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A roostor on a l'armneai Poughkoepsie iccid. ntally liad one of its drumsticks cut off, but iiow stuinps about ou a woeden peg manufacturad esparessly tor it ly :m iugenioim yonng man. A photographer at Bluffs v;is nstonished to see a wouian, whosa portrnit be was about to take, ouutkrasly and tendcrly ninove from a bissket a snnke six íeet long and coil it arouud lier neck. It was her own dear little pct. A íocomotive on the Lake Sliore railroad strut-k a 2-yoar-old bnllook. Tlie imiinal l)onn(lecl over tho smoke-staek and Ml across the boiler, tlio fóre lega on oue siile and the hind Icgs on the otlur. TIn; nrcman went out on the engiuo ond held the animal uu til the train could be stoppcd. The lively littlc Uullook was scratched, nothing more. A pigeon perched on the niinut haml of the cloek in the tower of Trinity Ohurch, Pittfllmrgii, at a qunrter of 11 Friday foteuoon, and held it post until its body wns saourely fastened befcweea the two liiinds. Whcn it ntU'iuptctil to fly it could uot stretch its wiiifis, and in a fw seconds was squ'zed to d ath. Xhe pondcrous nwohineiy was stopped by the sextoii, and the dead biil oontd not be taken ont uutil the hunds were (nifiiereVea. A faithi'ul iiiiuiid follov.iii tlie heiirso (((iitalniiighiB mistress' remaim; (olirllivue Cemetory, Wilmington, L1., uid wliiücd dismaily at the graw. A negro woman, wifo of Peter IIontgomery, of Cnrroll oonnty, Miss., wliile at cliuroh the other day becami1 very happy, and, after shouting herself hoarBe, got into wliat the eolored people eall a "trance," and in this appaiently happy condition passed from eorth.


Old News
Michigan Argus