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ïjie latestr advices from the Sydney Exhibition show that the Australiau parket is overstocked, aud goods are sacriticed, not bringing even first cost. The first shipmeut of pig-iion to Europe has boen mnde, accoiMing to a Bnltimore paper, Five tons have been sent from Pittsburgh to Autwerp. Is this tin' beginning of a new revolution ? The trade of the United States with Russia during the calendar yeur of 1876 ! was so small as to be positively absurd. The exporte to Eussi.i were only 9,689,000, and $8,266,000 of that was raw eotton, mul $650,000 more was petroleum. The iinports were only :gö2o, 000. TnE reeent International Exnïbition at Sydney, Australia, gave another opportunity, which of course was improved i by Fairbanks .t Co., who took a íirst ! prize as usual. Their exhibit of scales receiyed the highest award possible, and the judges recommend, faxther, a special medal of merit for the excellence of the American weighing miichines. The shipment of AimeriOon ipples to Europe, wliiuh was only beguu in 1867, is now itevelopiug into a lurg(ï business. From the nucíale of Qötobèr up to this time almost every steamcr leavuig New York íor Liverpool or Iondon Las carried áhipiaente varying fruta 5t)0 to 3,000 biarels. The eïteut of the business can be judgedfrom the tact that the salts of American apples at Liverpool alone reached over 9U,000 barrels in the month of December last. Tin: total quautity of silk goods produced in the United States iluriug the year 1876 is stated by tlie report to be 1,21,860 pounds, valued at $26,593,103. These include all kinds and varieties of silk manufuctux'o, whelher in dresses, ribbons, undergarments, neoktie and seai'fs, sewing and embroidery silks, hundkurehiefs or trimmings. The indnstry is rapiuly growing, and bids fair, (■vi'ntually, to make Aniencun silks an .utioie foï export. Tuk gradual growth of the business of the country is showa by the rise in impoluta at the port of New ïork, which were $28,761,000 for Muy, ag.iinst $23,671,000 for the same moutu lat year ; the exporta, exclusive of specie, were $22,886,000, agaiust $21,576,000 in May, 1876. The impoats íor eleven months, fexchisive of specie, were $262,000,000 aguinst $277,966,000 for the same doven mouths, 1875-6 ; the export of uni dise of eleven months ig261,031,000, against $235,830,000. Austkja isabout enguging in the business of exporting ment to Englftnd. One contract, covering 50,000 deail sheepand I,O(HI dead oxen, has alruady been made. lint tliere is room enougli for a fair business for both countries. Fourthousand boxes of American butter, in nfrigerators, reached London iu the eaily port of June. Tliis síupment mía aa experiment by Kome enterprisiug Americun, and its suoeess will bc likilv toopen up a new era in the English iBftitet. üther Ameriöau ivoi'.icti -ii. it in tlxmglit, might also bep'fófitivblysliipped to the mother country.


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