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preme Court of this State will opon on ïuesday next. The Marshall Stutesynan tells a deal of truth iu this single sentence : "Michigan has nevor boen afílicted with a more inefficiënt legislative body than the one just adjourned." Senator Morton has written a lotter nominally indorsing the policy of President Hayes : or that is what the Hayes journals cali it. It is reaily a good thing, but evory paragraph carries doublé. An Washington newsgatherer sonds Ben Butler to Colorado : to turn shoep-farmer and United States Senator in place of Chaifee, whose term will expire Maren 4, 1879. " The best laid plans of mice and men," etc. FiiEXCHEH Harper, senior member of the publishing firin of Harper & Brothers, and the youngesfc and last surviving of the four brothers who established aud built up the house, died on the 29th uit., aged 72 years. J. Lothrop Motley, the eminent historian, died in London on thü 3oth uit, aged 63 years the 14th day of April last. Will ex-President Grant atteud the funeral of the Minister he removed to make a place for the poker-playing Schenck ? Is TUERE any petty office within the gift of the President that an ox-Unitod States Senator won't accept, - provided thero is nioney in it? We are lod to ask this question by the report that exSenator Logan wants and oxpects to get the office of Collector of Customs at Chicago. As Gov. ItOBlNSOX, of Now York, roquested the Legislature to reduce the appropriation for the now capítol to $500,000 and promised to approve au uppropriation for that suin, before he vetoed the $1,000,000 appropriatiou (though individually of the opinión that it would be better to make no appropriation), thoso liepublican journals which make haste to charge him with inconsistency or backing down show both their ignorance and thoir partisanship. Attorney-General Devens has appoiuted Thomas Sims, colored, to be a messenger in the Department of Justibe: the same Thomas Sims whom, as United States Marshal, he captured and restored to his owner, in obedience to the fugitivo slave law, and because of which act Wendell Phillips recently branded the official family of President llaves as the "Slave-houud Cabinet." And now will WendaU's angry passions cool, or will he still "lot looso the dogs of war ? " JUSTICE SwaYNE, of the Supremo Court of the United States, is a quasi indorser of Gen. Pillow's application for the judicial position made vacant by the death of Judgo Emmons, of Detroit. He writes toGeu. Pillow : " I have not the slightest objection to your name being presented to the President, and if the appointment shiill fu.ll to you it will afford me pleasuro to give you the groeting of fellowship and to extend to you every courtesy and kindnoss in my power." And Gon. Pillow files Justice Swayne's lotter with his application. Tiie Detroit Post has seen the Morton letter and is led to rotnark : " The would-be Adrniuistration organs have set up a loud cackle over this letter, claiming it as an indorsement of the Presideut's Southem policy. It is no such thing. On the contrary, Senator Morton says distinctly that he believes that the President's Southern policy will provo a complete failure as to everything it was expected to accomplish." All of which our cotemporary of the Ypsilanti Commercial will put in his pipe and euioko with great gusto. Oeorge H. BOKER, latü Minister io Eussia, says that he didn't resign. He wasn't anxious anough to throw up a good thing to resign, and thereforo romoved is the proper word to record against hi3 name. IIo didu't believe in the resignation subtorfuge, with Ietter3 complimentary, aftor the pattern set by Grant, Williams, Schenck & Co., and so " he stepped down and out" because his services wero not wanted any longer. We admire his pluck.. It is now given out that all foreign ministors are to be recalled, and new men sent abroad : men in syinpathy, we presume, with " my policy." WHEN the Lansiug liepublican can stop throwing mud at the Eegents and professors of the Univcrsity long enough to examine the legislative records, will it teil the public what arnount of deduction was made from the pay of Senators and Iteprescntatives becauso of individual absences or on account of those frequent adjournments from Friday to Monday evening ? How would the pay roll look measured by this constitutional provisión? "The coinpengation of the members of the Legislature shall be $3 per day for actual atlcndance and when absent on account of sicknes8." Would n't the " gross neglect of duty" warrant a littlo "bullying"of the Legislature by tho people? Will our cotemporary " riso and oxplain ? " That Democratie city of Albany is worse than Voutiac. There the workmon on the new'State Capítol proposed to, aud did pretty nearly clean out the Legislature, for not passing the vetoed appropriatiou to carry on the work over the Govurnor's head. It was a high-han'ied outraga, aud will huit Albany. - Pontiac Gazette. Ia that word " Democratie " lugged in to cover up the fact that the Albany riot was inoited and promoted by Republican leaders ? Another faot : the real "workuien" had little or nothing to do with it. It was engineered by idle and worthless political bummers, and the body of the rioters was constituted mainly of men who would havn ; done little or no work had the vetoed bill been passed into a law. Eepublican journals will fail to make political capital out of the Albany riot. We agreë with the New .York Sun that the appointment of Gen. Pillow, of Tennessee, as United States Circuit Judge, to suoceed Judge Emrnons, " would lie exceedingly improper," - not for the reason assigned that Pillow is a Southern man and the circuit a "Northwestern Circuit," but because the brug and blustor for which Pillow is nctorious wholly unfit hiin for a judicial station. The circuit is coinprisod ot the States of Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, and a lawyer living in Jatter State ought certainly tobe as wel 1 posted in the " local laws" of Sfiohigan nnd Ohio as one living in Michigan would be in the " local laws " of either Kentucky or Tennessee. Besides, in those modern days United States courts don't pay very muuh attention to " local laws " and the construction given them by State courts. The Corunna American opens an article with the following sentence : " No oue but a ' fooi friend ' of the Adrninistration and the country would seriously advocate the formation of a new party," and closes it with this : " The Kepublican party, pursuing a course of honesty and justice, under the guidanoe of wise and unselfish men, will sweep the country at the next Presidential election ; with the South, if that so happens, but just as wall without it." The last a slap at Hayos and his Cabinet, who are said to design the resurrection of the old Whig party and its policy ; the second will causo the intelligent reader to laugh in his sleeve at the idea of these " wise and unselflsh men," and the " course of houesty and justice " which they aro to pursue. Can they bo Republicana 'i But two of the many proposed amendments of the Constitution successfully ran the gauntlet of the two branches of the Legislatura at the recent session, both of which are to bo sabmitted at the election in April next. The first amends section 12 of artiole VI so as to empower the Suprome Court to appoint its own clerk. Under the present system tho clerk of Ingham County is clerk of the Supreme Court. The proposed chango is a good ono. Tho second auieudment is of section 7, article XV, and is in the interest of stockholders in all classes of corporations. Tho present section inakes a stockholder Hable for labor debts without limit ; the proposed section limits his liabüity to an amouut equal to the par value of any share of stock he raay have owned during the time in which tho labor was performed.


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