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RAILROADS. MICHIttAN CEM'RAL RAILROAD. Jl'NK 24, 187,7. OO1HO WEST. . á ■ i.tíinr TATION8. 5 K-1& Ij í Sé Ll_EÍiiilr A. H. A. M P.M. I'. M. P.M. Pu Detroit, leave, 7 OU 85 4 45 3 15 6 05 g"V l. T. Junction, 7 15' 9 50 5 00 3 30 C S0 in in Wuyne Juuction 7 4ti 10 17' 5 82 3 BS 6 47 lu Z Ypsilanti, I 8 17 10 35 6 00 4 15 7 26 n T Geiides, 8 SO 6 15 _L_J Ann Arbor, 8 40' 10 50 6 80! 4 32 8 00 11 ii Delhi, S 55 6 43' Dexter, 9 03 ! 6 53' 4 53! 8 22 Chelaea, 9 2:'. - - ■ 7 12 S 07 8 37 . Grúas Luke, 9 52 7 37 3 27 9 02 , r.M] 1 ku Jackson, 10 20 12 15 8 00 0 1" 9 30 lo 4Í All'i"". 11 04 12 53 I 7 00 10 18 ■' Muraban, 1 1 S0 1 35 y 7 11 4e1 j ' P. IC. i M O UattleCreek, 12 201 1 5 ■ 8 00 n ie ., lc Oalenburg, 12 Si j 8 38 11 53 __J A.M. 'x.U. Kalamazoo, 1 15 2 40, 5 00 9 00 12 16 S 5.1 Lawtou, 1 57 5 35 1 00 DeCBtur, 2 15 i S2 1 27! Dowagiiic, 2 41 6 17 2 UOi Nile, 3 11 4 07 7 U0 i 35 4 , Huehanan, 3 23 ; 7 11 2 50 ___ ThrcoOakB 3 52 4 43 1 VI S 20 5 M New Buffalo, 4 08 4 56 1 7 49 3 35 Michigan lly, 4 40 6 20J 8 lu 4 05 j.. Lake, 5 23 6 02 b 50 , 4 52 6 Kennington, 6 03 6 50 9 I" ' 5 40 j Uhicuu, urrive, 0 55 7 40 10 &,. r, :-;., , 'H OOINO KAST. J 'ÍÍ 1 o J j Í M s a Jíj _?__ __L_ _Pks_F A.M. I'. M. V. M. 1M. pTT Chicago, leave, 7 00j 9 00 3 45 5 15 9 a ICentiington, 7 50; 9 50 4 35 6 05 S S) Laks, 8 3710 28: 5 23 6 48 101) Michigan City, 9 23 11 10 6 24 ; 7 35 11 u New Buffalo, 9 45'11 26! G 51 u ,' Thre Unie, .0 00 11 3G 7 (19 8 12 1 ; Buchanan, 10 32 7 IC -_; Niles, 10 4V 12 15 8 20 9 00 IJ 5 Dowugiac, 1115 8 48 1 1 a Decatur, 11 39 j 9 15 IK Lawton, IL 57 1 9 S5 a. m. '- Kalauiazoo, 12 35 1 38 10 10 6 30 1U 26 2 1; Ualesburg, 12 65 1 . I 6 53 Ji Creek, 1 32 2 17 j m 7 35 u 16 3 u S - Marshall, 2 17 3 00 J 8 12 II 40 J 4j Albion, 2 45 3 2l'A.M. 8 43 Í2Í.V 4 1 Jackson, 3 35 4 05: 5 20; 9 45 12 50 4 J) GraBB Iake, : 37 5 48 10 06 , Chelsea, 4 lu 6 15 10 24 Dexter, 4 35 C 30 10 35 Delhi, 4 4:1 6 43 i Auu Arbor, 4 54 5 10' 7 00 10 50 ! 2 10 6 3 Geilde, 503: 7 05 Ypsilanti. 5 12 1 5 24 7 16 11 05; 2 2" 6 (5 Wayue Jiinc, 5 36 6 46 7 40 11 22 2 48 J IS (J.T. June, C 10 6 15! 8 25 11 50' 3 20 ! (j Detroit, Ar., I 6 25 6 30 8 4012 05; 3 30 s (.. #Sundaya excepted. tSaturday and Hunday eioeptcd. ÍDaily. H. B. LEDYAUD, Gen'l 8upt., Detroit. H. C. Wüntwobt, Uen. Paus. Agt., Chicago. DETROIT, HILLSDALE & INDI. ANA RAJ.LKOA1). To take effect June 24, 1876. OOIHO WE8T. OINO Eigr, TATION8. MaÜ. Exp. TATIONS. Exp. fl Ypflilantl.... 8#:2o' 7:25' .. Saline 9:15 7:67 Bankers 5:00 !0) Hridgewator. . 9:42 8:15 HÜUdale .. 5:20 2:11 Mancheater. 10:12 8:37 Manchester.. 8:20 4:0 P. m. Bridgewater 8:55 4j flillsdale 12:45 10:33 Haline 9:SS 4 Bankere 1:00 10:45 j Ypsilanti.... 10:20 S:I6 Traína run by Chicago time. W. F. PAKKER. Sup't, Ypailanti. SiALiLÍ A THOROIKMI flYMXASTH' SYSTEM TOE LAD1ES AND GENTLKMKN, IN TEN MINUTK.S ONCK A DAÏ, The Health Liit ia a Scientific System OF EXERCISE. Forthe nttainment and preservHtion of Healtb. It is Lhe best means oí PHYSICAL CULTURE AND DE VELOPMENT. IT IS TUE S1MPLKST, SAFKST AND MOST KFPICIliNT MOUE OF TAKING ALL NEEDED EXECISE. In the biiei spaceof ton all the mii" lesaregradually, thoroughly, and syinmetriallr 'rouffht iuto action. Coneentrated exerciae ff -he buay and scdentary. ANN AltBüR OFFICE AXD I'ARLOBS, HEaatHurouS South of Court House A DOLLAR SAVEO IS A DOLLAR KA11NKD ! o NEW GOODS ! Ani piicea LÜWER THAN KVKK. I ture purchaaeil iu New Yurk, for Msh, tJ I uní now duily receivini; one of the Inrgent "J mout 8fli;ct stocks of (irH;oi en Id W.ibte Oouuty, couaistiDt; oí a ful) and well sulectod LINE OF TEAS, AU of the new erop- iucluding liiiiiliawdüri, I nii'iTiii In, Younr ')" HOUH, II) sous, JupuUM, ,,,,il-s, loriii„s:is. i'UMrulls Soachoag, and Tnaukay, Togethet with a full line of COFFEK8, conewlin;,' of the following brunda: M()0ft. OLD (iOVTJAVA.MAUACAIBO.LAGUAYKK.SAXTOSnnd IUO, both ronted nd ground ; full and well selueted stock of SUGARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Tdgethai with everythintr in the lino cf P"'e SpicuD.C'anncd fruilB, nnd Vegetables. Wc luive 1 uli :nnl complete liue of BOOTS & SHOES, IIATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. AIso, n choice nssortraent of Ladifri" andUentleiuen'a Underweur. 011 and examina Ooods uud l'iii.-o und wu will in.iuru satúfucliOD. EDWAKD DUPFT. " Miiynanl'e lilock,'' cor.llHin and Ann tlittl' Ann Ardor, Micb. ■SS"ITi!.'liPst ciish price puid for all f'10 ímnluco.fca Tf o YaluaMe Houses FOK SALE. l'li proporty belonclng to the WELLES BSTATBj rttmtedoo DIVISIÓN 8TKISET, al tbe hei' S.NN STREET, and the property liitil uní M low occupkd l.y A. W1DKN.MANN "will lie noli it a VEIÍY L()V PKICE, AND ON I.ONG TIMK IP DESIKKI'Apply to S. H. DQDGLAS AND SKK TUK J.Vf'KSOX TBVS8 KOD.WAGOX lIso, i, New RiKlit-IIand itiirruH Iran C'oru KUeller, at M. HOGERS'.


Old News
Michigan Argus