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- Hot, dry weather, and corn and potatoes euffering. - The Reform Club excursión 011 Wednesday was a success. - Pension Agent Post was in the city yestii-day ; but would u't talk politics. - That walk trom the railroad to the river bridge has been coinpleted. A great improyenient. - L. X. öoulet, of this city, is temporarily running the Lapeer Democrat. Prospecting, you see. - A new sidewalk has been laid on the west side of Elizabeth street, from North to Fuller street. - The Courier has been designated as the paper in which to advertise the State tax sales for the curren t year. - Mayor Cramor had flag-stones removed, and openmgs made for wagons on three sides of the square on Tuesday. - Father Van Erp is expected to arrive home sometime next week. The uext Sunday he will spend in New York. - At a meeting of the Court House Building Committee on Tuesday, Judge Lawrence was elected Supeiintendent. _ A picnic in Fircmen's Park yesterday afteruoon : tkat was what the large Sunday School oL Zion Church enjoyed. - Messrs. Swathel, Ailes & Kyer have just put another run of stoues iuto the City Mills. The big wheat erop was the moviug causa, - Kittridge commenced drawing cobble tone on Weduesday, - to be worked luto the foundation walls of the new Court House. - Now is the time to get your Letter and Note Heads, Bill Heads and Statements printed, and the Aequb office is the place to get them. - Henry Cornwell has taken down the "oíd jeminary" on North IngaUs street.and is buiKling in its place a handsome modern reaidence. - Horace Kellogg, father of the late Dr. Kellogg, and of L. B. Kellogg, of the Fifth ward of this city, died ou the 26th uit., agod 80 years. - Mayor Cramer went to Ypsilauti last Sanday and addressed the Eeform Club at its regular aftenioon meeting. In the eveuing he spoke up at Delhi. - Last Sunday evening R. E Frazer, addressed the Saline Reform Club ; and on Sunday evening next he gives his services to the Deiter Reform Club. - Alonzo Waterman, a prominent and wealthy citizen of Coldwater, and brother of Roswell Waterman of this city, died on the 29th uit., aged 67 years, - Aretus Dunn has let a contract for a eombined store and dweiling on the corner of State nd William streets, opposite the new Congregational Church : a bookstore. - Dr. E. S. Dun8ter has gone with his family to Attleboro Falls, Mass. Duriug his absence Dr. D. will deliver his animal courss of lectures at Dartmouth College. - At Coldwater last week the highest point reached by the mercury was 92 deg., the lowest, 59 deg., and the mean temperatura, 74.86 dog. Pretty hot Coldwater that. - Joseph Henderson, colored blacksmith of this city, claims that two colored brothers, Brown and Cherry, kidnapped his picanniny on the 30th, and vamoosed with it. - Dr. Angell and family, Dr. Dunster and family, Prof. Pettee, wife and the yoang Pettee, and Miss Fannie C. Cooley left for the eashore (Block Island) yesterday. - John Schumacher is again sick. Last Sunday he was unable to preside over the regular meeting of the Reform Club, and he has been oonfined to his house during the week. - Senator Burleigh was called to Jackson last week, to consult with Gov. Croawell ou military affairs and the strike: the Senator being a member of the Military Comrnittee. - On Friday Jastice Frueauff held Charles ffoodruff, of Dextar, for trial in the Circuit Court: just for pitching stones, umbrellas, scoop-ahovels, etc, through his neighbor's window. - Wm. Jacfcson, a coloree! man, is rusticating in jail, charged with stealing a guo, some clothiDg, and some money from Clark, of Pittsfield, and from John Harwood, near Saln.e. - Oneof the evento in the recent celebralion by Dr. J. W. Babbitt, of Ypsiianti, of his 7óth birthday, was the marriage of his soa üeorge W. Babbitt to Miss Jennie McBay, of Jackson. - Dr. E. Schuyler, Ir., son of R. Schuyler, of this city, who graduated from the Medical Dspartmeut of tha Umversity in the last lasa, has hung out his shingle at Milán, Honroe Co. - In the Circuit Court on Wednesday the suit of K. A. Beal against A. W. Chase and the Ann Arbor Príntiug and Publishing Company waa discontiuued - with costs to defendMts. And the end is not yet. - " The boys carne marching home " : from Camp Robertson at Jackson on Mouday afternoon last. They were met at the depot by the City Band and escorted to the armory. ïhey report a gooa time. - The outside doors at the central school WMing haTe been taken off and re-hung, so s to swing outwai d and insure free exit in case of a panic. The doors of all our churches ihoiild be served the same way. - C. H. DuBois, late oi the Grand Haven Herald, and son-in-law of Israel Hall, Esq., of thu city, has purchased the controlliug interest in the Grand Rápida Saturday Evening Post, &Q independent literary weekly quarto. - The examination of James S. Reynolds, of Manchester, on a charge of arson, which TO interrupted by the illnesa of the principal itnes3, Unterkircher, is to be continued toiay, before Justice Babbitt, at Ypsiianti. - Hon Chauncey Joahn, of Ypsiianti, oddressed the Reform Club on Sunday aftemoon '. Owiug to the extreme heat the audience fa Dot as large as usual. " Love thy neighlt as thyself " was the text on which Judge J. founded his discourBe. - Judge Harriman left for Vermont on Wedneaday,- to visit his aged father. During ua absence the judicial business of hia court ül be necesaarily suspended. Probate Reg'ier Doty will receive and ñle petitions and il days of hearing. - That Woodruff around the world scienüfic expedition has taken a mw phase. A ■auch larger steamer- the " Ontario " of the Bio Janeiro line- has been chartered and the fees to studens reduced from $5,000 to $2,500. Cadets can also get better terms. - July 31, Hannah, wife of C. A. Lemmon, of Hamburg, aud daughter of Alfred lentine, of Webster, was fouud dead in her pantry, with her little girl cryiug by the side "f her,- a victitn of heart disease it ia suppOMd. She was in her 27th year. - Joseph Audet, of this city, is the man who gets the contract for making the brick for the new Court House. The contract calis for U65.000 brick, 65,000 to be pressed brick for 'ms work, uniform In color aud quahty. The mtract price is $4 25 per thousand. - On July 31 articles of incorporation for h örman Workingmen'a Asaociatiou of Bexter were filed in the office of the County Werk. The corporate members are Jacob Trautwein, Christ. Vogel, Francia M. Priester, Fred. Schlanderer, C. Fred. Jaeger, and fhomaa Ktick. ■■ J. J. Robison, of Sharon, - who ia a greatf success as a farmer than as a candidato lor ongress in " the iufected district "- reports threshing 13 aerea of Clawson wheat which ïielded 45 bushela per acre. M. E. Koeler, of 'ue same town, got 42 bushols per acra from 15 wm. WhonextP . - The strike which was ia progresa at Jackson when last week's Arqus was sent to press, was sa tisfactorüy terminated that evening, the trikers surrendering uncouditionally, aud all trains hav e been running regularly ever since. There is yet some trouble in other States. - The boys of Company A didn't win much fame as " shootists " at " Camp Eobertson." Their " string " was but 25. Compauy F, of Tpsilanti, made a '■ string " of 63 and lost the Colonel's cup which they held. The cup was won by Company Q, of Jackson, on a "string1' of 70. Out of practica. - In the Circuit Court on Tuesday after. noon a nolle protequi was entered in the case of the People vs. George Cook, who shot aud killed Baty at Saline in March last, because of some informality in the proceedings. Cook was immediately re-arrested aud bis examination set down for Aug. 7. - The letter ot ex-Qov. Ashley, defining and discussing the terms on which he proposes to build the Toledo and Ann Arbor railroad, to be found in another column, is so plain " that the wayfaring man though a fooi " cannot misuuderstand it. Our citizens and those along the line should weigh it. - The Sentinel has another grievance about the Court Rouso. It is the revoking of the order that the suroties of oontractors should reside in this State and the acceptance of Indiana boudsmen. It sees expensive litigation in Indiana courta. If the contractors are what they should ba there will be no htigation. - At tho Aequs office is the only place you can get Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, &c, put up in Hodder's Blotter Tablet covers. This patent is so convenient, that in advertising for letting the receut State printing contract it was selected and specified as the means of putting up work for uae in the State offices Ua! 1 and see samples. '. The August uumber of the American Agriculturist is a good one, full of seasonable iniormatiou and timely hints and suggestions,- for the household, the garden, and the farm. There are over fifty Ilustrativo engravings, including three unusually fine ones of Ayrshire and Jersey cattle. Ï1.60 a year. " Orange Judd Company, Nuw York. - Bro. fattison, of the Ypsilanti aal, says tliat the " failure " of tha Fourth of July celebratiou iu the burg down the river was uot caused by his failure to get the printing. Hia " better half " baked and canvasaed iu behalf of tiiu euterprise, while he coutributed and exhorted aud did JUia best to make it a big thiug. We take it all back neighbor. - When the vandal ax-nian struck the first blow into a very beautiful niaple iu the Court House yard on ïuesday, several bystanders were heard to recite, each for himself : " Woodinun spare that tree. Touch uot a single bough, Iu youth it sheltered me, Aud 111 protect it uow." But not a man of them veutured to Bmite the suiiter. - Mr. McOormick, one of the coutractora tor the uew Court House, arrived here Monday atternoon, accompauied by the architect, Mr. Bunting, and by W. B. McPheraon, of Iudiaaapohs. The building was staked out on Tuasday, aud the clearing ot tlie grouuds of trees conimeuced. üa Weduosday meu were set to digging the treuchea aud good headway is being made. - Leroy Felch aud Christian Heiuzmann had a " httle onpleasautness " on the Fourth of July, which culmiuated iu the aforesaid Felch smaahing a beer mug over Heinzmauu's head last Saturday evemng, at Binder'a saloon. Heiuzmanu üred a pistol after the blow, but didn't hit Felch, who escapad. Neit moruing Felch was arrested on a warrant issued by J ustice Frueauff, but the partiea have siuce settled their difliculties. " Terms private." - A committee of Hurou River mil Iers went up stream on ïuesday last, to try aud disoover the cause of the unusualiy low stuge of water, which had caused the stoppnge of all the milis on the stream. Report saya that each cominitteemau brought back a jug of water and emptied it in above his own dam. 1J. S., which meaus postscript: it is aaid that Birkett, ot the Dover Mills, is the man who was holding the water back while his mili was idle. He opened the gatea and " let 'er run." - On Thursday of last week John Dumke, quarreled with his sister, Mrs. Q-ollnick, of Pittheld, lor whose husband he had been at wort, and beat her severely. Thursday night he borrowed Golluick'a horse and buggy aud started for more congenial quarters. Passing through this city he stopped at John Hagan's, iu Aun Arbor town, alao a relativa, and borrowed a lap robe, whip, &c. Officer Clarken pursued aud overhauled him at Plymouth, aud Justice Beahan has had him bef ore him ou three complainta, one for assault and battery, oue for stealing the horse and buggy, and one for petty larceny- the taking of the robe and whip. The hearing has baen set down for August 9. For want of bail Dumke is boarding with Sheriff Case. - On Monday af ternoon an old man was discovered iu a shed at Wood & Son's lumber yard, uear tha depot, under circumstances eioiting some suspicion. Officer Johnson sayB that he had put a few stones, a few ehavings, a few green peaches and peach twigs, a few weeds, and other miscellaneous truck in a barrel. The peaches he proposed to make into sauce for a lady who was coming to viflit him, and the herbs were to be manufacturad into medicine. His aunt had left him a fortuna and he proposed to eatablish several lines of business in this city. Being taken before Justice Beahan he refused to give hls name, and claimed to be Jesús Christ. It is understood that he has been in the Wayne County insane asylum and also at Kalamazoo. He is held for investigation by the proper authorities. On Mouday morning last Dr. Silas Pratt, of the Pifth ward, who gets the title of " Dr." from having sometime or other been engaged in the manufacture of trusses, was arrested at Jackson, by telegraphic order, brought back to this city, and lodged in jail, - the charge against hitn being an attempt to procure the burning of his house. One Wm. Turner, who says he had been employed by Pratt, for $200, to set the fire, peached after everything had been made ready, and had him watched for a day or two. Husks, saturated with keaosece, were found stuffed into several holes cut in the plastering of the walls, and under the stairs. The windows had been darkened and nearly all the f urniture removed, on which there was an inaurance of $800, though the agent had been notified of a design to remove it. The "Dr." claims to know nothing of these arrangements, and that his enemies have put up ajobonhim. The testimony to be given on the examination, which is waiting the move ments of the Prosecuting Attoruey, will probably throw more light on the subject. J ustnow it Iook8 a little dark for the " Dr."