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TINSEY & SKABOLT'S IUKERY, OKOCEÏIY - AND - FLOUR &. FKEI PTOUH. We keep conatantly on naod BREAD. CRACKEES, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE akd HKTAIL TRADE. We nhall aUo keep a supply of DELHI FLOUR, J. M. 8WIFT OO'S BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, KYE KLOUR, BUCKWWHKAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEBD, ie, tic. At Wholesale and retuiL A general stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS constantly on hand, wbtch will be Kld on at realonable terms au at tny other house in this oity . Cash paid for Butter, Eggi, and Country Vroface (renemlly. ■9 Ooods delirered to any part of the city with out extra churg e. ItINSKY & SEABOLT, Ann Arbor, Jan. 1. 1 o 7 ij . 1164 rrEOUGE W. CROPSEY, Late of the firm of Clark A Cbovsht, and A. Kkabskï, late oí Tcxïw, uudcr the liim uamc ol KEARNEY & CROPSEY, Have establfshed themtwlves at No. 33 Sou tb Hum M., Ami Arlor, and proJMM tu do general Grocery Business They wlll lso keep CROCKERY, GLASS and WOUDEN WARE. and a full liue of DOMESTIC nd FORElüN FUUITS. ïhey hsve litted aud furuished A First-chiss Eatiug Department, Where MeaU cn he had at all beurs, or lioard by the week. Casb paid lor Butler, KffRB, and all Uounlrf produce. Uoudn prompt ly delivered in any part of the city. Kuineiuber the place. 33 Soutli niain ütreet. KK.VR.VKY & CROPSEY Ann Arbor, April 20, 1870. 158 I EWÁTTRACTIOKS TUIS WEEH AT TDK CASH Dry Goo&s House WK STIMULATE TRADE BY SELLING CHEAP ! 110 Füulard Suits at 2.50 and $3.00. 100 Foulard Suits, very stylish, at $4 00, $5.00 and #7.00. 100 inore of those Elegant Parasols in 20, 22 and 24 inch. 25 Doz. Ladies' Kid Uloves at 50c per pair. $1.00 Black Cashmere for 75 cents. $1.35 Black Cashmere for $1.00. 2000 Yds. Apron and Sbirting Calicóes at 5 and Ceta. 1,000 Yds. good (Knghams at 8cts. 3,000 Yds. best Bleached Cottons at 10 cents. Four Papers Pins, lOots. 50 Dozen Ladies White Hose at 6ots per pair. Sun Uinbrellas, 25, 35 and 50cts. All wool Black Grenadine, SOcts. Pure Silk and Wool Grenadine, 75 and 85 cents. Nottingham Curtain Lace, 15, 20" and 25cts. Dress Goods from 10 cents per Yd. and upward. Bunting, or Seaside Clotb, new shades, for Ijüdies' and Childruus' drasses, very stylish. Striped and Colored Hose, 15, '20 and 25c ts. 150 Lidies' Linón Suits, choice styles. At 10 and 12ots durable Shirtings. Indigo Blue and Brown Deninis, 12 1-2 and 16otK Great Bargains in Cottons by the Bolt, All Linen Hundkerchiefs, .", 10 and 15 cents. Everything Cheap AT THE SASH DRY GOODS HOUSE, TRICES Sl'EAK FOR THEMSELYES. Respectfully, C.H.MILLEN&SON lC'Blf TUE ORIGINAL AND ONLT o-eisttjikte "Vibrator" Threshing Machines, COXtílSTING OF Complete llorse-I'ower isiaMislimeiit, with 24-inch, 28-inch and 32-inch Cytinders, with 6, 8, lu or 12 Horse Power tO match. 'i'n-u sijirs of Itlounted Horsc Power; our improved "Triple Gear," and Improved SSpur Speed" (Woodbury st Ie), boih kinds mouuted on four whee1, and special si.os inadefur 6, 8, 10 oí J2 hoises. Complete s.c.iin Power Oulfit; our unrivaled " Vibrator " Separators, made exuresalv br Steara Power, with 32-iucb Cylinder and 44-iDCh eparutor, or íiG-inch Cylinder and 48-incli Separaing cica n ing parts, with all tho other paris pro )ortionately capaciotis and fit 1 1 of " bu8lD6ñH also, our matcnloss Ntcam XlireNlier Kní iiií'H, of uur ow n inake, beyond rival ry in Power, Jurability. Easy Firlug, Keaiity of Des%n. Porfecl rVorkmanship, EIe,rant Finish, complet' in every detail, and in all respecta a íit compauion for ouf celebrated Steam Separator. Our "Vibrator" separa tor "alone," made expressly for Steam Power, and tom&tcb WJ and all other make of Engincs, also, perfectly adapted to go with any and all other mftke of lorse Powers, four sizes, rftngtng from 24 U86-inch eugth of Cylindur, and 3Ü to 4S lochtt widib ui" Separatiiiíí parts. The Wide Krputnlion of our raatchless "Vibrator" Threshers for rapid threshng, perfect aavíng, admirable cleaning, no wasbage, leanliness, eeonomy Ín repairs, duniuility, eapof inanagemeut, and a general auperiority ín various other respects, is now fully establishtd and geuerally recognized. TUe Acknowlcdcd Ilcad anti Front of (rain Threshers, aud especial 1 y superior il' grain be damp or wet, while lor Ila, Tlmotliy, aud Hke Seeds, no other nachtnes can tntthfully claim, any comparison. The Genuine " Vibrator " Threshers ARE MADE ONI.Y HY JÍICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO., Battlc Creck, ISlch. Thev, or any of their recular auíhurized Pealers. fmnish Illiistratcd Pamphluts, Trice lAsts and fult iull particular.s, freet on apniïcation. ï 7:17 MANHOOD : How Lost, How Restored ! . Just publiahed, a new editiun of Df .J&xjvjfeCulverwell's Celebrntcil Kasn} f3c&uu e rftiiCJil cure (without medicine} of WwPSpermatoirlHeíi or Seminal Weakness, Involuutary Seminal Loases, Iinpotoncy, Mental nuá Physical Incapncity, Impedimenta to Mariiage, etc, ; alao, ConnumptioD, Epilepíy and Fita, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravasa nee, fto B-iTl'riof, in a sealed envelope, only eix centa. The celebrated authur, in this admirable Essay t elearly demónstrales, from a thirty years' succobíiful practica, that the alariuiug constquencea of self abiiBe may be radically cured without the aanKerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, fi-rtuiu, and effectual, by mean of which every sufferer, no matter -what his condition muf be, may oure himself cheaply, privately and radically. Thia lecture ehould be in the hand of everf youth and every rimn in the land. öent under seal, in a plain enreïope, to any nddresa, post-paid, on receipt oí' ftix oè&ti or to post age stampa. Address the Publiahers, THE CÜLYEBWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Au n Street. N. Y. Post ütUce Box, 4SSÜ, KKüyl THE JIII.W.ll Ki:ir MEDICAL & SÖRGICAL INSTITÜTE. Eitabllihtd 1867 and Chtrtcred by the State Lfgitlaturc tor the ínipruved tivatment oí all Private and CUrosiO Dineaaea mentioued in this card. Just published, mTmrmlÊ "THE SILENT FRIEND1" fMj0ËL A contiilcutial Adviscr for the younp and JÊtsËSBÊF lll(l'c aycd of both lexes on all liifitsJ vt ot a Private Nature, ariimnfroni ■■ Early Abuaes or Inleotion, Seminal Weakneis, and l.vna ot Mauhoud, and the beat nuam tcure; with valuable advice to the Married and thosd contení pi at i nff Marriage; inc!udinga treatiitc on FomalO Diseaaee, and Chrontc Afleotiong of the Throa',. l.unfS and Skin, Catarrh, Cáncer. Kupttire, Pites, Kistula,the Opium Habit ie. It contiu2tX)lirge pages and nuuicxuuieu gravin ís, niaited undrr eeal on ut ot'50 cta. A CLINICAL LECTUKE on the above (lineales, and the principie! of medical practlcc in their troattucut. Frice 10 cta. Addre, Attendinz PhTsician, M.&S. INSTITUTE, Xo 435 Water it., MILWAUKEE.WiaVTEW TEA STORE. Japan T n nt 3Oc, 40c, SOc mul 0c per ll ,iiml tbe very let imported at 70c pur Ib. Gunpowdcr Tea at 60c and 80c per Ib., a ml the very best importad at $1,00 a puund. foung Hyson at 40c, OC and 60c, and the bost mported t 80c per lb, )i)l'!iir Tta at 5c, fiOo. fiO, and 70o per lb. mperial Tea at 'Mc, 40c, and 50c per tb. 'wankey Tea at 'JOc, 25cf ani Mu er lb. COFFEES AND SJPICES, f our own roastiug and griuding, at gieatly n1uced p rices. Giro u a Cali and be Convinced. J. W. HANGSTERFEK & OO.i 0&3ï$oiith!UalnNt., Anu Arbor.


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