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Wool Time and After ZXarvest I AS Wool timo and Harveet have both come and goiie, I sitnply usk oach and every ono who oweame auv amount, great or email, to bear iu miad i ln:ir long past promises, and walk up like a i hiii. ii to the J -u-h, wlth the cash iu their Ijreecltis pocket, and paj me, or I will find out what virtuethore fs in a summong. If these collecÜODS can't ie miulo trillingly they tnust be made forcibly. 1 havo come to a flrm resolutlon to collect my outstar.ding debts. If you give this matter your iiniiK'liiiti attention you wiil save youreelf costs. Now I want you to belicvo every word of this because ii is true. This thing must be done. Ann Arbor, July IS, 1ST7. M. ROGERS. L. C. Rudon having umdo a general aflsignment to nie for the benefit of his crédito ra, all persons having claims against htm are requested to present i in m to me at the atore, No. 31, South Main Street, and all persons owingsaid Risdon are rcqueeted to oatl at the store andscttlethoir accouuU without delay. Ann Arbor, July 11, 1877. 1643iu2 CHAS. II. KIC1IM0ND, Assignee. ' BSTKACTS OF Ï1TLES. The wndersigned, Itegisler of Deeds, will promptly and carefully make Abstracta of titlus, From the Original Eecords, For Attorney, Avimti, Owners, or Furchfwora. No paiDs will be spared to ive a complö te chain of title, unil show all eucumbrance. Charges ruitnonablo. CHAS. H. MANLY. Ann Arbor. January 10, 1877. 1617. T) INSEY & SEABOTI'S BAKERT, GROCERY - AND - FLOÜR & FKED STOttB. We keep constanitly on nnnd BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOL,ESALE and RETAIL TRADE. We shall also keep a aupply of DELHI FLOUB, J. M. SWIFT & O'S BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUIl, RYE PLOUR, BüCKW WHEAT FLOUR, CORN M1CAL, FEED, &o., &0. At Wholesale and retail. A gcnoral Btoclc of GROCERIUS AND PROVISIONS constantly on hand, whioh will be sold on aa reaaontible terins ub at uny other house in thig city. Cash paid for Butter, Eggi, and Country l'rofnce generully. KT Goods delivcrcd to any part of the city with out extra chargn. RI1VSEY & SEABOI-X. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1. 1876. 1564 rEORGE W. CEOPSEY, Late of the firin of Clark A Cropsey, and A. Keabnky, lato of Texaa, under the ürtn name of KEARNEY & CROPSEY, Have eshitilishcd themsolvcs at No. 33 Soiilli ilniii M., Anu Arbor, and propuse to do general # Crocerv Business They wil! alao keep CROCKBRY, GLASS and WOOPliN WAKK. andafull line of DOMESTIC and FOREIGN FRÜITB. They havo ütted and furnished A First-class Eating Department, Where Meala can bo had at all honrs, or board by the week. Caoli paid for Hut ter. Kïs, and all Uounlrf produce. Qoodí proinptly delivered iu any nart of tho city. Remember the place. 33 Sontli Main stront. KEARXEY.& CROPSEY Ann Arbor, April 26, 1876. 1580 A Z.ZCTT7RS TO YOUNG MENJuBt published, In a eealed envelopo. iwfePrice six cents. w. .,,■. .iu uu Ilio IVnturi1, mí treatment, and radical euro of Seminal Weakne8ü, or 8permatorrho3a, induced by öelfAbuse, Involuntary EmiRBÍons, Impotenoy, Nervous Deblility, and Impedimenta o Marriago generally ; Consumptton, ijpilepsy, and Fit; Mental and l'hysical Incapacity, &c- By KOBHRT j CULVERWELL, M. D., author of th "Green Book," Ac. The world-ronowned author, In thia Admirable Lecturo, clearly proves from hia own experience that the awfvl caneequencea of Self-Abuse may le effectually removed without medicine, and without dangeroua surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordiam ; pointing out a modo of cure at once certain, and effectual, by meana of which every sufferer, no matter what hia condition may be, may oure himself cheaply, privately and radically. ■fl27tis Ltcture will prove a bonn to thousands and tlutusands. Hent under seal, in a plain envelope, to flny address, poat-paid, on receipt of tx. ccnls or two postage stamps. Addreas the Iblishera, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann Street. N. Y. Post Ofüco Box, 4 580. 1630yl tfl f JCaii't be made by every agent every I III montb In the busines we furnlan, hut til tl il 7jtlllst 'Hing to work can earn a dozen w UU Vdüllwsaday in there own localities. Kave no room to explain here. Business plcasaut and honorable. Woinen, and boys and girla do as weü as men. We will furnish you a complete outfit free. The business pays better than anything elso. We will bear expense of starting you. raittoalan Tree. Write and see. Farmers and mechantes. ' their sons and daughtera, and all classes iu need oí payiug work at homo, should write to usand learn all about tho work at once. Now is the time ppn't delay. Adilresa, Tkue & Co., Augusta Main" 1620 Order your , NOTE HEADS, LETTER IIEADS, BILL IIEAÜS, STATEMENTS, .fee, AT THE AUGUS OFFICE ! Yon can get tlicin AT NO OTHER OFFICE put up in Hodder's Blotter Tablet First-Class Papers AND BOTTOM FB.ICES.


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