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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. DífaÍD MACJ.E.4N, M. I., Pr.ysician and Surgeon. Üflicf! and residence, 71 Huron street, uo Arbor. Office hou rs f rom 8 to 9 a. m. and f rom ' lo S P-1 ijt J. HEBDJtAN, M. T., Hhyeician and SurVV . geon. Oflico, aouthtreat corner Main and jurón streete. Kcsidmce, 48 South state straft. flSee hours froin 10 to 12 . m. and 2 to 4 p. ïu. LE. Mcl'AIiLlND, Surgical and Meckan, ical Dentist, corner of Main and iïuron Iríet' (Tacksoirs o!6 stand.) Great paius takeu in il) operaüons cutrusted to my care PriceR to Buít Iptiraes. A" work warranted. Teeth eijracted rituout faia. OfBce liours : 8 to 12 a. m.; 1 to G p,m.;7to8:30p. m. rT H. JACKSON, Dcntist. Ciflice corner of Y , Main and WashiiiRtou street", over Back S; 4bel's store, Ann Arbor, Micli. Anestlxetics adniin:iiered if required. rfoCENE K. FKUEAUFF, Attorney at Law, Jij Kotary Pnbilc, and CommiBsiouer of T)eeda [or PeLUtylvauia. Consultation in tbe (Serman or jno'.jsh lauguage. Office in Rinaey and Seabolt's gloei, Washington St., AnD Arbor. ññÁÑK E. YO01MG, Attorney and Counselor at l Liit, Solicitor in Chancery, General Conveyancer, uid Notary Pubiic. Office witli John N. Golt. Abgtracts of title carefully corupiled. 1621) EC1.AKK, Justice of the Peaci, Notary Pub, lic and Conveyancer. Will loan moiiey for othtrs on real tate security. Office over No. 8 Hurou street, Ann Arbor, Mich. tTnES & WORDEN, 20 SoutU Main Street, Y Ann Arbor, Mich., Wholesale and retad dealers jd Dry Goods, Carpeta and GrocfTies. MACK & SCHMID, dealera in Dry Goods Groceries, Crockery, etc., No. 51 South Main dne BACH & ABEL, dealers iu Dry Goods, Groceries, etc., No. 26 South Main Street, Arm Arbor, 5Iich. TíTM. WAONEK, dealer in Eeady-Made Olothl YY ing, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Trunks Ciipet Bags, etc, 21 SoutU Main street. FREDEKICK SCHAEBERLls, teacbeTöf , the PIANO, VIOLIJÍ AND GUiTAK. Residence southeast corner Main and. Liberty ifrwtf, Ann Arbor, Mich. NOAH W. CHEEVEE, ITTORNEY AT LAW. 0O tut sido of Coili't Home Square, Aun JOHN L. BURLE IGH, ■;! Wtorney and Counselor at Law, No. 24 Bank Block, second floor, ANN AltBOR, - - MICHIGAN. HENRY R. HlLIi, ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Dealer in Real Kstate. Office, No. 3 Onera House Block, ANK ARBOR. EVEKTBODY SAYS THAT REVENAUGH IS THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. 28 East Iïuron Street, upstairs. 32 East Hu ron Street, DEALER IN PiClURE FKAMES, BRACKETS AND VIOLIS SIKINtiS. J. H. NICKELS, Dealer in FRESH & SALT ME ATS, Hams, Sausageg, lard, etc, BTATE STREET, OPPOStTE NORTHWEST CORNER OF UNIVERSITY CAMPOS. Orfera promptlï fllled. Farmers haviug meate o Bell shonld give him a cali. 15(i8-yl SHAÑAHAN & BROKAW Have opened a leat Market on Nortli Main St., Itoe doors north of Hall & Marbie's, whtre will b kept a f uil line of fe and Salt Xeats, Smohed nam, Sausage, larrf, etc. __W clerspromptly fllled. Cml618 THE ANN ARBOE SAVINGS BANK Ann iVrror, Michigan. Bfceives deposite of One Dollar and upward and Mom ïive per cent. interest on all deposits reOilniug tliree monthB or longer. WEKiST COMPODNDED 8EMI-ANNÜALLY. Uso, buye and sella U. S. Bonds, Gold, Silver and Interest Couposs, and New York, Detroit and Chiu?Exchange. Aleo sella Sight Drafts on Great Britain, Irelaud, raaay, or auy other part of the Enropean Conaent. ttis Bank is organized uuder the General BinU ""w of this 8tte. The stockholders are indi"toall; iiable t0 the amouat of their stock ana lnle capital is security for depositors, wbUe "öBiaksof issue tae capital is invested for the Wirity of bill-holders. This fnct makes thls Inilntion a very eafe depoBit of moneye. Mwried Women can deposit subject to their own "W only. Oly to loan on Approved Secnrltleg. I dUecioes-R. A. Beal, C. Mlck, W. D. Harrin, W. Deubtl, W. W. Wines, D. Hiscock, W. B. Sfflith. OFFICERS : mck, Pres't. w. W. Wines, Vice-Pres't. C. E. Hiscock, Cashier. KBEKBACH & SON, DpUEEists añil Pliarmacists, 12 South Main St., eePs on hand a large and well selected stock of üRügs, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, WTOTS1 ft WAI FLOWER MATERIALS Toilet AiUvlen, Trugseg, Ktc. WINES AND LIQUORS. „;! attfution poid to fmrjishingof Phy, ,'l! ■ Cbemiots, Bcboolp, ek, witL Philosophical ,, '- lemical Apiinratun, Bobam an Chemical 'are. 1'orcRiaiu Ware, Urajients, etc. j „'.„J""11"' '""H!1"" i-artluily prepared at


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Michigan Argus