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BIJSiyfiSSDIRECTORY. VUD MACLE1N, M. II., lbysicin aud ) Surgeon. Office and residence, 71 Iluron street, I aüd Arbor. Ollice hours froui 8 to 9 a. in. aud froru toïp. m. LB. McFAKl, VJSD, Surgical and Mechan, cnl Deulist, corner of Main and Huron ,,„,-5 (Jackson's old stand.) Great pains taken in jlloperaiioiiB entrusted to my caro Prices to Buit kr times. All vork warrantecl. Teeth extracted Bitbout pain. Oflice hours : 8 to 12 a. m.: 1 to 6 ,,„.„; 7to8:30 l. m. ïïr H. JACKSON, Deutist. Cfflce corner of yy -Maiu aud Washington strcet, over Iiach & tl,; rtore, Aun Arbor, Mich. Aneathetice adiniuütdoil if required, ECL.VKK, Jnstice of the Peace, Notary Pub, lic and Couveyar.cer. Will loan money for uliris ou real -state security. Office over No. 8 Hurón street, Aun Arbor, Mich. TINES & WOKDEN, 20 South Main atreet, W Anu Arbor, Mich., wholesale and retail dealers ia Dry Ooods, Carpets and Gruceriea. ACK & SCHM.ID, dealers in Dry Goode, Groceries, Crockery, etc., No. 54 South Main itnet; BACH & ABEL, dealers in Dry Goods, Grcceries, etc., No. 26 South Main street, Ann Arbor, Mich. TtrM. WAGJfEK, dealer in Ready-Made Clot (V ing, Oloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Trunkp, Orpet Bags, etc, 21 South Main street. TFREDEBICK SCHAKBEKLlü, teacher of (J, the MANO, ViOLIN AND GÜITAB. Ktiiiknce Boinheast corner Main and Ubertj . Aun Arbor, Mich. iir li. JSLÏ, Organist at the Presbyterian Y . Church, will give instriK-tion npOB the Piano Orgau, or in.yocal culture aud harmouy. i f;iv( n ;if pupils' reaidence. Tei-ms, $15 per eiarïc of '20 IcBsonf. Pi-.nos tuned and repairñd. Moraddrtss 15 Bowery street. 162üyl M3SS MANTIE M. MILNEE, TEACHER OF THE PIANO. Instrnction given at the residonce of the pupil if desired. I'or tcrms incflüre at residence, No. 48 South State itrect. ieu EUGENE K. FRÜEAUFF, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND JUSTICB OF THE PEACE. All business promptly attended to. Offlce No. 8 bit Washington etreet, Kinsey & Seabolt's block.' NOAH W. CHEEVEB, ATTORNEY AT LAW. kAorHící Sile f C"rt Ho"8e S1"a, Ann JOHN L. BUBLEIGH, Attorney and Counselor at Law, No. 24 Bank Blocli, second floor, ANN AEBOR, - ■ MICHIGAN. HENEY K. HILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Dealer in Real Estáte. Office, No 3 Opera Houee Block, ANN ARMOE. EYEEYBODY 8AYS THAT REVENAÜCH IS THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. 28 Sast Hurón Streel, up-siairs. A. H. WIINTISLOW, 32 East Hu ron Street, DKALEK IN fitllRE FRAMES, BfUCKETS AND m YIOL1N Si KIK MS. f. U. NICKELsT Doaler m F1ÍESH & SALT ME ATS, Hams, Saosuges, Larrt, etc, WE STUEliT, OPI'OHITE NORTÖWEST COEXBK OF UXIVEKSIÏY CAMPUS. romptly f,110,1. Farmers having meats W shonlcl give bim h culi. 15C8-yl THE ANN AKBOR SAVINGS BANK Ann Arbor, Miohlgan. Btceives depoBits of Oue Dollar and upwards aud ws Five per cent. interest on all deposita re■"ng three monlhs or longer. T COMPOUNDED 8EMI-ANNÜALLY. 4so, bujs and sells U. S. Boude, Gold, Silverand rcst Coupons, and New York, Detroit and Cüi""Eicliaago. lo sells Sieht Drafts on Great Britain, Ireland, Wffiany, or any othor part of tho European ConOM ianï is organized under the General Bank '""' lia Stte. The efookholders ...-e indiwlnaUy hable to the amonnt of their etooi, and Ie capital Is seonrity for depositors, weil ■ 'liaiks of issuo the capital is invested or Ihe 'tnrily or bill-holders. Tñis fuct rualies this In'nntion very safe deposit of moneys. 'rriert Wumc-u can deposit subject to their own ■filt only. ony to Ixan on Approvcd Seonritles. I tatcTonK. A. Beal, ?.. Mack, W. D Harr'. .W.Deubri, W.W.Wine, D. Hiscock, W. B Dito, . OFFIOERS : ■ mck, Pres-t. Wi w ffjsESj vice-Pres't. C. E. Hisoock, Cashier. KBE ÜBACH & SOJi, hfflsls mi PliaiiuCists, 12 South Main St., 'rlJi ou liand a large and wcll eeltcted stock of DBUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, ARTISTS' & WAI FLOWER MATERIALS Toilet Artloles, Trussex, Ktc. pyRc WINES AND IIQUORS. ■;■ l:i1 attcnlion paid lo the furniehing of Phyi-i ■ (,', LU?iaists. Schools, etc, with Philosopbical t!,s,; ""i1 Apparatus, Bohemian Obemical Pi.v„ ■ -Porcelain Ware, Pure Beagems, elo, U boni. f i)re8n"liPtion9 oarefully prepared at ' 160


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Michigan Argus