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WH1T IS THE NBW8. EVKRY DEPARTMENT FIJLL OP NEW GOQDS! -ANDPrices Lower than at any other House. '!'o the I.adii's of Ann Arbor and Yi ciiiiiy : He cali special alten linn tu ou Drcss and School Sults for tlie Boy Aiso siiiis tii Kuee i'iiniN. Ou Stock is largo and uttruetlvc, and on r Frices will def r Coinpetltion. 1 will puy jou to cali and exauiine f o you rsfi f, even if you do urn wí,1i to buy. OUR H ercbant Tailoring DEPAETME1TT IS COMPLETE, AND WE ARE PREPARED TO MAKE YOU A BUSINESS SUIT, YACHT CLOTH SUIT, OR DRESS SUIT, From 8 to 10 per cent. less than any other flrst-clasa House ín the State. S. SONDHEIM, Ann Arbor Mich. 1638m3 A DOLLAR SAVËD IS A DOLLAll EARNED ! NEW GOODS! And prlces LOWKK THAN KVBR. I h:ive purchasod in New York, for cash, and . am now daily rccuivini; ono of tho liirgcat and noat select stocks of Oroceries in Wnshltnaw County, couisting of a iull and well selectod LINE OF TEAS, AU of the new erop - including fínupowderi, Imperial Voungr II - muis II j sous, Japans, lol. mys, l'urilns:m. Confuus, Sourl (,'s, and Twaukaya, Togiaher with a full line of COFFEKS, consistnsr of Ihe followiag brnnds: HUCHA, OLD 0(5 V'T JAVA, MAUAOAIBO, LAOUAYHE.SANPO8 nd ULO, buth roitsted aud rouud ; u full und well tielticted Htock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, ojtethor witb everythinft in the line cf Pure pirrs.i 'tinii.-ii fruitit. tind Vegetablos. We have a uh and complute hm ui BOOTS &, SHOES, IIATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hoftiery. Also, a choice attsortment of Ludios' ii(Kíentlnien'B Underwar Cali ttqd examine iouds and Pricett and we will inBureautüifaotion. EDWARD DUFFY. " Maynaid's Block,-' cor. Main and Ann streets Ann Arbor, Mich. B-iTHii'hrf-.t oasli prioe puid for all farm roduce,"S Sewïng Machines The beet stock of Machines in the State, anï I will boII you a BKTTEK MACHINK for the money than you can buy anywhere elso. I have the MOST BEAUTIFUL MACHINES that you ever suw, and sell thom for the price charged genernlly for choap common machines. Kemember I have buught and Bold more machines than ai;y other ten men in the eounty. and eau do better by you than auy little unu-horac con eru. Machines Delivered F ree of Charge TO ANY PLACE WITUIN TWNETY MILES. No moro winding bobbius for S1NGËR MACHINES YOU CAN BUY YOUR THREAD READY FOB T SHUTTLE At the Singer Oüi . PLAITEES FOR DRESS-MAXING Thioe kinds for from $1.60 to $2.00. Needles and Paris for Nearly all Maclilues. I. L. CRINNELL. iroqrory Block, Second door cast of l'usIOIfin-, Anil Arhur, llidi. (1556) ZIEORGE WTCEOPSEY, Late of the irm of Clark A Cropsky, and A. Kkaunky, late of Texas, uuder the tirm name of KEARNEY & CROPSEY, Have estaWished themselves at No. 33 Sonlb tl ai ii si.., Anu Arhur, and propose to do general Grocerv Business They wlll also keep CROCKERY, GLASS and WOODKN WARE, and a full line of JJOMHSÏIC and FOREION FHÜITS. Tliey have ütted and furnished A First-clivss Eating Department, Whore Mcals can be had at all hours, or board by the week. i'iisii puld tor Ilutlcr, i;;;s and all CJouutry produce, (ioods promptly delivered in any part of the city. Kemember the place. 33 Soiith tliiin Street. KEARNRY & CROl'SEV Ann Arlwr, AprüSC, 1876. 1580 DINSEY & SEABOLT'8 BAKERT, GROCERY -ANDPLOUR & FEEÜ STOilK. We keep constantly on mimi, BREAD, CKACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLE8ALE and RKTAIL TRADE. We ahall tileo keep a supply ot DELHI PLOUR, J. M. 8WIFT UO"8 BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, RYE KUHJH, 15UCKWWUKAT FLOUlt, UOttN MKAL, FEED At Wholesale uuu rt.ul. A genertil stock of GROCERIKS AND PROVISIONS constantly on hnnd, whic'h wilV be sold on as reo)nible terms aft ut iiny othor house in this city. Cash puid for Butter, Eggs, and Country Proiuce generally. VS" Gooda delivered to any part of the city with out extrti charge. ItINSKÏ ác MAItOl 1 . Ann Arbor, Jan. 1, 1870. l;,t;4 IN8DKA1B WAÉ. Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1870, $6,792,649.98. Losses Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. 3urplus over all Liabilities, including Re-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.86. iet Surplus over Liabilities, including Re-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.36. C. JI.VCK, At'cnf. Ann Arfoor. A LECTX7RE TO YOTJZSTG MEN(j Just publiahed, in a eealed envelope. jíFriúe sïx eenta. .yW-S A -E'(n rv on t Ii e ' :i I n ro, tWftreutment, and ratlicul cure of .Seminal VeuknetsH, or Spermatorrhceu, induccd by HelilImihi-, i iivoi uut nry ËmiMHions, Impottíncy, Neroub DeblilitVi and Irapedimente to Marrie genrnlly ; Consumptton, Kpilepsy, and Fitn; Mental nd PhysicMl Incapacity, &c- lïy ROBERT J. 'ULVKKWELL.M. D., author of the -'Üreeu ook," Ac. The world-ronowned nuthor, in thia admirable ecture, cloarly prove irom his own oxpehence int the ftwi'vl QanMQ6n0M uf Selí-Abuse juay be ffectuatly removed without medicine, and without angeroua eurgical operattone, bougies, instiumunt, rings, or cordiaja ; pointing out a mode of ure at once certain, And elïectual, by meun of which every suffcrer, no matter what hia condition niv be, tiiuy oure himBelf oheaply, privately and ttdically. Jté J'his Led ure will prove a boon to thousandx and ousandt. Bent under neal, in a piala dnrelope, to any adress, post-'pald, on receipt of six centn or two KntK' dtamps. AddrcBB the PublUhera, THE CULYERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 A il n Slrnt. N.Y. Post Office Hnv, -i.-isii. lG30yl


Old News
Michigan Argus