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State Sews Brevities

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Tho Elovonth Infantry and Fourt Battery hold their reunión at Mendon St. Joseph County, August 24. The Flint Olobe estimates the valué o tho wheat erop in üenoeee County, a present markot pricos, at .$1,000,000. A humane olergynian in Flint otter to perform the marriage ceremony on 30, or even GO, days' timo and tuke hi pay in wheat. The total liquor tax in the county o Hillsdalo amounts to $2,900 ; of thi $1,700 ia in the city of Hillsdale. L'as year the tax in tho county was over $4.200. Anna ügden, a youag lndy residing in Flint, was struok by lightning Jul 18, and instantly killod. Tho lightnin carne down u chimney noar which sh stood. At a recont meeting, the Bay Connty Board of Supervisors allowed bilis ag gregating $8,000, and there is not a dol lar in the treasury with which to pa; the orders. Of twelve Lonawee County farmer who have been swindled by lightning rod men only two took their count; papers. One fellow paid $184 25 fo his stupidity. Isaao Dolson, forraerly engine dis patoher on the Detroit, Lausing & Nor thurr. Railroad, has been appointe( chief engineer of tho Ionia House o Correction. Mrs. J. Dunclee, wife of a proininen citizen of Kalaniazoo, dropped deat while operatiug a sewing-machin Monday. Tho cause is supposed to be heart disease. Jamos L. Parker, a voteran of th war of 1812, who has forsomo time pas resided with his son, Alonzo Parker, o Battle Creek, died at his son's residoneo on the 21st inst. Tho Theater Comiquö, Detroit, wa burnod at an early liour on Sunda; morning last. The building dated bacl to 1842, and in formor yoars the iüos popular actors in the oountry had ap peared upon its boards. Some of the new wbeat threshed in this seotion has turned out forty bushei to the acre, and of a superior quality We presume that Lenawee County nev or had a better wheat erop than this fall. - l'etximseh Tlerald. Edward M. Campbell, the eldest son of Judgo S. S. Campbell, and the first white male ohild born in Bay County, died at Bay City on Sunday. He leaves a wife. He was a young man of fine business attainments and generally respected. Manager Clay, of Saginaw, has engaged a large number of first-olass com panies, who will appear in the Aeademy of Music during the fall season. Among the number are Lawrenco Barrott, Kose Bytinge, Henrietta Chaufrau, and Fanny Davenport. Col. Warner Spooner, ono of the pioneers of Western Michigan, died recontly of heart disease at Leónidas, aged 72 years. The Mondón Times says he came to this State with Gen. Burdick in 1832, and was a personal friend of the late Col. Geo. W. Rice. The Charlotte Leader eays : A child of Wm. Dean, of Kalamo, was, by advice of a physician, taken to Michigan University recently for treatment, the trouble being in the face or nose, and the cause not discerniblo. It proved to be a tooth growing the wrong way.into the faco.and toward the eye. It was removed and tho child's lifo probably saved. On tho 21st inst., James Wesley, the janitor of the Flint High School, died of Small pox, this being the only fatal case as yet. Deceased was a freednian, about thirty yoars of age, and in addition to his duties as jauitor has boen a regular pupil in the school, hia purpose being to go back as a teacher umong his peoplo at tlie South. Assistant General Froight Agent Brown, of the Chicago and Michigan Lake Shore Railroad, has recently had a trip through the fruit country in the neighborhood of Saugatuck, Allegan County. He says thero will be 150,000 baskets of peaches and more of apples tojahip from there this season, and that small fruits, pears, and quinces, will be correspondingly plenty. Messre Mulliken and Thomas of the D. L. & N. Railroad, have been in towu during two days of the present week looking after the Stanton branch extensión. They went to St. Louis, where they learued that a wide-awake interest was prevaling in favor of conneoting tho Stantou Branch with Cedar Lake. They were intending to hold a public meeting this week Thursday, to take steps to sscure aid for the work, in which they expected to succood, without doubt. The survoying party are 8till aotively at work, and no doubt the line will bo laid out within a wook, and then grubbing and grading will commenco. - Stanton llerald. The picayuno salaries paid to circuit udges of this State, and so rigorously kept down by tho popular vote, ure havng their inevitable effect. Judge Roiley, of Detroit, has resigned his office, after trying a year and a half to live at $1,500. He is reportod to have made $4,000 in the year provious to taking the judgeship. Judgo Huntington, of this circuit, and Judge Baklwin, of Jakland, fortunately have meaus which enable them to work " dog cheap " for ;he State. How long they will do so s uncortain. Judge Higby rosigned n this circuit, Judge Dowoy in Okand, Judge XJpson in Branch, and Judge C. I. Walker in Wayne, becauso hey preferred a decent professional


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