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N ( lonrsion train m the Baltlmoreand Ohio railroad camo in oollision wiLh a regular 1 sengor train near Poiat of Rocka, MJ., the othcr day, badly gmasbing the kxranotivoa uui severa) opaflhe& Fqtie petsons were inatantly killed, iwo Dr throe (atftlly injured, and eighteen wonnded, al] on tin excursión train. The killed are Qbarles H. Keifor, editor of tho Frodorick (MdO Bxainitttr; liiohard Dutrow, merchant : Dorsey Walker, niereliant, and Howard E. all of Erederiok city. The collision was caused by the gross carelessuoss and negligenoe of the train men. Tuk compMnj in the snit against Samuel J. Tilden by the United States to recover taxes alleged to bc duo by the dofendant on hia iuoonie froin 1861 to 1871 has boen likd in tl' United States District Conrt of New York. The amounta alleged to be dueaggregate, vdthcoats and interest i .d.OOO Tho prosoouting oiücersof the State of New York have rejected Tweod8 ofl'er to u sqBeal" on hisring eonfedoriili's. and roturned fo his connscl tho papers purporting to bo the heads of the oonfession hu is wilhüg to niako. The ciuise of this rnptiú'éof uegottations Í8.8Uppood to be the inBufflcienoy of tho evideneo offercd to convict tho aeoonipliecs named, and the belief that there aro too manv mental reserva tions in the statement of tho boss thief. A covereu bridge over the Connecticut river at Northampton, Mass., wan blown doivn by a pile hi st week. A number of people and several wagona and hor.nes were on the struetme at the time. A JIrs. Sullivan was killed. Sheriff Oook, of Hampshiro oounty, fatally injnred. uid Bevecal ot'iers badly bniised. 1{kv. Joirs 0. Abbott, the historian, disd last week at his residence at Fairhaven, Ct., at the ripo ago of 71. His death was not nui-xpocted, as he has been an iuválid for a long time. Mn. JosKrn Sti.iosrAN, the wealthy Hebrew banker of New York, and member f tlie gyndieato to place the Goverument loan, visited öaratoga with his famüy tl.e other day. and applied at the Grand ünion licitel f or apartimiits. Somewhat to his surprise he was refused entertainment, on the gronnd that their presenee tnjnred the business oí the hotel. The mn.nagflra ui the lioiel claim that Ohristians do not like the company of Hebrews, and for that reason have heretoforo shunned tho hotel. There U mueli indignation among tho Hebrews r New York at this Int of ostracism ojf their raoe. . . . An entire Freslunan elas of l'rineeton College, numbering nearly 100, bai been suspended and sent homefor "bulldozlng" the facnllv. . . .Heveral iBi]xirtant diecoveriea of petroleum oil are reported in I'emisylvania, the new wells aggregaüng a production of over 32,000 barrels a d;iy. THE WEST. K.ui; Noohax, the yonng womau who some months ago shot and killed William H. Sidlo, a prominent baaker of ïlinnoapoüs, Mimi., ha jnst been Lried for the crime. Tho jury failetl to agrce, eleven being for acquittal tü one for conviction. The graashoppers are developing considerable strength in one oi' fcwo oounüsa ol Iowa and a considerable Bcction of Minnesota. With these oxceptions, Uk: erop reporta from these States, as well as neariy tbo whole of the Northwest, are rery encouraging The Black Ilills stage was again rtopped by highwaymen, the other day, m::ir Hat creck, and robbêd of tho treasure-ooxl None of the passengerd were molested. A Catiiolic priest bas just returned to Bismarek, Dak., af tor spending several day:i at the camp of Sitüngliull, iutlic British Po88eS8tons. Tho sa vage cbief is irreconcilable in bis hatrod of the Americana, and refused to entertain the idea (if surrtndering. A council was held, at whieh it seomed to be dotenuined that the hostiles will ïcmain on the Biitish sido of the lino at present, being in no condition for snecessful offensiva war. Eoglish ofh'ccrs werc present, who romised that the ravages shonld not be molèsted as long as they kept qniet.. . . Föur persons were drowned at Eaglo laUe. Racine county. Win., one day last week, viz.: Mrs. Olivor Gilbrrt and Miss Gilbert, and Mis. Coblot and ohild Thoy were attendlng a picnic, and wei-e out in a röw-boat irheo the sad aceident oocnrred. The boat leaked badly, and swamped bcfore it coiild get back to tho shore. Tui; citizrns of the nsnally qniet little city of Mrmit Vernon, Ohio, have been thrown into a disagreeabie etato of agitation by the coldblooded murder of a popular hotel-keeper and prominent citizen named McUride, by oue Bergin, a worthless and dissolnte fellow.. .ExBenator I). I). Ptattdied snddenly at his homo in Logansport, Ind., a few days ago, from beart 'M ■■; lé. Mr. Pratf was born In Maine, and was flviT of ag! Hu servad in the Indiana J,egislatme in 1H51 and 1855, and was elected to tlie National House of Kepresentatives in 1868, bul nover tooh his seat. being choeen United st;it Senator to sneceed Mr. Henthicks in 1869. He was for a short time Commisaioneï of [utèrnal Revenue ander Prosidcnt Gi-ahf Hon. John Pettit died last weck at hi. home in Lafayctte, Ind., aged 70 yeara Mr, PsttithMbooo quito conspicuous in public affaiw, having held the pontion of Henator aml pjeiaber oi Congross from Indiana, Jndgo of the Circuit and BOpreme Courts, ánd was United States Judge for Kansaa Tn rítóryn 1854-5. . . . APortland(Orc) díspatcb reporte u & rioua apriaingof Indiaus in Washington Territory. ïhey were murdering whitesat Mouut Idaho and Cottonwood creek. TroopB bave been forwarded from Fort Walla Walla to the BCeno of the disturbance. Tuk Chicago Journal saya : " Iieports from ev,jy CongreBsional district of Illinois represent the outlook for corn Reneraily better thaü it bas been for Bome years past at tbis sea.son, and a large erop is anticipatéd. Returns from other orn-growing seöüona indícate a similar prospoot, whilo other graiua tlu-oughout the West and Northwest proinise the best i-esulta." soma Aj.ahama erop report : liains liave been very general ín Ihe State, and oí great goed to Uio orapg. Oats are coinpara-tively a failure ; wlhiií i;; the test cropevér made ; cor and cotten clean and doing woll Aloxander II. fitephous. of Georgia, ha-i gono to Minnesota for tho benefit of his lienlth One-half tlic erop along tbe Arkanpas river vallev. io áestroyéd by Doods A Btartling sensaUon hua just been sprong in LouisviUo, Ky. Mrs. T. T. Hawkiiis, claughtcr of the late 061 Wir, of Lexington, and of JHrs. Q. . . Merriwetber, whoae geoond hnsbahd was, i afore his death, a prominent braker of Louisviü.-, has beeli Implfcati d in haw forgerien of the ñames of ex-Unitod States .Senator BtevenBon,the Sori. Oéorge JI. Pendleton. of Ohio, and other prominent citizens. The forgeries amonnt t $40,000 ór L50,000. ïhc relativos of Jlrs. lla.vkiiis claim tbat ïhe is insane. WASHINGTON. Pheüideuï Haïxs' views on certai f'mancial points are delineil- evident ly by authority - by the Associated Press Agent at Washington : "Tho President, althongb in former years pré■ai il, like fnany other hard-mpny men, to adherc [6 the prevalent doctrine oí íiiir.neewriU'v- in ráyót of ;. .--higle gold standara, has ially fhangud Li-, :cw. during the pröions regarding tbc wisdom and proprifitvof tlm nel of :. v. i.i.i. dcinonmized tlie oldWaHendêr silver dollar. Ile is aév taftkTOrorttBi-emóhëtfeatton, and of the ieado]tio)i of a doublé standiird of gold -üver, or, i.i other words, he favors the turn to il.t opndiöon of titrinc in relation to tbenu subjeets wliich existed preyious to tho legialaüofl of ltiTS, boing convinced that sueh return to the former system wil] gradtially proinote tne reeiunptton of sineii: jjaymentei, an oliject that lio regarda bof ths flrst importanée. .. ITiö Attoi-nej Öeueral bascallod upon thr aopounting oiScer of tha Tretsnry for a oopy pi theaceouiiteöf Brigham ïottrig, the Morinoa leader, ttled in (lm tivnsnry some twentv féars agOj wften Uq m an Indian Agent. These acconntí are callad for at the reqnest ofMr Howard, United 5tites Attörney for tlie Terri(ury of L'iüli. li i.s intimated tliatthey funiiuh important testünon; against ïoujig. f i t. Linuerman, Director of tho Unitxl BUtes Hint, will, it i.s ïinderstood, reoommend in bis fortlH-oiüing annua] report the coinage of á 2 gold pieoe to taku the placeof tin ííolii ("ni. Be tliinlis that (riten specie reMniijition is broiight about there will bo a deniand lm' Mtraller gold eoius, to be used in QÍ BÜvet half-dollars, and that ■: 1 and $2 gold coir.s will be v. ry populST. Ir is aimonneed from Washington that Secretary Shermiw bas pprfecteij his arrangew&ó&k i',r the dis).oiil of the 4 per ent Govcniinciit l„mds. It is Bjiatod Uiát tito opportniiity "f :my and ::11 pcreónti who wish to mnko Hdbsoriptions, ;il ppr, te thia loan ill expira on the 16th of Julv. and the paople are invited te itrvest in il u: to ilial date; mier which the sindicato, wlíh which a ointr'aót for plicing the loan han Ivi'iiinadc. willoontrol tile further sale of the bonds. 3paó A. 1Iaiu,an (coloied), ex-member of Oongröa (rom Nórth Caroüiiü, has been Spiioniicd Cii' of [nternal Revonne for the .Seeond District nr that State, vice Powers.... Ata Cabinotineeüug uisi week it was ngreed tjnit the vaoanoy to be croated by tbc resigna tion of Goorgc l'. Talbot, .r Solicitorsliip jr tho Treasun-, sballbe mini by tbc appoint mentof Keiuufth Kiunni-, of North Carolina. Raynor is an óTu-Une Whig. Tuk Prouideut lis appoiulvit editor lï. A. Tliompson, ol the áwtíJwofte, I'ostmastor at Momphis,,,,A, U. [oflkery, of Nwth OmÏ lina, bas been appoiutod Consul to Loods.... Jamos RuaselJ Lowell hae acoepted (h'e Spanish misdoa, and wil] shortly luavo for Spain The quOBÜon of the. amouut or silver ooin whicli may bo legally issucd ha engaged the atttntionof the Treasury Department and the I ttorney General. The latter Imh decided, in ' formal opinión, that the wholo amount of 'chanco," silver and paper, must not exeeed fiy miliionx, and (bat uilvor may only bc sUfsd in exohangc for paper fractional ourreney edeemed or known to be destroyed. Tuf President is bookod for a visit lo the Vhitc Sulplmr Springs of Virginia iu the tattcr mrt of Jnly The name of Gen. Jnlins White, of Chicago, is prominently mentioned n connectiüii with the Tuikish mission. . . .The 're.-ideut haa aupointcu il. W. Gibbs (eolorcd) egistqf of the Land Ofiioe at Littlc Rock, Aili. POI-ITICAL. A KECEPnoN was given to ex-Gov. Hendriclis, of Indiana, by tho Manhattan Club, of Hen iork, last week, on which eccasion there was a arge gatherjng of the loading Demócrata oí heoity. Speeches were made by Gots. Tijden md HortdriokR, David DudlOJ Fii'lil ;ml others Tondricks inimcdiatcly aftbrward 8;iilcd for Stirope....A disuatoh fcum Donison, Texas, saya: "H. M. OrulAis, liipublican, bas boon elccted Mayor of Deniaon by a pluranty of l(i.!, ind a majority of 8 over both his Democratie '(mpetitors. The Assessor, Oolleotor, Marshal, rreasnrer, and all hut one of the Councilmen 'H Eed are Ñótthern men." Minnksota has just had a special election on :he proposed amendmeut to the Wtatc eonstitn;ion, devoting the land grant of 5O0,0ü(J acres, originaUy made for the benefit if intemal imirovenionts iu that. State, to the puyment of )utatanding raiuoad bondSi The propositioii was rejected by a vote of nearly Unce to one. As election bas just been held in Georgia (o decide the question as to whether n convention should be held to remodel tho State constitution. The matterwasdecided in the affirmativo by over 1(1,000 majority. . . .The Louisville Courter-jbttnuü says " the man upon whom the Democrats of Indiana hava nnitcd to lead them in the figlit noxt year to oust Morton from the Benatorship i Voorhees, the Tall Sycftinore oí he Wabaah." Kkxneth Kaïnok, the uewly-appoiníeá Soli citor of the 'IVeasm-y, is a man nearly 70 yeare of age. He was in Congress in 1839 as au oldline Whig. Of late years he has resided in Mississippi. He was a Union man, a friend of Grant, and a membor of the Alabama Conmiission Hatniltoo, in one of her recen.1 letters, charged that George Schneider, of Chicago, loaned Seoretary Bohnrz money to start a ]ievsuper, and, in consideration of that loan, Schneider had Schnrz's intluence to secure his appointment to the Rwisa mission. Thelatter bas been interviowed upon the subject, and prouounces the storj' an uumitigatcd falsehood and slander. Tuk State Convontion of the Greenback party of Maine was held last week at Skowhegan. Resohitions were adopted demanding the repeal of the Resumption act of 1874, the withdrawal of the national-bank notes and the substitution of greenbacks, the remonctizati m of silver, and the reservation of the public domain for actual settlers. Bev. II. E. Munson was placed in nomination for Governor. GENERAL. Five persous wero drowned m the harbor of Halifax, N. S., the otlier day, by tlie oapaizing of a Kinall boat Alonzo lïcll. Assistant Secretary of the Interior, lias sued Chas. A. Dana, ol the Ni-iv York Sun, for libel, damagea being laid at $100,000. Thé alleged libelous arücles asscrt that Mr. Bell was diseharged from the trcaMiry for incompetcncy that for a long timo he kopt bis wife on the mlls of the patent oflice, drawiDg a salary without ronderiñg any service, and tüathelately appointed lns brotuerin-law to an i l,H00 position in the Interior Depart.ment, all of "vhich ho Btrenaonsly donios. A Judoe in St. Louis has ruled that the insertion of an advertisement in a newspaper soliciting practico in procuring diyorces, and promising to secure decrees of liberation a vinculo matrimonü without publicity, is a slander upon the truc melhod.s of procedure in oourtsof justice, tonding to induce the public to belicve that the advertiser posscssoa certain faoilitios and privileges enabling him to obtaiu judicial decrees with a dcgrco of socrecy fatal to the good reputatiou of the judiciary intrustt:d with tho saered duty of according justicc to those demanding it. Justico tlius slandered, the St. Louis Judge holds, may purge herself of the atigma by sueh assessment of penalty as shall effectually extírpate the divorce shyster from the legal profcssion and annihilate him in tho public regard. The recent General I sembly of Illinois passod a law forbidding the pnblieation of advertisements of this character, but thü view that coramon law has a remedy for the iniquity is believed to be aomewhat novel and interesting. Business failures : H. A. Blood, a prominent Massachusetts railroad manager, liabilities $1,626,000, assets small ; Fitzainnnons, ('larlt it Co., dry goods, Now York, liabflities .113,000, assets' #95,000 ; McGregor Bros., bankers, Windsor, Canada, liabilities $150,000 ; Hallock Go.; clothingj Detroit, Slich. M. J. Sternberger & Son, mtülnery, New York, lia bilitios $160,000, nominal apsets about the same: Hamburg, llill & Co., niillinery, New York, liabilities. $100,000; 8, W. Jacobs, a Ïfominent cattle breeder of West Liberty, owa, liabilities, 75,000 ; tbo Commercial Insurance Company. of Kt. Louis, Mo. The stcamer Montana, wliieli sailed from New York last week, took out for mission:uy work in Europo eightecn elders of the Mormon church of Utah. It Bceins that Mormomsm is gre&tly on the decline in all the British btates. ('ncal Britein at one time furnishcd 00,000 dispiplea to Brigham Young. Now the Moraions in all Europe do not munber more than 11,000 si mis. . . .From Mexico comes news that the city of Acapulco has been captured by the followers of Lerdo l'here wero live executions In the couïitrv on Friday. the 15th inst., three at New OrïeanB, one ;it Kewnan, Ga., and one at Dayton, Ohio. Three of Ihu murderers lulled women, fcwo thoir nivea, the otber two sclecting men for thcir victima lie offiotaJ oanvaes of the arca in cotton this year, as made onder the aui of the Agriculturai Bureau, shows aninci of noaily 1 per cont upon the acreago of 1876, giving ii total in excess of 12,000,000 áicxi . The sea.son lias been too cool for eottoii, too wet at the time of planting, and two dry Üno6 in uil (,f area except Texas. Thr plant is now generally smallj luit heallhy, free from ireeds, and in condition to improve rapidly with favorable weatheiv Sehatob Coxklino sailed last week for Euroio Tho Collector of Gustoriïs at FA Paso, Texas, informs the Kecrotary óf the Treasury of the capitnlation of BI Paso, Mexico, to tke '■ partisnns of Lerdo de Tejada . aetacb of ilexican Government troops receutly cl'oraed the Kio Grande near Fort Clark, Texás. to escape froin a superior body of roTOlütlomsta by whom they tfete closèly folUnvcd. Tho latter pureried and attacked' them ou Texas soll, killing and wotrnding a good inmy, and then returnod to the Mexioau side. The defeated Govt;rnment htiops,;(.jin;i some fiHiy, wen; then arrocted bj tho United SUttcK militjiry aubboiitieü fnr violaliüi' l!... noutrality li.Wi. ttná were released oii patol. Recmiting isfively goiug on for th ■ revohttionists on the Texas sido of (;. J;i . ' : ■ ,■ . THE Tl'KKO-KI SSIAN U'Ali. A IíOndon dispatch By8 : "iuore i' aluioa an ntter absence of hèwa of interest èiU t I rom Asia, the Bjumbe, or Montenexró. The two aruiies on tb'.; Dsnttbe are watching one another, and cannonadiiig U frequent, bui Hip BU8sian8 have, not yet diselosed tln-ir i:itentious. Advicus (rom Asia seom to indi'atu that ihi iv is no longer that feelitig of despoi.i whieh was so marked in the late acoonñtí from Turkish sources, and that a bottle will be risked in Aïajtes vallev. Tlie üurtsians bavo evacuated Olti and rétreated to Penak."....A telegram froin Ooustanti gaye; "After Sffcy-flve hours' nghting neax Krstn. oarried on nioBtly tel 61 - quartern, the Honónegitas havo wíthdrawn tq Iílidjiuí. The losses on lmtli sides amount to aevetal tiiouk:'.ik1s. The l'rinco OÍ Mi)iii.enef,To hns v. tb drawn lus hcadmiartere from ncar Nicsies back to Ostrok. Mehemet Ali telégrpaè tliat the Montenegrins have been roicted in an eni ment inthe Kolaschin district." A torpedo recently exploded in aliu railway train with terrible effect A traio oarrying army goods on its ;iv frqto. (Jalatz to Ibrail, having on board a torpedo of EnglUh nuuiufactare, technically called the Wliiteliead or Fish torpedo. Wheii abouthalf way, near i'!.; the n,:id :-ii-ikes the Dannhn, tho torpedo :!■!' iil;illy cxjiludcd. Wowjllg tlie ontire train to atoms, kilhng tho eugincOT, ftrcmaj Draken h, and tearing up the; track fori tance ir a citiarterot a milo ■ aware of the ïuability of Ihuiv anii j to cope with the ovacivhelming mimbers oí tlio Bniaian iqvadiag (orces in tb,. i, i have made a bold move to cn( the enemy'a long line of ómmunioation. Tbo bucimws of thjï movemenl woüld cönipol an instan! retrograde moveiucnt nf a conSicferablo portion ui ÜxoMnifsian army, siucc mibsiyting upon a country sn impoverished would bc iinixissible. 'l'b Tih-Kish denionstration has already mino del' siaus to witliihüw thoir rigilt wing. whicli liad been fax advanceti OjQ tlie road to Iji.i.iouin, and the Turks bave raii;-oiK uilv boen oi;;'l!i ■! 1o locn-mpy Olti and somt' other important jiositiona on the road leiding west from Ardí Bussian reporta explain that. t)n-. baukwaid movemont wás vohuiUry 'n (inir ut. and that tiiov had do!i riniuod" tu ooncontmte tbnii forooLortbe ntdaetioa of Kiirs beioio push' iu; luillior nto Hio ourmv 'k or.nutrv. Tuk New York !,,■,':,■ :. . .imli-nt with tlie army in Asia telegmiilm pm t iinlniH ol' the recent b&ttíe W ftsüm ol batUt iuiriutof Kara. Tho Sghtiug begui on Baturaay, Jmie i), Uy 11 iH-tn-liiiiii .1 ÜtUofi Uf UlO Iöi;..-:„i. The uonflicl va roncwi'd at daylight on Bimdaj. Tho Kuxsian had -ffocte] n, lodgment in ono ui iniuT rurthworks on the previoua night. The strngglo was sangnináry m the extremo. The Rasaans are reported to have held their eround during the whole of llonday and Mondav night. On Tuosday the Turks bogan tho Bght, assuming the offenitive by making tho most desperate sortie?. Accordiiig to theferiir.spDiKlcHl [rom a Turkish aource, this rcsulted tui Tufcsday in the dislodgraent of the Riissians, who hád boen incfiiciently supportcd. The Turks tmccoeded in surprising the llmsians by a flank movement, and tho slaughter Ihat fuliortcd was vcry great. ' 'Dio linssians aeked no qn&rter, and we Turks offered none. Tlio last action of the lïussiau gunners was to spike the few Turkish liold-pieces which they had captured in the redoubt. TMb was after it becaine a h:uid-to-hand struggle, and the gnus were of no fnrther service Typhna rever and otlicr fatal aumenta aro playing havoo itli tin: Turkish rank and Blo A war correspondent witü thearmyon the Dannbe telej;i"lhs that "tho immense inass of material which the Kussians ure inoving toward tho catí saícoly bo lodgcd in tho depot on Uit1 rivor liilni'i' tlni lat of Jnly. It in, therefore, ,-i;irri iy probable that any attempt vill !n' niado to OFQBa before thut timo.". . . . Tho New York hrald correspondent in Borlin telegraphs tliat Unsnia's reply to Eiirl Dsrby ha apparently satislied the powors. Trustworthy inforniation rogarding its contenta indicatoa that it rejeota the idea of interferenoe with Egypt or the Suez canal. The reply dcnie all intention of taking possossion of Constantinople, but leaves the question of the oc(upaüon of the Turkish capital un'.ouchod. ï polnt on which the document is very olear. ;tnd explicit. It domands an entire ohance in tin: administmtion of the (Miristian provinces of Tnrkey, and indioatea that on lliis jjoiiit 1o compromiso will bo made. Ir Is now announccd that it is the intention of tho liussian anny to pass tho l;iiliiïn niountains in Turkey. Tlien, if England priivails apon Tnrkey to negotiate a peace, Etasgia will be trilling to treat for a settlement of the dilïicultios between tho two nations. Failing in this, tho Czar will dicUte u peaoe trom. it is to be inferred, the palace of tho Sublimo Porto, at Constantinople It has been finally decided, as the result of close communion between tlie Czar and I'rinco Jlihui. tbat Serna shall romain absolutclv neutral. Acooeding to a late Oonstantinople dlapatch, the failure of the Turki.sli campaign in Asia is attribnted to Buseian gold and Turkish Í H-.n'hci'y. . . .The cable sonds accounts of another 'desperate battle between tho Montenogtins. S.OOO strong, and a column of 10,000 Turks, in which the brave moimtaineerR def eated and put to Hight their ancient foes, with frightful alstlghter. Tho 'Turks repeatodly assaulted the Montonegrnia, who were strongly posted, and were' as often repulsed. The mountaineers, gainiug courage by a momentarv w.ivering of the foe, emerged from their coverts. and. pouring a murderous lire into tho thiele ranks of the Mussulmans, put them to llight. Then, widi Ehe mest fieiidish yells, they attacl;ed the panic stricken Turks with tho bayonet. No quartor was asked or giren, and bot few prisoners were taken, ncaily all tlie Tnrkish troops that overtaken beine put to death. Over 2,000 of thein wcro killed, 1 e.-idos many wounaed. I ty way of Constanünoplo we have news of a five hom-s' battle near Delibaba. in Asia Minor, rejnlttqg in tin: dofeat of the Busaiana. Moliemet I'asha, the Turkish commander. waa killed. Althocoh Servia will maintain au attitude of .irmcd noutruüty, she has coneluded a treaty with Iiussia enabling that power to transport troops throngh Servían territory. .. . A correspondí, m al liutoum telographa tlnit the Turks Hred on a Frouch vesscl which was trving to enter that port. The Frënch Consul has demandcd au èiplanation and apology for tho insult to the ilag. GKNKKAL FOKK1GN NEWS, The proposiüon to abolish capital punishmcnt has been defeated in the British l'arlia ■- ment by a vote of moro thau three to one The Greek army is to be reorganizad. Tbirtj thonsand men are to constitute tlie standing force John Buil has not been able to buy his beefsteaks bo cheap for a hundred years, as within tlie last few diiys. A sudden dispeneation of hot wcather forced a large st' ck of American beef on tbc London market, and the price was run down to 3 penco a pound. The Servian Government continúes its warlike preparations. A largo party is boing concentrateJ near the capital Ludwig III., Grand Duke of Hesse, ia dead A telegram from Paris relative to the report that the öovernment meane to prevent the preüminary meeting of sections of tho Left before the reassembling of tho Chambors statos that U. Gambctta han relhiqui."hi'l Die idea of culling Kuch meeting, the Lcft being surneiently agreed npon a line of action to dispense with a preliminary diseussion. The Minister of Iustruction has decidcd that any student participatiug in any political manifestation Khall bc immediately expelled from college. . . .The Barbary tatos on the óhores of the .'Miilitorranean are exporiencing a loenst 'plague. The crops havo beun destroyed by the ravanous 'hoppers in largo distnets. and therp is sriidiH Boarcity f ptovieiona and apprehonsion oí' actual Btétffration among the peoplc. The ceremony of presenting Gen. Grantwith the freedom of tho city of Londou in a golden casket was performed' at Guildhall. the other day, in the presence of a dlstiugnished gatheriug oí ÊngBshmen and Amenpans....Lady Sterhng Jlnxwell, betler known as the iloii. Mts. Horton, is dead. This lady, a wcll-known ]Hj; t luict novilist, wan niarried on tlie lt of Manii last to Sir William Sterling Maxwoll, Baronet, member of the British i'arliament for Pöl'thshire. Tlie bride at the time was 70 yiars of age, and conlmcd t htr chair witli ïhniniatism. Sir William was 59. Portucial has proclaimed her neutrality in the KiiKso-Turkish war. Gerniiiny will not iñsiii :i special proeJamalion of neutra'ity President MaoMahon, on tlie reaeaembling of the Prcnöh Ohamber cl' Deputies, June lfi, presented a message demanding the dissidntiou of Hiat body. An exciting debate followed, Mr. Gambelta replying to the Ministry on behalf of the Kepubhcans. He idvooated (lisMiiution as the best jiolicy to be puxsoed .... A Constantinople dispatcli says there lias been a dangeroua ontbreab of from 15,000 to 20,000 mounted Araba in the district botweon Daniascus aud Aleppo. The country is nlmnst vimclci.1 of troops. 'J'lK! Govenior of Syria hius tblegraphed for assistanoo. Tuk Bashi-Bazouks are cari'ying things with a high hand in and aronnd Constajitinoplc. Auiong thoso vho have recently sulTercd from their excessot '..-; an English arm; officer and au Anjcncan naval bffleor, who were beatou and rnaltrëa.Led in a shameful manncr The engincers who made the geological ezplorntioius and souiidiiigs í'or a submaiiue tunnel bctween France and Ëngland i"eport that the tunnö] is porfectly practical! ;■, astUcrc is a ooaUnuoas bed of chalk between the two shores. . . .Two Conutairtiúople newspapérB have been supI. and tho pubhsher, editors and compubilors exi!' .1.


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