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More Producers And Less Tariff

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Without professing to fuxnish a coin plete remedy tor the evils under wliiel the country labora, the Boston Po inakes the iollowiug suggestions : We must begin to be producers whore we have been so largely consumers Too many have gone into intinut'actur ing and trading whon they should have sought mechanica' trades and the cultivation of the land. The drain put upon country life for the city's supply has oaused the latter to grow surfeited, aud this is its attaok of appoplexy. They have bread riots and labor strikes in the Old World hecause there is no surplus land ; with us the situation is wholly reveraed, and we witness riots and strikes even while the land is not worked. Say what we will, the vast extent of our territory makes us an agricultural nation, and will always keep us one. Agriculture must become our supremo industry. This is to be a land of contented homes, not of tuneuient houses, street emeutes, mobs and incendiarism. So f ar as legislation has a part to play in reinedying existing dif&oultie?, it is mnnifiistly called to a thorough and immediate revisión of the tariff, which is only another word for taxation. It is summoned to take down the barriera to ;rade, so that the surplus of our productions muy find the open markets of ;ho world and give relief to this surfeit. 't is expectod to so distribute the burduti of the common debt that taxes will not come as if it was the intention to 3fty off the debt all at once and now. And it must most rigidly enforce the rules of econoiny in all publio mattere. En this way legislation can bring sensil'j aud instant relief to the oountry, which of course means to labor itself. f there are auy statesmen among the ublio men of the time, this is their oportunity. As for merely preaohing the need of economy to labor, it is li&e aplying a salve where nothing is wanted ut an alterative medicine. A great leal is to be left to time, of course, and o the operations of nature ; yet what ntelligent legislation can do it should et about forthwith. The most of us can see our fuult and folly by this time, rat lamentations are out of plaoe. We must all go to work, and a way must e made for the disposal of the produots of our industry. The land is our ;reat resource and to that we must urn our faces. More producers an1 no idle consumera is the demand of the ime. All oannot expect to be merhants, any mare than inillionaires. Toung men must learn the habit of aving, and drop the dreams of speouation. We want more mechanica and armers where we now have a surplus f well dressed idlers who depend on a mother's washing or a sister's sewingmachine. Manhood will lift us out of bis, and nothing less than manhood will. The Corunna American says the coal nines in the vicinity of that city are eing worked with a considerable vigor t present. Fifty-eight men are now at work taking out coal. The coal mined s all sold as fust as taken out, and at fair profit. The owners of the mine, who have largo iron works at Youngsown, O., contémplate removing the works to Corunna.


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