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_- The public schools closed yesterday. __ Another big rain : that yestsrday inoning, and down went some of the wheat. _ Charles II. Hooper, son of the late Richard Hooper, died m this city on the 18th inat., uged 32 years. __ The exercises of the graduating class of the High School take place at 10 o'clock this lorenoon. Go. - The seniors are getting up a tournainent ,r next Moiiday- the regular tournameut jivms " busted." - Judge Cooley goes to Chicago next week, to deliver au address bef ore the Literary Socifties of Chicago University. _- The students can get transportation frora Detroit to Buffalo and return (return tickets g0od until used) for Ï8, - a saving of $6. _ The public exercises of the Alpha Sigma, Socie'y of the High School'took place on Monj,y evening. aud were very interesting. - At Ypsilanti on Monday afternoon last a voung sou of Nathan White, between two and tliree years old, feil iuto a cistern aud was jio#ned. -Hoyt Grenville, of Adrián ; J. W. Wing, 0[ Scio ; and H. ü. Banks, of this city, were de speakers at the meeting of the Iteiorm Club on Sunday afternoon last. -Prof. Bernard Moses, of the tlniversity „f California, is now visitiag his family and diemisMn this city. He reports the Uniïersi(ynieu on the Pacific coast O. K. -The Savings Bank of this city has dedared its regular semi-aunual & per cent dividend. 1'he tortunate stockholders eau draw tlieir " leetle mouish " after July 3. - Half fare : that is what you can get a ticket for from any place to any other place ilong the line of the Central road on the 3d Sod 4th of July, good to return on the 4th and óïh. - The tourmment heretofore aunounced to take place on Monday of Commencement „eek will not take place. It is to be postponei uutil fall, because of the absence of so Bjny of the boys. - 15,000 eels have heen put iuto Baisin late, 5,000 iuto Scuaffer Lake, aud 5,000 iuto Silver Lake, the two formor lakes boing in the toro of Bridgawater and the latter in the town oiFreedom. They were about five luches - Au amateur concert, with au ice cream jnd strawberry attachinent, is to be given in He diniiig room of Coak's Hotel this eveuing, itSo'olock, the proceeds to be turned iuto the Chapel Fund" ot St. Audrew's Cliurch. Adniission 25 cents. - lu the Supremo Court ou Tuesday a decisión was rendered in the case of Horace Fhelps and Melvüle J. Bigelow vs. Churlas Whitaker, afh'rnnng the judgment in the Circuit Court. And so Whitaker wou't have to pay ior that wmdniill. - The M. C. K. E. didn't put out a new linie table on Sunday last, but it is understood tliata revised table will go into operation next Sunday, and that the jast traiu will be taken oï. It dou't stop at Aun Arbor, and that's irtyit don't pay. - Messrs. C. Ii. Alabley and J. V. Smith, of Detroit, addressed the Reform Club on Fridsj evening last, and a number of new members sigaed the pledge, iucreasing the roll cali to S31. Atter the exercises a strawberry festival was held in the basement and ÏH netted. - Rev. L. R. Fisk, ot Detroit, formerly of this city, and a gradúate of the University, daas of 18.JÜ, has been elected President of Albion College and accepts. Prof. Mernman, who went from tha University to Albion College two years ago, has been appoiuted to the chair of mathematics in Rutgei's College, New Jersey, at a salary of f2,000 a year. - iñegraduating class of the High .School bid tlieir class supper aud usual hterary exerrises ou Wednesday cvening, iu Keüey's Heil ou State street. The program me iucluded au oratiou by Asa W' hippie, a poem by W. W. Wooster, class history by Muggie Morton; prophecy by Lottie Hall, addiess by E. H. Bowman, cIjss president, aud toasts and respcuses. The exgreises were unusually good. -We suspected the Mauchester Enterprise' $ cow-story- nee Akgus oL last week- of beiug "big un," but now comes an Argus subseriber, F. E. Mills, of Pittsfielu, with a sevenyearold grade cow wbich is milked three timesaday.aad gives 69 14 pounds of milk daily,- three-fourtlis of a pouud more thau thebharon cow, and is n't fed any corn or grain eitlier. -On Saturday last, to the great surprise of most of our citizens, R. A. Beal took possesbob of the jewelry store of C. Bliss & Son, on achattel inortgage, some $2.100 beiug ilue, and in the afternoon the flrm made an assignmeuttoX. W. Cheever. We are not advised of ths amouut of either assets or liabilities, The turn is oue oí the oldést iu business in city, and the members have the sympathy of all their fellow citizens in their misfortuue He times have beeu hard for them and they ave struggled too long for their own good to keep busmess ruiming iu hopea of something beller. - On Monday six üuiversity studente- five freshmen and one member of the homeopathie wllege, also six studeuts in the High School- one senior, four juniors, and one unclassified- ere arreated for a " malicious not" in front f the premises of Supt. Perry, during which '■we and house were considerably damaged 'i'tones and other missiles. On examinatiou belore Justice Beahan on Tuesday the witeases sheltered themselves under their privlege and refu8ad to answer auy questiou comtlie point on the ground that their an■s might tend tó crimínate themselves, and üscoutinuance resulted. Tha Prosecuting Attorney evidently commenced proceedings be!e he was ready. But, nous verrons. The Lansing Republican protesta that ït had n reference to Judge Huntington iu its remark l"ut "cowardice," to whioh the Aequs last elisomewhat pointedly referred. The Rethcan theu was certainly very unfortunate '""ing the word iu the counection it did. te Republican also wants to know " what '4 of partisanship " we attribute to it ? Be ' Plain answer this : that partisanship in fa'' of one party to a suit in court which no faPer liaa either a moral or legal right to astuioe. por mouths beiore that wondorful leg"Wfre iuvestigation was set on foot, and the meneo in which our cotemporary seems to jetead to little proöt, the Iaboratory deClt ana the parties to it were iu court. The ubican also asks : " Suppose it was oharged Httlo ring at the University con tri ves so 0 ble the Aequs and several of the Detroit fPets as to screen embeziement and iraud, wouldtlutauit?" Asno one but au ig"ramua.a kiiivf, orthe most blind and bitter th.P"tlsa"'. likely to "suppose" any such itot ' fllr Uie AEOÜ3 is coneraod, we are Jispo3ed to waste many words about it TOaturely. It so happens that froin the first tl Vs ha8 deuianded an impartial and iutive legal investigation, and that it has 'Wesipuusod the cause of either party de'""W iü the suit. ïhat's all. tJnf Noemal School.- The following is Pregramme for Uomuiencemeut week nnnn veuin June 24-Baccalaureate luon by Prof. Eatabrook. oi ThU"yy,evemDg. J"ue 26-PuWie exercises "e Zealote' Society. cisöS f,y eveuin June 2C-Literary exerourse grudu:ites trom the couimou school t Wednesday evening, June 26 -Exercises of Halte, y üf Alumni. üratiou by J. S. ÜHis nX0Í i'oem by.Maitha C. Í 01 Traverse City. feaST";UUe28' 9 'olock A" -Com'wmont exercises at Uuion Hall. ception y eve"'"2' Juua 23 -írindipaf s


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