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New York has feniale tramps who smoko and cliew. Siiii-lo,ws of Chínese laborera are expeoted in London. Texas papers repoit grass tliirty feet high on the San Marcos river. Each granito window-eap of the, St. Louis Postofliee weighs íour tons, and is worth $1,700. A fematjü Justice of tho Peace in Wyoming receutly fined hor husband heavily for flrtig. The money loss to Savauuah, Ga., by last year's yelow-fever visitation is estimated nt $7,000,000. The 30,000 acres of rich public lands in Aroostook county, Me. , are being f ast taken up by emigrants. Oincinnati, in proportiou to her population, lias fewer lawyers than any other city in tbc Union. AliEXANDER CORBET, of Peni, Vt. , aged 82, has just read the Holy Scriptures from Genesis to Bevelations for the 80th time. Seals have appeared on the Newfoundland coast this year. One steimer recently comed away a cargo of 12,000, valued at $120,000. . ■KeOVj Davis is now residing at Beauvoir, on the Giilf coast of Mississippi, between Mobile and New Orleans. nud preparing his memoirs. Tiif. Britisli Government has determined to make great changes in tl) e rolling-stock of ludían railway, so as to adapt it to military pnrposes. " Well, boys, here's for perdition !" said Alonzo Leister, and he coolly lay down on a bar-room floor iu Yolo, Nev. , and shot himself throngh the head. Omatia will have to build a dyke to prevent the Missouii from inaking a short cut across a point of land which would leave the city out in the cold. Bon McCullough stole inoney from his father, iu Louisville, and gombled it away, aud, wlien reproved for it, he took a club and broke$6,000worth of minors in the father's furniture store. Sweet and fragrant ore the amenities oí Chicago journalism. The Times describes Mr. Joseph Medill, of the Tribune, as " one of the most canting of Pecksniffs and dirtiest of moral 2'olecats. " One of the New York obituary writers says that the Harper pcriodicals bring in an annual proftt of $500,000, while the whole máuufactuiing business amounts to $5,00,000 yearly, one-third of which is proiit. SiX tons of homeopathie pills are bid to the account of a singlo pharniacy in Geneva, N. Y., htst year. And yet tliat is called infinitesimal medicine ; 12,000 pounds of pellets, and an indefinite number of establishments to be heard from ! The highest point yet attained by any raiiroad has just been reached on the summit of Jjaveta pass, in the Sangre de Christo mountains, by the Southwestern Extensión of the Denver and Rio Grande railway. The altitude of the summit is 9,340 feet. The Rev. Bobert Collyer was invited by the President of the Boston Young Men's Christian Union to address the annual public meeting of that assoepttion. This is the answer Mr. Collvi-r sent: "Denr Baldwin: "Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes Yes. Yes. Yes - yes- yes -yes - yes. - yes. Robert Oollyer. " The centennial anniversary of the establishment of the State Government of New York willbe celebrated with all dne "pomp and circumstanoe" at Rondout, in that State, on Üie 30th of July next. The President and his Cabinet, the Vice President and the Justices of the Supreme Court are. to be invited to attend the celebr ition. The Transvaal (South African) repnblic, recently " annexed " to the British empire, contiiins 114,000 square miles, just doublé the area of England and Wales. The white popnlation, chiefly Boers, is believed to be about 30,000, the blacks, 250,000. It is a rich but undeveloped country. The republic was almost bankrupt. When Gen. Grant, just before sailing for Europe, went to order bis new uniform in Philadelphia, his tailor in ited him to step oa the seales and be weighed. "Oh," pleasantly replied the President, " I know my weight exactly. Itis 185 pounds. That is what I keep myself at." Aud, sure enough, the beam turned at just that figure. Rome can boast, at the present timo, one of the ftnest tenors ever known, in the person of a Franeisenn monk, Father Giovanni. Impresarii have repeatetlly lesouglit him to leave the cloister for the stage, but he turus a deaf ear. Whcn he sang at the Easterfetes the churches were crammed to suffocation. He is a fine, robust man of 35 yearsi In Guatemala, South America, the destruction of the forests in the neighborhood of cities is being attended with disastrouR efïects. The hnivests are lessin quiintity and less to be relied upon, new forms of sicknesshave spiungup, and the weatlier is more cnpiicious. The want of wood for fuel and other purposes is already most seriously feit. The will of the late Peter Brigham, of Boston, beside givinglarge logaoiestothe, relativ63 of the decessed, devotes niavly tlin c-fourths of tlie whole estáte to a hospital iu Boston for the siok and poor of Suflblk connty. Tweuty-five years will elipse béfore the bequest will bo appliecl, which, beside other eontingeht pioperty, will bo equal to $3,000,000. RaiIíIíoaiis have done woudeis in ludia. The garrison of Peshawar, 1,500 nrles from Calcutta, can be relieved and Rtrougthened with greater coitainty and speed Üian places only a tenth of that distónos thirty-nine or forty years ago, and British rule is cousidered more secure with 50,000 European troops and the rail'oad than with doublé that number before it was made. A sttbstitcte for gunpowder, invented in Euglund, is called "powder paper." It is paper iinprognatcd with a mixture of potüssic chlorate, nitrate, prussiate and chromate, powdered wood charcoal, and a littlc starch. It leaves no greasy residue on the gnu, produces [ess smoke and less recoil. and is less impaired by humidity, and it is 5-16ths stronger than gunpovder. It was iu the troublous year 18(50 that an old Germiin farmer in Spencer county, Indiana, having $G00 in silvor, and not kwowing what might happen next, buried the specie - it was in half dollars - iu his garden. It was fortúnate :hat he told his wife ; for the money was ;hore when recently the careful old genJeman died. Tho widow, of course, at onco dug up the cash, and found it all ;lack and oortóded.


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Michigan Argus