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Heubf.rt Br.ANciuitD, of Savory, Mass., was ordored to discontinue his visits to the dauguter of E. Tras];, He' met the gentleman in church last, rUiuday, shot him detkd, fatally wounding a brother, and missed his third f hot at the Moman. A KRiiniTiufc accident occurrcil at Totton it : Co.'s fonnclry. n Plttsbergb, tast weck. by whioh Uu men siere sciiously injurcd, two it is fearcd, fntiüly. The men wére melders, aud were digaged in making a largo hoHöwoaeting. ïho coro, composed of sana, was weij and, whuii tho metal was jxrarcd into it, a térrico ixpionion oóonrred, wfth Ihe result aljove stated . . . . William HL Yanderbilt, President Of tho New York Contra! railr.'ad, has issued a circular, in which lio says that out of 12,000 of hn fejWpIoyes less than 500 allowed themselves to be canica awny by the lato excitenient. These have been tlicharged and are not to bo ngaiu cinployed. In MkocnrWomBat of the good faitli of the men employed ih operating the road, Mt. Y;nuU-ibilt pro]Mw's tu divide 1 00, 000 among them, and promises to increase ttieir payas soon as the business of the road will jnstify it. Thk bnlls and beara of the New York Stock Excbange enjoyed a genuino srnsaüon the othir day. A stock-gambler namod Selover, who liad beenengage9 in somo cojhbiriation itli Jay Gonld, boearuo pOSBSsed with the idea that the lattor was biïraying him. They mot on the treft, and without eeroinouy S.lover attacked Gould, strikiug bini glit and left. After iving tlioi;rra( Stock gpecnlttor n sound trniniping Be prékeij hifti 'ir in his hand and (1roppd him down n basement aren. It was not a verv heraic deed, fot, while (onld i.s a mere .stripHng iu sizo and stnnj;th. Si'lnvir is a giaut wcighing 2-10 paitada, A hhockish accident oi'curri'd at l'ittsbnrj'h, ri., a few days ago. Sevcn men encoged u lining a furnace were on a scaffokl, ut)vpurtcd by ropes. Tltese took five thé l'urnaco and the eaftold feil, pecipitating thte men into the f urnace. Juüim Harden and Michaol Cassick wure taken out dcad. and the five others so b:ui!y aivm-d that t la-v are not rxpreted to live. . . ."vy'illiam li. Qgafn, one of tbe early pionuns and the first Slayor Of Chicfigo, and a very w t-alt li y mail, died recently at bis home in the snburbsof Xcw Yurk city. ATScranton, Pa., a few days ago, a inob of striking eoal-mmer, nui.ibvring npward of 5,000, visited the railroad ]rc:i:i: -e ■ and forced tbe workmen to quit their ocenpations aasaulting and injnring somc of tlione who protestd againt tluiv intcrference. A company of local vuhititcvR, afti'i' a íic-rce assauft from tbe r.iob, ih'id into the orowd, killing iour men and vomiiüng man; others. Tho Uiob then disperdod. Thii trüio of thé coalminers ir jiiiím.-s to be a iïifre erious affair th;'.n that Dl Ihe railroad men. Dispatcbes lr,nr WUkeebafro state thut tl' Wvotaüig conl i-cgirm is one vast military parfip;"abont 5,000 étotu trobpá being ucattered throuKUtlje valIcy. Jlany of the trainn 1 ;r;n aoldierrf were aUaokcd uid stouud by tiotein, aud huudreds of the laMer wero being arMHad. BOT. H.irtranft assumcd pemimal command of the trtKWS. Si-vrral eompanies of (Jtfited States oldiera wcre alfio sent to flijj Mine of the tronlile.s. Twklití companies of United States troops btivo been stationed in the Wyoniing coal region of l'ennsylvania lor tho suppression of any outbreak on the part of the Btrikjug mïuers. Tlie State txoops b'v beeu relievod and sent honiie. THE WEST, The Chicago Tribune says : " From nll parta of the West the farmers send words of cheer about t'ns gito#ftlg crops. Warm, dry weAtlier is rapidly ripening the épriug wiieat and oats, both grains nromising the fmest yield foryears, and tho (same favorable couditions are enábüng tliu reapeis to put iu full timo iu the rye and barley ready for harvest.'1 A dispatch from Portland, Ore. , says : ' ' Gen. lioward is nt present at Kamia, awaitiug the arrival of Mai. Sanfovd. As soon as that oflicer icins hún, Howard will taUu all his avtiilable iiuci' and pusii vu;iiii)uslv alter Jostpli and Wliito Jiird, who have ah-eady ciossed Bitter ■ lïoot moUTitain by way of the Lolo trail. He will go thruuprli to Missoula as raiidly HS hts command can move. ITe witl " have in the neighborhci.d ot 500 nion. Anbtn'er fórèe under conamml of Gen. Wbeaton will leavq JTort. Lapwai, and, njoving ïiiuth, ])ass through the Spokanfl country and croas over into Montana ihroughSahuu pass. It ig ri'ülirlrntly beüeved tbat thid niovement will result in tlie capture of tho eutiio band of hostilts." KniiiTof tiu; .-.trikint,' employeaof the Toledo, Peona and Warïaw railroad wero .".rrii;ned bePare .Tudgo Drummond, of tho Uniied States Circuit Court, al Chicago, last week, for obstiucling íhe nidïeiütnt of trains. Most of tliLin confessed Uil' violent conduct aliegcd, aud the pjoof as to all of them was ojear Cfnoúgh ; and, alti-r lisiming to tbeir counsel's presente tion of extenunting circumstances, the Judge geMcitetíd tlie ring-leadcr, Sfack, to four in'intiis' inipiisomnent iti jail, and tho others to two ïnouiha each. A line of i0 was also euierod against each of the rioters, the imijiisoiiiní'iit. to continue nntil tho i'uies are paid. Tho Toledo, Peoria and Warsaw rond is iu the hands of a receiver, and the strikers were wnrned, dui'ing the existoncc of tbc trouhles. tha! no interlirence with the running of trams would be tulcratud by tbe UuiUd Siatcs authorities. The First Kational Bjflk of Georgetown, Col., bas close.d itn dojrs The Governor of Illinois has advised tbe Shoriffs of counties iu tiiiï State iti which riots have lately occurred to -arrest all rioters against whom evideuce can be obtained, and have tlK'ir oases pr(ented to tbe grand jurios as iodi as possible. A í'iijíiHrrcj. ca'aniity ocurrrd at Cini';a:i;i(; last -(veek. A eigar-box factory in whicli a mimber of boys aud girls were einploy&l. took iu, and was coii.inn(.'J. The building was live stories high, and the employé wero in tlie upper story, The llames cut off all meana of exit before the alarm was lairly sounded, and four of the unlbriimat'j girls," together wiili two raou, who bravcly atti'inijied tpcir rraeile, were burned to tWaftr. r!nve [Joya and iwogirts were l.atily iujured and gédt to the hospita) 'Die funtnil of üvu of the brave otftcf'fü -vho feli with Gin. Ciiatér at his last liRlit toQk place, on the 'i inst., at Fort hééyenwonth and the MnMjkU were iuterred in tl' N.iti-im! Cenietory. A winu.E ramily, Ctíiiwsling of Lcwis Spear and liis four childn-n. eoüsistíng rf two daughters, aged 15 and 17, and two sons, aged 11 and 18, were reoently murdcred and robbed by miknown assasijüuj in ('lark cnunty. Mo. " The mnraerfers made the ittack licii the vMims wero as'.rcp. derfliüg heavy blows unon llieir hoiïi withaiisx. Mr Spcncor was Township Trhsfcê, rfiid had in his yosstssion t1)00. Tho object of Ihe nmrder was to mciuv; tbin mouey. Ki.kvf.n more riotouK raiiroad htiikcrs have been tenteneed by Judge Treat, of the United States JJiKtjict Court, u.t Hpiingii.'lil, 111., to t!u - tnoatjte' inpii:iinncut, for iaterfeiing with tliornnning of trains on roads utider th?jtirisdiction of that conrt. Wjiii.i: Mr. Cumies Belden and family, pï Gilon, Knox county. UI., wèro abii ut 1 1 chmcli latt 8unday their residonco was brokou open by a Iramp. Search was macje for Ilie Hc-mndi'el, and hu wa-i fouud in acornfidld ncar by. U. iiuHü.'dii.ti'ly ppened fue nitlj a revolver, iniitautly kilüng Mr. Hulden. ïnortallv woun.iii .;■ Mr. charles M. Cower. and wdanding M'. James l'ackerel iu the leg. Alsu a l.v naracd Keeler iu tha fuot. whioh will have to be aiiijnitated. He killed two horsea and a dog, ■uhI theu made good his efcapö, A uiyooüï Bhooiing affray recently took place ut. If.)p..,v,.]. Grceönp county, Ky., bjotween Kayid Fluxd, bi two hik. ttüd lick Floyd, an OkVrnan agcd S0. ,,„ il„; „lu. áe na .,"OHe))h . .i.'ariui and f.vo sons on tiie olher. David . .I was shot tUrpugh the bowtls, and I ),-;, Fteyd shot toretaeadt The Flovd bovs wero botli fchot, ono it is thoiight fatnll'y. GCNEBjIL. Tuk thirty-seven uissiaii Protestants and tbeir children who were recommended by the Ozttr to cmigratc to this country inst:ad of, where Dom Pedro desired thom to go, wero phippcd to their destination from New Yorl; lust wcifk. Tliftiipw colony is to be located ncar Lincoüi, Neb Fifty carpentciH liave just sailee! from New Vork for Livi -i-pool. Eng. Thev go ont uuder a year's contract, witli a building tirm rt MtifaeHeStel1, and are to reoeivB (i Hhilli'igs a d:iy. ];x-(iuv. Iv.ïim, United States Minister to France, lia.i safled for I'ari.;. ...]il ;uv witli a i:ircul;i.r issued souie time hge bV ibo Nortliern )(silwny Ootnptóy ,i ('anaia, Ihe wagesof the men on thst" 1 nu in riceipt óf morí' tlian 1 i day 1. ■, bf en rcduced 10 per eent. The in'én Biibmit, thougb din-.ntisüed. TwiíN'iY-six rioteri', arre.-ted at Uriana, for "'■-iKi.tiüj; lndiana]ilii, Blómgtou and Western railioad at that place, wasfiriwl before Init.d Si!i!.!-.i::dKuTreat af SprinfUrkl, IU., and each of t hem was sent to jaU'ïoV liinotv days. The n ad in .ji.ti.,n U bun by ai'cc(ivei'!ipp.)mt:l !)y the Cj'irt, and the htrilicrs Wfre guilly ol "contomijt of cuiri" AtGbloagö; forty-cigbt riöttfré have leen held for trial in the Criminal Courtin bajl ranging from 1900 to 81,000. A large mnnbur have ln'ii conunittcd lor trial at Harrisbuita l'a. Alargenumbt-rof thcSt. Louiünotcrshav I , en cominitted for tl iai iu (Uf ault of bonds for .f3,000 each, Fifteeii patn, charged witb iutoiftiiug th) tra nis on the Iudianapoii, BloomiiiKton and Western, tbc Logansuoit, CiamfGrlfsviHiÈ and Sonthwéstei n. the UViio and SKisisBippi ■j'.iú Hio India napoíis. Cinnimati and Uifayette ronda (all of which are ii! the hands of i' ers), wcro tried before United States Jiulgo Drummond and genteneed to vacioue terms of imprisonment. Thk insuranoe udjusters have completad -settlenients of the loöses of tho St. John (JÍJ B.1 firc. The total nmonnt to bc paid by íiásuránce compauies is L(.736,000. Of this, English eonipanieg will paj W,822,00O ; Canadiim, !,- ■l(')i) (K)(i. nnd American, W45.000, divided betweenthe .Ktna. of Hartford, 2lil,()t)0 : Hartford, of Hartford, 140,000, and Phenix of New Yorl;. Y05,(100 On tho night of the 4th inst. a firc broke out in the poorhoiiso on the Norfolk couuty industrial farm, mar Simcoe, Ontario. It was ahuge'woodeu li'c iitd by ïnidnight the wliolu striu'tinv v:is destroyed.' Tlic water supply wss defectivo and tho brigade from the town coiild oftect litlle. Thé poc.r-lmusr nxitíúned forly-thrce male and eighteo femvle, lujustos, paupers oí the oonnty. Desperate exertions wene mane m save lifi'. Ijiit no quiokly did the llames extcnd that seventeen of th'om wero oaught and 'mrned lö (Uath. six womon and eleven men. These were principally bed-bidden old pcopli' who could not move without aid, and in the [ the ronrmg fiamos aid could not reach thim. Five mcu weré bnrued severely in ttémptlng to rescue the paupers. BuRNKD: 'J'hr St. Hospital in Kt. Ixm, loss Y10,(100 ; the Indiana Fertilizing ( 'miimny's works at Indianapolis, loss rl."),0E0 : the Morton HtMsë StaWes, thirty-six horses and a large nunibor of carriages at Indkin Iiarbor, Conn., los $4O,QQ0 ; the malo building of the Wesleyau Fernaie College at Mui f rfonboro, N". ('.. loss $75.000. WASHINGTON. Tur. Ilon. JosepU Kegar, of Virginia, has been appomted arbürator on tho part of the United States bcforo the United States and Spániqjb Boraniisüon organized in 1S71 by vi,theoi the ;.;rameiitof the lwo GoverümentH f'ir tbc settlenier.t of certain claim. of citisieiyi in thi countiy on acconnt of wrongs :uid irtjUrics cóiniuit'ted by the Snanish ajWhdrftioa in Cuba. It is aunounced thiOttgh Ute Stilte Department in Vy-hington. by theUrútfd Staíes Minister at Paris, that citizena ot thit: country triveling in Algcria will no longer require iwssports. Tno Americana were recently annoyed at Boue, in África, tecanse tbey ha1 no [■: rt:;. and the new rule of exe'mptión is the cónseqnencc. ..A Washington dispateh of the lst innt. eaya : "The tolul popular fiibscriptions to the I per ceut. loaii v. -re ::!ï.:;i:i.7f)0: total received iy the sviidi.M.te, r!(iO,000,OUO; total füijjqribpd in liOndon roported to date, 610,200,000; making a total of !í7,519.700. Against tbis amount cnlls have been tened for the redem]tion of 840,000,000 of 5-20 bonds of 1865, and r,000.000 of gold has been p.iid luto the tfceasnry tor redemption purpoHcs. leaving $31,519,700 of bonds vet to be called." ...The President bas npiiointed Ilenry W. Hilliaxd, of Qeorgia, Vjnvoy Extraordinary aud Minister l'lenipotentiary to Brnzü. Tiüï Auguüt statement of tho . public debt ie as followsr S:x por cent. lxmtls $ e(Í4,52S,250 Fivo per 6ent. bpaas 703,266,660 Fonï anrl a tüift i-int. b...uii 185,000000 Total coiu bonds È Lawful ruoncy debt $ 14,000,000 Hm■c( debt 1 1 ,979,2 Legal tonücr Sr,!l,153 182 Cerflflcnfea of ileposit 5.",40.".mio J'mcíicná! Ollrr-Micy tí,7:U,3:í3 . rtiftCitcs :fi,8O7,300 T.'tal wiÜMiit iut.Tpst $ 472.244,811 Total debt $2 01,015,998 'J'otul interest 20.095.129 Cash iu troasury - c-oin $ ?7,BU;i,JiM CasU ir. treíiHiír" - uurrenry il si l.'Cu CurrCDcy held for redemption of fracü.)u;il currency 8,1(50,838 Spooial áposit luJd for rciïemptiüu oí certlflcatís of deposit 55,495,000 ToMir.troury .$ 171,271,809 Debt ksa cash il) troasiny $2,039,330,318 ■ of dchtdiwinii '"!' 818,90 Huilde isHUed to Tacinc Uailroad Oomiianies, interest payablo in lawful muuey; principal outstanding 64,fi2:i,ñl2 Tut. nst accnutl anJ nol ii.ti.l :i-.m.i it : Iiltcrfytpaklby tljc T'niti-ii SUtcs 36,957,629 i ïntnrcrft rc-paiil by trjtiportaiMui it nwlls, etc B,671,62i lïalanre of iiitrrtt j.aict by Tluitcd Statrs Sf?,286,00i A Washixhïon correspondent tates that " a good portion of the Prcsidcnt's ínesñage npon the reaisembling of Congi'esB will be devoted to a consideration of the labor question. It is known Uiat at numorous Cabinet meetings beid within the past two weeks this subject has in several instanees been discussed to the exclusión of al! othei matters. Several niembers of tho Cabinet are known to favor the : paijsage of a law providing for the organizaj Bon of a comnussion wbich shall dne re! gard for thu interest of all .■ncerned- producers, merchants, railroad employés and Capitalista - so on any question a fair compromiso may be etfected." POLÍTICAS. The Hepublican State Convcnfion of Obio met at Cleveland on the lst inst., and nnminated the following ticket : Oovernor. V. H. VTest; Lieutenant Governor, Ferd. Vogejérj Suprciac Jiulge, W. H. Johnson ; Attorney fSettera!. GMotne K. Nash Clerk of the Bnpreme Court, Dwight O. Uowell School Èóminissioner, J. T. Lukens Board of t'uWie W.rks. A; W. T.uckey. The follmyin platform was adoptcd ■ 7Í(.so'íi'.'. Tliat yie riaJVnm aud adupt tho platform autl resolutiomi of Xsitioual Couvention ol tiic Itepublican part,? adopted in the conveutidii ciuuati in Jmie, 1870. 2. That the Republicana of Ohio reaflinu thcir iinfalterliij; conftdencc iu Kntherfonl B. Ilayp as a staUamaii, patriot aud K'publican, aud coriiially approvc and support his efforts for tho paratlcatïoü (■: couiitrji aid eAtablifhmefit of its '.■vil hbt■ Er ■ iipóll :i báeíñ oí pnrity and ''ilii-ifncy. ■S. Th;it we ï-caflinn It as (h mmltijniblii purpóso of Oio Eepublicaa uartyfo m;. int:. in .-in.! cnliircc Uje proviaiope of recent amcnuüieub) t ■ (b. Federal coïistitiltion gaaranteeing the equal rihls of all cltizeus before tlu law, Ixrespèctiye, of rape or color, and to insisl on the fnll aud effecttial perfonnonce by the Federal (ïovej-nnifnt, in tlu fputlon f iii !N powc-ifi, of its couftUttitional obligaj tions ijl tbat bchulf. -i. Th;;; we avo io favor of boUi silver and Kold as moni y ;' that both shall be a lca'.-tder f(,r thi paymeut of all dcbt, exce.ut where ppp. ■ ■:;: providod by l:uv. with coinafie aud valimtinn BO rtgulatod that our peopie shall not be j)!ace,l at a (Ksadvantage ín uur trade with foreign naiions. añeí tliat both njotals shali bc Uepij in circnliition fls the, :,!■ :i y of the natiou, aft coutemplatf-d o: üie ftoll' atitjitipji, Mini ve tbereforó drmaini th'.: rinonettisbtlou of bil ver. ;iat n arr onpocod fp auy furinev Knots "f public land, pubsldiof, ir the citension of ijuulii: credit ofuie Oencxa) póvérnzuent to aid in (hi (nijjstructiun of railroat]. B. That ve u-e opposcd U) the rcni.wal of patenta by oit of (Vinresa which are bir(}exu}nmtï uid opu'refïilVe to the momee oí the )êQpic,an'd cspecially to the laborin' classes, 7. Thut wc view ivilli;'larm the preeent dfeturbed ■ 'lultii-n df the country as cvideuced by the eton&lve Ftrv.s pf tlji; workiugmtn, and fojiowed by t'üe destruL-tii'li (.f lile and pronoríy in (liftcrent parta of tlie loüntiy, aud we deprécate and evety icsort to Vlolenca aml disorder, :nd i i-idi:illy approvc ttic actlop pf our natioual and fittte authorttifs in tú-ir éfforta to euforce the BuremAcj Uiwy y-t we iln muist hfarjtily sympatliize witb the eondution uf the honcl and inducir tabón ca who are' williija tu work btit remáis uneinp'oycd.or ave ejnplOYclut wngésinadcttiiatc toH)mfort and, and as an ouocet of ollr leflnd a retnedy for their condiliun we rat(hnlllPMd- ürst, that Congreso establih a Xationul liureau of Indiistry; BecoDd, that Congreia i q ( itsauthoiityovfr al) national liijjliwaye of tradi b preümolng rnd mtMtíig'ttKh reasonsblefregMations as will (end to pr.jmote the Kil'ety ,,.' tivvi-l, s-'in-.' lui ri;t lints íur Un: capital iinyi.str-tí. knd finíbp ;ln-i i ii j .:.;j.-, pr. ventOSH i.-u ni. ünproper discv.'uiination, ud :i;;,'M-;inl]-;i. nt of oíBcials at üío expensti oí st(cklnl(lfi-y, nhi]ipri' and emploges: third, that provisiou be paule IVstatutory :t;bitratiouH between employws and employen, to a4ist controversien, recon'cüe interest?, aud estabüf-li iustiee añil qquíty íutwi .■■n tln-in. 'J'm: Uemocrats of SHesisfrippi met ii, Stat;: Convention at Jaekson on the lst inst., and nominated Gov. Htone for re-oleetion as fíovenmr, YV. H. Siüis for I.ieutonant Govenn-, W. L. Ii-iningv.ay fur Treasurer, S. I,, fiwiün for Auditor, T. (J. Cntcliing fur Allorney General, and .T. A. Kmith for Huperintendcnt of Pnblic Edneation. The convention :u!opted the following platform : Fidelity to the constitutioD of the United States. Home rule and preerv.-ttion of StntegoverninentH, with nll their reaerved and guarauteod rifhts miiiiipairefl. t interferenee by inilitary power v.ith the frendcmi of i;lectious índ with tile civil and politiía! ri(;hts nf eitizon of ihe T'nited States. rroteetton tod eqtUU rlgütepf all classes. Jio aUcrimlnation on account of race., color, or previoiiR condittc.u of servitndn or hirthiilace, and no special leglsli'Uón tói(be benefit vi the few at ib.-.Mi„f.,. „f the muy , S'' terence in the aelectiou of pubHcjuffita !., i' ■ t.uie-iKmored JoÜbruotüriu áandard: ''Is be h.mcsf.' Is he. c-apabU-.? Is lie tiue to tlic i-onstitution?" ContinMN 1 Oí'' imlicyof! and reform so signally inaii;uratcl by the Democmttc party. RCdttttlpll of the hnrdenf; of taxation to the ïowe-t pnint combatible with the efficiënt execution of the i;iws. ( :'ijjnrations nf cvery desQriptión supcrvinable within i-on-titiitional linitte by Sfatc authority, and stiborWnate to State legtalatfon (u the interest nnd for the. protection of tho people. As the perpetuity cf free povennnent depende irpon the vlrtuc and tütelligeuce of te people, we piwge onredYefl to the maintenance of statBy8t iu oí frpe schools. We favor granting gucli aid He nmy bc xti-ndeil without Woluticm nf thRCOllstitutlOB QÍ the ITntted st!deB or depnrtin, from tln establUUód natgej of the Q pvernpii at, to the ■(■■■x.-is Paclfip raili-oml and for relniildlrig hliil keriiBK in repair üw levees of tin UlMlflSlppl river. THK TiJKKO-lU)SSIyN WAK. A cable dispatch reports an important engagement noar JRuetchnibetween the Czarowitch and Ahmed Eymb Pasba. The Twikish eorps ik roported. to have beeu dofeated with a los of tturty guns, Urn btanilafdii, aud 5,000 pvisoner, jüto.r f'öit'iïil lüspatehes contirrri thofnre;inin;-. The ntiml'U' of 'I'urkisli r;ri-o!ïer-' is uow ;ivll :i.. 8. 000.... A i'i'l Vf:;p'mlrnt witli Uit' toxsian troopsai Ênatendii tolographa ns folis : ■l''rij;litfulcrui'Hicslmv(il.rcii](;ric,tratd by iheOnvasnians inNorthernTnrl-.ey. Three hoiií ánd 'Bulgáriaus hifi'e Jusl arrived there, ïalf starve'd and n&kcd. Mnuy are horribly wonnded, and have uiarpb.e.d din e (Jayswithont , fod to escape tlio Cirotaiii nuil J'nslii-líaZOUkti." A comtF.KPONnENT at Erzeronm a'.iuo'incos 1 1 : :i t ancther fwward muveiucui ui l!:" l!ussiaiiH lms eoramèitced. Tue oo?Tom'fration of the army of the Grand Uuko Miohael (o the northwa'rd of TCars ha cvidently been Dlanned. .... A Kuvi re baltic wan fougbt at Plevua, ou fVeSOthof July. Tho cannohado In -dl hftnra. Then a genera] engagement o&sucd whieh lasted until 30 o'olocfa at bight, hen, according to TurkiFh accounts, fhe línisiajis ntn ateo. Prisonrrs nay tho Kushianu Knd CO.000 infaiitry and thxoe reginients f cavalry, aid had filcy kuus A l.ciidon correspondí ut telegtrapha that comïimiiicntieus havo n cc,th' 1 ei-u üi.-'sing betweenthe Government of England nul Austrui, uu] it is even an(ried that a couvenfóoi] ban Ijci-n entcred into by Umn ïvgardiiif,' the nilltlllLl llell'UM' (lf ■ TiÜliOplO. Tiieue is no douhtini; tiie faut .that thé ftlBfliau arms have met itti a even rev ríe aorth ui tli': Balkans, and tl, at ihe ouwavd ïiarch to Oonstft&tinople h&8 received a feríena check. 'lln llnssiiui forcea onpaprd m the battlo. oiv series of bnltlc?. near Fleviut, are vferionslf -.-liiiiiited at from 40,000 lo lí)(l,ni)0- ]in!,:iMv thé iirst figl're is nearly correct. ThBTnrki nnmbered Swim 80,000, and wero strongly fortined. Tho Kussiaiin made repeatwl a.ssault npi'ii the Turkinh linef, and werc in eacli inKtatiro rtjnilscd wilii .. :i t e'anghter. Tl-i-y wer finnüt fdrWil to withdraw. and rctreatcd in tbc direetiou nf Suttovtu Som details of tbc ftghfin ill !if Uand 'il aiiiitlicr rohinin. ... A correspondent at Yu-nna telcgraphs tliAt [hv Kussian dcfeat at Pierna was o-wing tu 11 ir Ijfjug iliiiihcd and atlao.kcd in tbo leal' by :i 'Juikish división, the artülery of which mowej asm tbis Ma.-roviK.-s by j'.undvfid.-'. 'i')e Hnssians ore complctoly rontod, lmt manngía to s.ivr thcir fiinuon, Osnian l'asha admita tlíntboth sid(M lost enoimouslv. 'J'in ii.iiui'i v antlioiitit's ín the Austrian capital aaorihsd icii.ry piii'tly tn tbc üii]H'riurity of Ilúiny-Ar;u'ti!ii rifle iufcl bytlu' Tnikih tro. i . thu inft rior ordi-r of gun ucd Iiy fl:c tliissiiui:'. Tic7 I!usinn MttÜBte of War dfrdcTs ::il arniy corps not yet mobiüüed to fmnish : diviHion eacb to the fightiug army, to bo i;t once dispatehd iotbe Dauubc flispitoh from Erzi-rmtm rSvs : '''Dié Itii-Hian center, reinforced by l'onrteen battaliona of infantry and tlircc field b&tteries. bas resnmed tbeoffensive. Thore bas been continnous fighting on the advanced Unes bofore Kars. öeu. Tergmkaesofl has also been rcinforced by iive hattalioug of infantry, one battery, aud a ngiinont of diacoonn. Tlie IUissian riu'ht is inaribing on l'erek." The Loiidon 'JCiux'n' war correspondent, wilh thu Kussian camp before Plevna telegraptie that "Btrong reiuforceinents have already reachcd Gen. Knideuer'a corps, which is able to MSttt any offensive movement of OsmaQ l'asha, ishonfd one be ai.tempUd, wbich is not vcry ptootatd, ïtó Kussians have sulTntd a disastrouH check, bnt that is al). It is hardly firobabje any reuewal of the attaek wiil e made for the next ten days. as the l!nssip.ns need time to bring np reiuforosments. The second poirteon bridge at Simnitza i p nearly complet (1 and wiil bu re&dy for uae in a few day. Tbe old bridge ík stiil in good order." .. .A-Si. rctcrsbnvg dispateh Baya "fc ukase has been isued ordcrin the mmi diate inobilizatiou ot tlie entiro corps of the Imperial Onard and SetfeisJ other divisinns. The in ijor portion of the Impiiia! Gnard and Km of the divisions are to jom the nrmy i'i rWlgaria withimt delay the remninder go to reinforce the annj of t,ha CancaHis. Auoüier ukne, signcd by the Q.n at Biela, ordern n levy of ÏSS.OOO of the landwehr. The levies nnxt v,i!h general entlmsiuM'.i." A KispATCii froni Siatova eays thatj Gons. Schackoskoy and Krudener have retaken the positjons held by tliem previuiis to the di.-astrons battle at Plevna. Tliey are daily receivnig largo reinforceméiits. The RuMians aVe strainiug every nervo to retrieye their late disaster, and to delivera crnsniBfe blow before the Turk l'ave time to reap all tho a-.lvantages which inight result from In chance succíss. The Hu-ssiand admit a lossóf 5,000 men at PUivni The Turkish Gonerals continue to report Rnssian massaorel of llohammedanu, wkilo the Rwgrfana report Tnrkish massacres of Clnistians. lïoth repoiU are no donbt true. Thero itt sveiy evidence tliat tliis is the most barbaïous war sin JJaik Ages. .. .A camp pi Ï.J.niü men béL fonñtd for the proUctiun af Caustaulinople. GSEgnURAff JÍOUKItíN NEWS The magons of Londen have strnek ivork for a reduction of hóufs an;l increase of wagos. A Madrid dispawh saye that síjaflg'emejits have men made willi the promoters of Ii. Cuban loan for an advancc of &25,0UO,003 for the '.'Niienses of tbo next Cimpjgn. l'!h ;:,!- vanee wiil be guarantecl by Uit colonial customs. Hamukl Waukkn, the Eugiish auttór] B dcad. . . . AJamaicii viegramropnrtsa revoiut.ion and two-days' oaviñgttieu at Port ar. Prince, Hayti A Pmis tiipatch Baya ihe split in tho lionapartist ranUs i-, ,s (Mmrflis and wide as t!:e rnr.tin-e betneeri Ihi Binrtyérliss' and Legitimlsts A.' iiua states thatat a meeting or ihe Mnustenal Conncil a resolulion ivas ad(!.iea ii i,:lly ordenng the mobilization of the army. Tlie resolntlon anthorizes Connt Andrassy to eftcMho niobiüzation withiu limited boundd, !inii!d lie deem snch courso necessary. I.a'ik e.ibli' adviecs nota Uie inaiiifoiitation of a growing u, Ëiigland in the organs of opiiiioii in Germany, It is even declared in BOme qurters that Oerniany wiil not permit England to ocojipy any commandiug "positioii on the Daiilaillis dr to MWUBQ control of the om],-t f Ihe Black sea. . . rAn imperial order lias ívt. Immui issued at ('oiwtantinoiile redneing tbc snlaric.i cif all Tnrkish officials 5') por oent. ntrfil üic réstoratioij of jieaee. . . . It 18 stated ín 'o Ilölidon diipatch that lïnssia, disconrqgod by the icsnlt of the war, i.s utpQrtng to secure üiteivanfiou by sonie tbird power, and that Austria, instigntud bv (.ennanv, will !end her inüncncc to'.vard aidinj; lin.'Sia to secure desirftWe pcacc. Oen. Maetiníz Campos, the cojajinéiidtr of the Sjmtiish trtxjps in tlie islanl of Onba. bas sent dispatches to the King SftSpain cxplnii - ing the. situation of tbc oampu i;;n. ,md stating that tho insurgente are so well mipljed witii inform'vtion by spies, and 1heir faciiities for disbanding wli'en pnivnf d nre stich that ii takaï 800 oldierii to leol; ttftér ter. insurgents. Gen. Canlpoii, thereferti, requires iW,w.) more troi ps to crash Iho insurrc-ution. Cimpas further says Ibe insurgents will only siurencler ou reeeiving their indepeiidenee. and Waommenflé ' the Spanish iinvniiiiiniil to adopt ono iroposi tion or the olh'-r. Aivioks from Ludia report a (listiessiti state of nffairs in the famine-inlliüled di-iriels, aud hc. Uritish public has been appi-aled tó for'a'esistanre. ■


Old News
Michigan Argus