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John IX Towxmm, muse! for Williain M. Tweed, lias written a long lettel explainlng the negotiations witta Attorney General Faircliild for the release f his cHont, and accusing Ihat otticial f deception and doublo-dealing. The letter is a, very bitter ono, and. froiu its tono, it is to be l&forrod tliat Townsend has given up all hojH) of effecting tho release of Tweed trampa wcre killed and oiiü fatally fnjured ly tho giviug way of tho walls of a long-disuscd lime-Uiln near Bridgeport, l'a. They wcre slceping on the braken fin-nace. .. .Tho exclusión of Jbseph elignian from the Grand Union Hotel, at Saratoga, 011 the ground of bis being a Jew. continúes to excite much public interest, and fornis tho topic of conversation aniong all classes of citizens in New York. The Hebrews uro quite indignant. and are retabating npon the liim of A. T. Ntewart A Co. (the ownera of tho hotol), by nithdravrÏQg thoil accounts from tliat house. .. .Mr. Short. Um inventor of oaret-l(Xins, h }usfc dicd by liia omi hand New BrunWiek, N. J. Six mnrderen, all memborsof the "Molly Maguirv" or;;aiii7.ation, ero íSecttted :it Pottaville, IV.., on Tlmrsdsy, the 'Jlst of June. Th'cir nanies are Thomas Duffy, Ja.mos CarroTl, James Roarity, James Bovle, Ilugli itoGehan and Thomas Mnnloy. Tho (hst iive were hung forthomurderof Polieemun Yot. of Tamacjun. Munley was one of the mrirdprors of Thomas Saugor a d Williain WVen, ut Raven Hun. On tuo samo day. andatabuut tint Banie honr, fonx nnudorers, 'also "Molly Magnires," paid the penalty of their crimes at Mauch 'liuuk, Pa-, URinoly : Michael Doyle, Edward Kelly, Alexandcr Campbell, and John Donohue. Doyle and Kelly were hung for the mmder of John P. .Tonca, a mino boss at Lansford ; Campbell and Donohii'1. fortlie morderof HorganEowaU another tiiiae bO88 at Stunmit Hill. Anthony Lañaban, another ''Mollv Magnire," was exoeutod at Wilkeobarre foi' the nmrder of John lteilly. The eulpritfl -H-ere all ttingularly lirm in their müunor, r.nd diod " gnme." Ncarly all of them pxotested their innocence to the last. One of tliem -Kelly - confesscd his guilt to the wife of bis victini, and beggod her forgiveuesa. The woinan was unforgiving. and for a reply requested the privilege of nanging him. The law-abiding peoplc of Sohuylkill, Carbon, Colombia and Luzerne cóuntios, in Peansylvaiiia. are considerably excited by rumoró that the friends of the men lately cxecuted at Potisville and Mauch CUunk are" preparing to avengo their death. Two mnrdera havo been connuilted withiu a few days that are charged to tho Mollies, two witnessesiu the recent trials have nnaeeountably disappc3ied, Severa] lawabiding e.itizeiw have reL-eicil eollin notices, ;i nd I horc is a general dread that the reign of lawlcssuess bas pot been permancntly checked by the late wholesalo oxecution- that the snake is oiily scrtclied, not killed. THE WKHT, Chicago elovators contain 672,953 lrashols of whe.-tt, ■■],un,2:)7bushelsof corn, 288, 758 bushels of oats, 155,022 bushels of rye, and 125,446 bushels of barlcv, niaking a grand total of 5,042,410 bushelivsgoinst 3,415,477 bushels at this neried latyer. Milwaukee warobbuied contain 718,197 bushels of wheat The First National Bank of St. Louis, for a long time rcgarded as ono of the soimdest monetary insiitutions in that city, bas suspended. The asKets aio said to bo ampie enougU to pay dciwsitors 50 per ent, to be paid within a' few weeks, and 50 per cent. within a few months. l'ho ütockholderB are hopeluss losei-s. Nkw8 comes by way of San Francisco of a funnidable uprising of Indians in the región of Ralnion river, Idaho Territory, the massacre of niauy whito familios, the gathering of the wbito settlcrs and friendly Indians for defenso, followed by severo iighüng, in which, according tothe'latest acconute, the lattcr were' gelüng badlly worsted. Tho dispatclicB state that there ík a Roneral uprising of the savages, and tho wholo conntry is wild with alarm. The Indians aro massacring men, women and children in Camas Prairie, and Bjattlers ar? lleeing in all direelioim for safety." The hostile savtigéa beliiug to a tribe known as Nez Perces, and ar said to unmber 2,000 oftectivewarriors. (ion. MeDowell, conimanding the División of the Pacilic, has ordcred troops from a munber of poKtn in the depaitment to go to the ecene of trouble. The first reports of the ludían ontbrealc in Idnho Territory were not cxaggerated. About thu'ty oiüzeuB were murdered on Gamas prairie and that vicinity. The Indians, nnmbering from 1,000 to 1,500, are not of the lowest elass of hostiles. The trouble with them is said to bc the result of an altempt of the Government U) put the Joseph banu of Ncz Perces on a ïeserration. Tothisthef had consented, when ouo of Uieir number was inexcitsably sliot by a white man. ai:d all endeavors to sccore the ptmishinont of the mnrderer failed. Or BalmDll river uvery white man was killed. but ihe woinep And children were spared. There haft beou some iighting b'jtwcen tho EBftfegea and the white soldiers sent agaiust them, resulting, aeoovding totho advicos bcforo ns at tMa writing, disastrouslv to thé whites, about fifty of whom have been killed and wounded. Aüvic'E from the scenc of the Indian ontbroak in Northorn Idaho report that thirtythree white soldiers were lulled in tho engagement of the 17tli of June. A dispatch of tbc 22d from BöiPO City says : "At Slato ereek lh wliites havo fortitied tliemsolves in a stockaae fort, into which bas I een reoeived tho WÍV68 anti rliildren of the murdered men, togptUer with tUe families of men who had escapeJ (he uiassaerc. vromen are thus shut np in the midst of tho hostile Indians without iuleiuatu ïr.eans of defense and without aid, Jöid will certainly be overpowered and murdered, as the Indians declaro their dëterininiition to fake the fort and nmrder the men. Tho situation far exeeeds in gravity any Indian outbreak of our day, and it willtix ibe beat resoorees of the Government and of tho jxsoplo immediately inkrested t subduo the Indians and restore peace k the country. Tho vohintcfsr companios are beiug constanllj' organizcd in various settlomtnts.". . . .Ah amateur pcdestrian named Lako bas just accomplislied, at Colmnbus, Ind., the feat of walkmg 51)0 miles in 50') consecutivo hoiir.i The managers of the Winncbngp ('ounty 1.111.) Fair have stcuredGov Wade Kampton and Col. líob Ingersoll as the oratoricl nttractions noxl fair week .... A party of vigilantes, nimibering about 240, rode iuto" the towu of Mitchell, Iud., one. night last week, ereoted in tl; niiddle of the town a scaffold, and hung thereon two utaffed efiipies, willi a poster pinned to tlusir clothos warning cortatn lawlops men to beware lest the hand of a Unible avenger ill be laid npon them. A HEI in the town of Marblchead, Mass., last week. destroyed thirty buildings in the business part of town, and forty dwellingn. Tttlal loss, i.r:!0,(K)()....The Mollic Maguire niurdei'J-rs recently executcd in IVnnsylvania ere foliowed to thoir graves by immense crowds of friends. The. finierais were conductod in au orderly manner. The storm of the 25th of Juno covered na imtneuse trek in NebraHka, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana and Michigan. It was the most violent and destructivo summor gale experienocd in the West for yoars. Tho damage infticted is bevond coinpütation Fprtyx business llrms in Cineimiati, iocluding some of the wuaithie.t Jewii-h housotl in that city, have laken joint net ion in reference to tho lïiltonirie!ij;nmn alTair, and. reenting the affront as ono which i din'cted toward the entire Jeniïh raciMii America, havo entered into a compact plcdging themsclves to hereaftor hold no business relations with the house of A. T. Stowart 4 Co. IOUTII. TirK wheat-harvest has begnn in Kentncky, and the prospect for a heavy yield is good Frd Dniiglass, tbc other day, visited Talbot coupty, Md., for the iirst time since he lort, R fugitÍTe, forty-onu yeara ugo, and made a speech to tbe ooloród peopie. Douglass also called upon his old master, Cnpt. Thomas Auld, by whom he was well received, WASHINGTON. Si'. kktakï SiiEiorAX has writteü a letter for the purpoiio of rernoving any doubt in regard to his opinión as to the paynient of tho 4-pcr cent. bonds in gold. He belfövfts fhat both principa] and interest ought to bc paid in gold coin Nicholas Fish, son of the late SecreUry of Stato, bas been appointed JlinLster to Switzerland. The report of the commission appointed to investígate the charges of extravagance in the Printing ISureau of tho United States Treasory at Washington shows a recklessncss and Ratte ot the public money greatly to be eensured. The, naini.'S of 958 persons were npon the pfcyrolls (jf tho bureau at thu Ix'giuniug of the iiivestir;ation, about (i) per eent, of whom v. i-re not neee.ssarv lor the prOBeontion of the lm ;iïioss. Ths nniubei' has since beoii prontkbly roduced to :)07 persons. Tueiik were 'J,000 bids for tho 650 mail contvaet:i ie -ently advertised by tho Postmastor Gunentl. Threo-foarthn of the contract woro secured by piufensionnl bidders, wlio farm ot the pontnet. ..The new 4 por ccat. Oovi-rument loan, wbieh u f„r thirty days open for private Bubsortptions before being "placed with tho syndicato, is not Bnbeoribod to with tho avidit" that the admiiiistration could desiie. A DF_srr.BATK attattzipt was made to rob nn (,x. preïs uu Ihe I.ake BjkDre and Michigan rtnwlilfl railroad, near l.iijonier. Iud., a few nightis ago. Fom' desperadoes hoarded tho train at Ligonicr, and immcdiately af ter it had passod bcyond the town limit i tho robbers ontercd the oxproeg car and assaulted the Bongor. A deteotivo and sevoral assistnuN, i who liad bren notiñed of tho plnt aiul liad secrcted Uioiusclve in tho vax, at oice pounced pon the robbers, and, after a desperate strugglc, snbducd and handeuffed all four of them. The; proved to be four desperate oharaoters that had for a long timo infestod Ligonier. Thcir manea are Latta, Billman, Halhaway and Chrialy On Lnke Minnetonk, Minn., a few days figo, n littlü excursión stéaniut carrying tive persous blcw nj) with frightful cffocü Tlirec of those in board werc instantly killed, and the oíhor two badly woundod. Fragmenta of tho boat llcw 150 riet in the air and then :-unk in forty foot of water ..'.Turco liltlo boys were drowned in thc Chicago river, at Chicago, a few dají ago, while bathiug Tho banking-houso of 8. PulsiferA Co., of I'eoria, ouc of the largost linauc'al institutious in Central Illinois, han suspended . . . . A horrible triple nmrder was perpétrate), a few days ago. in Hockingcounty, Ohio. Jolm Weldon, his Bister and uaughtr were murdered St their home. their heads being entshed with an ax. The murdori rs, WUJuub Ferrell and Josepb King, have been !irresled. and havo confes.-ied to the butcluuy, Uio objeet being mbbory. Secketauy McCitAUY has sent a dispatch to thc Governor of Utah, stajing that. hile tlic adinijíistration does not .■ipprehend a Mormou iipni-ing. additíoual troóps will besentto Utah. ....(1. Wiley Wells, ot' Mi.-sissippi, is to be appointed Consul General of tho United Niales to China ïhe President has commissioned Daniel T. JJoynton a Tensión Agent at iúiuxville. 'J'enn. ; Samuel Post. Pension Agent nt Detroit. Mieh. ; ünfns Campion, Pension Agcnt at St. Louis. Pkiímdknt Hayes and family, aocompanied by Secretarios livarts, Dovens and Schmz, iaid a flying visit to New England last week. . . .The eounnission reeently appointed to investígate the affah's of ib.' New Orleaus ('ustoin House report reforniH that will efi'eet a saving to the GoYcniincnt of Borne #55,000 per annuni. POI-1TICAI-. The President has addressed the following cirealar letter to all prominent Federal oflicers throngliout tlie connlry : ' EUCUUTIVX IÍABSION, Washington. June 23. Sir : I desire to cali your attention to tho following paragraph in a letter addressed by me to the Hecrctary of the Treasury on the condúct to be observed by oflicers of the General Government in relntion to elections : "No offloer shall be required or permitted to take part in the management of politietil organizations, caucuses, conventions, or elcction oanipaignH. Their right to vote and to exprese their views on public qneslions, either ojally or throngb the press, is not denied, provided it does not interiore with the discharge of their official duties. No aásosanient for political ptflrposes of ofneers or Bubordiaatos should be allowtd." This rulo ír applicable to every departmunt of the civil Bcrvice. It should be nnderstool bv every oftieer of the General Governmeni that he i expected to conform his conduct to its reqilirementé. Yery respoctfully, I. B. Hayks. GKNKRAL. Order hftvo been sent from Washington to Gen. Ord, commanding on the Itio Grande, directing the release of tho Mexican soldiers who reeently took rofugo in Texas, if thero is no danger that they will bo again innnediatcly attacked by the revointionary forcea RepOrts trom Havana, say tlif.t the oondition of Cuba i no better tlian it waa last year ; that Martínez Campos, with the 30,000 men he added to the garrifionn of the isl.ind, has utterly failed to redeeni his promise of paciíicatíon ; that the treasury is exhausted, the prodnetion of tlie staples of the ialand interrnpíed. uid ;úl industrial and commercial euterprise pamlyzod. The Bp&ntarda and niost of tho peoplo woiüd bo glad to have peacc at ahñost any prico. lint the arniy contractors don't want it, and tliey will probably contrive to have thcir way. Tuk caso of Great Britain prosented to tho Fisherios Commission, appointod to adjust the differences betwcen tho United States and the provinces of the former country in Noi'th America, contaius a vohmimous hístory of the fishery diffienlties. A total of $14,800,000 ia claimed as damages from tho United Stato.s. The city of St. Johns, New Brunswick, bas been almost obliterated by fire. The flanies broke out in the afternoon of June 20. in McLatigbliu'8 boiler-manufactory in Portland, a subnrb of St. Johns, and raged for twenty-four homs. A strong wind was blowing at the time, and the iire spread with incredible rapidity towaxd tho business pórtion of St. Jonu, clearing in its career entire streets ui' buildings. The entire business portion of the city, ineluding all the bauks, hotels, newspaper offices, tho Custom IImis,.. telugraph Offices, a number of churehes and public schools, hesides hundreds of dweiiings. were reduced to auheu in a fow hours. Several schooner and largor vesaele wore burned. Crafts laden with goods and honschold wareS readily eaught the ftames and were consuined. Thc floreo wind drove the flame to the apñth and cast and destroyed everything they reachod to the water' odge. Fivo uien and two infante are known to have lost their lives, and many are missing. The loss is estimated at from 10,000,000 to $15,000,000 and tho iiisurance will not. it is thought, exceed $,000,000. The area bnrued over i about 200 acres. Thousands of pcuplc are rendered homeless, among wl:om there is mach KulTering The f ast truins between thc East and West have been withdrawn. and one of the shorUist railroad wars on record is at an end A report ia received by way of Victoria and San Francisco of au uprising by the Blackf eet Indiana of Jiritish (nlunibi.. The llookv Moimtajn eanip of the Canadiau Pacilie railroad was attackcd by the savageá, and all the men killed ave one, who escupeci to telt tho story. The Sunday-sehool Asembly to be held at Lake Bluft" camp groiuids, thirty milos north of Obicago, July 17 to 27, promises to bc ono of the most important and iutcresting gatherings of Smiday-school wolkers h;ld for inaiiy a d:iy. Itailroads will givc redneed farex. and ampie provisioiiH will be made to entertain, at mail expenso, all those who may desiro to attend. DiKi'ATiHKH from Ht. John, N. B., furnish the following additional particulars of tho terrible conilagration in that city: Tho entire business portion of tho city is destroyed. Not a leading establishment has escaped. All thc principal iliy-good stores, tho laading grocers, all hip brokois, coinmissiou merchant, all the wholesale liiuior dealers, floor, proriaiom, coal, salt, lumbor, tea, West-India goods, are utterly wip:d ont. Forty-odd blocks or nearly 200 acres south of Kingst'eet have not fix buildings remaiuing. Every street, wnutre, and alley i lilled with furniture, and thousands oí peopll aro without either food or slulte;. 'Diousinds had to get away from the lower part of tho city by boats. Of the 810 acres in the city bouïidaries, 400 are biu-ned over and 20,000 resident homoless. They havo crowded in elsewhere or aro under tentfi. The loss is stiil estimated at $20,0(10,000, and the imnirancc so far as known is alioui t-S.OOO.OOO. It is iraid that all thc offices will 1 pay. The rrambef of dead is reported to lx on the incroase, but the facts are not fully known. Mr?. Cranc and the young ladies of her school had to go to sea in one of the International steamers to savo theniuelves. There wero mauy heartrending econes. A great quantíty of goods saved feil into (ho hands of thievc.-i, who eagerly avaSed themselves of evei owjortnmty that afforded to carry off what they could lay their hands on. The following newspaper offices, with their plant and stock. wre completel; awept away : Tlie Freeman, Evening Globe, VaUy Teltgraph, Watdvman, Religieus IntMigénctr. The Globe, Telegraph, Ifews, T-ntelligeii&N1 and Watchman had job otliees attached. The ohnrehes bui ned are Trinity, St. Andrew's, Germain Stveet Methodist, Germain Street Baptist, CbrUtüúi, Duke Ktroet; St. James' Church. Leinster Strooi Baptist, Centenary Mtithodist Church, Ht. l'iiillippi, Carmarthen Street Mission (Methodist), Pitt Street Hisslon, Ht. Da-vld's, lief ormed Prcsbyterian, Shellicld Street Misripu-Hótlsfl. Jajiks Gordon Bknneït, of the New York Berakl, who loft Buddohly Eurojte aiomë nionths ago to eaoape proneonUon for flgliting a duel, bas returnd to New York The Montrcal oflicc of the cishier of tlie Grand Tnmh railway was reeently rubhed of $50,000. . . . A St. John, N. B., dispfitch ays : "Thirty bodieja thus far have Leen recovercd, and as many more persons are missing ; but it is imposslble, as yet, to tel] accuratejj tlie loss of lifc." Sympathï for tho snfferiog peoplo of St. John has assumed substantial shape, and liberal donations of money, provisions and tlothing are puring into the stricken city from all partsof the United Stetos mul Ganada, Toronto has subseiibod ■f70,000. Halifax Y10.000. and other Cunadian cities have: eontribntcd largely, wbile New York, l'liiladelphia, Boaton, Chicago, St. Louis and all tho hu-ge. oitioM of the States have resonded liberally to the cry of distress Labor trouble : There has boen an extensive strike of tho silk operatives of l'aterson, N. J. . . . .The stove-moldeiü of I,onisvillo, Ky., havo all stnick, and overy foundiy in the city is closed in consequence. . . . A largo number f opcratires employé;! in iron nianufncturing establidhmentd in tho Schuylkill, Lehigh and Susquebanna valleys, of Pennsylvaimi, are on a strike against a reduetion in v;ges. Two hnndred iiocmoiM nnived in New York from Ihirope the other day, and loft immediat;lv for Utah. . . .Kccent deaths : llobort Dale Owcn, the known anthor and spiritualist : Commodore John It. Goldsborongh, of the United States navy. TUK TIIKKO-UI'SSIAN WAK. Late cable diapatehan réfrerrrt tfce sitnation of the Hontenogrin? as extrimcly critlcaJ Tnistworthy advicco from St. Potersliurg (jontirm tho rejiorted utter inetlicieucv of the commissaiial, in Armenia and on the Danulx;. The Czar is exaspcratod. Thu ucauty provinioning of troops has oiwsod apprehonsion . . . .The ltussians havo again begun to advance in Asia Minor They liavo rc-occupied Olti, and puHhod thoir advance beyond, the Turks retiring un thcir approach. without offering batllo.... Tho Turku havo auccoeded in relioving Nicsies, in Montenegro, and have revictnaled it for twelvo months It ia statod that the Sheik-ul-Islain has sent a dolegation nf Doctora of Law t the Sherif of i Mecca, tlie direct descendant of the Propbet, for the parpóse of demanding fonds trom tho Treamirer of Islam to bc applicd in defense of tlie Islam faith. This troasure is forniud from Wit: annuiU offcringsof tho pilgrims, which aro aeensMUöted in tho Kasbah of Mecca, and is said to amount to GOO. 000,000 francs From lïussian sourcoa wo have accounts of horriblo outrages upon Christian Turks in the provinco of Tultoha. " Villages and farms," it is statod, " aro wantonly sacked and burned with a view of rendering tho country a doaort beforo tho advance of the Itussians. Ghaatly heads aro carried overy day by blood-stained murdererB into Tulteha, Matchin, Babadagh and Hirsova. The llame of nomo burning village are visible ovory night." Turkïsii advicès report terrible outragos b; the ltussians upou tho Circassian population o) Armenia. Towum are saokcd, women ravished and iïu;n banisltod. A rcign of terror prevails The Jfiihsiane are reported by the Turku to havi lyurned military hospital in Ardahan Eiglit hundred inmates are said lo have per ished. ...The Turks havo again been defeate by tho Moultincgrin in a five hours' engagement betweeu Dainlograd and Spuz. A CoNSTANiiNoi'LEdispateh asserts that Lay ard, the British Araba asador, ha couaselei the Sultan to make peace iinniediatcly. All tho Ministers exeopt Redif Paxha, Minister of War favor peaee The Turkish Chamber of Depu ties decided by a largo majority that it in ad risable to MMtpone for the present the qnes tiou of tho admisaion of Christians into tho army, they continuing to pay the Oïompüoi tax Details of the recont böttle nenr Deliba ba, in Asia Minor, reprosent the affair t have lxen very disast.rous to the Tnrkish force Tho liiiKsians put them to flight, and thon pursuing with cavalry, convertcd the defea Lato a rout Eelative to the late Turkish dfeat near Spuz, a Oettinjo dispatch saya ■ Latir accounts show there nover was a wora panic, or a more disafitrois rout kuown in the annals of war betivecn Tiirkoy and Montenegro. It was only the aftillery of tlie forts tlia savod the Turkish army from completo do strut'tiüu. The TurJdsh dead caunot be couut ed, beoanne they lie along the plain nearly n to Spnz, and the artilkry of tho city preven approach. Geu. l'etrovièa re]X)rts abotit 1,00 dcad within the ground recovered by the Mon tcuegrius." Accordino to Turkish report", tho campaigi in Montenegro ia about ended, all the strategi poaitions being occupiod hy the Tnrkish troops The croasing of the Danube was begnn by Uio lius.siaus at Ibrail on tlio 22d of Juiw Pontoon bridges had previously beei erected unobsorved by tno Turks, ant on tho day named these wer throwrj across the river, and the Fourtcentl Army Corps, 15,000 ütrong, marehed into Bul garia, taking up a position in a nuirsli, out o; reach of the Turks The Turks have reoccu picd Bayazid, in Asia .... The Emperor of Mo rocco refUBes to furnish military aasistanee to Turkey. The cable furnishos copious dotails of th operations attending the crosaing of tbo Dan dbe by tho Kusaiana at Ibrail and ( alatz. Earlj on tho morning of Friday, tho 2'2d of June bands of cavalry crossed the river on bargea a the pointa named, which are oightecu mllo apart, and promiitly formed a junction on the high nlopert bayond the rnaihy rivor banlw Under tlie covor of this forco, hutween the Turki at Matchin and the river, the itussians lai their pontoon bridgen at boih the above points aud two divisions rapidly crpssod aud effectec a junction without opposiüon. Every move meiit of the liussiana waa charactorized by the utmost skill and rapidity of actíon. B; noon the forcea were beforo the outworks o ïlatchin, which they carried by chargiiiR the batteriea. The Turks were driven out and tle to Matchin, the Russiana turniug owi guus npon them, and that night they rested ii the deaerted Turkiah camp, prcjiaring lor the battle of tho morrow. On Saturday momiiif they advanced ngain with the intention o storming Matchin, but fonnd no tnomy to op pose thom. The Turks had evaenated tbc place, and tho liuasiana eutered it, and held the key to the Dobrudscha. It ia annouuced from London that the Brit ish Cabinet has, after dne deliberation, disapproved of Gortschakoff'a declaration as to Bus oia's policy in tho Easteru war, and the Englial ( lm cTiimont has resolved not to allow even the temrorary occupation of Constautiuople by tho RuHsiana. ..The Kussiaus attempted tocios the Dannbe, near Hustclmk, but were unsue coBsful, and a. scyere battle followed, tho Turk ish gnuboats taking au active part. The towi of Giurgevo, in lloumauia, ojiK8ite Rustchuk waa set on lire by Turkish sliells Turkisl reporta of tho campaign in Aaia Minor That the ltussiana at Bayazid have capitulatcd ; that the Russians have been d fentcd in a foui-teen-hours' battle at Delibaba pass, losing twice au many men as the Turks ; and that the Turks have worsted their food in : sharp engagement at Batoum A London dispatch sayu : " Simultaneously with the crossing into the Dobrudscha. news comes of a general movciuent of ltussian troops between Slatina and Alexandria, down to tho Danube, betweofi Turnu-Magnercli and Sinmitza. Tho Turks are reportod proparing to coucentrato their forcea on the Lowcr Danube and the forlresóes forming the quadrilateial - Uustohuk, iSilistria, slmnila and Varna - loaving the Widen force iaolatítd." OKNKRAL FOKBIGN NKWS. The utay of ex-Prcaidout Graut in England will be prolongod boyond the lime at lirat set by him Upward of .f500,000 worth of 80curitiesaud railivay stocks wer reccutly atolón from a mail between London and Paris. The Itussiana havo purchased the monster Krupp gun whieh was on exhibition at the Philadclphia Centennial England bas decided to send an army of 15,000 troops fo Kgvpt to protect the Suez canal A plot lias been discovered in Egypt to blow up the banks of tho Suez canal with nitro-glyoerinc. The ltusaian Financo Minister has beon autliori.ed to iasuo a 5-per-cut. loan of 200,000,000 roublea (about 160,00ü,000) A commercial congreas representing nearly 6vO hunlirid of the leading commercial lirms of Gormany was held at Frankfort the othor day, and a resolution waspassed asking tho (ïoveriuneni to susiiind its frec-trade policy and to instituto an inqniry as to tlie stato of trade and ndustry in Gcimany The qnestion of dissoiulion was put to a volé in the Ircnch Chamtier of Deputies, on the 22d of Juno, aud ' carried by 150 to 130. Phesideüt MacMahon has pardoned 844 more Freuch Connnunists In replying to Lord Derby's propositions coucerning the Suez canal, the Porte agreea that tho navigatiou shall be ïinrestricted for neutral shipping, but claims the right to iight the encmy'n slups if they appfar in tin: canal In tho French Ohaniber (ïf Depnties, tbw other day, M. Grevy, tho President, read a decree formally dissolving tho Chaniber and intlmnting that tho electiona would bo held after an interval of two months Onr old f riend the Colorado beetlc has turned up in Fr;;nce.


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