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A Pittsburch Incident

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fFroin the Philadriphia I'rrs.] Henry Show, i private in the Btatd iVueible, who, it has ajready been stated, was woütidi'd in the l'ittsburgh riots, has aied i'roiü the nífectB oí kis injuries. Lieut. OnarUvt!, 0f the ííixth regiment, tells tliè follöwing story oL his frieucVs ttèaffi'; "It -was during the iiiuv-i! of the First división, wheu -they wero going tip Butler street and Hearing the bridge "vhieli crosses t)ie Alleghany below pharófiotiii when pdbï tthaw recoived k gunsiiot womitl ii Hte groin. He utucrgerud bekom the, sifeet, audinto iiic door of St. Philomena'sOatholic Churoh. Service was gering on, bui the offieiating priest at once dismisi'rd tli o eoügregatirm, and, taking the woimded man, hid himiü n Tilaoe of safety uear tlie altar. In another moment tijif moh eiitej'eS iü a soarch for ïts viotim, but -wcii' íoiií'i in their atteni2t to discover him. After lompniative sileuce liad been nestored the priesC prooured a e;üri;'ge., aml, placing Shaw inside. droVe liiiji toiviu-d tluï hospital. The earriage on the '.i:iy v, .1" stirrounded by the mob, who, leamiiig tbat a PhUadelphia soldier was inside, claniored i'or }iÍB delivery into their hands. Tlie priest stood lip, aml, tiikiiiifi persuasión of no avaü, threateucil tin m with vengeance if they shoiüd attempt to lay a hand on the wounded man. He was successfal in getting him from the hands of the bloodtbirstysconndrels." A Pittsburgh paper gives the conclusión of the story: " Po'ór Shaw was afterwfird taken to the West Point Honrii!Ü, 'iD.d, áfter surgical treatment, was in .i ff liotlrs pronounced in a fair Avay to recover, and mformation to that effect was t(;legrapiied to hls rtiother i'j PJiiliidelphiii. But night before last; inflammation unexpectedly set in, when it became apparent fciiat he could not live much jonger, and he was anointed by the reverend father who ministered to him Then the -wonnd was received. lic died about midnighí. Fe l'íis a motlier and live sisters iu Piiiladelpliia. " Results of tlie Strike. The damage done to the material intereste of the country by the riots caunot yet be estíniüted. vfith anything like exaètitude ; but it is clear)y vjf.hin the limit to say that the people of tliê tTidiéd States are. i?3O,O00,0ÜO poorer to-day than they were when the railroad strike at Martinsburg commenocd. Ten nüllion dollars is not too high a figure to put on the railroad property destroyed or clamaged ; $5,000,000 wïll not cover the railroad earnings that have been lost ; $5,000,000 more would not compénsate til-'-: br.:iiií;-; men and farmerf, of the country for wnát tíféy liave suffered, and .-00,000,000 is not too much to claim for enf'j'ced idleneHs. Tlieae are the êlcrnenis of direct damage. It íb too soon to estimate tlie scdirect loss. Por more tlian a v.'uek pust thore hate been DY-fír hn ityiH Ifefit1 .rti"ka'-";.H, .■- 'Livj,'-n:i v,-e have a loss of 100,000 a day by (nüling them away ïmm tlieir employment. To put tliem under arms and keep them ju readiuess for ae.tiou has eost tl ie jnib[r y.t least $2 a dn v for eácn man, pr an iiggiégaïèwf ftlOO.000 ii (lay. In other words tile rffilita+v ilemonstration has at tiio leant est r.h! ef.'ni'try $300.000 a day, wiiicli in ten days airipfete to $2,OÜÖ,OÖÖ. Noboily oan tëlï liow mneh capital lftra béën driven out of active work, but thoee who tliink the nmount is small kuow very little of the average capitalist. To tiicse features we must .ld the dangfer that the riots avíII "be held by a raajority of our more influential ci'tizens to require a coEsidexable mercase iu the standing army of the coíinü-y- an increase costing not loss, prc)a1bl than 815,000,000 per annum. it WoTOfl, We fcMüfc, hh a matter of money, have been botter für the workiugmen of the United States to have paid 100,000,000 than to have had this trouble occur. In our estímate we must íncnidé Wè live lost and the bodies mnimed. Aceoïding to the record as it now stands tuere liavo been over 150 perii-w, kiil.'d, iji.l at least 500 v.xmtided. It usel to 1" eetimafed that every aliie-lioJii':! rr.':i {■ tÈê Ünüed Mtatea v,.ns w,-ili SM Mi lo iba .-ouutry. Worse than tlie actual .V.s f lite und limlis is the eertainty that the Qiïmiyfi ei must b e largély áUfin'ented by rfeoi'n.ítB r'ioüi ;!- rnnks of labor- men being now outlaws who two azo belonged to the law-abidingchvsts.- Jiroouly:ilC,ii' . S Komarkft'ole Bok A AlUwaultoo pátíér relates the following: Mr. NeisonBtrorvg-. living ou First 1 avenue, between Orchíird abA Miteliell ' st.vaeín, hns a black-aud-tan dog that ia just üotv' etigiineil i" 8 dóínestio ] prise woríhy oí rocJOnl. Tur. de isa f ímale, ánfi a iinmber of nionths ago i gayf birth to a litter of piips that vero 1 reared ad -syeaníid by ber. A short time ogq Mr. Strplíg btougM borne apnpand 1 placed it witli lis dog1. Sfiïé took to Sft! dïttiigë pup Jíiuaiy atad ollowed. it to unrse. Her fullflow of milkaa brought Lckj tnv,} Knddt'íil.v -slie was missla f rom : orne. Seáfcn'-Sas mivle and the dog : as foTind in a neighbovínp ;ille Wtta i trgo litter of kiíteiis nursiug her. blie iad pl,oöd the kittens upon a lavge sheet f brown pjipeï ftüd feegt them ou it, apffli for KuV-ty. ;V ',v ÖW ad body of the mother of tfce lattens, Mobíibly'jiüled by the dog, who has alavs íuauifested great hatred fot cftts. 'he dog, with the kitteus, was removed o Mí. gtro"g' resideuee, aud they aro ow -thor1 to be wondt-íed wS lyievisitrí who go in to sea íor toemsolves íhe nuisiiig a litter of rapidly-groWmg feiues. The case attracts a great deal ot nf erest ftere, and ■will be something for ;he enWoiis to Woiider al. Au Eccentnc tamny. A singular family, namod Kunkel, i vea near Wernersville. It consiets of our brothevs and one giste)'- the oldest the sister) being ?0, and ffije brothers rangiug irom 50 to 05, and they afe all over six feet tall. NeitheiTof -thein is married, they being au iiuti-man-yiap; i set, Tlx'V wn the property on wliicli bhev ptesiáe, a fine farm, do alJ tJu-ir owu woík, aud aro quite wealtby. A sister married some yeare ttgd, and they paid her share of the estáte to her and disearded her, not haviug spoken to her sinco Neither of the íive has ever ben uut L tiu' county. The farm has been Inuided duwn fpr more than 100 years, 'and was acquired by tlieir anci-stors ovei 5 rrntui-v foJ TUeir house was erect ed mor.' th:ui 100 years ago, after the style of the toot settlers- split logs tor a floor, filled up with clay.- Lancaftc? '!..) A': l'lra. ■ ,romiN-: to the Ohairmau of th Gbmi Trunk railway that road lia lost Ut-!. 750,000 in two and a quarte vcars trom competition, aud railways i Xmerioa have lost $47,000,000 In & ame fyafi from thñ same oatf,


Old News
Michigan Argus