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The Balance In The State Treasury At

The Balance In The State Treasury At image
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the closo of business July 18, was $706,543.23, au incroase during the week of $6,543.90. The President and Cabinet will be ainong the curiosities on exhibition at the Exposition at Louisville, Ky., on September 15. Hon Heman J. Redïield, once a prominent New York lawyer and politioian, and father of Senator Rodfield, of Monroe, died at Batavia, N. Y., on Sunday night last, aged about 90 years. C. H. Buhl, of Dotroit, has headed a tunnol subscription with $5,000, the conditions boing the complotion in two years of a tunnel within the corporate li mits of Dotroit or within two milos of such Umi ts. Ben Wade indignantly repudiates the insinuation that he has been converted to the Southern polioy of Prosident Hayos and continúes to denounce it as " an ig-nominious surrender." Evidently Benia n't happy. The Dotroit Posl viciously propounds this conundruni : " Undor the civil service order, have ofliceholders any right to stand around the railroad depots and look at the strike ? Will Mr. Key please writo a letter on this point ?" Those were a gonerous lot of strikers at East St. Louis (Illinois, opposito St. Louis, Mo.), who considerately and kindly gave the National Stock Yard poople a perniit to use their own locomotivos to haul feed to the stock thero. " BATS leave a sinking ship." Is that why McCormick and Filley and Cumback and Kule and Noyes have resigned from the Republican National Committee 'i Guess not, - they preferred to be of&ce-holders under Hayes : that's all. IE act number 107 of the session laws of 1877 is constitutional no person in this State can horeaftor " hold the office of county treasurer longer than four in any period of six years." In this State civil service reform don't mean a long term of office for even the best official. mii ■ m ■ - 1 1 - Act number 134 of the session laws of 1877 provides that " no person shall be eligible to the office of township treasurer for more than two years in succession." Such a limitation may be in the direction of wisdom, and the way to got oompetent and honest officials, but wo don't beliovo it. Horatio Seymour, Jr., haa not gone to New Orleans to aid in the prosecutïon of Wells, Anderson & Co. And, beaidos, Horatio Seymour, Jr., is not the son of ex-Qov. Seymour, and so two Republican stories have but idle speculation as a basis. It will now be iu order to swear that Tilden has gone to New Orleans instoad of Europe. Verily, the flies in the Republicau ointment are numoroua. The members of tho Florida lteturning Board or State Canvassers (all except that factional Democratie AttorneyGeneral) havo been given fat offices by the President, while Wells, Andorson & Co., of Louisiana, havo not only not received their reward at the hands of the President but are arraigned as crimináis. No wonder the Louisiana faithful aro dissatisfied with the situation. Because of tho Preaident'8 ordor prohibitiug offiee-holders froiu ruanipulatiug caucuses and eenventions, or serving on political conirnittoes, one Mas9achusetts postmaster has rosigned, - not his postoffico but as a meinber of both his towu and State comuiittees. As it was Democratie comniittees he was a member of, the Repu blicans find one crurab of comfort in all their troubles. Postmaster Wontworth, of Isliugton, Mass., won't any longer help run Democratie politics. ONE of the leading life insurance couipanies - the New York Mutual Life - has mado the following announcement to and through ita agents : " Whon our pohcy-holders are duly called to act as citizen soldiers or as civilians in suppressing riots or in vindicating the laws of the land and maintaining its institutions, thoy are deenied by us as doing their duty only, and their claims on the company aro held inviolate." We presume that other leading companios will annouuce the sauae policy. Packaud feels bad, he does. ExGovernor Packard, of Louisiana, we mean. Hear him : " We shall lose Wisconsin, Ohio, and Pennsylvauia. ïhe Democrats will have 75,000 majority in New York. Our party is going to pieceo. We are broken up, and I am afraid tho ruin is irretriovable. I don't care much (generous folio w) for my own griovance, but it makes ino fuol wretchedly to see the old party destroyed by men of its own household." And that is the same disease which has "cotched" the Detroit Post and the Ypsilanti Commercial and other Bepublican journals whieh bark at " My Policy" week in and week out. Thoy are an unselfish, patriotio set, the whole " caboodlo " of them. The Ypsilanti Commercial says : " The prohibitionists who voted the Republioau utvtional tickot last fall, to prevent Southern supromacy, were badly solil." Aud that ia n't all, - our cotemporary is evidently of tho opinión that the niass of Republicana who voted for Hayos were just as badly sold as tho aforesaid prohibitionista, and for tho samo Tuaaon : " Ilayes does tho very thing which by thoir voting for him they in tended to prevent. Makes a totel surrender to Southern supretnacy." And this is tho roward not for voting for and elfioting Hayes, but for stiiking hands with the Louisiana and Florida Rwturning Boards and chouting the Deruocracy and the nation out of a President honestly elected. Vülainy does n't pay, does it brother.


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