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Company A of thia city are cooking up ,n excursión to Put-in-Bay, to come off about tbe 22d inst. _ Patrick O'Keefe, of the Fifth ward, died on Monday last, of rheumatism of the heart, 9ged 65 years. - B. E. Frazer, Esq., has accepted an inyitation to address the Albion Reform Club on Stinday evening next. _- The Graas Lake.Chelaea, and Dexter Reform Clubs are gottiug up a joiut excursión to put-iu-Bay for August 1G. - A large number of ladies have been con,tnt attendants upon the court during the trial of the Laboratory case. - Gov Folch arrived home frorn his trip to de Lake Superior región on Monday last, and jeports himself pleased with his viait. - W. S. Allen, dry gootls merchaut at Coldïfster, late of this city, made an assignment on Tuesday last. Liabilities about $4,500 ; as,etssonie 12,800. _ Chas. Kitson aud Henry Matthews went oathe Evemng News excursión down the St. iwrence and to the White Mountains, leaviug on Monday, - Heury A. Chaney, of Detroit, one of the bist of the press court reporters, has been in toipn this week roporting the argumenta in the Liboratory case. -A new sidewalk has been laid dowu on tha Washington street front of the M. E. Church. One wouldu't be out ot place ou the gtate street front. __ The Rev. Mr. Ryder, of the CongregaI (10Bal Church, is taking hls vacation and reguI services at that church are suspended for this mouth. The Sunday School is held as uauat. _ Iu May, 187ö, A. J. Easterly, of Manchester, set out a strawberry bed 160 feet long t,y 20 feet wide, and this season he picked frora the same 600 quarts or almost 19 bushels of berries. Who eau beat it ? _ Hon. Foster Pratt, M. D., of Kalamazoo, jas iu our city on Wednesday, - to atteud the funeral of Dr. Sager. The Drs. Hall, of Saliue, aud other physicians from other parts ot the couuty were also in atteadance. _ The State tax apportioued to Washtenaw County the coming year is til, 001. 01. The State tax of this county last year was $34,327.37. The last Legislature couldn't draw on in ironecessarüy accumulated sinkiug fuud. - Some one wanting a harness, but not a horse or buggy, went into the barn of John M. Swift, on Elizabeth street, during Saturday night last, aud stole his carriage harness, taking ven the hold-back strapa from the buggy sluit' ts. - Mrs. S. G. Sutherland, widow of the late Samuel Gr. Sutherland, died at her reaidence on Catberine street yestorday morning, of conauinption. For somo years she had resided in Detroit, but returned to this city some two or three mouths ago. - Iu the Circuit Court at Detroit, on Monday, a decree of divorce was eutered iu the tase of Welliugtou D. Smith vs. Mary E.' Smith (both of this city), " on the ground of extremo cruelty." How did the Wayne Circuit Court get jurisdiction of the parties 'i - Our old fellow citizen Caleb Clark, who forniany years has had the goverument at Washington resting ou his shonlders, but who now, we believe, enjoys the luxury of being a private citizen, arrived in town on Tuesday, nd has been looking up the " old landmarks." - The case of the People vs. Greorge Cook came on before Justice Beahau on Tuesday foreaoon last. The prisoner waived examiuation and was remanded to This is the new proceeding in the Saline murder case : it the shooüng and killmg of B ity was muider. - A largo basket of cake- a bushei or so - laft in tüe baggage room at the depot on the return of the Reform Club from its recent excursión, was confiscated or borrowed by au employB of the railroad, who ntteiwaid cousiderately paid f 5 for the same " rather than have any fuas made about it." - The Coinmou Council having refused to repeal the license ordmauce ought not its proTÍ31OU8 be enforced by the proper authorities ï We can fiud no charter provisión authoriziag auyofficer to suspend au ordinance, or which will relieve violators of auy peualties iucurred wbile suspension is assumed. - W. E. Walker luis the contract to build two cisterna or rerervoirs for fire purposes: oue at the corner of Maiu and Liberty streets, to hold 1,000 barrels and cost Í440 ; and the other at the junction of Washtenaw avenue, Uemetery, aud Church streets, with a capacity of 500 barrels and a cost of $200. - Excavution has been commenced iu Maiu treet, at the crossiug of Liberty, for a large cistern for' fire purposes, - to be filted with pipes from the store of Mack & Schmid. The dirtis being "dumpsd" in the Court House iquare, and a "heap more " will be needed to kring the square up to the grade line. - Aa the wife of John C. Davis - better known as Jeff. the Court House jauitor- was getting off the Sunday night traio, she feil down in oue of the faiutiug fits to which she subject, and the cars starting up suddeuly the wheels ran over aud cut off the skirt of her (toss. Her escape was a narrow one. - In that famous ludían light in Idaho, in which Capt. Randall aud his little company of braves- 17 in all - immortalized themselves - Sheriff Case, of Mt. Idaho, brother to Sheriff Case, of this city, had his horse shot through the uose while he was holding him after they iadgamed their position. A close cali. - At a recent meeting of the board of trustees of Kalamazoo College, Rev. S. Haskell and M. Olney, of this city, and Rev. Mr. Boyden, of Ypsilanti, were appointed on a committee to cousider the matter of a fínancial agent to raise moneys to meet current exponsea and increase the endowmeut fund, also to Heet interest. - The Atlantic Express coming east and lae at this station at '2 o'clock a. ui. on Wednesday, broke a Journal of the express car at Mhi aud rau it olï tho track just at the 'mtch, blockading tho tracks aud delaying the passage of trains for several hours. The %ht express and Jackson accommodatiou ete held at Dexter uutil the track was clear, bout 9 o'clock. - Large owners ot real estato in this city aDd vicinity now have an opportumty to put me of it " where it will do the most good." Ex-Gov. Ashley will take city lots, at a fair 'sluation, on railroad subscriptions. By giv'"Í a few Iota and secu ring the early completen of the railroad from this city to Toledo Oirket will be made lor tha lots left on hand. "A word to the wise is sulficient," - or ouqht to bt. - It is proposed by the Court Houso contactors, or to them, to lay water pipes to the "ell of Jas. McMahon, on North street, be'eeu Fourth and Fifth streots, and to get the ecessary water from the tank erected there two or three years ago for etreet sprinkling Purposes. A wiiid-míll is to do the putnping, This well has beeu proved of large capacity, ud the expenmeut may solvu the problem ot permanent supply of water for Court House nd grounds. - Father Van Erp, of St. Thomas' Church, ho has been absent in Europe since April Iajit, visiting France, Belgium, and Rome, arrived home on Tuesday night, hearty and happy. Wednesday evemng he was serenaded by 'he City Band accompanied, by the St. Law'Wce Society ajid a large nuraber of his conPegation and citizens. E. Duffy, Esq., made a few appropriate rernarks, to which Father "an Krp responded in his usual happy vein. 't was a pleasant occasion for both pastor and People. - Still dry and hot. The 'weather clerk has been promising " looal showers," but they hav'u't located in this vicinity. Corn, potatoes, and other sumiller cropa about used up. - The last number of the Ypailanti Commercial announcod the death of Ella, oldest daughter of the proprietor, a young lady beloved by her family and by a large circle of friends. We extend our sympathies to the bereaved father and mother. - A new fire oorapany has been organized, composed principally of citizeus of the German persuasión, and the boys will run with the old Relief machine. The officers are : President, Goo. B. Schwab ; Vice President, Albert Sorg ; Secretary, G. A. Graff ; Treasurer, Wm. Allaby ; Captain, A. Mclntyre ; First Lieutenant, A. Sorg ; Second Lieutenant, C. Hemzmann ; Firat Sergeant, M. Ziegler ; Second Sergeant, John Muehlig ; Steward, J. Walker ; First Engineer, J. Berolzheimer ; Second Engineer, Fred. Kirn. - The railroad committee are making slow progress in gettiug subscriptions, but speak hopefully and propose to " fight itout on that line if it takes all summer." They 'say it takes a deal of talking to make some men " see it " and come down with their ñames and a promise. A late number of the Toledo Evening Bee contains a letter to Gov. Ashley from Hon. C. A. King, which shows the benefit the road will be to Toledo, Ann Arbor and the country along the line. The Bee also States editorially that tho work of canvassing along the line is to be immediately commencod. We shall publiBh Mr. King's letter uext week. - The Yp3i!anti Commercial says: "Uu account of the water beiug drawn off near Dover, tha IIui'ou river has given fourth au intolerable stench the past week. Ague and other worxu disuasos amoug our citizens are the result." We can't exactly 8ee how drawmg olí the water uear DoTer sliould make the Hurou givo forth a stenen at Ypsilanti, or any lower point evea. We had supposed that stenches cume irom the uncovered and exposed lands above the pomtof drawing off, and heretotore flooded. But that is the way theories do get knoeked, either by the light oí common sense or the skiH ot' au itemizer. Which is it ? - JVlartiu Halier, sou of Jacob Halter, who wout to Germany about uiteen monthn ago in search of health and for the purpose of advaucing himself in'his chosen proteBSion, tliat of a watchmaker, has recently returned. During hls absence he spent most of hia time at work uuder the instruction of Mr. Martens, of Fielbu;g, Badeu, ona of the most prominent watchmakers of Germany, and turued out, the work of his owu hands and not by ma3hinery, three complete watch movements. Une of theui, a beautif ui specimen of workmanship, a stem-wiuder, with detached lever escapement and full jeweled, he brought home with him. We uuderstand that Mr. Haller will remain with his father, on Huron street, and that the public will get the benefit of hls acquirod kuowledge and skill. - The exainination of Dr. Silas Fratt on a üomplaint chargmg him with an attempt to cause his dweiling in the Fifth ward to be burnt, was concluded before Justice Beahau on Wednesday. The story told by the main witness, Turner, was consistent and corrobórate!, and the justice held him for trial at the next term of Court. He was released on his own recognizance, and is expected to " skip " the county. We do not believe in that way of doiug business. If the evidence warranted holdiug him for trial his presence should have been secured either by good bail or sending by him toja il; if not, he should have been "houorably disoharged." The Fifth ward may get rid of him, but some other community will have a right to complain that instead of getting hia deserts he is turned loose upon it. Thia criticism has a more general application than thia single case. - We ure glad to be able to say that another stage in the Laboratory suit ís ipprouching an end. The argument was couimenced on Tuesday morning promptly at 9 o'clock, by Mr. Sawyer, in behalf of Dr. Bose and his oodefendants, who occupied the entire day in discussing the history of the case and the testimouy. He concluded at about 9 1-2 o'clock Wednesday morning, and Mr. Kinne followed in behalf of Dr. Douglas, speaking nntil 4 1-4 p. m. Mr. Pond comnienced his argument at that hour, speaking until six, resumiugj at 9 o'clock yesterday, occupying the forenoon, and coucludiiig at about three o'clock p. M. Mr. Storis, of counsel for Dr, Hose, ot we suppose the special counsel of defendant Beal, commeuced the closing argument soon after 3 o'clock, and will doubtless occupy the whole of to-day, if not more time. We presume that either written or pnnted briefs will be prepared and submitted to the Court, and that it will be severa! weeks before a decisión will be announced. And if the Court ahall find itself divided ia opinión a jury may be yet ordered on some special issue, from which may all parties and a long-suffering public be saved. The Millebs and the Fabmebs.- At a meeting of the Michigan State Millers' Association, held in Detroit on the lst inst., considerable discussion was bad and action taken relativo to the merits of aeveral kinds of wheat raised in this State. As of considerable interest to the farmers of this county, mauy ot whom are large producers of the banned " Clawson," we extract the following from the proceedings as reported by the Fret Press : The Secietary presented the following analyses ot six samples of wheat, giving their repreaentative consistencies and values for flour, as made by Prof. Albert B. Frescott, of Michigan University : First- The total nitrogen (in the grain dried at 212 degrees Fahrenheit). Second- The total albumenoids (the fleshformiug coustituents) by calculation from the nitrogeu. Third- The starch and its derivatives (the force-giving constituents) in the dried grain. Fourth - The water obtained at 212 degrees Fahrenheit. CONSTITUKNTS OF GBAIN DBIED AT 212 DEO, FAHBEXHEIT. I bïftlj g r ra ga No. 1, Gold Medal, 2,067 13.33 82.00 13.5S No. 2, Crescent Mills, 1,713 11.05 82.00 10.76 No 3, Diehl, 1,789 11.54 84.0 12.35 No. 4, Tapahannock, 2,516 16.23 81.00 11.70 No. 5, Clawson, 1,680 10.83 79.00 11.35 No. 6, Treadwell, 2,400 15.48 79.00 10.74 Concerning the above analyses, Mr. Hayden presented the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That by the chemical analysis of soveral varieties of wheat presented to this convention, it appears that the values of the different samples for the manufacture of flour stands as follows : First, Tapahannock ; second, Treadwell ; third, Gold Medal ; fourth, Diehl ; fifth, Clawson ; and therefore we recommend the sowing of these varieties in the order in which they are uamed above. As a further expression of the meeting in regard to the variety of wheat known as the " Clawson," the following resolution, presented by W. W. Hatch, was unanimously adopted ; Resolved, That it is the sense of the meeting that the " Clawson " wheat is the poorest which ia now raised in the State for making flour. In the Toledo market the Clawaon ia rated No. 3 red wheat. We do not consider ourselves competent to decide between the millers and the farmers, but we suspect that in view of the great difterence in the yield the iarmers will not readily atop aowing the Ulawson and adopt the Tapa, hannock. Another reaolution adopted by the Association is perhaps of interest to our wheat-growers: Resolved, That this Convention recommond to the farmers of Michigan the uecessity of letting their wheat remain iu the straw until it has gone through the sweating process, as it would greatly add to the color and they would find the wheat would weigh heavier and it would make a much heavier and atronger flour.


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