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A Haíitford (liHatc)i tatos (lint : Cümplcto nizitioii of the Charter Oak Life Insurance Company has been consummatoil, aecurding to an arrangement: fchat had been agreed upon betwi nissionct Ktednian, tho company's ollieers, and the uveaiigatüig committee, repn sonUioe tbc looal insiiíanoti ooixiba; 1 lj]ii.'.v-UtiUlcid. Tliu rosiilt ia thal tho oíd management i comptótely wiped out. ExGov. Jf.vfll. Uta Postrrtaater (Jeneral, waa eteoted Prosiilftit of tlic reorganiza oonipuny. Tiiií Laek.i.wauna coal región of Pennsylvaniii is One vast theater of idloness, the ati-iking nünera having compelled a total suspension of work. both i:i the mines and ontkorailronds tliat carry tlio coal product to market. Gov. Hartranft luis offerèd to assist the Mayor of Sorantóq i jhe enforcement of law and the proteclkm of ife aud property, but tho Mayor to avuü hlniáK óf the help of the State íiíi'.ítia. and rieoUnes to tttke the rc?[;onsüilitv. Heriourf tronblé i anticipated. THE WEST. Tuk workicg]wn of San Francisco, Cal., numbering abont 10,000, hokl a meeting a fíw cvciiiiig. ago, which was orderly ciiough, Ijut ntae oftho rrowd a-ttaeked and set on flre a building oecnpkd t-y Clnncse tonaritsj and hinderea the from extinguishiug the llames, and Ums destroyod the premisas. In thoir cxcitcmont, t the ïmmlier of 500 or GüO, Ihry iltenipted to raid tlio Ohtaese quarter of v, luit wercrcpulsed and kopt at bay by tho pólice. AuvrcEs from tho Black IliUs report that the fndians are bteommg alarmingly ntunerous aboui Spwirlisli, Crook City, and oüu-r points, Bad the ciüzéis of Deadwood v.rc even beconiing aianncd at the clone prnximity of the hair-rateing devjls, Seeral pepplo had boen ïunvdcred in KpoaiÜHii valley. ïhe extensive iron manufactnring establishment of A.. B.Meekor & Cu., oC Chicago, has been compellod lo ohws ni. :..nd go into bankrnptoy A di.patoh from Deadwood, in tbc i: "Intenso exoitement pre vails throiijfhout the city. Horucmen arriving from tho different towns and hayfiêlds hithfi vioinity b! ing details of fresh "imirders and ontragea by the Bavacea, uho scem to have brokn loóse from tho agencies in largo i!-.unber, aud are Lnfosting the conntrv iu all directions. Up to this hmi'r at loast iwonty marden havo reportad. Sonie of tho killed are well-known citizenu of Deadwood, who went to the relief of Leut. Lemly and tbc survey party. "Vearly - .-uieh alón;; (he Kr.l Water and iu the Speariinh valley has been devastated." The time of the animal Western fairs is approacbing. The Chicago Exposition will open 29, and close Oet. 13. The Illinois State irill open at Itteeport, Se],t. 17, closing on the ?2d. Iowa Ktate Fair. at Cedar Knpids s. :(. 17 to 22 ; iVisaoxudo State Fair. at Janesville, BeptlO to 14; SEohlgan, at .lackson, Sej. 17 to 21 ; Minnesota, Sept. 3 to 8 : Ne bráska; at Lincoln, Sopt. 24 to 28 ; Si. Louis Oef. l l-i;; ohto, at Qolumbus, Sept. 10 to . 14: in ■h; ai indianapolis. Sopt. 2i to2f to the Chioago Times, tho easnRltWs i ma the riots in tha1 city foot v.p as ;htecnriotera killed.lfi iiitallyaiul ic sorionsly wonnded ; 1 policeman küled and 10 woundcd. Thu remains of Gen. G. A. Onster aud conirades, whieh Col. Mike Sheridan was sent out to the Vellov.stone country to secure, arrived at Sf. Paul last rek. in charge of the United States Expresa Company. They were elosed m neat caskets and dir,ected as follona : Gen. G. A. Gustcr. West Point ; Col. W. W Gooit Hamilton, Out.; Lieui. lioillv. WsehWtoh 1' I. : Dr. DeWolf, Norwalk, " Ohio ; and Col" Thomas Custer, Lieut, A. E. Smith, Capt. lates, and Lieut. Mclntosh, Fort Leaverororth. ■ ■■■■.mil:, vn portion of Minnesota large bodies of tramps have been causing people great annoyance and committmg numerous depredations. llecouily :i body of 200 stoppvd a train near Lyle, in Mower county. Another party entercd the village of Leroy.'and, eutering several stores, carried off nuc'h goods aud is as they could. THE SOUTH. The Georgia Constitutional Oonvontion, in Besaion at Atlanta, has adopted a " bilí of rights,"' wbich, amoug othcr things coiulucive Eo thé public Weai, próvidos (bat therc shall bc uo ■.nprisoumout Cor dcl.t and no whipping for are lecoguized as citizens, ana are guaran tccd protetiun in thtir rights. WASHINGTON. The Treaniry Department has issued the üfty-third cali for tlie redniptdon of 5-20 bouds of 1805. The cali is for 510,000,000 consols of 1805, of wtuch 3,000,000 aro registored mul 7,OUO,000 coupon bonds, principal and interest to be paid at the treaaurv on and after the 27th of (Xtober next, and tho interest wíl cease. on tbat day. Secubtakï Evaiits left last weok for his farm in Vermont, to be absent a month. Hoexpects the President to visit iiim in about two weelisPOtlTICAl-. Tiie Oliip Democracy pret in cunvention at Culumbus pp 2$th of July. 735 delegates being in stteüdtooe. B. M; Bishop, a Cincinnati mercliaiit, was nominated for (iovemor on the auBth ballot. The renminder of tlio ticket in as foüows : Lieuteuant Governor, J;ibez W. IHtch ; Suprema Judge, J. W. I Clerk of the Sunreme Öonrt, I! J Fanning ; Attorhey General, Jo'siah Ililloj-;? State Treasurer, A. J. Howells School iii!.-io:ic,r, J. ,ï. JJnrus : of the Bokr of PubïïO Wortè, Martin Schükr. Iiesolutions v;ere adopted denouncing Öi'e iiiaugnration of Hayes as a f mud Spon the American people ■■Ii'.;i the repeal oï the BesumpUo I nd tliu rcin(,neiiz;ra,ii oj alver, cbnimeinUn" '" ! Southerp polioy, fwvoringlhe reèoback ounency, and favoriug a tariff for revenuc only. V Wai'ixci-.-n telegram says: ' Adelegation from the Edpreüeld and EUenton district, representing both i;ejublicans and Democmts, have caJled U rlio President the proeeeditogs of a ma-is-ir.eetin',' of citiáei ig : 1 1 classes thereifli, at wlieh oach BK'e '■■ (terto.liveinpoace with aaèh . and where éáclj plQdged the other that pdlitical difficultics shoüld oeaae. and that local aud order eliould hereafter provail. In viow of tliis ogreemeflt all partios to it united inaskingtbe Presideiit to dismiss the cases (ried by Cldcf JiWcë Waite. and at tho samo tune stated that the uitlioiiti. s propose to dismiss i minieer of politie] Buife begun b opurts ttgainst colorad Bepnblieans au tó offset tothearrestof white-Demecrate. The PrtaiDincB satisf action at the conas repotted, uid promiw.-d to tal;; int,, i ; Jic rpquest made." GKNIOKAI,. Mobb cecerit aötfïiitltes conceming the ftmoünt of riül.imd prQperty destroyed by the riotem at PictsburgH !ix ita v.Unè at 'abou il 0,000, 000. Tuk National Educational Aasociatiop is to liold its meeting for 1S77 at LauÍBviHo, ou the I4tb, 15ih and 16lh of August. The programmc of u,.iic laid out is very extensivo and ntcresting. ■.. v-liich was recemly abandoned by thi [Jüited States troojw, is in sore iBtreBB on acconnl't u fasürrectlon somewhemin theloeberg. Ti.e Sai peoülepro1 tebt vigoronsly against the dispatch of a revenueentter from that point, fearing another hoodlum raid on the Ohjnose. THU TKHKO-KUSSIAN WAK. T'!i ■ innoisance upon Plevna dis 0,0ü0 and 40,000 Turku, who intondod to öiroaten the Ruasian communloai. Grand Duke Niebolaa bastily eoncentrated a superior torco and conted them The Porte's circular eharging the Butearians aud Bauians witli maeaBoreing Muamtoian inhabitants gives tho names of various Mussulman village's in wlik-li the Russians maesacrëd almost all thé lntatótautsl The circular claims that onlyone survivoria beheved to havo esi of 1,200 iotobitants of the MuKsulman village of Balovan. Disi'atciies of the 2Cthof July from the seat of war on the Daimbe say : "The ïourth Corps wiil followtlie Eightlj acroaa the Balkans Etussiaa army of liustchuk had advanccd ti) tho line of t'iü Lom river, toucbing tho Daiiulje m Pyrgoa, and is slowly wheeling pn that pivot to tuvest ibe loitrcs;.' Nearly forty thotlGand men are now i:mmel into the anglo betweenthe Dannbe and tho Lo. TheTnrko have nbiindoned the line of I lic om,wil hout fighüng. One pan, is believed t have reöred on Boscqhuk and anothcr on Shvnla." Tin: liunsians have performed a dari ■:', apd hi-iiliant act iu thé capture of the 8:iipl;a paxs. and have undoubtedly secured a greal in hpldiog this entrauee lelik. They are, rieverthejigB, n a oanKerons and oritica] pófitioa Ibe toros at Adnanople bitüerto lia.i been aboat 10,000 uici!, but iiow news comes that the Turkis!. rorces which i..-. ;,, , n opwatirg against Itongro, the ono from the north and tho othor from the sontli, numberiug some fiO.000, havo effected ajunction south i.f the Halkans after tli. ir long maroh trom the west. 'J'bjs force. relnforoed by 1 3 to troops gathered np from the Orecdau froptier and around Constantinople, maysive the Kussi.uis great trouble iu their ■ naaid march Niuety thousand men are on the way to reinforco the liussian Caucasian army. The Freiich and ItuHan Couenlg at Gallipoli ivc' sked tlioir Govornmcnfe to eend men-ofnr to tliat port for thcprotcctiou of the Chrisan population, on account of the fanatieal xoitement of the Mohammedans A Conantinoplc dispateh Bys: "ürcut military rtivity prevaus. Vohiteera aro everywhorc irolhng. Reerniting bootbe have boen cstabin varfetle (Juarfers of ConxLintinople. utieaot volnntccrs with bands and ilags are jarading the atreets." Sulciman Tasha has een defeated, with the loss of ten guns, and t lat iioamnts was ]-ctreating toyard Adrianplo The r.iissiiins deatroyed :-i pailway jridges botwecn .TamboH and Uliilippopolis. The rolling stock waa sont to Constantinople. .... Aziz Pasha, ono of the best Turkish oflicci's has been killed in a ükirmish. A Loxdon telegram says: "The English fleet ia not to onter the Bosphorna, hecauae it is supposed ltussia wouUl not be slow in Beizing Gallipoli and the Dardanelles forts. Teaee thus becomes dailvuutonly niure probablo but Benslbly nearlr." It is said the Tiirka lost 8,000 killed and wounded at (Caro buimar. . . .Of 150 Iinlgnrian prnonera reoatítiy taken to Constantinople, fifteen wero iniincdiately shot. (KNKIUL FOKK1ON KVVS. A Jassy telegram stiltes that tbc rmdorpost iaH anpeared aruong the cattlo of tho Iïus.ïUin irmy, and has already made a ereRt havoe. Advices írom Ecuador, South America. stat-. hal tho damago dono by tho lato eruption of Cotopaxi amounts to $1,000,000. Mauylives' vero lost, and over 1,500 head of eattle iltroyed'. . . . A monstef meeting at l'èlth passed i-Milutiona declaring the extensión of üussia's owï inoonsistent with the intereuts of AustioTungarv, and ealling upon the Government to endeavor to biïug about a cenyation of tho iresent inhuman method of warfaro, and to iive tiinely protection to Austi'O-Hungarian ntereáta. Elapka and Pulsky and othera spoke. Biniilav demonstratioiw are to je held in all tho towns of ïlungary 't appear that Bnssia lias again usurea the jowers of its williugr.ess to (Höuusb Uio futuro of Turkey after the conqaost of liouuiania. . . . Advices from the republic of Costa ltica, in South America, state that President Herrera been deposed, and is a prisoncr at the u.ipital. üismabck rcccntly to a depntation o Protestant olergy of Wurtemburg spoke hope fully eoncermiig the ecclcsiastical conflict. He sala the Government having euacted the nee laws, quietly stood on thedefensive, ant could afford to wait for the papacv to accep Jio sitnatiou.. . .'J.'ho iirst stone of the Annvi ean Episoopal Ghurch at Geneva, Switzerlnnd was laid bf Gen. Grant on the 27th of July.


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