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Barnum And Charley Ross

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[Froni tho Springfield (Maas.) licpublioan.] The negotiations bctwecn P. T. Barnum, the showman, and Christian K. Rosa, the father of the kiduapped Charley, by whieh the former is to offer $10,000 for the return of the child, ancl the latter to agree not to attempt any prosecution of those bringiug hiin back, were iinished at a conference in tliiu city, aud the formal offer is now made. Tlie idea first occurrcd to Mr. Barnum when he 'wee in Philadelphia two years ago, bnt he decidèd not to countenance any condouing of the offense. Lately, however, the idea has been growingnpon him that the pettttrite who have had the child in eustody sinee tle death of the original abductor must flnd him a Imrden on tin ir hands wliich they would be glad to get rid of for money it they could be sure thoy would escape, exposure. These porties being only uccessories after the deed, the re would be little or no moral harm iu giving theni their safety for the retnru of the child. Mr. Barntun, beiug nn eminent man and liaving no conneetion with tlie Ross family, could best negotiate with those holding the eliild, and thus relieve the parental anguiah tliat has been so strained for the last three years, wliile helpiug to keep himself beï'ore the public. Accordiugly he telegraphed liis offer to Mr. Ross, and requestéd that gentleman to visit liim at Bridgeport, and the two men met there. Mr. Barnum's proposition tlien was that he should offer tlie reward as proposed, and, if the boy was secured, some arrangement shonlil be male for exhibiting him by wliich Mr. Ross sliould have a large share of the prolite, and thus, perhaps, restore his éstate of gfiO.OOO whic-.h he has spent in the searcli. Mr. Ross made no answer at that time, but returned to Philadelphia to consult witli his wife and her brothers, wlio are quite wealthy, and met Mr. Bamum at the Haynes House to accept the offer, with the condition that if the boy is found it shall be discretionary with the family to reiinburse Mr. Barnuin or arrauge for tlie child's exhibition, but in no case is any other exhibitor to have the privilege, and these terms were. readily accepted by Mr. Barnum. Mr. Ross and his iamily dislike the pnlilioity the affair has given them, but teel that their honor and aiïections are too deeply involved for them to drop tlie searcli. Following is the formal announcement of Mr. Barnum's offer : I wil] pay $10.000 in cash for the ddivery to me alive of the kidnapped child, Charley Kos, or for iiiforination that will lead to hiu recovery. I most tíolemuly and pacredly plcdgo my word of honor and my reputation as an npright business man not to atUanpt for myself to discover the identity of the persons iiegotiating with me in this matter, nor to convoy to any other person any hints qr clews by wíiic)i any accunatic n or even suspicion shalí bo rectod against them. The pareuts of the child unite with me in this pledge, and agree, if their darling child i by Mus means restored tothem, t ' abandon a!l attempts to punish anj persou connected with his abduction or conccahnent ; they agree never to appear against snch ! ties, aud, with myself, will use cvery endeavor to shield them froin exposure. For the last i three years these parents have suffered inore i than death, and now . that Mosher and j laas, the. real abductor, .are dead, it is hopèd ttiat the perüons who have the child in custody will be willing to accept this reward and inimimitv. The reward shall be paid in current money as soon as the child is identified by it parents. As an additional security t the peraons bringing him, a rearionabíe time shall elapso between his delivery and the public aunouncfnient of the f act, that the partics deli veriiig him ehall have every op)ortunity to avoid discovery. P. T. Babnum, Bridgeiort, Conn. I sanction the above arrangement for myself and wife. Christian K. lïoss.


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Michigan Argus