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Ladies Benevolent And Anti-slavery Association, Of Jackson

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Ata meeting ladies favorable lo tho fnrmaiion jf a Líidicü Beiievolcnt and Anti-Slavery As9':Q!on, for the town oí Jucksun, convened at he iioubc pf Dr. Lew-id, in the n llago f J;ickmt, Tuesdny, tlic J lili day of M;iy, A. D. lífclG, lie followiiig constitutioii was odopicd: COXSTITUTION Of Ihe Ladics Benecolenl and AnliSlavcry Association, of the Tovya of Jacksoiu Art. 1. The ohjcct of ihc A3soeiatton shall e, - to proinotc iho ab"!uiuii oí American slavcy by moral and christian clïbrts. It shalí opeate by usiny moral and christian persuasión tu onvince all, of ihc sin and inii) lity of slavery, f their duty to uso every proj.jr nicnns n their owcr. to promote cinaifipation, and to exhibil íeir iníluencc in all proper ways, and at al! mes, against slacery, and íd bejiall of Liberiy. [ shall disbotninnte iilorination by tracls and ícturors or othcrwise, and deviso w.'iy.s and íenns to protnole iis greai object, in accordance iih the l.iv.a oí" ihc land and ihe wtll of Aliyhiy God. Art. 2. lts oíTicers .--hail be a Presidont, yitfe resident, a Seeretnry. and Er.ecunu 'onmiiuee of ciyht. The President, Stcreiry and Treasurer hall be incrnbc-3 of tho Excuiive Committee, wuli live oihers, all of whicb ííkers shall be chosen at cach animal uicet"g. Akt. 'i. Tho d'utfes of tlio olficers shall be hosc whic-h iisu;jy devolvejn such oflicurs. Akt. 4. Meunugs ol the Associalion shall bo íeld scmi-monihly , atid at all n:CPt ngs a míijority of ihe members present bhall lc;:de all q'ics'.iona. Amt. ."i. Ext. a rueiing-í may be called at ihc discrction of llie Excculive Conunittee. Akt. ü. The funds of the Association shal be apjiropiiatïdby vo;o of the membersai a reg ular ínee'.ing-. Aur. 7. Tliis Assiciation shnll bi auxiliary toaCoutity Bcnevolunl or Aiui-Slavery AssO ciation. Art. 8. All persons signiiii; ihia Constituiion and paying nio the Treusury the biuu oí tvvcnty five een's, shall be considered niembers of the Associntion. and shall be entíiled to vote ai meetings of the s;m.c. The Asoociaiiou then proceeJod to elecl the 'ollowing officers. MLsMARY DIMOND, Predlenl; Mrs. J. ÜLLikái Vico President; Mrs. II. IIlminway, 'Sccrr.tniy'; Mra. E. Luvís, Treisurcr. The President, Secreinry, Treasurer, Mrs. J. Mi-Lean, Mis. J. C. YVood, Mr3. Benhatn, Mit-s lartuell. utid Misa la'nttm, Execmive Comnittcc. h was then llcsolrerf, That an adiJress be issucd by the Socijty, to ihe Ladies of the couniy, preíerifÍDg ihe eliiims of the etislaved, and prupositig tfie formaiion of similar Aseociations in eacb tpwn, and of a County As3ocatioii. to consist of delégales froin ihe town Sócietieá, and others wishing to unitc for the promotion of its objcts, thus to embrace in meuibership every Lady wil [ing to aid in' promoting the emancipatioti, anc amelioratiti the condttion oí ihe sluvc. Jl was ni so Resolccd; That a cali be made to thc Ladít-í of Jackson coiinty, iriKJg to umie tu such a soíetjp, to meet in the villapo of Jackson, on W'oliu'sday. thc 17h day of June ncxi. for ihe purpose of forming a Couny Ladies Anti-Slavc y As.sotiation; al which uiectiu. arrangemenis íavr becn nmde wci'ti a number of gcrillemen fir he dcliveiy of aildrosses. It is earnesily desind bat all laues favoral)le to thí formotiou of sueh Bil Assoeiation, wí!I be present. A meeting foi business will be held at the iJrick (Jliureh. at I( o'eluek A. M., aud at ! o'clock P. M. ai thi sme place.