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The Boltimore omiá Ohio roait ha giVen ;;i to Ciich oi' Ilin ilii'ii %%-!■;= Jfd iii.: breidt u tbc stinkt! md U.i.k the trnins thVówgh, The Pennsylvani:' fcailroatl hns nntifi il the Páltiruore !i'.crcli;iii.i of the destructiou ut CO.UÜt) biiKhcls of wii;it iu tbe i'ilfsbiirgh riots. Tur: ï-ouiiiiisor thé late .Gen. Guste hayc beeii depositod iu aviuiltat l'ouglikc( psie, N. Y. , uutil fiill, when tluy will be truiinplnntiHl to West Point. A new Republican dnily pnpcr is to bc startwl at Wasliiiitou, nnder Hu mimagonont of Mr. Lynctti, oí Mainel lt wiH wpportthe admioistratión. The Constitutioiiid Couveution of ( corgia lins adopted an nincndmcut provkiiug for the 'clootioii of Supsema and Superior Court Judges by tlio Lcgislature, O'iDF.jts liave bccu KKiicd the oouceutiatiou oL a considera 11' íorfte at Fort Olnrk, urar the Kio urnde, in 'iVxa.s, vvlicH' the troops wijl be hela in readiness lor euy movcmciit l.l;it BijRy Oé ueerssrtiy for tlu snpprpssion Sinfl punisljment oí cattle-stenííag, accórding to tli new policy of tlie ftdministratian. At tlio time of the, evaeintion of Jüclimond by the Cnnl'cderates ccrtuin Stilte officials divided the coutonts ut' tlie tieasiiry, .orac 25,0C0 iu gold. Judnc HiigfiiS Ot tho Unitod States Circuit ., luis ('-cii'.e 1 that tlu: moiicv I'longed to the Xaüonal (iiivi rnmeut, nul tluit the aviirioious otlicials must shell out. C. h. JiKr.T,, who obtnincd cousidernblo üotociety uw :i dct:c,tive iu the Babcook trial átSt. Lotiík, and siibwquciitly asa Wltttssinthe ring investigniions oí laat wiuter, wks arreeted nt Washington last weok under a fequisitioil fi'oni the üovsunor of ï Bell s .l'iiigcd -svitli having committcd three in un Urs iu Texas in 1869. Washinoion tfU.graro: " Postmftfitcr Geueral Key suyt; Lat Edward H. East. tlio Chiiqjcellor of 'iennessee, uyd a loyal iiimi duriñg the war, will lic jppointed Judge oL thn V.ivlh Cirauit, omhraciqg Miobigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Bennes see. It wns thought tbat Judge (m!i y, of Michigan, would trt the appoint&nt, as .Judge Emmims w,:t; r.;m that State'.1 The British House, of Oommotns recently had i most remwkable sessifvn,' lasting tweuty-six consecutivo hónrs. 'liic House was iu Coijjmifctee of the wnole mi the South Afnóan Confederar tion bill, to wbioh there had been, at evory stage, long and persistent objee-, tions by t!io leaders of the opposition. Tho stinggV Ifiatnrt tnvouffb an entire day Ji;.;lit, mul loei 1) nmiiorous exeitiníc e ( ■■■ .n -i incide it. Witlnn rei e!.t I ti !;■ !'u :i no jutmllcl t.OthÍ3 fiitti The steamer Florence, iho ndvanêo guard erf Howgate's èxpedition - wliicli ír to establisli ft temporary colony ;ik to nortli as possible on Smith'B soumi, und endeavoi to rench the pole whenbvei a i'jivoi-iible se;ison sniled hom New LoDdon, GUt pu the 2d inst., dudèr commnnd of TJ'sffn, who wns eme of Cupt. HaU's companions on the Botería The expectation is that the llowgatc colony "vviÜ find in opporttuiity within twooithree yoav topnsli northward over üie ice or by launohes on the open soa., and thus solve the vexatious inysteryol' thepole. The latest returns reeeived a( Agricultura] Department, at Washington, show that the winter wheat erop,. iilroiuly snfoly harvi'sti'ii, is tiie aargeet produced iq (jkki, country f or manyyëarS. The. spring wneal i aleo in excellent condition, H.nd ftb nnpri'Cfdi'ntoil yiclJ is iHiticij):i(;U. TIn; oottun ■' :nr-. also mor ;:r r.t fttt üme, tiie pr'.ihi.'t -ïinsv c-sti. fi ;;.■.■,■ ■■ f ít,5Q9jaaO bales. The wheat erop 01 last yearwas 260,-i Is. This yosir I will be more-.thiui ;!2.",,0(!(),0(H) bushels. The ige export Cor live jjears ims b. ac öl,Öt)0,000 BilBhels. The brgestamount ever exported in one year was ÍÍO,0()0,000 bushels. Of this year's erop not less thmi 100,000,000 bushtls mny bc; sent abro ld. Por the fiist time iu twenty ye%s the l'ennsylvania railroad hn.s paé divi end. The resolutions maküjg llie announcement are in the following words : "In yiew of t!ie heavv losses recontly snstaiued by the Penasylvania Itailroaol Oompaaiy in the deetruction of its property in the. city of Pittsburgli by molj violen ce, and in further loases sustaiaed in revenne through prolongad interruptiou ia trojlíc í'roni üio same cause oii varions points oi' its ewa and eonnecting lines, and in view also of the imperativo duty of the company to provide for the immediate restoration of rolling stock and of sueh buildings as ure absolutely necessary fat the tráníictiou of its business; therefore, resolved, that it is inexpedient at this time i clare a dividend upou the oupital stócji of this eonipany." -tliJC It is stated by a Washington c.)i-t-espondent that "a prominent officerpf t!ic Rovernniehf, in conversation the nthci day with a man who has the best m of inforraation oii the subject, was informed that thé late stiko hail begun prematurely. It was the intention of the managers of the strike on the principal railrads oi the conutry to qrganize a sintultaneons war against ,all ti-ansportation companies nbout the lst of Üctober. Bilt tne Dreinen! aud brakemen on tlie Bfltimpra & Oiiio road were so angi-v at the roductioñ made by that company that they were unwtiflihg to wait until the appointod time. The result wns verv fortúnate for the country, för, luid the strike occuiTod in Oetober, iustead of July, it wotild probably have been so fuily organized that its suppresaion would have been much more diflir-nlt, ilnd the restoration óf peace and resumption of trajlio much longer postponed."


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