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under this heading the Detroit ÏWhune gives unquestioued currency to tb following Bay City Tribune paragraph Land Coramissioner Partridge has junt re turiied ínim a trip up the aboro, and report that the secoud election in the new judicia district is another failure, the Board of Dis trict Cauvassers having neglected to meet, eau vass the votes, and declare the result. It 1 probable that the matter will be adjusted b an appoiutnient by the Uovernor, theroby ob viating the necesaity of a third electiou. Now as there is no " Board of Dis trict Canvassors " known to the law w cau't see as auy title to office can res upon its neglect to meet, neither oan we discover the right of the Governo to fill a vacancy " by aa appointment, there being no vacancy to fill. For th benefit of Land Commissioner Fartridg and the two Tribunes we oopy the sec tion of the aot organizing the Twenty third Circuit, which governed both th reoent eleotion and the canvass, - Ac No. 183, sesBion laws of 1877, seo. 6 : Sec. ti. The said election for circuit judg shall be conducted and returns made us provi ded by law ior the electiou of circuit judge for the soveral judicial circuits of this State aud the State liourd of Cauvossur Bhall with out delay, on the receipt of the certiiied state ments of the votes given in sïiid countie nained m the third section of this act, proceod to canvass the said votes and to delivur to th person elected a copy of their determinatiou as required by law. Ia addition, it is only necessary to suggest that it is tho duty of the Stut Board of Canvassers to send for delayei returns. If there has been a neglect o failure it rests upon responsible shoul ders and not upon any mythioal board - Sinoe the above article was put in type we learn by the Lansing JiepuMican that the Board of State Canvassers acting undor the advioe of Attorney General Kirchner, has declined to oan vasa the votes and certify to the eleotion of Mr. Tuttle, who received an un questioned majority of the votes pollec July 2. The liepublican adds, "The next step will probably be for Gov. Croswcll to make an appointment." We suspect that Gov. Croswell will wait awhile " before putting bis foot in it " and appoiuting a judge in a new circuit, or filling a vacancy that cannot exist, and we further suspect tha the " next stop " will be a mandamu from the Supreuie Court to compel the Board of State Canvassers to do their olear duty. It is a great pity that a mandatnus from that oourt or sonie other powor could not make a constitutional lawyer out of Attorney-General Kirchner, or endow him witli comnni sense. And by what law does the Board of State Canvassers assume to determine constitutional and legal questiona ? A Portland (Oregon) telegram, via. San Francisco, says : " Gen. Howard has issued a general order oongratulating the troops on the issue of the recent campaign." No doubt Chief JosepU has issued just as congratulatory a general order, and with just as niuch reason. THE New York World publishes conspicuously, from day to day, the names of Buch individuáis and firma as discharged their emplojés for answering roll cali and turning out with their coinpanies to proteot property and life against tho recent inobs. Serves them right.


Old News
Michigan Argus