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- During the nummer vacation the Univerty library will be open from 8 a. m. to 12, nd from 4 lo 6 p, m. - Prof. W. H. Pettee lias been transferred irom the professorship of Mining Engineering to the chair of Geology. - Mrs. Catherine McManus waa appointed matrou of the hospital at the recent session of the Eegeuts. Dr. A. Maclean was appointed hospital physioian. - Theodore H. Johnson, of the cIbss of '74, was made an M. A. at the recont session of the Board of Eegents, and crowned with his new honor hos gouo to Europe for turthsr study. - Prof. Aflama hasn artiole in the July and August number of tha International Review on " The Turka in Europe," in which he doesn't show any syinpathy flowiiig out to the aforesaid Turks. - The numbar of admissions to the freshmau clasa ot the Uuiversity, on the regular days for e.tamination, was 81, of whom 36 were from and on tiie diplomas oí the High School of this city. - At the recent Commencemen t of Columbia College, N. Y., the degree of LL. D. was conforred upon Prof. J. O. Watson, and he now ranks with ex-President Grant and President Hayes. - Dr. W. J. Hawkes, of Chicago, has been appointed professor of theory and practico in the Homeopathie Medical College, vice Dr. J. 0. Morgan. The why of the change has iiot been made public. - The residence now occupied by Prof. Frieze, next east of the Preeideut's house, is to be fltted up for the Dental College, and Frof. Frieze is to rtmove to the house on Anu street uext to Dr. Palmer's, and uow ownod by the Dr. It is being thoroughly overhauled and improTed. - The Finanoe and Executive Committees of the Board of Regenta held a meeting last evenin to coiisider the ways and meaus of reducing expenses for the coming year- whether by a reduction of salaries or a reduction of force. The members of the several facultius were invited to be present and conter with them. - Oue oí the acts of tha Board of Regente at the recent session was to appoint Baymond C. Davis, librarían, vice Prof. Ten Brook removed, at a salary of 1,000 a year. Mr. Davis was formerly assistant librarían, and three or fouryears ago was appointed librarían, but declined to accept out of sympathy for Prof. Ten Brook. It is understood that he will accept and will enter upon duty October - Prof. W. L. B. Jenney and Dr, W. J. Herdman, Demonstrator of Anatomy, have been given two yeara leave of absence. They are booked for the Woodruff Sei.iitirtc Expedition arouud the World, Kicnard H. Corwin, assistant iu the Museum, and Miss Louise M. lleed are to accompany the samu expedition. AU go as instructors. Mrs. Herdman expects to accompany her husband, - The Chronicle says that a majority of the senior class signed this paper on Coinmencemeutday: " We, the uudersigned, members of the class of 77, desire hereby to record our regret at the vote of the class concerniug the president of the University, taken at a recent class meeting ; and to declare that we cousider said actioii to have been hasty, unsecmly, and 111-considered." If they had added ' unjust and false," issued the paper a few days aarlier, aud choked the class historian into a decent and reapectful frame of mmd, an intelligent public would have more confideuce in their " regrets." The apology is too thin as well as too late.


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