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which had barHed the skill of physicians to uiiderstiiud aud successfully treat, but the severe paiua of which borne with Ohristian patieuce and resignation, Mrs. Christiana Jane Wheeler, wiie of Hon. John M. Wheeler, died at her residence on West Hurou street in thia city on Monday last, July 16, at 11 1-2 o'clock a. in. Mis. Wheeler was the daughter of the late Win. Settle, of Johnstown, N. Y.t where she was bom June 20, 1824, and died aged 3 years aud 26 days. In 1843 she was married to her surviviiig husband, and immediately removed with him to Wabash, Ind., trom which place they came to tlus city in 1857. Durmg her residence here she endeared herself by her sterling quaĆ¼ties and many virtues to a largo circle of friuuiU who sympathize with the bereaved family. Two daughters, Mary and Clara, surviva, the forraer now residing in Yokohama, Japan, whither she went a bride lasa than four months ago, and opon whom the news of a mother's death will fall with unuaual force, - received as it will be in a Btrange land. The funeral was larely attended from 8t Andrew's Church on Tuesday, at 4 1-2 o'clock p. m.