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RAILROADS. ÜICIIHUN CENTRAL KAILROAD? MAY IS, 18T7. UU] KM WIST. x" a a . tb : - ■ W g . I -.1 .5 o STATIONS. S 'S 8" ' S" 8 ? iíj%iy A. K. A. M P. M. P. M. r.u 7" Detroit, leare, 7 (X)' !) 8&I 4 45 S 15; 6 OS O.T.Junction, 7 15; 9 50 5 00, 3 30 6 S0 in , WayneJunction, J 4 10 16 5 32 3 55 6 S7 Z ., Y psilanti, 8 17 10 3S 6 00 4 15 7 25 i Í" Geddo, 8 Wl, 6 15 " " AnnArbor, 8 40 10 50 6 30 4 32 8 00 7TT; Delhi, 8 55 G43 -__!U 2' Dexter, II 03 6 53 4 53 8 ii' - Chelsea, 9 23 7 12 5 07 8 sj " Grass l.ake, , 9 52 7 37 5 27 9 02 IZZ Jaoknon, 10 2011215 8 00 6 05 9 an li"? Albion, 1104 12 50 á ! 6J?'l0 ï Marshall, 1160 1 15 7 27 10 ' Ï.M. M 8 ' Battle Ciwk, 12 20 1 5 8 00 H ]' 9 i„ (ialeaburg. U 65 , 8 88 11 m jcu. a w !""" Kalamazoo, 1 16, 2 40 5 00 9 00 12 1 i „ Lawtun, 1 66 ! 5 32 1 00 Decatur, 2 15, 6 47 i jj Dowagiiic, 2 41 ! : 6 09 2 on _ Sile, ; 11 4 07: 6 50 t M TE Hui'lmnan, ;; 5 7 02 3 60 ThreeüakK i 3 6e 4 4a 7 27 3 20 Tü NewBuffalo, ! 4 13 4 óe 7 4 3 35 Michigan City, I 4 40 S 20 8 02 4 06 Tí Lke, 5 SS 6 02 t 42' 4 52 I S Kcp8ÍDton, 8 03 6 50l 9 25' 5 40 7 u Chicago, arrive, 6 56! 1 40 HO 15 i ! 6 .lo! OOINO T..KHT. _? _f MUI p S a.m. a. u. r. K, P. H, r k Chicago, leave, ö 00 9 00 3 45 5 16 i KenuingUm, , 5 50 60! 4 Sñ, SOS lu Lake, 6 40 10 28 5 23 6 41 lo ?' Michigan Cily, 7 02 11 10 6 25 7 36 11 u NewBuffalo, 7 551126 6 öl u Jï Three Oaki, 8 07 11 S6 7 0 8 11 n Buchauan, 8 41 .' 7 W Ui: Niles, 9 0112 15! 8 50 9 00 11 Dowagiac, lJ 27 , 8 4H u Decatur, ! 9 52 . 9 15; [2 Lawton, 10 10 p. h.i 9 S6 a. H.l , Kalamazoo, 1 10 i0 1 38 10 10' 6 30 10 26 1 Oalesburfr, 11 121 . 6 &$ jll Battle Créek, 11 41 2 A JJ 7 35 11 16 a ! F. M. % Marshall, 12 45 3 00 J il 11 40 Albion, 1 1D S 21 a.m. ! 8 43 13 05' 4 n Jackaon, 2 15 4 05 5 20; 9 45 12 50 4 . Gras Lake, 2 45 5 -18 10 06 Chelee:, i 10 6 15:1024! Dexter, 3 25 6 3010 35 . Delhi, i 3 361 6 48 10 42 i Ann Arbor, j 3 62j 5 87 7 0010 50, 2 10 7Ü Geddes, 4 00. 7 05 Ypilanti. , 4 15, 5 21 7 16 11 051 2 27 6 5 WayneJunc, 4 43 5 40; 7 40 11 22 2 48 Ju G.T.Junc, 5 30 6 06 8 25 11 60: 3 S0 ; u Detroit, Ar., 1 6 45, 6 20 8 40 12 05, 3 35 8 00 #3andays excepted. ISaturday and Sunday ex. cepted. IDaily. H. B. LEDYAED, Gen'l Supt., Detroit H. C. Wentwobth, Gen. Pass. Agt., Chicago. DETROIT, HILLSDALE & INDI. ANA KA1L.ROAD. To effect Hnjr 13, 1876. OOINO WE8T. OOIÜO ÏA8I. STATION. Mui,. Exp. STATIONS. Kxp. Mail A. M. P. M. Ypnilunti.... 8:20 7:30 ; A "■ ' Saline !:15 8:(i6 Bankers .1:00 1:54 Bridgewatcr.. 9:42 8:25 Hillsdale ... 5:20 Ui Manchenter. 10: '2 8:48 Itunchestcr.. :J() 4:11 p. m. ' Bridgewater 8:55 4:js Hillsdale 12.45 10:48 Saline 9: H Bankers 1:00 11:00 ! Ypsilanti.. . . 10:20 Hi Traius run by Chicago time. W. F. PAKKER, Sup't, Ypeilsnti. thehealthTm A raOROUGH GYMNASTIC SYSTEM FOP. LADIE8 ANI) GENTLEMEN, IN TEN MINUTES ONCÜS A J)AY. The Health Lilt u i Scientific System OF EXERCISE. Furthe atininmvnt an.l preservation of ITtallh. I : in the heat lueaiis ui PHYSICAL CULTURE AND DEVELOPMENT. T IS TUE SIMPLEST, SAFEST AND MOST liFKICIENT MODE OF TAKINli AI.L NEEDED EXECISE. In the brief space of ten minutos uil the minies are gradually, thorougbly, and HjinuiL-trically ironght into action. Concentrated txetcic te ie bufiy and scdentary. AXN ARBOR OFFICE AND I'AUL0R8, HEastHurouS Soutii of Court House Sewing Machines THE SI1TCEH, NEW DOMESTIC, And th.O HOWÜ!, And KTOnÜ koíkI Second-IIand Machines at the 8EWINÜ MACHINE OFFICE, Anu Arbor. Al Needies for all Machines The Yery best that are made, and attachinents and part for noarly all muchiues. S1NGER MACHINES Kspaiml botter there tlian anywhere clse I" Aiueriua. If your inachiüedon't work well, tmde it for one that does, or have it repaired. All uia chiues sold on easy payinenta at the office. Sccond door cast of Post Office, Ano Arbor, iflicll. (1550) 1. I.. CRIMELI,, Airt-iil. MAÏTHOOD : How Lost, How Restored ! .juj Just published, a new edition of Drr .jfócgtCulverwell'tt Celcbrated Kskb) jjggfiSon the radical mire (without mdicim'J o' ÈSfti Spermatoirhcea or Seminal Weaknesa, Id■oiuutary Seminal Losbob, Impotency, Mental and 'hysical lucapucity, Impedimenta to Marriage, etc, ; alao, CouHumption, JÉpilepy and Fita, induced hy self-indulgence or nexual ëxtravamice, ie. 8y I'ric, in a sealed envtiope, only pix cents. The eelebrated author, in this admirable EtwaTr learly demon trates, frum a tljirty years' suoceui practice, that the alarming consequenot of elf abuse inay be radically cured without the dno erouB use of mternal medicine or the appiication f the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure at once imple, certain, and effectual, by mean of which ïvery sufferer, no mattor wliat his condition mT e,may oure hiraself chcaply, privately aud raUciilly. Thia lecttiro should be in the hands of everf outh and t-very miin in the land. Sent under eeal, in a plam envelope, to any ad1 reos, post-pnid, ou receipt of six cenls or tvo Kwtape atampw. Address thv Publishera, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Aun Street. IV. V. Poot Oüice Box, 4Ö8O. 1630]'l ,T II. i:i.V, Organist at the Presbytcrian f" Church, will give instruction upon thePifl00 Organ, or in vocal culture and harraouy. LeMDi ven at pupila' residence: Terms, S15.0U per course f 20 les.tun. Pianos tañed aud repaired. Callo' ddress, 15 Bowery utreet, i620yl


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