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the statement that Chandlor has " buated " the scheme for consolidating the Tribune and Poat. He got envious of ex-Gov. Baldwin, who was suspicioned as the coming favorito of the amalgamated organ. The Ohio Eepublicana did n't approve the Southern policy of President Hayos, but only " his efforts for the paciiication of the countiy." And that is what roconciles the anti-Hayes Republicans : pacificates thein, perhaps we should say. THE postponed Legislative excursión to the Upper Península is now announced to leave Chicago August 21. Senator Burleigh is chairman of the coinmitteo of arrangements, and Railroad Commis8ioner Williams will have charge of the " running gear." In New York the hand organist has been prohibited from " plying his vocation" between the hours of 9 p. m. and 9 a. m. Where are Phillips and Garrison and Kelley and Ben Butler and Blaine and Wade and all " that crew ? ' and what's the use of a civil rights bilí? The Ohio Republicana opened on Bishop, the Democratie candidato for Governor, by charging him with once being a Know-Nothing, and with running for Mayor of Cincinnati ou a Know-Nothing ticket. The battery was spiked when it came out that Hayos was a candidato on the same ticket lor City Attorney. A Maryland Registor in Bankiuptcy snaps his fingers in the face of the President and his order prohibiting office-holders interfering in politics, being members of conimittees, manipulating conventions, etc. He says that he don't hold his little office by virtue of a Presidential appointment, and that being independent of the President he shall do just as he (d- d) pleases, and he pleases to run the political maohine And as the President can't even get a the judge who appointed this re-caloitrant officer he will necessarily have to subuiit to his inferior's impertinence. i i - i m i ■ The New York Sun gives " doublé leaded " currency to the charge tha Judge Bradley, after the argument upon the Florida case beforo the Electora Commission, wrote out his opinión anc decisión in full, discussing the law am the faots and reaching the conclusión that the vote of the State must be couuted for Tilden and Hendricks, anc that the evening before thejudgment o the Commission was to bo announcet he read the opinión and decisión to Judges Clifford and Field. But before the hour for the Commission to mee next day Judge Bradley received new light. He gavo his vote in favor o: O{.""üi?. th&„vo.tü {pjr_Hye5.and_Wheelfected ? That is the queBtion. At as early hour of Friday inorning last the large saw mili and large sal works - the largest salt works in the world- of W. B. Burt & Co., at Milbourne, eight miles below East Saginaw, were destroyed by fire, with the docks, and a large quantity of lumber and salt. The loss is estimated at $200,000, with insurance less than $100,000. Over two hundrod men are thrown out of employment. The fire was the work of an incendiary. On arriving home from Buffalo Mr. Burt gave his employés a supper and paid thom their wages to the lOth inst., as a reward for their efforts to savo the property. - -m+ - - . - ■ - - Now that the Ohio Republicana have resolved that " Cnngress should exert ita authority over all the national highways of trade," so among othor things as to " secnre a fair return for capital invested and fair wages to employés,1' is n't it time that other enterprises come to the front and domand legislation in their behalf ? Why should n't cotton and woolen manufacturera, ironmakers and coal minera, paper-makers and publishers, be " socurod a fair return for capital invested " and their employés be guarantoed " fair wages ? " Is capital invested in railroads more sacred than capital invested in other great enterprises ? And are railroad employés to be protected while niechanics and laborera in other linos of business take their chancos ? And is n't there a vast deal of bosh in the Ohio rosolution 't In BiDDING for the votea of the atriking railroad employés and miners Judge West discounts the platform on which the Ohio Ropublicans placed him. In his speech at Cleveland he said : I would go further and try the experiment - but I do not know that it would succeed - I would arrange and iix a minimnm of pnces for all who labor in the mines and upon the railroads, aud then require that of all the net receipts and proceeds of the capital invested the laborer at the end of the year should, in addition to his fixed compensation, recaive a certain per cent ol the prufits. Will Judge West teil us why not " arrange and fix a minimum of prices " for all kinds employment? If Congress or State Legialature can so " arrange and fix " pricos in the interest of miners and railroad employés to as secure them a share in the profits of the railroad and mining Corporation, cannot it extend its fatherly or compulsory oare to all other corporations or individual employés ? And thon will Judge West teil us whether miners and railroad laborera, in the evont of there being no profita to divido, can be corapelled to rofuud a portion of the minimum " arranged, fixed, and received." The sentenoe following the quoted paragraph has that squint : " Then if the profits were insufEcient to compénsate you as liberully as you could otherwise desire, bear with your employers a portion of the loss." This can only be " securod " to the employera by authorizing them to withhold a percentago of the " minimum " wages unle8s the account of proilt and loss is made out and balanced at the end of the year. Are miners and railroad employés ready for that ?


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