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An enormous copper lodo has be6D di::covOred at Milan, N. H Tlie oflioe of T. B, Frothingham, of Boston, was rccenlly robbcd of a trunk containing $18,000 worth of bond. A temuiu.e boiler explosión ocenrrcil in an ore mili mar Allentown Pa., ono day last u:k. risnlting in the killing of tiaoe men and the fatal wotmding of five, while tlirco othera recelved serums iujmies There was a notable gathcring of literary men in Boston, tho other lay. to My good-by to Janu'-i lius.-cli Loneli, on ih(Mc(;ain of his deportare tut lus port of duty ds Minister to Spain. Among those present wcre the ioctN Longfellowaml Olivet Wen!.ll Bolines, Holph Wftldo Eipereon, the Trosiili-nt ftnq frofeaoia of Harvard College-, Charlea Francia Adnius, Jr., and a Dumboroí Bfossaohnaette ((ingi-esainon. THK U'KST, CmcAdo elevators contaiii 427,201 bushels of w!ic;it: 1,877,889 bushols of corn; 308,059 bnakelsof oats; 58,203 bushrU of rye and U7, 951 boshels of barloy, making a grand total of 2,764,315 bushels, against 3,368,018 buohels at tilín puriod last year Tho Directora of tho Oerman Nationel Bank of Kt. Lonis. ftñdlng that tlie businoss of the institntion doea not pay expense.-J, have conclnrted to close tho bank aml plar.e it ; loeonnts in the hand.-i of an assiguee. The Milwankce S&niiml prints telegrama frum thirty points in Minnesota, Iowa and Dakota, whloh report grasshoppcrá in largf nnmlitr- living witn (he wind. In MiaudapU the 'hoppen are fiying nnrth, only a few alighting at tho points hoard from. In the mam the l 'lui]iM!ra are doing no damage. Farmers are enrourngea with the erop prospects. J'i'.om the scène of the Indiitp. war in Idaho Tcrritory Oen. O. O. Howard telpgraphs au account of a battle with Chief Josoph's band. From the meager particular fnniished we glean tbat, after making a f ore ad maich, te i-truck the enerny, aOO strong, t 1 o'clock on tho afternoon of Jnly 11. in a deep canon, a tlie moóth of the Cottonwood ; opened liro at onoe with a bowltzer, and siicoéeded in drlving the savages from tbeir position. The tigbting Uien bogan in rarnoót, tlie troops fhing from behiud rocks and barricades, and eouünued t il l iiightfall. The soldifra deptoh thoir arms. and, early on tbe raorning ou the 12th the attack wan renoved, and, alter sorue severe fightiug tho Indiana were driven from their position. The pursuit was kept up for orno time, and the retreat of the hostiles was aeeelerated by a number of suells that were sent after them by the artillery. Gen. Howard claims a victory as the reRult of this engagement, but the casualtie3 show it to have been a dearly-purchased one, if such it can be conceded. Tbiitec n Indiana were killed (the number of wounikd is nol given), while exactly the sanie uumber of soldiers, by a singi'iar coincidencc, were slain, and twenty-four wounded. Among the killed were Capt. Bancroft and Lieut. Williams Another Si Ixjni.-i bank, the Buteherj" and Droveis', has closed its doors Iieports of rieh gold discoverifs in the 13ig Hom country have prodneed au immense excitoment at Deai'wood. fnim whloh p!aou largo partiea have set out in tbe expectation of onding a fortune in this latent Dorado. IIkut. Col. M. V. Nhkhidan rotumed to Chicago a few days ago from tho battle-grou:id where the brave Cuetcr and bis troops were Blain. The bodies of eome of the doad were fonnd to be decomposed bevond reeognition. Tho bodies of the privates" wbioh could be ii -i:tiiicd cru properly Imriod and tho graveo marked. The remaius of twelvo offlcers weté boxed and brought to Fort Liuooln. Tho bones of the gallant Cnster will be talïen to West Point for intennent. Tbose of Col. Clister, Oapt. Yates, and Lieuts. Smith, Oalhonn and Melntosli will be removed to tbe National Cemetery at Leavenworth. The remains of tho other ofneers await the action of tlieir frionds. Those of Lieut. Critlenden were given permanent bunal on the spot where ho feil, in obedience to tho wihea of his father, wlm objected to their removal. The failure of Uie Secoud National and Butchers' and Droveis' banks, in St. Louis, caused quite a ruu on the savings banks of that city, and two or three of the weaker of (hese institutions have suspended. TUK SOUTH. There has been a smart bit of war and somc Woodshed down in Carter county, Ky. A band of outlaws and horse-thieves had been lording it over tbe people of Uiat sectiou for a long time, until oue day the law-abiding citizeus rol mad aiul concluded to put a stop to their de]rfxlaüons. They got out warrant for tbe :irrest of tho ring leaders, four brothers named Underwood. The ' latter to.k refnge in a cabin, barricaded themselves and bid detiance to their would-be captors. After a sisge of sevfcateeu days, dnring wbioh time an almost constant fusilado was kepi up betiveen besieged and be.-iegerfi, the outlaws were starved into Kiibinission. One of the Underwoods was killed and two otlicrs wounded dnrino the biegè. Thn militia are nnw up in arn s. and pt-opoito to arrest or ek-an out the whole band f outlaivs, numbtring nnward of 150. A dehpehatk light reccntly occiured fifly-two miles, from Kan Antonio, Tixik, bctween a band of thirty-live highwaymen and twenty men who were escorting a specie trein from Chihuahua to San Antonio. Sevoral of the robbers were killed and wouudud and tho others put to fligbt, Two of the escort were killed and several others wounded. A NHoiio namcd Wilson was hanged at Nashville, Temí., last week, for tlie murder of a policoman. Over 5,000 witnessed the execntion. whk-h wos ccnducted in a shockingly bnngling inauner. The noose BÜpped, and the culprit ditd slowly oí trangulation, Bnfferiog intolerable agoni-i. Tur. New Orleans School Board hna deeided tu ctiblib separate sohools for tlie two races. . . ..The wWe body of troops now stationed in Southern Si tea, witli (lie eieeptiqu of (hora iu Texas to opérate againel he Mexioan muraudcre, does not exceed 1,000 or 1.20o men. WASHINGTON. It íb announcod at the Troasury Dtpartment thatgold that has lost in valué from. natural ftbrasicm in circulation wiil be reccived at the (riiisiu v' by woight. ThiK would iuvolvu a loss to cl(Hsitr!í of not excceding ten cents on eagles or doublé eagles. A MKKTiNd of white and black citizens of the región in South Carolina known as the scene of tho Kllenton riot last fall has beeu held with a viow to restore poace aud harmony. Kesolutions wirn mianiímmsly adopted looking to a tkm of rac troublo and to a dropping of pniiding prosecutions in Ule Stato and Federal courts. Thk Secretary of the Navy has addressed a lettor to Howgate, ihe ( riginator of the plan to cstiiblish a colony for Are ic exploration in the far north, docliuing to detail a civil officer to aooonipsnv tlie expedition. The Secretary does not cönsider hüuaejí authorized to detail a civil for such serdc, and, for the same reason, he regreta that lie oauoot coraply with the reqoest for a lean of InstrumentH bclonging to the n avy for the use of tln xpedition. Tiif. Treainry üeparlmeut has irwncd ülp lifty-first cali for the redemption of 5 20 bonds of 1S65, consolsof 1SG5. The cali is for $10,000,000. of whícb. 7,000,000 aro coupon and 53,000,000 registered bontis, priocipal and interest to be paid at the troasury on and after the 16Ui of October next. interest to cease ou that day Tho Treasury Department lias reccived frtim liarnstable, 'Mass., the oflicinl repon of the feizure of tíie whftíing sbip l(iing Su, of that jrt. by a Hpanih anned vessel off Oubn. Tho Department has aluo been made (ilhcially acqnalnted with the arrest and contmenient of Capt. Dunhain, of the íchooiier ilion Kizpah. These matton 11 be looked mto, and Bpam held to a striet aoconntabilitv for the outrages. J foi.ith;ai,. The lowa State Groenboek Oonvention met at bes Moines on the llth inst. and nominated the followiug ticket by acclamation For Governor, Daniel P. Ktubbs, of Jefferson county ; for Lieutenant Govornor, A. H. McCreary, of Woodbury ; for Snpreme .Indge. John Porter, of Uardín for Superintendent of Public Inatrnction, 8. T. Ballard. of Da vis county. Picsolutions were adopted domanding Ihe repeal of the specie reeilmptíon act and the ahandonment of the policy of contraction ; the abolition of national banks and the isbiie of legal-tender jiaper inonoy by the Governim-nt. reoeivable for all duoK : Úie retnom lizalion jf the sihci átíShtt, mftilug it a legal tender for the payment of all eoin bouds of tno Government, aud f OT all other debte, public and private thfc eqnitoble taxation of all property without favor or privilege ; the repeal of all class legislation; that all k-gal means be cxhaU8tel to cradicate the traille in alcoholic bew rages, and the abalenient of the cvil of intemperaoco; the rednetion of ofliceis and salBrie, to lbo end that there may be leafl taxes PPCwnig nll Bobddiei by the State or general uovarnment: indoraing tlie principio of railroad leKialative control; and commendiug evcry hoiiest effort for the furtlieranco of eivil-service refonn. The convention called in Georgia to reviso the State Convention met at Atlanta lant week Ex-President Grant aud lien Wade are put down "by authoritj" as. "ndorsing the President'8 policy, Ta Kmmtpfi VHfnVüm Bt&te Cowmittoa nK)ttnee O; ,.■ tiêm, ík is neiqjiftht U huid a State convontimi and uominate a Be[mblican Stato ticket this year. The President has dccided that, inasmuch as the National RepabHcMt Committee will havo no political duty to perfonn for somc three yiarn, the membei-H of it do not OOnie witbio tho scope of the recent order forbidding mis to take an active part in pc'.í'J , and otin sequently Uien 'u no ofcjeenon to Federal ofiicials retainlng their cieinberhlnp on the committee. Ben. Wade, of Ohio. has writtfii a letter denying the published roport thst hc had become rccondlcd to the President's Southern policy. He fears that this pclicy "is but aii ignominious surrendcr of the printiple's of iiatioiiaüty for which onr armios foui;ht. and for w hicli thou.sands upon thousands of brave ïn-n iied, and without which the war was a failim1. :md our bODfcted (overninent a myth." GENERAL. Thí danger of a eoDiüiou bet ween the Americaji and Mexiean troops on the Iílo Grande, Which at ono time seeincd tbréateolngf, tas disappearod, at least for the prese ;jt. (ion. Ord and Gen. Tra vino, the Mexiean commander, after consulting Uigetber, have nrrived at a fnll onderBtSndiug. Travino asks only that Texae filibustera be restrained from erossing into Mexico, and Ord promises kucU restraint, at the same time notifying Travino that the United States forcea will follow the Indians tnywhere. Fatai, aceidents : Mrs. Eliza O'Connell, wife of Charles O'Oonnell, with her ehild, and Mis. Slary 51. O'Connor, wife of Thomas B. O'Connor, and lier two ehildren, were drowned at líouge, La., while aUonipting to cross tho river in a skiff ... A lci-year-old daughter of J. G. Urierly, of Osborno county. Kan., was nü'éed by ber párente. After eeversl hom-s' huut the girl was fouiid waudering about in a erazy condition, and, on exir.iin:itií n. it vas d;scovered that she had beoo bivllv bitten ia several ))laces by a rattlesnake. She dicd in a short tin; in great agony. . . .Five li :i Davis, Mrs. Janah Davis, SIrs. Ira Wakeüeld, Mrs. Eugene Brown and Miss Nellit: Tacy - were killed near Greenfield, Mass., by a locomotive, wliilu attuinpting to drive across the track in a cairiage. . . .Mi-s K&'tti Kelley, an estimable young lady of Decatur, 111.. was stung in the month m :i bfte, and bo ir'.jidiy did tho poison l&ki efrect tiia.t whc was dead in eigïit niiautis. . . .A boartreiiding catastrophe occurred in acoalmine neaf Wlieafrland, Pat, last week. The mineVs had been hanling the coal ont by a locomoíive using foft eoal. On tho day of the accident anthracite coal was ordered to be burned in the engine. The result was Biost disastrous. The mine mu soon íüled with the gas escaping from the hard coa], and six or eight men were smothered to death. llany others were rescued in a halfdead condition. It ís reported that the insurance money will rebnild the burned town of St. John, N. B., and ihat thc sufferers have been amply proWded for by the donations of other cities. The city of itontreal, ('añada, was the scène of a most disgraceful riotonthe 12th inst., the anniversary of the battle of the Boyne. A ruftian assaulted a woman wearing au orange lily, and a young man interfered to proteother. The latter was set upon by a erowd androughly handled. He lied from hifl &88aUants, and while attempting to escape into a building was shot down, pierced by three or four bnlleta. Btiring the melco ujAvard of twenty shots were hred, and, in addition to tho kiHing of ! tho man noted. four other men and one woman wore wounded. The wildest excitement prevailed in the city, and the wondir is that thc riot did not assume more formidable proportïons, for the poiice were utterly impotent, aud did nothing toward snppressing tha emcule. In the other cities and of Canada and throughout the U"ited States the day jhm elebrated bj the Orangemeu without xóiious disturbance; thcre were also extensive oalejtratiioiu throughout Ireland, uuattended by violenoe or disorder. . The Washington authorities having becomo i satisQed that the military f orco now operating j against the Nez Percas Indiaas in Idaho aml Oregon is totally inadequate for au offensive campaign, it wan decided, at a Cabinet meeting the other day, to authorize the Governor of Washington Territory to enlist and equip 500 volnnteers and dispatch them to the front as npeedily as possibie. A skeleton regiment recently stationed at Atlanta, Ga., has aiso been sent toreinforoe Oen. HoTvard'scommand. Gen. McDowell, the eommander of the Department of the Pacific, in lus dispatóhës to tlie War Department, represents the aitoatidnaiexceedingly grave The Mexican President Diaz has instructed his commanding oflicor on the Kio Grande to co-operatc with the American troops in mippressiug thieving iricursions into Texas, and in api rehending the I ligands. THE TURKO-RUSSIAN WAK. The reported collapse of the Russian campaign in Afcia is fnlly conürnied The Busrtana hate retired from the ncighborhood of Kars, and are marching toward Alcxr.ndropol, without flghting. Sloukhtar Pa&ha lias ICars. The Busian left wing has leen drivun acro8 the ltussian frontier, pni'sucd by Ismail Pasha. . . . Austrian papers pnollsh ehootiñg accounts of atrocities committcd bv the Circussians and Bi'.-)ii-Bazouks after theVegutars bad evacuated the Dobrndscho. A Úouütanti■ dispatch coniiniis these npuris, and states that "complete anarohy prevails barond the lines of tiie conte'iiding anules. Bulgarian and Circassian Tartars in: iimrlcring eacn other indisciiminately." A Berlín dispatch says that at their laat interview Lord KuKsell, tfio liiitiili Knvoy, informod Prince Bismarck that England would under no coudition what:ver Boffer the üustian occupation ol' Opnstantinoplü. Prince Bismarck replied ihat lie connidered the ocenpation of Consiantinople thc best way to obtain the purposes tor which tho war was comrnenced. The abandonment of the line of the Jimba by the Turks canses some surprise in Etuopean military circles. The war corrospondet of the Lomion Times s&ys "it shows cithcr ntter helplessness or elsê a very tleep-laid plan, that tbey should havo negleeted the brilliant opportunities atïorded themof uieejing the Ba to advantngi'.". . . .The liussian Twelflh r.:id Thirtcenth armv corps have been constiluted the army of Iiustchuk..and oro destined for thesiege of that fortrcse, witb the Caarowitoh as Oonimander-in-Chicf. Snirs fillc-d with stonos havo been s-nnk dv the Kuspians at tho memth of the Danube, to prevent the ïurkiöh iron-cl&ds from foiclng a passage np the rlyr Aii attempt was made by tlie Kussians the other day to take Rtwtchuk by Ktoim, under cover of a besTyboiabardment, but, aftcr two hours of bard' fighth:. t!.i' asuaultine party was reimleed The Tnrkish comiuauaeri of Sistova Tirnov;; ::!i;l Osman-Eazar, who were Buccensively snrpiiwed by tlie IïnssiaiiH, have been snuimoiied to Constmiliuoplc, wbere they will be tried by courtmartial aud probably hot. Thk reported abandonmeut of the rfege of Kars and the precipítate rotrot of the besieging forcoK from uig turr.-; oi[, as niiht have been suspected. to be a canard. Tlie Biissiaiiü are ütill investing tbe plaoc, and dropping shclls Into it at tbe rato of 2.üübaday After a desperate fight the ünsniana have succeedcd in rolieving the ber-ieged and half-stai v d garriHon of IJayazid. The fcports from the seat of war in Asia ave : not of mnch thtcróöl at present. Miilikofl W I malus not far from Kars, with 35,000 men. Htrong in cavalry and artillery. Jlukbtar i. nt K;us, ln. fcntiií! forcé, including the garrlson. ninnborinir about 40,(100. The Rnsrians süll hold Ardahan. whioü i aboiit áll that remain I totlicmof the conquegtn wifh which thoy so bi-illiantly opened the oainpaij;ii Ooustantinople dispatchos arimiunce that t)u-, liiisshin advancc guard, consistingof 10,000 Ooasacks, bas appeued bétween Jamtoli and A'.irip.uople, having traversod Heion pass through the Balkan mountains. Si:i:ious Cghting ha at lasi begnn in Bulgaria. On the 16th the Bttïal&BS made a dötertalned attack on the f oxtifiad towu of Nikopolig, and eaptured it in galliint styl. NikopOlis ha hiihei'io been eoiifidered onë of theèb'ongholds of the Danube. From Gsbrova, Aidos and other poiuts comes news of Busdan victoriea whioh throafen thie seoond Une of tho Turkish defeuse. The oaptaro of Nikopoli is of great advantage to the liusKian. Another bridge will be constructed at that point, and acrosH it will pass immense stores of provisión! and warmatoiial that have been awaiting transxirtation for sonie time From Asia comes a report that the Abchasúm. Circ usians and Leschiaus are in fnll rebellion, and have killed maiiy tlioin and It'iüsians. ;i:m:iíai. vokkk.n skivs. The BriÜKh Government has infonned the Porte that the blockado of the ISlack sea is nol binding, beim; imiTcctive. The endeavors of Servia to obtain a loan in Pari havo been misiucessful, and the agent bas gonp to Londoii. If be faili to procure a loan there, he will proefted lo Amsterdam and Berlin. . . .The liritisb fleet which is concentrating ot Bosika hay conBists of 24 véasela, mostly heavy ironclads, with 150 of the enormons gans now largely used on British war shiiis, and 7,000 or 8,000 men The Kmporors of Germauy, Russia and Austria will havo a consultation on tho 8th of AugUbt Mui'li commotion bas been produced in Enflish aristocratie circlos by the elopement of ■adv Ernost Tempest wifh Mr. Hungerford. TuEucw United States 4-pcT-ivnts.:uc aelling in London at a priee equivalent to par in gold in tliin country. The (riek 1'arlianient lm-, adjoiirnod without (naking any provisious for war with Turkoy. This aotion is attribnted to Uritish I :n djsjJiitch reports ISlaraarck as sis ving töat sny attnmpt to niUftto betweé Te8WitieimpoeïWe.1M NewB comes trom Havana I bat tl 10 Cuban have ;i -.-iiini il the offenave; that a ba'.tle haa been fonght and the Spaniah troopH defeated vith the loss of over 600 killed; that the yellow f over is docimating the ranks of the Spaniardn: that discontent is rainpant among all olftflMl of pcople, and that the fniancial stringency is growiug desperuti'. The Germán Bettlars in Bulgaria m Beriously suffering from the war, and tlu; Germán Goveinpiwit bas ccmplaincd to RustjÉa and ITiirkey üf their Ul-treatmeni by the Boldiers of uth conntries. ...Gen. Graiit was corUally ïeceived oud hospitably entcit.iiiirii n Frankfort and other Germán cities.... [ie fertflc vaJMya of Chilo and Tumbeco. in Keu:. dor, have been devastated by a terrible volcanie eruption, followed by a llood which lapped up wliat the voleano left. The city of Latacuuga was alruost sivopt out of ezitenoe, many live being lost by the tmddin inmulalion, . . . Accounts from tbc famine-inflii tnl difr trióte of India ure worse, and thcre is grave canse fqr aprehension íinless abundaiit rain rkllB soon. Tuk rir.derpoBt bas broken out among the cattle in the énvirons of London. . . .Théyoñng man Hackett, who was killed in Úon(n al on Oraugeman's day, was buried witb groot pomp on the llitii, a procesión of 5.000 ürangemen and 900 soldiere followiug tho reraains to the grave. __________-___


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