gainin, ground It is again reported that Austria will certainly occupy Servia A dispatch fron Bucharest, in Koumania, after recording the visit of Grand Duke Nicholas to that city, says " The campaign will now proceed according' to the original programme, tho Boumanian armj remaimng on the defensivo within its own ter ritory ; the Ilussians crossing the Danubo a eiht points KiinultaTieously, and pressing for Whrd toward the Balkans with all pousiblo rapidity, leaving behind in Bulgaria the civi ollicialseharged with the reorganization of the institutious." A coi.üms of Turkish troops will be sen against the HprzegoTinian insurgente Persii bas declared her iulention uot to join liussin .... The J ti i army corps at Odessa ha beon ordered to the Crimea to prevent the spread of the Tartar insnrrection The Boumanian Goveriiment bas published a note stating it can no longer doubt it is at war withTurkey by the fault of Turkey, and it must Case measures accordingly. ...Beperta l'rom Turkish soiu'cea represent that the Circasnians have captured one or two nnimportant liussian towns in their country on the Black sea, and diúven out the garrisons. Arms have been supplied to tho insnrgents by the Turkish commander. Insunectionary bands are also threatening the rear of tho Snasians operating against Batoum The ronewal ui' the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina has iuduced great numbere of the Chiistlan people in those proviiu-fs M take refuge in the Austrian dominions, aml tbousands of them are reported to be in a starving condition in Dainuitin. A CAHI.F. dispateh says tbc slow advance of the liussian Army of the Danube is caused by diplomatic rather thnn by military considerations. The Czar is anxious to hold Austria in check by tbc presence on herfroniierof .WO.OIJO men. Bhonld tbis anny push toorapidly across the Danube and intö tho Balkans, Austria irould be free to attack the Rujsian roar, and thus paralyze tlio e.ampaign. In the Rusaian camp, il ia believed that England and Austria are joincd in coalition to iutervéne bo soon as decided lïussian successes shall ondauger the former'fl Kaeiem and tho latter's Danubian intorests. The liusnians speak of their f orces on the Danube as " tho Armv of England," implying its use against England. It commamler ís enjoined to tako no irretrièv able step forreará until Eugïand and Austria shall h;ue been diploruatically íioutiulized. . . . The ltunsians, a Tuckish dispatch says, have nuuli: a second uusuceossful attempt to 'lombard Kars, but were compelled to retin1... . The position of tho Iíunsians noar Batoum Í8 becoining one oí great (langer. ...The speda) war COrrospouaeut of the Chicago Times telegraphsthat withinaahort time "Aiihtria has its.suineíl a more thrratening attitude on all tonitovy contignous to tli lïussian advuitcc. Bodles of iiiilit ciivalry liovcr in the corner of the principauUea where the Danube divides the to etates. The Iïussians havo, in consequence, deteched a fon-e of one huudred and lifty liiu.i ;nul men to the wcstward of Widin, U) mask Itfl niain movement on the Danube from Austrian eRpionage, and to defend lts ilank when the Damilif is wou and the general márch to the Balkans beglns." 'J'hr samo correspondent say that "the news of a Turkish (rimuph in Aia and the war party's viotory in Kngland affecls tho Kussian rank and tile vinibly. Hontility to tlie Eugliah 1b intensiiled. It is asseited that the Oüar is o indignant with the Queun that ne bas orderod hls daugliler, tho Duke of Kdinbnifih's wifi1, to retire from Euglish oil.".. . Au :itiack of the liussians on Adrahan, in Asintió Turkev, haa been bravely repnúeá by the Turks, o the latter report. The Tiu'kish anny in Asia is being largely rcinl'orced. . . .A Conslanliuople dis)atch says "tlie liussians in the vieinity of Tehurukson sacleed and bmnt all tbc villanos and inassacred all the wonien, old men and ehildrcn." Thifl is probably a Turlush oanafd. . . The appn.:uh of tbc Raesdans to their borders luis stimulatod tb'1 warfevprof the Servians, and their Qotornmentia cespondhig to thü f eolüg by military clisio:-iiiiui.; wliii-u aan only be understood as inspüod by a iliiinilc pnrpooe to takc súlcs with the lliissian Advices from Giurgevo, via Berlín, say ''the movementn of Bosnia show cbief pointof operntions win l , Uic Upper üanube. 'J'liu movement at the mouth of the Danube are mere fehüs." The firsl important eaoceas of tbc war in Asia has been gained by the Ruada ng, wbo have captured by assault the forüflod town of Ardahan, lyiug botween Can and Batoom. The ■, ii K nioimtcd sisty Kuns, according toEnsaian accounts, and tbc place contained large qnantities of i.torcs Tlie Czar and Prince Gortscbiikofr bavt; joincd aiiny m tlie Dannbe, ■nd iriil personally direct its opemtions. . . .The New Vork Herald corrospondent at Trebizond telegrapha the exact eitnatioD in Aria. He saya that perfect tranqnilltty prevalía in that city and in Krzerouui. He ('oiiliniis the roport of the bpmbardnieni of' Suknm Kaleh, aiul s:tys that the inhaliiUmts and the Hussiaii broopa ceUred in the rea of the town.. . .slirmUlies occur daily in tln icar of liatoum. . . . A Btroüg attack bylhe bc rtgoronaly ropnlsed. Sinos the iali of Bookgoom-Kalc a paliic reigni at üdessa and other Rnosiav townBiuong tho Black sea. All confldenoe in nhore batteries and torpeiloes has been lost - A Buoharest dispatch anuounca.) .lint Houtnania has proolaimed hoi AdependenCB and dcclared war against Airkoy, bnt will remain on the defensivo. The lenatevotedunanimomiy for independenco. . . . t is4tated that England lias given uoUoe to inlrv tlmt she wiB oppose everytbing which uight hampflr the passage of merchant abipfl ir ii!u!i-of-var nf ngjutraj powers throngu 11: ■htee canal The Lomion Daily ATews'Búbarest dlspatch aays: "Every aay makes it noro obvious that the lïussians aro in no hurry o cross the Dauubc. All the present indicaioiiK tciid tn tlie Impresaion tliat no orosmogt uri lier west than Hirsova are intendcd to lc ittempted beforo early tn June." G10NKKAL FOHI.KiN NKWS. Titf. Greeka of Thessaly are in revolt, and au engagement has taken place at Armyros, on the Gulf of Volo....An insurrection against the }iaz Government has broken out in tho stato of Coahnila, lloxieo. A cable dispatcü Baya the American cflicers n the service of the Khedive have refnsed to jear anus agaifutt iinssia. Thcy will remáis nEgypt. ... A Ministerial crisis i reported In France. In conseinience of a difforonce wiíh l'rcsiJont MacJIahon, Julos Simón, Jlinister of he Interior, tendered his rosignation, which was aecepted. A niajority of the Cabinet took sidos with M. Simón and followod him into roLirement. Thore was considerable exdtcmeñf at the French capital in eonsequenco of tho ruptura The Popo is again reported to be faíling, and his early death is antioipated. Thk immediatc canse of the Cabinet raptare in Franco was the non-participation by M. Simón in a debate in the Chamber of Peputíes on the repeal of tbe Preas law. Presiden) MacMahon had expected that M. Simón onld present tho roasons whioh, in the opinión of uie Government, would have preventod the ropeal of the law, and, having failod to do si, uaoMahon sent him a Bnarp letter, intiinuting, among otlier tnings, that he did not havo suílicient inllnence to assert his víowh suooessfully. Thereupon M. Simón and all tlie other members tif tho Cabinet, with tho exception of the Minister of War tondored tlieir resignations. A new Cabinet was iminediately appöinied, s follow : Due deliroglie, President or Ihe Coimcil and Minister of Justjóe ; De Fuurton, Minister of the Interior ; Jingenc Cuillaux, Minister of Pinanco ; Augusto Paris, Minister of Public Works; Yieeuite ]e Men, Blinister Óf Agrioulturo; Bnmet, Minir-tor of Puplio Instruction. This jninisterijil uisis has been productivo of a good deal of excitéuieul in l'aiis and throufihout Fi-ance, and by soine the situation is ragatded as extremely grave. The ( "'i.imher of Deputies hasadopted a resohition, by a largo majority. doclaring that "the Chainber will only place confidenco in a Cubinet freo to bo resolved to govern in accordanee with Republican principies, which alono oan secure order and prospority." It isieared, unless the l'residont backs down and responds to the policy of the Honao, France will drift into revolution and civil war. MacMahon expresses a determination to maintain a paeiiic policy with all the powers, and to lirmly repros any Ültrarnontane demonstrat.ons. Mr. Gladstone is booked for a speech-makhig throughout England, to foment a.gitatinii againat Turkey Advices from Simlh Aniei iea state that, during the recont earthquake along tho coast of Peru, seventeeiï snips were totally lost and fortydanittged. . . . It turnt out that that story abont a sea-serpent, 101 feol long, baving been captured on tho Scottiah coast was a vile hbftT. Geumany takea alarm at the Ultramontane clement in France, and distrusts the policy of tho new Cabinet of Preeidout MacMahon. Accordingly, the garrisons of Alsace and Lon-niiu will bc strengthened Riuiciently to equal the force on the other side of the frontior.


Old News
Michigan Argus