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Nothing Hew In Insurrection

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[i-rem uie ivew xqtk r-ciung rosi.j There, is nothing ncw uiiaer. ffié sun, not even in insurrections. The immediute grievance of tlie strikers in tlie r'cduction of their wagès. ïhc gëfieral grievaiiees npon which sympathy is nought for the strikers aud other workingmen j.u'st now are tlie widespread distrcsses incident to tlie timësj ie nnroasoiiülil' Imve which it is naid the tvorkingmeh aï-f compelled to bear, the j tóge] Letter condition of persons who re not workingmen, the selfishness, greed, and mistnanagement which re onarged upótt classes of men who control tiu: use of inonoy and súperintend the ill'airs of groat business flrms and I corporations. Tlieee grievances are not to be Auuie light of. There ia no disposition to nlüke light of them. Mén of tlie largest intelSgênoé woiild regard it as the worthie.sf object of unbition to redress these grievances. There, ík ihi ïnagicnl pjuu for doing it The evils may be niitigated by ooni'oriiiity to nnirèrsd ;md oierual economie Iuavk ; by a return to tlie principies from which th' country ia bo disastrously departed. The rest is the work oí' time. What concerns ns chiefly nov, howevory is ïw futility of some of the pl-ius of curiug these evils, or rather o[ one plan, the most ineft'ectual oï uil- the remedyby insnrrectiun. As v; luive said, there is notliing new in tliis. There are two familiar eventa in the early history of the country -yhieli may be proiit ably reoail(;d. One, Shays' rebellioli in JlnBaa-chusetts, occurred in 178C. The otJier, the, whisky insurrection in PennBylvunia, occurred in 1794. The situa tion was not unlike that which we have just uesc.dbeil as furnishing the strikers1 and their sympathizertt with grievances The people had come out of the Rcvoliitionary war with flying colors, but flieir conditi'm in nvmy respecta was oause anytiiing but rejoicing and sélf-cojjgratulation. They were not sure, at l'u-st, wlietlier they.had :i governnunt, or wiikt kiild of a cine it waM ; aud when tliey did get a cleiirer view f)f those questions they were yet nncertain how their political theory would work in praetice, ünd whether their government would be able to put down even the internal disorders which were often emú, and which in two clisés took shape in formidable outbreaks. But this was, in one sense, the least of their tróubles. They were sulfering from proionged business derangement and ilepression. They had passed throiigh the horrors of paper money, and were not yct recovered froto the debaacli. They were loaded with debts, private, Htate, and Federal, and thert; did not seeili to fe IVítyto pajáiiybí the'i. the'y.fbilñd !t haM i to secure even " starvation wagéií," and when they did get work it was likely to be páid íor in a curreney which, instead of pcrlVirmiuff Ui proper function of a measure of valuó, served only to rcmin] them of tlieu VïyiY'"; "i'i '. aSBiirswere in ilio worst poaw blo -state, jtód they wero a loss how to meml I theiii. Soms of thein tried insurrection. j 'Diere is a rxira)]elbcWee'':!: times and burs in aiiothei pnrtieuuir. There is nothing new in the ridieulous Communists. The country then was partly entertained and partly friglitened by wild aud absurd talk abont t!ie rights of .mas- -not -the rights of man in the just meaning of the term, but the rights of man run mad. Thore were men who doubted whether there ought. to be any property at all. There Were otiier men who iMisted that what property there was otight to be divided eqnally. There we;e adtoontes of liberty who ref used to concede to any body the iight to get on well i If he made himseli conifortablo by industry aud thrift, ltc was regarded a an upstart; and these thriity aud indiistrious upstarts constituted a class of " nristoerats " who ought to be pnt down uncs;remoniously. Oí ooiirse thé grei'.t majority of p(ople estiiuated this cliaotic philonopber at its true value; but we suspect thut the philosophet-sof its school were then R rfrong itl iitliilbei-R aS Cotttmün.ists ato hete tlrifi riow. Tlie Oovernment made an eiïort to pr,Y its BBBte, aud to this end tnxcH were levied by ffliö fieveral States. The measilté creiited a good doai of dissatiKfaction throughorit the (ountry. Ia Matjsaolinsotts occasion was found to raake tne disRiitiïifactionknown by open rebellion. Some of the grievance?, no doubt, were well f oruided, and some were mere pretexts. Not only were the Wies too heavy, but the salaries of pal;lic ottioers were" too high; there was a i lavor ( M0 istocracy in -tlie Senatc, and tlie meeting of the Legislatnre in Boston Was lookcd upon as in some way fraught with danger to the liberties of the people. BeBide, the, party oi' mólco-ntentd de mnuded m issue of pnpei money I Rere, again, is prooi that there is noth-me: new. Ninetv yeavs lator a m,:1o,I cniTeuey and plenty oí ít are advoonted as tlie sovereign. reniedy t'or all the ill bi tlie body politie. The met ooneerned in Shays' rebellion t.t'ied insurrection and failed in it. The militia of' Mafegachusetts put the rebel ariny tü üight af ter three of the rebels had, been killed and ono vounded. Somt; of the leaders rwfeawtriwi and Poteneed io deaüi, but tliey were not hauged,. ancl Shays himself was at'trrward i)ai-doni -il, bËDEtUM tlie people [ MusKiielitiscttfc wem supposed to bo iu sjinputh; -ffith ! tbo iiiKiiïgentM. Hciv, Vvc iieüove, the pajv.Ui-! ■■.!ih. TIh-ïi' is uo cousiderabli' symputh-y with the strike rioters, even iimoHg the clnss of persons in interest tliey pretend to have ncted. In 1T94 tïie Govemment oí the coimtry had taken shape, but the country itKi'iï had not entirely l-ecovered l'rom i!, dÍHtreKS; and even the GoverDinont was yet to be tested in respect to ite power to eni'oree itH autlioi'ity aud execute its laws. In Pennsylvauia the pretest AVai-s ; the FedeviU imposition of fi duty on distilled 1íiuoi-k; but resistance to an unpopuiar exoise iaw was the uaeans by i which a good deal of general discontent 1 was shown. The advane.1 of the French Revolution had given a freKh impulse to afiitation by the theorists "who held thíit free governrnent meant no govi'rr.niout at all. Some unthinking persour werc indiu'el to believe that tlie Government, !y p;iying its honest dehts and eollecting ■ y by taxes to do so, was made itvs'msihle for the hard times; that, by incj-.::isiu.i; the price of everj glass of spirits wliich passea the ups of a patriot, the delibérate]}' triol to effect the overthro-wof the liberties of the piiojilc-; ffjü toö su;h tyr;.ii :iy nmyt l)e rosisl;d to the deiith. re 'iis not niucli rctiishmce to the death, Kpew, mul. th: whisky-insurrrrlion, ,n lÍHÍnn., liulr.i. - " (iT all kinds of ties here ?" said a would-be wit, entering a well-known ftirnishing utore. "Yes, sir," K-plii'd the shopman. "Well, I should like a pig sty," remarked töe oustomor. ".11 i'ÍRlit, sir; juf.t bend dowu your hogshead umi wc will í;'ke your measurtí," said tlie rt'iuly hopman.


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Michigan Argus