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Bro. Sanford, Of The Lansing

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nal, has gono to Colorado in searcl o) healtb, and ia writing some interesting letters to his paper. Mrs. Sanford is oditor-in-chiof during hor husband's absence, a position for which sho has proven herself thoroughly qualifiod. The Detroit Post, after long and patient waiting, has found somuthing in President Hayos to approve. This is what it saya : " We don't disapprove oi all the Presidenta measures. At the Schutzenfest bis measures were about a pint." And now lot Hayes get up a swearing match with Zack Chandler and the Post will indorse his mannors and think botter of his policy. " Mr. Blaine thou appeared on the scene as a peacomaker:" that is tho way the Adrián 'limes records tho fact that Mr. Blaine, of Maine, in the recent State Convention, got on tho fence, balancing pole in hand, and proclaimod himself "just as ready to voto against a resolution condomning the President's policy as to vote for one approving it.' Is, tho artful dodgor a typo of tho blessec peacemaker ? The removal of AUiion College to Detroit, as tho nest egg for the Detroit University, is again being agitated Moses W. Field, the horny handed Moses, proposes to dónate Linden Park as its site, and tho Detroit Medical Colloge is willing to bo swftllowed up by it or attached to it. We have a faint suspicion that to establish a first-class univorsity in Dotroit will cost more aoney than Dotroit can get back from the invostment, in oducating her sons and daughters, or othorwiso. Judge West, the Republican candi date for Governor of Ohio, oponed his campaign at Bellefontaine on the 16th inst., and discussed the labor and currency quostion at length. lie has an itohing for tho National Government to tftko tho labor problem under its nursing caro, and favors tho full remonoti.ution of silver. Civil service reform was ontirely ignored, and on tho labor question he was tame compared with liimsclf at Cloveland. Has that floa of tho proverb found the way into his ear ? If Sexator Conkuxo is correctlj roported he didn't fall in lovo with the British House of Commons. In roply to the inturogatory assertion, "You went to the House of Commona, of course,' the Senator said : " I did. I have seon Democratie primary meetings, I have seen Democratio conventions, but 1 nevor saw so much rowdyism at oither as I saw in the Houso of Commons.' Ho declined to givo his opinión of "my lords," or of the House of Lords. The Allegan Journal flatters itself and its readers that Zack Chandler knows all about farming and can doliver an excellent " agricultural address " at a county fair, just because Hon. R. E. Trowbridge, superintendent of his " big marsh farm near Lunsing," has raisert aou tons 01 üay tnis year. rernaps tne superintendent may bo induced to write the address and teil all about that big hay erop, - the foundation of Zuck's claims to be a farmer. AM "interviewer," writing to the Chicago Ocean, roports Bon Wade as saying "That if a man of tho Electoral Commission had known previous to the voting what nayes' Southern policy was to bc, he would havo had no opportunity to carry it out through the Itopublieans on tho board," that is : party nocessitios alono controlled those Republican members in makiug up a judicial verdict and dotermination. Tho Democrats have all along charged that this was so, and now the truth of their charges is openly confessed by so prominent a Republican as Ben Wade. " When rogues fall out honeat men get thoir dues," you know. David A. Wells nover uudertook so hard a task as that ho essayed in tho Atlantic for September: tho task of proving that a capitalist living in Connecticut should n't bo taxod on monoys loanod by him in Illinois or any other State. If Mr. What's his name had $20,000 in cash - gold, silver, or greonbacks - taxablo under the laws of Connocticut, had he no taxable property becauso he had loancd the money, and had instead bonds and mortgages represonting its full value ? If there is doublé taxation and a lcgiümate complainant, tlie Illinois borrower is tho man who is wrongud by being tüxod on lands for which he owes, and not tho Connecticut capitalist. It so seems to us at least. We HAVE been watching tho papen to discover tho roason for tho huo and cry against the Clawson whoat, and finally lind it stated that the bakers in tho eastern cities complain that. the Clawson whoat flour will not absorb as inuch water as some other llour - which means that it is a moister and henvii r flour than that made frora other varieties of wheat. Which reminds us that we were told some years ago by a gentleman who had had inuoh exporience as a inillor in Colorado, and who was also familiar with the oíd and favorito brands of Richmoud (Va.) flour, always gr&ding high in market, and with tho whcats of California, as well as with thoso of tho northern and eastern States, that the Virginia, Colorado, and California flour gradod highor and was roally botter than that made from tho whoat of other Statca, bocauso tbc wheat from whioh it was manufactured luivtured, ripened, and was harvested under more fnvorablq circumstauccs, that tho flour was dryer and lighter in consoquence, and that the same nnmbor of poundg would make more pounds of bread, and bread of a lighter and better quality. If Clawson wheat flour is more moist than that mado from other vurioties grown on tho samo farm tho prejudioe of millera and bakers aguinst it is porhaps acOOunted lor. But the analysis of Prof. Prcscott did not show tho presonco of an excossive quantity of . water. Wiien in tho last Congross the IIouso insisted on culting down the appropriation bilis for the several departments, and provided for a great reduction in the number of ofh'co-holdera the Republican journals predicted a ruin of the civil sorvice, a failure to colloct the revenues, and the d - 1 to pay all around. And now Secretary Sherinan leaves bis post of duty at Washington and goes to Uhio to boast how many clorks havo boen discharged from the Troasury departinont, and what a roduotion of forco there has been in the New York and and other oustoin-houses. Isu't this a confession that tho Domocrats of the Houae were right and that tho fight made by the Sonate to gave tho head of overy office-holder waa against the publio intere8ts ? The House at the coming HbSsion will find plenty inoro to do in tho lopping off line. Tuis is the dispatch ono Otto Kirchner, of Detroit, who writes AttorneyGoneral after his name, sent to tho County Clerk of Alcona Couuty : Detroit, M., 2. 8, 77. To Gco. But3on, County Clork : The State Board of Canvossers have dcelincil to canvasa returns. Until they do canvuss Tuttle cauuot act, aud you must not sigu injuiictiou. O. KIRCHNER, Attorney-Oeneral. In view of tho faot that there is neither constitutional nor statutory provisión which can possibly warrant any such interforence by the Attorney-Genoral, his assumption of jurisdiction waa oortainly cool euongh to match evon the hottest of August days. That " hen persuader " which was patentod by the ingonious yankee, with a view to doubling the production of eggs, is n't worthy to be naincd in the samo day with the Judge West proposition to persuade railroad managers aud othor einployors to divide the profits with their employés, after guaranteeing and paying thom fixod salaries. Two eggs a day is an easy thing in coniparison to got from an unwilling hen. But then Judge Weat don't propose any compulsory legislation. ACCOHDINO to Simon Cameron " tho President'8 policy is not 80 much disapproved by tho politicians of Pennsylvania ts by the masses of the Republican party." Simon is also afraid that if Ohio shall go Democratie in October, Pennsylvania may play the same scurvy trick in Novoinbor. And then Simon " thinks Stanley Matthews an overrated man, and considera him largely responsible for the Southern policy." All of which tho anti-Hayes Republioan organs considers law and gospel. Tne action of Gov. Williams, of Indiana, or rather hia non-action, coupled with the " passes " given to his drover son-in-law, which only begged personal favor of the strikera, is not indorsed even by the Democratie journals of Indiana. There is nothing like pinching one'a personal toes to open his eyos, and now " Blue Jeans " is brauded as a demagogue or an imbecile in quartera whoro he was worshiped a few uionths ago. Gone to moet Mayor Jones. - - -. - -- ■- No, " all is not certaiuly lovely " among the " orgaua " in this Stato. Wiiucss iLis slap at Uil; Adii.kii ïïitnoö, cut from the Detroit Post : " The petty postoffioe organ in Adrián sobs over our severity. Poor httle dear ! Let it wrap its sore knuckles iu postage stamps, and kuow better, hereafter, than to attempt to imitato the big bully of the Chicago Tribune, by replyiug to friendly and gentlemnly üiscussion with insolent blackguardism." Why can't tho Post hit lighter blows? It may leave hard feelings in tho family.


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