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Lon.siAN'A will proflt ha&dsomely by tho fact of n sliort sugar erop iii many othor couutries this year. The Boston Journal of Ootnmerce advocates giving flve-yenr subsidios to American stoam mnil lines to be establishod for tho foreigu trade. A London cablegram to the New York In raid says: "It is a signiücant fact that Canadian beer is becoming au active ai-ticle of iniportntion to this country of malt liquors. " Woot-iEN inanufacturers iu Rhode Islaud report more encouraging prospect tlian at any time in the last thrce years. Nenrly all the milis re workiug on advance orders. Thk SoTith is very properly ngitatiug for cotton milis on its own soií, and raising money to pay good men in the North to come down and writc them up, and trying tocatch the oyes of capitalista on both sides of the brood ocean. The American leatlier dealers will doubtless be interesteil in the announeement that an International Exhibition of leatlier, oak trees, bark and the like will be held at Berlín in September, begmning on the 8th and lasting to the 29th. Fouk steamers wliich left New York for Liverpool oue day last week carried out 1,000,000 pounds of beef, aud a large amonnt of grain. Tliere were also shipped 30,000 boxes cheese, 2,500 bales cotton, aad 450 tous of agricultural machiuery. The export of cotton goods for the nine montlm ending Marcih 81 was 17,828,000 yards of colored, and 53,262,000 of uncolored, against (5,404,000 and 41,178,000 respectively last year ; total about 71,000,000 yards, against 47,500,000. This is an increase of about 50 per cent. The armory at Springfield, Mass., has been closed, and it is fenred that work will not be resumed until next December. A number of the armorers will be in vei-y straitened eircumstances, some of them having large and dependent families, and others mortgaged real estáte upon which payments are to be made. A London special to the New York Hcrald says: " The valué of the meat trade between America and England is shown in the statement that during the past three months 123,650 tons of fresh mcat were imported from the United States. Of fresh and salt meats the United States sent 363,685 tous during the same period." Perhaps it is not generally known what a lively place Pensacola, Fia., has become. A large number of vesselsnow seek its harbor for lumber and timber. Not long ago there were 150 s!-:ips in the luirbor at one time, of nearly all nationalities. Weekly payments for labor in loading vessels have, in flush times, reaehed SG0,000, and Pensacola, whose harbor is excellent, is now a thriving litt-le city.


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