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The August Magazines

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Harper'a Magazine for August is a brilliant summer iiumbor, containing 126 engravings and au unusual variety of novel and eutertaining matter. Among the supsrbly illustrated papers are : The White Mountains, by Wilham H. Eideing ; The Golden Treasures oí Kuriuiu, by William C. Prime; A New Watering Place (Castine on the upper coast of Maine), by Klizabeth E. Evans ; The Poet Keats, by Edward F. Madden ; Home Observations in Florida, by Mary Treat ; Pan-Fish Angling, by Maurice Thompson ; and Popular Exposition of some Scientific Experimenta, part v., by Dr. John W. Draper. Erema, or My Father'a Sin, by K. D. Blackmore, is continued, and thore are as completed stories : Vandoo Violet, by Lizzie W. Champney ; Beli's Match-Making, by Mary N. Prescott; and Peroy and the Prophet, by Wilkie Collins. Eugene Lawrenoe has uu essay on Mahomet, and Douglas Frazar a paper on practical Trout Fishing. Theie are poems : Friend Broofc, by Lucy Larcom ; The Jeet-Black (Jroom, by Thomas Davidson ; Inside Plum Ielaiid, by Harriet Prescott Spoftord ; The Old South Meeting House, by Edward Everett Hale ; and The Waving ot the Corn, by Sidney Lanier,- the first three illustrated. The Editor's Easy Chair, Drawer, etc, are well filled. Harper & Brothers, New York. Tha Eclectic Magazine is embellished with a very fine steel portrait of Paul H. Hayne, the most prominent of living Southern poets and men-of-letters, accompanled by a biographical sketch. The contents cover & wide range, the more noticeable papers bemg : The Contest of Church and State in Italy, Twenty Years of Africau Travel, Geniua and Vanity, Life and Times of Thomas Becket, by James Anthony Froude ; Pera, a sketch of Constantinople; George Frederick Cooke, the actor; Youug Musgrave, chaps. xvi-xviii, by Mrs. Oliphant ; George Sani, by Matthew Amold ; Amongst the Cossacks on the Don, and Teaching to Read, by James Spedding. There are poems by Tennyson, Swinburne, Alfred Austiu, and F. W. H. Myers. The departments are readable. E. R. Peltou, New York. Serilmer's Monthly, the " xnidsummer holiday number," is in illuatratioua " a thing ol beauty " and in contenta more than a success The ïllustrated papers, fresh, breezy, and exhilerating, are : North American Grouse, by Charles E. Whitehead, 17 illustrations ; A Railroad in the Clouds, by J. Eglinton Muntgomery, 18 illustrations, the railroad being that most wonderful work from Callao or Lima to the summit of the Andes, now completed to Anchi, at au elevation oí 11,300 f eet above tide-water, and attained in 74 miles ; Adam and Ere at the Agricultural Fair, a story by Berthold Auerbach ; Babes in the Woods, through Maine to Canada in a Birch Bark Cauoe, by Janet Chase Hoyt, 11 illus.; and Canadian Sports, by W. George Beers, 25 illus. There are three more chapters (xxii-xxiv) of Holland's story, Nbholas Minturn, and the tirrtt three chapters of a new serial by Adeline Trafton, His Iuheritance. In completed stories and p:ipers we have : The Old Boston Koad, by E. S. Nadal ; Smethurstses, by Francés Hodgson Burnett; Strawberries, by John Burroughs ; Some Japanese Melodies, by Clara Louise Kellogg ; Moses and Aarou, by Mary E. C. Wyth, and Swart among tha Buckeyes, by Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen. There are poems by D. S. Foster, Bayard Taylor (Assyrian Night Song), E. H. Stoddard (Two Kings), Edmund Clarence Stedman, and Celia Thaxter, while the editorial departments sparkle with genis. Scribner & Co., New York. The Atlantic Monthly has : 'Jarmau Influence in English Literatura, by Thomas Sergeant Perry ; Mutation, poem, by Celia Tbaxter; A Counterieit Presen tuieut, opening part of a Comedy-Bomance, by W. D. Howells ; Crude end Curious Inrentions at the Centenuial Exhibitiou, by Edward H. Kuight, fouith paper ; Forward, poem, by J. W, DeForest ; The Queen of Sheba, chaps. iv and v, by Thomas Bailey Aldrich, in which Edward Lynde fíuds the Queen and ends his summer horseback tour somewhat ingloriously ; A Ghost. poem, by Mra. S. M. B. Pratt; King Cotton and his Gin ; Dropping Coru, poem, by Maurice Thompson ; A Great Italian Noble's Palace aud Household, by Angelo Tacchella ; The Wanderers, poem, by C. P. Cranch ; How Captain Ascott floored the Ghost, by Will Wallace Harney ; Cousin Patty, by Marian Douglas ; The Shadow on Dickou'a Life, by Edwin P. Whipple ; The Contributors' Club, Recent Literatura, and Education, three readable departments. H. O. Houghton & Co., Boston. The Catholic World has: The Politioal Crisis in Frauce and its Bearings, Fhil Kedmond of Ballymacreedy, the Beginning of the Pope's Temporal Principality, Alba's Dream, From the Medea of Eurípides (translation), The Story of the (Jothic Revival in England, Aloug the foot of the Pyreneea, Juliette- a Norman Story, Colonization and Future Einigration, Tha Congregation of Cluny, and The Unknowu Eras. Inpoetry there are : Magdalen at the Tomb, Cathedral Woods, To Aubrey de Veré, A Thruah's Song, aud The Brides ot Christ, The book notices are tnany, keen, and not all complimentary. Catholic Publication House, New York. Sí. Nicholas has a heap of good things in story, sketeh, verse, and illustrations. Among the articles, " too numerous to mention " all of them, are : The Coral Fisher and his wife, by Kate Brownlee Horton; Mr. Tompkins' Small Story, by Abby Morton Díaz ; How a Turtle Taught a Lesson, by E. S. Thayer ; King Trisanku, poem, by Henry W. Longfellow ; A üream about Fairiea, by H. H.; The Blue-Coai Boy, by Aunt Fanny; His Own Master, chaps. xxxí-xxxít, - in which the hero gets into jail and out agaia without any wrong doing, - by J. T. Trowbridge ; John's First Farty, by Charles Dudley Warner; The Stars in August, by Richard A. Froctor ; Around the World on a Telegraph Wire, poem, by E. L. Bynner; A Village of Wild Beasts, by Frank R. Stockton ; and How Birds Improve in Nest Building. It is just the number lor boys and girls to go through in vacation. Scribner & Co., New York. Godey's Lady's Book for the current month is au excellent nuinber, both in embellishmenta and contenta. The ladies wül íind it a uHeful iiumber either in the boudoir or kitchen ; and besidea will read with regret that itt founder, aud for almoat fiity years iti sole pubhsher, has sold this favorita publication and will retire írora all connection with it on the issue of the December number. The veteran Uodey will be miased from the magazine ranks, and in the pursuit of rest in his oíd age will have the beat wishes of the many thousands in all parta of the land who have for these many years been made monthly glad by the reception of Godey's Lady's Book. Vick's Floral Guide, No. 3 for 1877, is on our table, beautiful in get up and full of useful hints to the amateur florist.


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