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- The Reform Club of Ypsilanti numbers 1,100 members. - The seniors closed their collage woik on Tuesdny and are now enjoymg sonior vacntlOH. - J. J. Eobiiou was in town last Friday, jnd reported his ïathor, " LTuola Atidiew," Tery sick. -Herman A. Hutzel and Miss Pauline Graf, 0{ tbia city, wore married on the eveniug of May 29. - William Gediles, one of the oldost ïesijents of the township of Pittsfield, died on the 21at uit. . - The Reform Club of Ypsilanti proposes to celébrate the Fourth of July, and a big time is expected. - Water! that is what spring crops, small (ruits, and garden " sass" want. Strawberries are already being injured. - Homer Miunis, who has lived in this city forty-three years, died on Monday last. of onsumption, aged 4ó years. - The Mutuals of Jackson beat the Univerlity boya ÍQ tllat game of base ball on Saturjay afternoon last. by a score of 12 to 10. - The currant worm has gone to work in dead earnest, and ashes and limo are being pjinkled upou the Dushes for their benefit. - Tue Salme Oracle has about aeven colnmns of Aun Arbor advertisemeuts, and less than two columns of Saline advertisements. - Now is the time to invest your looso thange in good secuurities ; city bonds. See ,jfertisemeut of the Mayor and Recordar, The seventh auuual sessiou of the State Suuday School Associatiou is to be held this yearat Ypsilanti, and will eouiinence June 11. - Judge Cooley doses his course of lectures tt the John Hopkins University, Baltimore, His itternoon, and ia expected to arrive home on Monday. _Kev. Mr. Routhor, of the Lutheran Church of this citj-, goe3 to Switzerlaud next esk, on a visit. He will preach a farewell sermón on Sunday. _ Chas. H. Richmond, who has beeu con(ned to his room and bed for three months, fittsciatic rheumatism, rode out on Wednesdsy for the first time. -Dr. F. K. Rexford, one of the County Superintendents of the poor, has been appoiated City Superiutendent of Ypsilanti's poor. A good selectïoii. -A regular meeting of the Washtenaw Connty Pioneer Society will be held at Manthester on the 6th day of June, Wednesday teit, at 10 1-2 o'clock a. m. - The Ladies' Society of the 1'resbyterLau Cnurcli will give a strawberry and ice oream festival on Tuesday evening next, June ó. iu the basement rooms of the church. - " Faris Green " is the legend inscribed on the sidewalks in front of the drug stores. Heaps of it will be ied to the potato bugs unless they iollow the exampie of Daniel Pratt, snd travel. - The Martin-Owens wreatling match took place in Terrace Garden, Xew York, on Wednesday evening, and Martin was n't euough för the Vermouter. Xow, Jake, stick to your htchering. - Hong Heug: that is the name over the loor of a Hurón street laundry, and the geiiline chioaman industriously at work therein is tlie " nine day wonder " to the boys,- some of those boys not being so very juveuile. - Mr8. Youinans, of Picton, Ontario, will address tlie young inissea' white ribbon club to-morrow aiternoon, at the Opera House, and on Sunday atternoon she will addresa the .Reform Club. She is an eloquent speaker. - Grinnell keeps right on selliug sewing machines notwithstanding the expiratiou of the patents. He also bas threail tor the Singir machine alrcady n-ound upon woodeu Look out for liis uew ad. uext week. -Iïut $10 fine moneys huve been pald into lieCounty treasury sinco the first ot' January, andthat amount was paid by Justice Clark of this city. Is this a model county or are our officials over-meroiful or exoeediiigly rorgetiul ( - The Court Huuse btmds to be issued by tlie city will be 70 ot $100 each, uiid tweutyiii of f 500 each. Xhey will be coupon bonds itrawing iuterest at 7 'Í-10 per ceut. Aui now lio will give the hn-gest premium tor these bouds ? - Ex-SheriiF Fleming has vacated the jai], and uow resides in the house of J. M. Will(siaoii, corner of Uivision and Cathariue treete. He has made a good landlord of the couiity hotel. SheriR Uase will now try hi8 hand at running it. - Wm. H. Davenport, E.-q., of Saline, was in the city on Monday last, and called at the Aegïts office and paid for three copies of the Aboïïs for the current year- one to his own address and two to dist;uit íiieiids. Come too aiid do likewise. - The Court House Building Committee lill advertise for projiosals as soon as the per:e:ted plaos and specitications arrive : probakj nest week. The chairman is in receipt of tjinmunications of inquiry from a number oi prospective bidders. -We defer any description of the new íiurt House, its size, style, number and size i rooms, etc , until after a contract shall be M. "There is many a slip " you know, and "en a first-class medium can't teil what crank Eay get iuto the heads of the supervisors. - The Adrián District Sunday School Con'entiou (Methodist Episcopal] was held in Clinton, May 22 and 23, over 100 delegates be'gpreseDt. During the session Rev. R. B, Pope, of this city, gave a lecture upon "ModmDiscovenes as Illustrating the Sacred Writ- The last regular meeting of the Aun Artor Scientific Association will be held on SatMdaye?eumg, June 2, at 7 1-2 o'clock. Short P'pers will be presented by sevetal members cl the association. Aa this is the evening for " election of officers a full attendauce of tobera ia requested. "ffe won't go home till inorning, till %üght does appear." We gness that was the Bgthat was uppermost in the miuda of the iore as the exercises of their clasa supper ere prolouged well into Saturday morning. 'sheard some of them singing, en route for tone, long after daylight. -Mack &Schmid purchased the first clip 01 'kis season's wool ón Wodnesday, paying ?.' n'. a large price considering the quotations "the eastern markets. Now that summer ""as really to have really set in the sheep "i" probably be washed aud sheared and the Tol marketed at an early day. We think frowers will be able to get as good prices in "'ismirket as anywhere else. - After doing justice to tho clasa supper '" Friday eveniug last, came the " stock asts," which wore responded to iu part by "e 'adies of the class, and then a reunión was 'M for 1880, with the followin? for the 'ng parts : Orator, E. H. Kimball, RockH III. ; altérnate, E. A. Halsey, Chicago, ! Poet, M. D. Woolsey, Ann Arber ; alterni'e, Miss. M. O. Marstou, Eau Claire, Ww'■H8iu; ïuast-master, Thomas J. Eaman, "ickuey. There is to be no ilistinction in "l in awardiug the class cup. -Beingafraid to trust the city the Board Supervisors passed a resolutioa requiring " 20,000 to be deposited in the oonnty 'rtasury in cash,- agreeing that but $1,000 of thsame shall be expended to each f2,000 fn fiom the couuty fuud, and to pay mret to the city on unexpended balances at "e rate of 7 3-10 per cent. An economical reak that : taxing the people of the county PV iuterest on raoney lying idle. Would 't t"' been wiser to have mdulged in just e faith in the good iutentions and promlsei of the city f


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