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Agricultural And Domestic

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Arotiml the Farin. Thb feeding roote of treas come near the surf ace; therefore, plant no ibeper tlinn necessary . to teep the tref in the kou. If thcrc is danger of Út b.owing over, stake it, but don t plant deep. 'i 1 1: 1,'i'rrii fyorlM "suggésts a sünple trienns of prótectmtf'ybtBi; fruit ttfce against rabbits, wliich i to placo a few eoxmtMk aboufc tl 10 stem withtbó lower ends ticd near tho ground, anJ the other end tid as higli as the proiectiou is needed. This application 18 forma as good as paper, and more likely to be ready at hand f or farmers. I would rather havo forty UCÊ& trf land and u log-housr with one rojm- yes, and the woman I loTe, and siimr lattice-work oveï V. i ; wi ndow, bo tbr.t the snnïight would f all eheekcrod oi, the baby in the eradle, and a few holldiock at the corner of the house - I vould rather have that, and a nicc path leiding down to the spring, where I coma go and hear the water gtiggling ; vould liv.ï tlierc ad tKcrö tlian be a clei-k oL any government ou earth. - New Orlcams Tiuu ■.-.'. TANHrr,.NTix; youiig raspberríep, wlin only nix or seven iuches Ingb, and in full 'rowtli, in tWi ca.rly part of Btkmer, isas safely péiföHned as getüfig tomato plaats, and tliey ninke .-. iiin' growth the saine tmrrr' a puil to hold liie planto while diggiag vl.em ; take up with a turk, BO as to save a large part of the cross root ; mud the roots woll, and set out near evening 01 on a cloudy dH.y. TJie mnddcd rdots, .pfaukert in musa, mny be sent long distancts by express. ïiiis matter of windowa in sfcdües ís orie of vastly more importanee than tome farmers think. Animáis, no inou than ■Vegetables, eau thrivo in tho daiv:. OnT long winEcT are sufflciently trying Bo the constitdtions of onr farm-stock, under the best cireumstances, and. an animal upon which the sun scarcely shiner, af all for ftve or six moiiths will come out iu spring in ü Bd 3tate oí liealth, ven thotigh tlie feed, aöd the ventilatio., and the temperature have L'm allrigl.i. ïhe sun is the great life-give;1.- - ''- ■""'' Chronibtó. Keepím" Hogs Cii-KAJi.- The flooi cf a hog-pen sliould be of plank. The pen aod hogs can then beïtept clean. Si tbt animáis are permitted io root vp the Hoor óf the pen and burrow in tho o:.rth, tbeyvv-ill always bc in ui uneleatir and anwholesome 'eondition, and much fond will be wasted. It is quite unnecewary for either the comfort or healih of the hogs to let theni exercise their naviiral propensity to root in the ground. The exeicisé is really a waste of focel and tpkes w HHich from their growth. Hogs will fatteli nost qnickly vv-Jit-n they eat and sleep and remaiu periecÜy quitt, a they will do in a aiy, vram pen, wih a clcaa pwnt floor, and bedding of cletn straw and plenty to eat.- American Ay■■(■iiltnri-it. Eastjy Ohiokens.- The first egfrj fljfe always the beet fot hiitching. They produce the ünest and most uniform clucks, and are truer to the breed; show all the jiuer points and develop soouei, where tbo brocding l)irds are chosen vivía an eye to the nearest possible perfeo'Jon. Verf enríy hatched piillets commeiue to lay too early for breeding purposes, miless one has warm shelters andheatid inclosures for the chicks in onr latitudc. With the first clutch the hen sponde her strength and ability to stamp her pro.;'eny with that degree of uniformi y and perfectiun whioh we aim to establish. The cock always hecomes weakened vitli over use, and his ciijks are weak, and therefore more prone to dweases. Good strong lirds that inherit fonstitr.üon wjthstand all minor evils iuid gïov rapidly. - American Stock Journac DniviNG JOB FáOM Lea ves. - The alone, íf appïied orcibly and Ivon, b.eneath, and still moro easily and .aorotíghly vvith water at Vi degreeó or uot over Üb degrees, or with copperftí-, and water half a pond to thc galloj, or soap and water, with ás itípcÉ CHïböHtJ &8M Hi coal oil as tho soap mil ént comiilrtcly leaving sume fioifillgt 'i II are ellectivo, but the rose bushes sUjulii Ijc riused afterward witli puro to prefent staíns, Srhicli wQtüd rá&r fcho bcuTity oí !!- foliage nearly ab nnieii as the insect ravagp wonld. For :blago worms use hot water with some aitpetre dissolved in it. ín asicfí &e nnge nèyer draw the yaBêt ffbtó the bottom of the bucket f ear of tr.king iu sand, which would soon weit tlie horc nnevenly and so do inj!-.'..' Lhat cannot be rm.. ,[-,!, but will Omujo rquiiesome lenkagc- New TofB. .,-- al'l. Aliout the House. GltAHAM Pie-Ckust.- Takethin, s.veet cream, a)id prepare adough as for eiackers ruil out nd make yonr pie vith a crast of grease aiid fine lionr, au.I you will have au artiolo that is v..vy ea.ablu and healtuful. Boiibd Cabbaímí:.- Tal-.e ff tbr cidei leaves; cut flieteHcEïn qtíattes-ói U quartferèi eook in as sm':: a .jiía.iiity of water W poKKÍble untii ihovo'-hly done. It sh.)lüd be eooko! iu a V.clitlycoyered kettle. Cabb or öntAW Mattix.- If T.hite Btraw iiifritiug is washed twice drjrmg fl'.e slimmer in salt and water- a pmt ol íáít ib balí a pailful oí wnrm, sott v.ater - ana dried quiokl.v '.vt..ii u suit oictü, ít ivill be long befare it wilL turn yullov.- Econorii ist. . ÖftRAsraq "Patnt.-Ih cleaninc? patitf, put to tivo onurts of hotWAter two tublenoonfnls oi tiupp.nthic. m& une prat ol .kinimed milk, vvith only enoiigii íou. M makc a weat suJs, and ít wiU )-ei.iovo aS stams from té and leHjí e toe Suster almoBt like varnish. - Ciruttan Únion. To Make Mttstarp.- Mix the best Durliam- as many spooufuls M ire needed ior immedüite uso- witíi 6omfi ne mili. M A f i ly free fromljipip, aud m!l a Tittlc i-a n 1,. „dditiou of halt n small te.ifn.vv ut ui Hugnr's thought by mauy to kttaú ■nprovemeut. MrTTOX S'-TdAaRS.-Tt'ko rold roast mütton iu largo slices. Sitie ñ dreasnrr of bL'öid 'rumbs, tliymo, stnrimer würy, aalt and pepper. Moifitcn üiera It): -.m-egg, and put a Utile ou aati lioeof ti?c ftnntton. ■ Boll itnpuflitly s possible and tie. Fry them mi" ratíUíd butter untü brown ana en, TO ÜPHOtiSTBB AK OU) CaNB OH.tB.- After rempviug the surplus bits ot cano, over the spaco with matting forraBfl oí hree-inch -wi'dé Mñ(Bi belting voven ogether.' Taok it temporarily in. p.iices. S _i.,„;„ „„„,. finía rane coarse ia draw both smooth, aud secure at the edge with twine, makiiig use ol ffie perorations. Bemove the tacks, ttt Öm nw eÖfte over toward the center umi iaste it (k.wn. Arrange the cuiv. .. haw and wool, or whatevor you propo: ( ise for stufflug, and keep it m pdStBoü ,y bastingover it a piece ot muáUn. Tlien cnri'fnll.v M the rep, pin it ui diteront places until you ure fertyi} it w n pcriett diApe, and tack it p.T'nm.-ntiade for thé ÍMÚ(L Cover the }& with valloon to match the rep, mm WffiJ Ornamental tac-ks, ainl tic 111 as any places as is dêwrable wi& sterer's needie, leaviug á button the 3 ide. When the back of tlic cha.r s to be fepiwtlii facing mus-, ie tacked -u -the outeide. A numbtsk of Icelaüders f rom the is.and, as also all the Icelanders at present iu the United States, ure expected to prooeed this scason to the BejÜement on Lake Winnipeg. SUes have been cLosen for the two new towns, and the er.lony boastsof aweeklypapeni. the ia LsBvfr lauKuaf?e.


Old News
Michigan Argus