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f _A Manchester coal-'dealer is taking orders for liard coal at f 8 per ton, delivered. _Dr. Maclean retumed a few days ago from l,is vacation visit to the Queon's dominions, sud is looking well and heaity. - Attention isiuvited ts the letter of C. A. jjjng to Gov. Ashley, to be found in auother column. Mr. Kiug speaks from the card. - Col. Burleigh lett yesterday foreuoon lor }few York, in response to a telegram advising bint of the daugerous ïllness of his yoimgest child-Daisy. - The public schools of this city will open ou Monday, August 27, and the boys and girls „re already gathering up their books and ibsrpening tlieir pencils. - Uutil the 26th inst., Saturday ot next eek, is the time given coutractors to bid for the erectiou of the new building at tlie State Xonnal School, Ypsilanti. - Now ís the time to advertise in the Aegus. jliiiufacturers, merchants, and mechanics ihould use our columns to let the pnblie knovv they a ready for and mean business. _ Sheriff Case has eight boarders, one a lad U yenrs old, from Ypsilauti, serving out a 14 dnjrs sentence for assault and battery, and sev,n waiting trial in the Circuit Court. _ It the witness Uuterkircher is able to tonie to time, the examination of Jas. S. Key„olils, of Manchester, ou that charge of arsuu, will be proceeded with to-day, at Ypsilanti. _ Tar and gravel : that is what has been put on"4t'other end of that broad walk through the University campus, and froin oorthwest to soutlieast corner it is now a capital promenade. - i'rof. J. VV. Parker, principal of the ÏJeaf, Pamb and Blind Instituto at Plint, and I'rof. Beloss Fall, principal ot the Flint Hiyh School ffere iu tito city on Wednesday, etich accouipanied by hia new "botter half." -The Brighton Citizen says that two young uen at work on the farm of Wrn. Haiglit, iu Webster, a few days ago killed two old rattleinakes aal fourteon young ones. One of tho üldones had 18 rattles and the othcr 10. - Prof. Z. ïruesdel has been very siek since tot Saturday, with dysentery, but is now better. Dr. Frothmgham has been sick with lowel difficulty and a!so threateued with typhoid Eever. Was on tho gaiu yesterday. - The heavens opeued and the rains eame lava: that was ou IMouday and again on Tuesjay and Wednosday. Grass has a better look, indtue farmers airea Jy concede part of a oom jud potato erop. P. S. More rain yesterday. - Scio village has a " tunnel," and is theroforeaheadof Detroit. The "tunnel" is not nader the Huron, but is tor drainage purposes : tliat is if Scio shall ever have any wator to juin off. So we karn from a Scio letter to llio Dexter Leader, - John H_ Mayuard arrived home a fow dnys ago from his trip to and brief sojouru in California, looking " as natural as lire." He says that there is lots of land to the acre in the '(jolden State," but he dou't seem to onthusc moch over its business prospects. - Prof. Heunequiu ad vises us that he has accepted the position of principal and professor of modern languages m the Michigan Military Academy at Orchard Lake, uear Fontiac, Maj, llogers, of Detroit, is to be Superintendent. - While putting down and repairing street erossiügs are in order, we desire to cali attention to the crossings at the junctiou of State and William streets. Both crossings are very much used, and both are in very bad coiiditiou. - Prof. Frieze vacates the southeast Univeraity residence this week, and mechanics will unmeiliately commeuce converting it into a dental college building, l'rof. F. and family :,i:jve into the newly repaired house of Dr. Palmer on Ann street. - We cheerl'ully adiuit tlie conimumcatiou of "A Tax-1'ayek " to our columns. Is there aiiy more neccssity tor briding the race in questiou the i'utl width of the stieet than there is for bridging the whole street width over the river? Good railings ought to be a sufficieut protection. - Chas. H. Stone, a native of this city, and fhief engineer of the steam reveuue cutter Alexander Hamilton, has been visiting old trienda here while his vessel was laid up for repairs ut Philadelphia. Ilis cruising ground ïsalong the AtlfmU1; co;ist Bouth of the mouth of the Delawaro. - Ypsilanti, Manchester, and all the otheï large towns in the Stnte are soon to be visited by Montgomery Queen's Circus. Aun Arbor teingoneof the small towns gels the go-by, - for which genuine ble.ssing we may, however no doubt tliank the studeuts instead of larneutiug beiug classed iluwu. - There is some horridly poor sidewalk, not only poor but (langerous sidewalk, on the south de of Huron street, between Fifth and División streots, and iL t ia not renewed or put in order soon the city or somebody else may toe some breken liinbs to pay ior. . "A stitch iutime saves nine." - On Wednesday cveuiug the new Fire Uompany had lielief engine on the University campus, manued the brakes, aud did some good throwiiig. The Chief saya that a stream as thrown 4Ü foot above the Law College ioilding, The engine has been thoroughly OTerhauled, and is better than new. - Grov. Ashley was in town on Monday. He reported having held several meetings at poiuta on the Toledo and Arbor Ilailroad, tftth in this and Monroe counties. It lias taken considerable labor to wipe out old grievanM, but he tliinks the prospect encouraging. He ia working for success aud don't propose to Mept auythiug less. - John Henley, the Delhi miller, says that He farmers needu't " tear their shirts " over the coiiilemuation of the Clawsou wheat by the State Millers' Association. He don't care anyÖiing about that analysis, aud says that the feaü made from the üour is the best test of 1ality. He proposes to have it fauly tiied 'tefore he grades it down or puts down the price. - On Sunday Uificer Johnson picked up a Itragglet calling hiuiself Charles Hill and deposited him in jail, He was suspected of hav'!1g taken a pocket-book belonging to Henry 'ünder, contaiuing belwean f .;() and $00, which Bioder had carelessly lelt in an unsafe and exposed place. Ou Wednesday ftill was examioed before Justice Frueautï and held for trial in the Circuit Court. - The First District ürrange of this county taíarranged for a basket picnic, to be held in "ie grove at North Lake, on Tuesday, August AjConnnencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Durmg 'lieday an address will be given by Hon. O. 'j. Luce, of Branch County. A cordial invitation is extended to all to particípate. Persons from a distance can havo their horses groomed and fed by . applying to It. C. (ilenn. - On Tuesday last while 13. E. Nichols, living just pouth of the city lina on State street, W'issorapuig the flirt trom the bank of a new'y excavatetl cistern, which was eight feot deep "'l ;üjoiit nine feet across, the horse slippod " tho embankmeot and rulled into the cistern, % the coustruction of au inolined phme or 'wo the horse wns extricated after considerable '!Wil labor, very much frightened but not at all huit. - They can switch all the circuses off the Uw mam track and cheat all tho small toys out ot a half-holiday, but the moon set down for a regular eclipso on Thursday iiHxt, Aug. 23. It is billed (by l'rof. Watson in the Michigan Almauac) to rise partially eclipsed, and to leave tho earth's shadow at 7;2ö p. m., Aun Albor mean time. Observing lovers will doubtless imDrove the darkest moment. - The ladies are raising moueys for the purchase of a flag to be presented to Company A. - üur city was visited yeaterday by n large party of oolored excursionists frora Detroit and Wimisor. They picuiced in Raliet Park and took in the Uuiversity. - Leonard Clark, a resident of Clinton Coimty, and brother oí Martiu Clark, of this city, coniinitted suicide a few days ago, by hanging. About 28 years ago Mr. Clark was struck on the head with a heavy iron bolt by a man, after wlucli he was for some time, and in cousequence, an inmate of the insane asylum at Utica, K". Y. ï'or many years he has been in his right mind and has prospered in his chosen vocation, - that of a farmer. Weddings always draw, and that of Mr. Lerch and Miss Taylor, at the M. E. Chureh on Wednesday eveuing, was no exception. The chureh was beautif ully decorated and well-fi lied with interestcd frieuds. The reception giveu afterward, at the rosidence of the bride's pareuts on South University avenue, was 1 pleasantttñíiir. Mr. Lerch and his brido havo gone down the St. Lawrenco. A ploasant trip, a safe return, and many prosperous years to the happy pair. - Audette conimenced deüvering brick for the new Court House on Friday last, and the Ypsilanti Senlinel is requested to take notice that tho brick were made of Washtenaw Couiity clay, by Washtenaw County labor, and ire being drawu by Washtenaw County men md teams. We have also surveyed the es aud stoue heaps and tínd no imported " Hoosiers " among the sappers and miners or stone-breakers. What is the uext "grievance'i neighbor ? - Id this as in otlier cities there are some buBiness rnen so intensely partisan that they will not reaá a political paper not tlie organ oL their party (unless they boebow it), íor adver. tise their gouils, (aros, uud nicrchandise in its columns. Xet tliey never ask the politics of a cusUmier wiio cuiues iuto their storo with inonuy i., las pofcketa or witli oredit reputed ROO& We havo some such in our eye now. Diá tbey ever think that to be consistent they should trado only wiih Repnblicans, or with menrbera of tlns or that denomination, as the case may be r - The raüroad a;d committee adviáo us that tile mbscnptlona receivod up to Wednesday evening footed up Í17.000, with $000 more promised. Yesterday they proposed to commenco work among the farmers, who ought to como down hberally if the reasou the inillers give for refusing to subscribe is a good aud sound oue: that with a road to Toledo the number of wheat buyers will iucrease in this market, and every bushel of wheat they get will cost them five ceuts extra. - There is not the least bit of necessity for the Ypsilanti Sentinel to remitid either the Aun Arbor papers or the Anu Arbor people that "Aun Albor is the county seat only, uot the county by any means." We all have learned tliat lesson, and the tact that we fthe Ann Arbor tnxpayers) are to ba assessed $20,000 to pay for the (Jourt House, which ought to be assessed on the eounty at large, will be a more forcible " reraiuder " than even the forciblo sentences of the Sentinel. Dou't fooi awiiy any time in that (lirectiou. - Compitny A, of this city, will give their third annual excursión to Put-in-Bay ou Tuesday, Auust 2Sth. Tlie boys didn't intend to give au excursión but a good many of our citizensjinsisted upon it so'they have been obliged to yield. They have engaged the spleudid steamer Northwest for the occasion, aiid guarantee the excursionists four hours time at the island -which will be ampie time to visit the several places of interest. The fare for the round trip will only be 81.75 ; children, ouder 12 years, 90 cents. Good music will accompany the excursión. Tiain lea ves Ann Arbor at (i.30 a, m


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