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Sale of Court House Aid Bondi. THE undersigned will receive sealed proposals lor the purchase of twenty thousand dollars of bonds to be issued by the city of Aun Arbor to aid in building a courthouse within the liraits of said clty. Said bonds will be in-denominaíions of $100 and $500, and will bear interest at the rate of 7 3-10 per cent., interest payable annually on February first of each year. The first two thousand instalment of said bonds will be iiayable February first, A. D. 1879, and two thousand eaeh and every year thereafter until the whole sumís paid. Bida will be received for any amount of either denomination, or for the whole amouut. and all bid will be closed oh Saturday, the ninth day of June, 1877, at 6 o'clock p. si. D. CRAMEE, Mayor, ADAM 1. 8EYLER, Recorder. Ann Arbor, May 29, 1877. 1637v2 Eeal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtennw, 8. In the matter of the estáte of Charlotte Neumann, deceaaed : Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order granted to the undereigiied, executor of the laat wil} and testament of said deceased, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of WaBhtenaw, on tbe twelfth day of May, A. 1). 1877, there will be sold at public vendue to the higheBt bidder, at tbe south doof of the Washtenaw County Court House, in the City of, Ann Arbor, in aaid State, on Wednesday, the 2!ïth day of July, A. D. 1877, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwiae existing at the time of the deathof said deceased, or at the time of sale), the following deacribed real estáte, to wit. : Lot numbar one in block number two according to the recorded plat of Feleh'a addition to the City of Ann Arbor, Michigan, together with all and singular the hereditanients and appurtenunces thercunto belongihg or in any wise appertuining. Dated, June 6, 1877. FREDERICK PISTORIÜS, Execntor of the last Will and Teatameut of 1G38 Charlotte Neumann, deceaaed. Estáte of Peter Beoker. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wasbtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby given, that by au order of the Probate Court for the County of Washteüaw, made on the fourteentb day of May, A. D. 1877, aix months trom that date were allüwed for creditora to pieBent their olaims against the estáte of Peter Becker, late of Baid eounty, deceased, and that all creditors of auid deceased arerequired to present their claims to said I'robate Court, at the Probate office, in tho city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or before the fourteenth day of November next, and that such claims will be heard before said Court, on Tuesday, the 14th day of August, and on Wednesday, the 14th day of November next, at ten o'clock in the foreuoon of each of thoae daya. Dated, Ann Arhor, May 14, A. D. 1877 W1LLIAM I), HARRI1IAN, 1035 Judge of Probate. Sheriffa Sale. BY VIRTUE of a writ of execution issued out of and under the aeal of tbe Circuit Court for the County of "Wayne, and to me directed and delivered, I did on the 16th day of April, A. D. 1877, levy upon all tbe right title and mterst of Thomas Hooper, in and to the following described real estáte, situated in the County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to wit: The north half of lots flve , aix, seven and eight, in block one north, lange ten eaat, in the City of Ann Arbor, Wasbtenaw County, Michigan, which above described land I shall offer for sale, to the highest biddei , at the south door of the Court House, in tbe City of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, State of Michigan, on the ninth day of Ji:ne, 1877, at ten o'clock a. m. of said day. Dated, April 19, 1877. J. S. CASE, Sheriff. Jiv M. Fl.EMIN. I'nder Sheriff. 1032 Sheriff Sale. BY VIUTUE of one writ of exeeutiou issned out of and under the seal oí the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne, to me dlrected and dellvered, I did on the 7th day ot March, A. D. 1877, levv upon all the right, title, and interest qi Thomas V. Ilooper, in and to the followine described real estáte, situated in the County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to wit: The iiorth half of lots five, sis:, se ven and eight, in block one north range ten east, in the City of Aun Arbor, Washtenaw County, State of Michigan, which above described land I shall offer for sale, to the higlient bidder, at the south door of the Court House, in the City of Anu Arbor, Washtenaw Connty, State of Michigan, 911 the 14th day of July, A. D. 1877, at 10 o'clock a. m. of that day.- Datcd, May 8X, 187T. J.S. CASE, Sheriff. By M. Flkhino, UndorsherifT. 1687 Estáte of Wiiliam Geddos. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, sa. At a sesaiou oí the Probate Court for the Couuty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, ou Tliuraday, the thirty-flrflt day of June, iu the year 011e tlicuiseight hundred and seventy-seven. Prese ut, Williani D. liarnuutD, Judge of Probate. Jn the matter of the estáte of William Geddcs, deceased. On reading and filing the petition, duly verin1 ed, of John Geelde, praying tnat he or some other suitable person may be appointed ad ministra tor of said estáte. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the twenty-fifth day of June next, at ten o'elock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing erf said ietition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persona interested in said eatate, are required to appcar at a seseion of said eotirt, then to be holden at the Probate Office iii the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why theprayerofthe njiitioner should uot be grauted : And it is further ordered, tbat said petitioner give uotice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the peudency of said petition and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argut, a newspaper printed and circulated in said couuty, three successive weeks previous to said day oí' hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. Jl637td Estáte of "William Cheever. STATE OF MICHIGAN", County of Washtenaw sa. At a seasion of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the twenty-eighth day of May, in the year one thousand oight hundred and seventy-seven. Present. William 1). Hiurimnn, Judge of Pro bate. In the matter of the estáte of William Cheever, deceased. On reading and flling the petition, duly veiifled, of Noah V. Cheever, prayinjr that Byron V. Cheever inay be appointed adininistrator de hmiis non, with the will annexed, oí the estáte of aaid deceased. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the twenty-nith day of June next, at ten o'clock in the lorenoon, be assigued tor the hearing of said petition, and that the deviaeea, legatees and lien-H at luw of said deceased, and uil other persons intereated m said eatate, are required to appear :it a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any ihere by, why the prayer of the petitioner ahould not be granted : And it ia further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persona interested in said estáte of the pendency of said petitiou und the hearing thereof, by cansing a copy ot this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newHpaper printed and circuí at ed in said county, three auccesBive weeks previous to said day of hearing, WILLIAM D. HARRIM AN, ( A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Waf." O. Doxy, Probate Register, 16S7td Estáte of Henry S. Cheever. m TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw, ss. At a aession of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office m the city of Aun Arbor, on Monday, the twentyeighth day of May, in the year ona thousand eight tíundred and seventy-aeven. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Henry S. Cheever, deceased. On reading andfiling the petition, duly verified, of Laura E. Cheever, praying that a certain instrument uow on file in this court, purportina; to be the last will and testament of said deceased, may be admitted to probate, and that said Laura K. Cheever may be apooiuted executrix thereof. Thereupon it ia ordered, that Monday, the twenflfth day of June next, at ten o'clock in the forer noon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the devisees, legateea, and heira at law of aaid deceased, and all other persons intereated in said estáte, are required to appear at a aessiou of said court, then to be holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there bo, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted : And it is further ordered that said pttitioner give noiice to the persons inteiested in aaid estáte, of the pendeney of said petition and the hearing thereof, by causing a :opy of this order to be publiehed iii the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three öuccessive weeka previous to said day of hearing. WILHAM D. HAKRIMAN, TA true copy. ï ïudge of Probate. W.M. G. Doty, Probate Register. 16S7td Estáte of Mary A. Thayer. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, ss. At a sessiou of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, thetwenty-third day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Mary A. Thayer, deceased. On reading and filing the petition, duly verified, of Charles Thayer, one of the executors of said estate, praying that he may be Hcensed to mortgage the real estáte whereof said deceased diud seized and posaessed in the County of Washteuaw. Thereupon it is ordered, that Saturday. the twenty-third day of June next, at ten o'clock in the furenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the devisees, legatees, and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons intereated in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ana Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons iuterested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, four successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM I). HARRIMAN, (Atrue copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. li. Doty, Probate Registor. 1Ü36 Estáte of Perinelia Grinnell. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Courfc for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office inihecity of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the twenty-second day of May in the year one thousand eight huadred and seventy-seven. Present, William I. Hurrimau, Judge of Probate. In the matter of tiie estáte of Fermelin Grinnell, deceased. On readiDg and filing the petition, duly verifled, of Celia A. Jaycox, praying that a certain instrument now on tile in this court, purporting lo be the last will and testament of aaid deceased, may be admitted to probate, and that said Celia A. Jaycox may be appointed exeeutrix thereof. Thereupon itis ordered, that Monday, the eighteenth day of June next, at ten o'clock in the Eorenoon, be asaigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the deviêees, legatees and beirs at law of said deceascd, and all other perboub interested in said estute, are required to appear at a session of aaid court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and Bhow cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not bo granted : And it ia lurther ordered that aaid petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, f the pendency of said petition and the thereof, by causin; a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspapev printed and circulated in aaid county, three sucieasive weeka previous to eaid day of hearing. WILLIAM D HARRIMAN, CA true oopy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register, 1C36 Estáte of John Schairer. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Waahtenaw, sa. At a eession of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Kriday, the eleventh day of May, in the year oue thousand eight tiundred and seventy-seven. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estute of John Schairer, deceased. On reading and filing the petition, duly verifled, of John U. Öohairer, adminiatrator, praying that he may be licensed to the rtal estáte whereof snid deceased died seized, or so much thereof as may be neceasary, for the payinent oí' the debts due against said estáte. Thereupon it is ordered, that Saturday, the sixteentli day of June next, at ten o'clqck in the forenoon, bc; assigued for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirn at law of said deceased, and all other pernone interested in aaid estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Ofnee in the city of Ann Arbor, und show stiuse, if any there be, why the prayur of the petitioner should not be granted: And it is further ordered that sftid petitioner give notice to the persons interested in eaid estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by cauaing n copy of thia order to bt; publislied in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulated in Bftid county, tour sucecssive weeks previous to said day oí' hearing. WILLIAM I). HARRIMAN, f A true oopy ) Judge of Probate. Wm. i. Doty, Probate Register. 1635td Eatate of Sarah W. Beckwith. STATU OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtentiw, ss. At a sessiou of thu Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Thuraday, the seventeenth day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred aud seventy-seven. Present, Willium D.Hiirriman, Judgeof Probate, In the matter of Üie estáte ot' Sarah W. Beckwith, deceased. On reading and flling the petition, duly verified, of Ezra C. Seaman, praying that a certain instrument now on ille in thiscouit, purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased, may be ftdmitted to probate, and that EzraC fceamnn and H. Louise Sackett, or some other suitable peraont-, may be appointed executora thereof. Thereupon it is ordered thatMonday,tlu eleventh day ol June next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigca for the hearing of said petition, and that the devisees, legatees, and neira at law of said deceased, and all othei persons interestod in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner ahould not be granted: And it is iurther ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persona interestod in said estate, of the pendency ot said petition, aud the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thia order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three succeissive weeks previous to said day oi hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judse of Probate Wm. i. Dotï, Probate Register. l(35td Eatate of Ephraim H. Carpenter. CATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, i5s8. At a session of the Probate Court for the Oounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the eighteenth day of May, in the year oue thoueand eight hundred and seventy-seven. Present, WiUiamD. Humman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Ephruirn H. Carpenter, deceased Henrietta Carpenter, admimstratrix of said estate, cornos into court and representa that she is now prepared to render her tinal account as such admimstratrix. Thei-eupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the nineteenth day of June next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for exuniining and allowing such account, and that the heirs at law of said deceased and all other persons interested in aaid estate, are required to appear at a Bession of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Oifice, in the city of Ann Arbor in said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should uot be altowed : And it is further ordered that said administratrix give notice to the persons intereatcd in said estáte of the pendency of said account and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published ir the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and eirculating in said county, three suceessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM JJ. HARRIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Judge of Probate. fc, G. Doty, Probate Register. 1Í88 Estáte of Joseph Shaw. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. Atasession of the Probate Court for the County of Wanhtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the eighth day of' May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-sevcn. Present, William D. Harriraan, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Joseph Shaw, deceased. Dwight Hunt, executor of the last will and testament of said deceased, comes into court and represento tbat he is now prepared to reuder bis ünal account as such executor, Thereupon it is ordered, that Saturdav, the nintb day of June uext, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned fw examining and allowiug such account, andthatthe devisees, legatees and hei ra at law of said deceased, and all other persons itityrcsted in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court then to be holden at the Probate Office in the citv of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if ány there be, why the said account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered that said executor give uotice to the persous interested in eaid estáte, of the peudency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thia order to bs published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county, three suceessive weeks previous to said dav of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN. (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. ff. G. Doty, Probate Register. lii'il Estato of Norman Batea. ÏJTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, t5 ss. At a sessiou of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, ia the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturdav, the twelith day of May in the year one thousand eiglit hundred and seventy-seven. Present, Willium D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Norman Bates, deeeased. On reading and filing the petitiou, duly verified, of Martha A. Bates, praying that Hiram Hewes may be appointed adininistrator of the estáte of the said deceased. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the eleventh day of June next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner shouíd not be granted : And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons Interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petitiou and the hearing thereof, by causiug a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Arg'us, a newspaper printed and circulated in said countv, three-auccessive weeks previous to said day oí hearing. WILLIAM; D. HARRIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doïy, Probate Register. 16:35 Estáte of Andrew Gulde. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the county of WaBhtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, inthecity of Ann Arbor, on Wcdnesday, theuiuth day of Mav, in the year one thousaud eight Uundred and seventy-seven. Present, William I). Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Audrew Gulde, deceased. On reading and filing the petition, duly verified, of Marie Gulde, prayiug that. Frederick Yogle, or or some other suitable person, may be appointed adininistrator of said estáte. Thereupou it is ordered, that Saturday, the ninth day of June next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and thai the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persona interesed in said estáte, are required ,o appear at a session of said court, theu to he holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there ie, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted : And it is further ordered, that said petitioner givo notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pondeney ol said petition and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the MlcitlOAN ARGTrs, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day oí' hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, [A true copy."] Judge ol' Probate. Wm. G. Doïy, Probate Register. 3 B:55ul Real Estáte for Sale. Sr ATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw, as, In the matter of the estáte of Justin Kellogg, deceased : Notice is hereDy given, that in pursuanceof an order granted to the undersigned, Bxecutor of the last will and testament of said Justin Kelloee, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the Couuty of Washtenaw, on the nineteenth day of May, A. D. 1877, there wtll be 60ld at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the late reaidenoe of said deceased in the Ujwnship of Pittsfield, in the County of Washtenaw in said State, on Saturday the eeventh day of July, A. D. 1S7T, at ten o'clock in the iorenoon of that day (subject to all en - cumbrances by mortgage or otherwise exintincr at the time of the death of aaid deceased), the tollowing describod real estáte, to wit: Beiu the southwest quarter of the uortheast quarter of section one, township tbree south of range bíx eaat, in Michigan : Also all that part of' the norlh thirty acres of the west hall of the soutueast quarter of section one, township three south, range six east, in Michigan, lying north of the hlghway kuown as the Middle Ann Arbor Road,allin the township of Pittstleld, County of Wdshtenuw and State of Michigan. Dated, May III, 1877. 1036tf GEOEÜK KELI.OGG. Executor of the last will of said Deceased. Chancery Sale. IN pursuauce and by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Michigan, in equity, made and entered on the thirtieth day of March, A. D. 1877, in a certain cause therein pending, wherein Charles J. Howell is complairtant, and Albcrt Case is defendant : Notice is hereby given that 1 shall sell at public auction, on SiïUBUiï, tuk SEVXHIH day of July, 1877, at 2 o'clock p. m. of that day, at the front door of the Washtenaw Couuty Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, county oi'Washteuaw and State of Michigan, the following described property situated in the township of Manchester, county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, known, bouuded, and described as follows, to wit: lieing the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section number four [4] ; also the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said section number four [41 (excepl, the rights and privileges granted to Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Ballroad Compauy) ; also the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of said section number four [4]. Also the following described land, to wit: beginning easterly ten flü] chains and fourteen links from the southwest corner of the east half of the uorth part of the northwest quarter of section No. three [:ï], thence northerly twenty-five chains, thence easterly four chains, thence southerly twenty-üve chains, and thence westerly four cliains and four links to the place of beginning, the last description contaluing ten [10] acres; the whole of the described land amounting to one hundred and tifty acres. Also the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of said section No. four [4] (except fourteen acres heretofore deeded to Luman Stevens), all in township No. four [41 south of raugo No. thre east in said county of Washteuaw. Dated, May 24, 1877, ADDISON MANDELL, Masterin Chaneery of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Michigan. John N. Gott, Solícitos forConipt lt3t Chancery Sale. IN pnrstt&nec and by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court of the United States lor the Kast. ern District of Michigan in equity, raade and en] tered on the thirtieth day of March, in the year ] one thousand eighl hundred and se v en se ven, in ] a certain cause therein pending, wherein Charles J. ; Howell is oomplainant, and Patrick Wall is deiendi aut: Notice is hereby given, that I shall sell at pubi lic auction, on Satubdat, theSeventh pay of ] July, A. 1). 1877, at 2 o'clock p. M. of that day, at í the front door of the Washtenaw County Oourt i House, in the city of Ann Arbor, county of 1 Washtenaw and State of Michigan, the following t described property situated in the township of Northfield, county of Washteuaw aforesaid, known, i bouuded, and described as follows, to wit: The I west half of the southwest quarter of section num1 ber nine [9], in township uumber one south of j range number six [6J east ; also the soutbeast ] quarter of the southeast quarter of section number ! eight [8], in township number one [1] south of range number six east; contaíning one hundred i and twenty acres of land more or less. i Dated, May 24, 1877. f ADDISON MANDELL, i Master in Chancery, Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Michigan. i John N. GoTT,#Solicilor for the Complainant and of 1 Counsel. 1Ö3G i - - - j Chancery Sale. IN PURSUANCE and by virtue of a decree of ] the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Michigan, in equity, made and en tered on the thirtieth day of March, A. D. J 1877, in a certain cause therein pending, wherein ft Samuel 8. EUis is complainant, and Jacob Kern i and Margaret Kern are defendants : Notice is hereby given that I Bhall sell at public auction, on Satühday, the sevenxh day of Juirnext, attwo o'clock p. m. of that day, at the front coor of the Washtenaw County Court Houee, in the City of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State of . Michigan, the following described property, situated in the Township ot Manchester, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, known, bounded, and described as follows, to-wit : Being a part of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section number twelve (12), in township j tour (4) south ot range three (S) east, bounded as ] follows, to-wit : Beginning at the northwest corc ner thereof of said tract, running thtnce south 40x ] east one chain to the highway (called the Clinton , ltoad); theuce along the middle of aaid highway , aouth 5;ï east seventeen chains ; thence south 4.714 east three chains and ninety-three links ; É theñce south 4Ü east Öve chaina and ninety-nine ( links to the east side of said section ; thence along , said line north 40' west nineteen chaina and forty four links to the northeaat corner of said tract ; ( thence along the north line. thereof, south 86, west E twenty chains and twenty-seven linka to the place of beginning (exceptiner and reserving from said L description two acres of luud, heretofore deeded to t Wm. Higgina), containing m all nineteen and oue ( third acres of land, more or less. Also the west 1 huif of the northeiisi quarter ot Bection number twelve (12), township number four (4) south of ■, ragne number three east, containing eighty acres , of land, more or lens) except about one acre and t a half heretofore deeded to J. H. Fountain. Alao j the south one quarter of the east half of the north east quarter ot said Bection number twelve (12), t township number four (4) south of range three east, containing twenty acres of land, more or less. f Aiso a part of said section nuraber twelve (12) 3 bounded as follows : Beginning at the quarter i po.-t between section one and twelve (1 and 12), ] running thence west on section line eight rods ; j thence south to Clinton Road ; thence along said i road till it intersects the line that divides land ( formerly owned by William Tieknor and David D. Soule; thence north to the place of beginning, containing one acre of land heretofore deeded to ■School District No. One Cl). Also another piece of land situated on section number one (1), being that part of the west half of the southeast quarter of ] said section number one [1], which lies south of the Jackaon Braneh Railroad, euppoaed to contain thïrteen [13] acres of land, more or less. Also the northeast corDer of tne west Jialf of the northeast quarter of section number twelve [18], supposed to contain about one and one-half acres of land, ] more or less, - all of the above descriptions of land ( being in townahip number four [4] south range ] number [3] east. Also another piece of land sitúat ted in the township of Bridgewater, County and i State aforesaid, bounded as follows: Beginning i in the west line of Bridgewater, aforesaid, and northerly nine chains and two links from the , southwest corner of section number seven [7], in township number four [4] south of range four i east ; running thence along said line north thirty minutes wetst seventeen chains and sey en links t o , a certain stone corner; thence south eight degrees , east seventeen chains and twenty-seveu linka to a ] stake ; thence south 8'.)}C west two chains and thirty-six links to beginning, containing two acres of land, more or less. Also lot number eight [8] in ] block nuraber thiity-nine [39], accoiding to a re i corded plat of the Village of Manchester, in said ] County of Washtenaw. i Dated, May 24, 1877. ADDISON MANDELL, Master in Chancery of Circuit Court of the United States for the Ëastern District of Michigan. John N. Gott, Solicitor for Complainant. ltíí6 i Chancery Sale. i IN PURSUaNCE and by virtue of the decree ] of the Circuit Court for the County of ' Washtenaw, Ín chancery, made ttnd entered on '' tho thirteenth day of January, A. D. 1877, in a '' certain cause therein pendinjy, wherein Hartha '' Vaughn is complainant, and Patrick Wall is ' fendant, the undersignerï, one of tho Circuit Court j ('ommissioners in and for said County of ; naw, will sell at public vendue to the highest ' der, at the south door of the Court House in the Í citv of Ann Arbor, in said county, on Monday.'the l eighteenth day of June, A. D. 1877, at ten o'elock iu the forenoon of that day, all those certain pieces or pareéis of land situated in the township of Northfield, County of Washtenaw and State of ■ Michigan, known, bounded, and described as folIowb, to wit: ThK west half of the southwest quarter of sectiou uine, in township one south of range aix east. Dated, April 30, 1877. 1888 FRANK EMEKICK, Circuit Court Commssioner. ] JoHN N. Gott, BolicitOr for Camplainant. Chaucery Sale. IN PURSUANCE and brvlrtoe of the decree of ! the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, iu chancery, made and entered on the twoniyninth day of March, A. 1). 1877, in a certain cause therein peudiug, whereiii Charles J. Jlowell is eomplainaut, and John W. Cowan and Pureas M. Cowan ari dcfemlants, the undersignod, one of the Circuit Court Cooimissloners in and for said county of Washteuaw, will seil at public vendue to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House in the city of A nu Arbor, in sai'i county, ou Satl'kday, THE NIMTH day oi" Jün'k.A. D. 1877, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, all those certain pieces or paveéis of land sitúate in the township of Manchester, county ot' Wa.shtenaw, Michigan, being townsoip tuur south of range three east, and known, bounded and described as follows, to wit; The south quarter of the west half Of the northeast quarter of Bection number one; also the northeast. quarter of the southeast quarter of section number one; also so much of the west half' of the southeast quarter of said section number one aa lies and is sitúate on Ihe east and northeasterly stde of the Uiver Kaisin, the easterly bank of said river being the westerly boundary of the land. Dated, Aiuil 2öth, 1877. FRANK EMERICK, Circuit Court Commissioncr. John N. Gott, Complalnant'a BoUcitor. 1632 Chaucery Salo. IN PURSUANCE and by virtue of a decree of fhe Circuit Court of the United (otates for the Eastern Diitriet of Michigan, in equity, made and entered on the seventeenth day oí Jauuary, A. D. 1877, in a certuin cause therein pending, wherein Eliabeth Hutchinson, Charles L. Kincke, and Edward Packard, executors of the tast will and testament of Samuel Hutchinson, deeeased, ara complainanta, and James jj". Avery, Mary A. Avery, and Anna L. Cook, ave dciendants : Notice is hereby given that t a hall sell at public auction, on Satukday, the Ninth day of June, A. I). 1877, at 2 o'clock p. m. of that day, at the frnt door of the Waahtenaw County Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, the following described property situated iu the city of Aun Axbor, county oí Washtenaw und State of Michigan, known, bounded, and described as follows, to wit : Being lot number one, and the east half of lots number seven and eight, in block number one ( Ij south of rare four (4j east, according toa recorded plat of the villtige Cnow city) of Ann Arbor, as recorded in the Register's Oince of said county oi' Wïshtenaw. Dated, April 26, 1877. ADDISON MAN DELL. Master in Chancery, Circuit Court of 1032 U. 8. Eastern District of Michigan. John N. Gott, Solicitor for the Complainants. TINE JOB PRINTING done at the r AKGUS OFFICE. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditions of a eertain mortgage executed by John Eloeschle to Emanuel G. Schaffer, dated April 22, 1875, and recorded in the oflice of the Register of Deeds for Washtenaw county, Michigan, on April 2, 1875, in líber 51 of mortgages, on page 22, by ivhich default the power of sale contamed in said uurtgage became operative, and no proceedings in aw or equity having been instituted to recover the lebt aecured by said mortgage or any part thereof, md the suin of five hundred and eighteen dollars icing now claimed to be due on said mortgage, besides the costa and expenses of this foreclosure (iuludiug twenty-five dollars asan attorney's fee, a a :rovided in said mortgage) : Notice is, therefore. iiereby given, that said mortgage will be ffflreclosed jy a sale of the premises described in said mort,rage, or some part thereof, to wit : AH of the folowing described landsituated in the township of $haron, county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, the west half of the northwest quarter of secion number fourteen, and the northeast quarter of he northeast quarter of section fifteen, all ín townhip No. three south of rauge ifo. three east, State f Michigan (except a piece of land in the northïast corner of the north half of the northwest juarter of section fourteen, described as fullows, o wit: beginning at the northeast corner of said lonbh half of the northwest quarter of said section ourteen, and running west along the north line of tald lot thirty-nine rods, thence south iifty-five ods, thence east thirty-nine rods to the east line of ,aid lot, thence north fifty-iive rods to the place of eginning, containing thirteen acres and sixty-flve ods more or less), at public vendue at the outh door of the Court House in said city of Ann Vroor (it being the place for holding the Circuit ;ourt in said county), on the Twenty-first da v )F July nkxt, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon. Dut"i, April 12, 1877. CHRISTIAN MACK, Admïnistrator of the estáte of Emanuel G. Schaffer, deceased. 1632 StJGKNE K. KiíL'Kavff, Att'y for Adimnistrator. Mortgage Sale. DEFATLT having been made in the conditions of a mortgage execated by Otto Munch to rohn M. Roller, dated January twenty-iourth, A. ). 1872, and recorded in the Otöce of the Register f Deedsfor Washtenaw County, Michigan, on rebruary 16th, 1872, in liber 45 of mort gages, on )age 168, wbich mortgage was duly assigned by ohn M. Roller to Hack, Schmid & Co., by deed of lasignment, duted May 22d, 1872, and recorded in iaid Register'8 Office on May 24th, 1872, in liber 3 f assignments oí mortgages, on page 433, by vhich default the power of sale therein contained )ecame operative. and no proceeding at law or iu iquity having been instituted to recover the debt ecured by said mortgage or any part thereof, and he sum of aix hundred and twenty-one dolíais md thirtynine cents being now claimed to be due ipon said mortgage, beêidesthe costa and expenses if this ioreclosure (including forty dollars as au ittorney fee as mentioned in said morttrage) : Noiee is therefore hereby given that said mortgatje vill be foreclosed by a sale of the premiaea therein lescribed, or tome part thereof, to wit : All tht ïertain piece or parcel ot land situated in the vilage of Manchester, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, deacribed aa follows, to wit : A trip of land seventy-three feet in width oü' trom ;he south eide of block twenty-one in said viilage- iaid strip of land fronts eeventy-three feet on Railroad street, and runs back to the River Raisin, at )ublic vendue, at the south door of the Court ïouse. in said city of Ann Arbor, it being the place or holding the Circuit Court in said County of (Vashtenaw, on the Öeventh day of July nkxt, at en o'oloek in the forenoon, Dated April 12, 1877. CHRISTIAN MACK & FREDERICK SCHMID, Ji:., Composing the fiim of Mack, Schmid & Co-, lb;;o Assimileert 3ra eke K, Früeaüff, Attorney for Assig-nee.s. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the couditimi of a eertain mortgage, made and executed by ferkins and Hannah tí. üiímer, husband and wífe, )f Mecosta County, State of Michigan, to Lorenzo l Hale, of theCiiy of Ann Arbor, dated the 23d lay of July, A. ï). 1872, and recorded July 27, A . [X 1872, in the office of the Register of Deeds in iYashtcnaw County, Michigan, in liber 48 of Mortjages, on page 301, by wliich said default the power )f sale contained in said mortgage became operative, md the sum of four hundred and forty-seveu lö00 dollars ($447.15) being claimed to be due on said nortgage at the date of this notice, besides the sum )f forty dollars provided to be paid in said mortgage is an attorney fee on taking proceedings for the foreclosure thereof, and no proeeediugs having jeen had or instituted, either at law or in equity. to ;ecover the sum secured by said mortgage or any aart thereof: Notice ia therefore hereby given, that ihe said mortgage will be foreclosed by sale of the ortgaged premises therein described or some part ihereof, viz. : That piece or parcel of land sitúale, ying and being in the City of Ann Arbor, State of Michigan, bounded as follows, to wit: Beginninjf it a point nine chains and seventeeu links east of Jie quarter stake betweeu sections twenty-one and .wenty-eight (28) in township two south of range iix east ; thence eastaloHg the line three (3) chains md l'ortv-two links ; thencesoutn at right angles ;our chains aud fifty links to the north bounds of he Michigan Central Railroad; thence westerly ïlong the north line of said Railroad three chai n 3 md sixty-ibur links; thence north three chains md twenty-eight links to the place of begiuning, OBtaining one and one-half acre of land, at pubic auction or vendue, at the south door of the 3ouxt House, where the Circuit Court for the Couny of Washtenaw is held, in the City of Ann Arbor, n the twenty-third day of June, 1877, at teno'elock n the forenoon. Dated, March 2, 1877. 1628 L. D. HALE, Mortgagee. A, Felcii, Attorney for Mortgagee. Mortgage Foreclosure. DEFAULT having been made in the conditions of a eertain mortgage, made and executed by föhn Hashley and Catharine Hashley, hia wife, of Sharon, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to Hosea Eaton, tben of the same place, jearing date the fifteenth day of December, in the pear 1874, and rtcorded in the office of the Register ot Deeda of Washtenaw County, in said State, ín the eighteenth day of December, A. D. 1874, iu iioeról of mortgagea, on page 437, on which said mortgwse there is claimed to be due at the date of this notice, the sum of thirteen hundred and thirty-nine dollars and twenty cents, and no proceedings at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the debt aecured by said mortgage or any part thereof: Now therefore notice ia hereby Kiven that on Satürday, the bixtkenth day of Jüne,A. D. 1877, at teno'elock in the forenoon of that day, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor (that being the building in which The Circuit Court for said County of Washtenaw is held;, by virtue of the power therein contained, I shall.foreclose eaid mortgage by sale, at public auction to the higheat bidder, of the premisea described in said mortgage, or so much thereof aa shall benecessary tosatiefythe amount due on said mortgage with the interest, costa and expenses alLowed bj law, and also thirty dollara as a reaflonable eolicitor or attorney iee as expreBsiy stipulated and afreed to in said mortgage, which naid premises are deacribed in eaid mortgage as follows, viz : All the following described lands to wit: The west half of the aouthweat quarter and the eoutheast quarter of the aouthweat quarter, and the boutheast quarter of the northwest quarter of section number fourteen f 14),township number three f3) south of range numbur three l'ó) east, county und State af oresaid, containing one hundred and sixty acres of land according to the govermneut survey, be the same nioreorïess. Anu Arbor, March 15, 1S77. 1G27 I1OSEA EATON, Mortgagee. A. Feixh, Attorney for Mortgagee. Cbancery Sale. IN PCRSUANCE and by virtue of the decree of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtt?naw, in cbancery, made and entered on the twentyninth day of March, A. D. 1877, in a eertain caium therein pending, whereiu William Wilson is ?oinplaiuant, and Edwin D. Ayres, Kva C. Ayrea, and Jane A. GrirHth are defendantt, the underaigued, one of the Circuit Court Commiasioners iu and for the said (Jounty of Washtenaw, will sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the Boath door oí the Court House, in the city oí Ann Arbor, in said county, on Saturday, the nintit iay of June, A. l. 1877, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that dny, the following described land.s and premises, namely: All that eertain piece or parcel of land sitúate and being in the City of Ypsilanti, County of Washtenaw, Michigan, and deacribed as follows, to wit : Commencing ai the southwest cornpr of Hamilton and Ellis atreeta in said city ; thence west four rods; thenee south si x rods ; thence ea at four rods; thence north six rods to the place of beginning. Dated, April 24, 1877. FRANK EMKRICK, I532td Circuit Court Oommissioner. Jüulin & Whitman, ComplainanfiJ Solicitora.


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Michigan Argus