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Tho contract for building tho fivo mile extensión of tbe Detroit, Lunsin A. Northern Itailroad has been lot to W. F. Thompson, of Detroit. The Detroit and Milwaukoe earning for the woek onding August 16, wer 121,012 86, being 12,953 58 more thai in the corrosponding week last year. A son of Stephen Mannie, of Si Clnir, aged tour or five years, feil o: from Sheldon's doek on the 17th int tho river and was drowned. The bod; was recovored Onts are an unusually heavy erop thi year. David Tripp, of Girard, threshoc .'$50 bushols from five acros of land, o 70 bushols to the acre. A yield of HM bushuls to the acre is roported on a furo in Quincy. - CoUlwater Reporter. John C. Watorman, of Kent County has succe88fully passed the competitiv exaiuination for appointment to a Wes Point cadetship. Last year he was meuiber of the freshman class in th engineering course of tho University. A girl baby weighing filteen ounce at birth, and ono pound thirtoen ounce when three weoksold, i the well-spring of joy in a family named Shafor, net Almont. Marry early, youug nian, am you may some day (or night) walk th floor with a little cherub like that. - La peer Democrat. W. H. Smith, of Iosco, recently be carne afllicted with a carbunclo on th hack of his neck, and has sufferod ,from it of late to suoh an extent that it ha dethroned his roason and a few day ugo he was conveyed to Kalamazoo. Mr. A. P. Hurtson, of Charlotte, ha a raro curiosity. It is a pieco of ftin stone, ovidently cut out by the Indians near the oenter of which. by look in through a magnifying glasa, ono oan plainly discern the form of a huma head and near by that of a toad. Andrew Morton, an old resident o Marshall, who carne to Detroit in 1820 and was engaged in teaming bet wee that point and Kalamazoo, and wh conveyed the first load of goods from Detroit to Marshall, is dead. A stack of wheat containing 60 bushels, the proporty of David Budlong of Eckford, Culhoun Co., was entirel; consumed by firo on the 17th. As the were no fires on or near the premisos, i was, wsthout doubt, tho act of an in oondiary. Dr. Bodley, of Athens, Calhoui County, has operated upon Mrs. Eno a woman sixty years old, for drops; seventy-eight tiuios in a little ove two yoars, drawing from her 2,55 pounds of Huid- 6;7 1-2 gallons. Sh has to be tappod overy two woeks, au is usuully about the house a day or tw after the oporation. Nathan Hastings, a farmer livin four miles west of Eaton Rapids, acci dwntally shot himself Aug. 18. His son started to go hunting, and tho father provoked about soinething, overtoo him, jerked the shot gun from him, at tompted to break it over a log, and th charge entered his bowels, causing death soon after. The shipments of lumbor from Lud ington to Chicago, up to last week amounted to 43,497,000 feot, against 35, 850,000 for a corresponding tiine las year. The shipmeuts of shingles fo the same time this year amounts to 4, 250,000 ; corresponding time in 1876 2,000,000. The Kalamazoo Telegrajih says : A 8ub8criber brought into the office a largo tomato worm which was cover ed with hundreds of white cono-like ex crescences. Theso little conos, whic] look like quills upon the fretful porcu pine, are the egg of a parásito whicl feeds upon the larviB of the green worm until there is nothing left of it but a shell. At Fowlerville, Aug. 15, Charles Dun "1". of Bell Oak. WttS arrested by Dopu ty Sheriff Parshall, on tho charge o atealing from W. W. Smith, of Ypsilauti, who was stopping at the Reason House, a pocket-book containing some fractional ourrency, etc , in all of the value of $5. He was sentonced for ninety days. William Hardie, of this city, was aocidentally killed while hunting near the Rouge on Sunday morning, by tho explosión of his gun. His face was shockingly mutilated and death was almost instananteous. Hardy was about thirtyone years of age, a shoemaker in the employ of Pingree & Smith, and lived at No. 419 thirteeuth streot. Ho leavos a wifo and four young children. - Detroit Post. Thos. Costello, a resident of Flint on Friday night, attempted to cut hi. way with an ax into the apartmeuts o bis non, who with his wife, uccupioc half of the saine house, he being intoxicated, aud throatened the life of hia daughter-in-law. She being alono, met him with a revolver and fiiod two shots, inüiotiug a sculp wound over the righi eye. The wuiuan gave hersolf up to the offieera. A young girl namcd McDerraott, residing in the First ward, and who is about 14 yeara old, left her home, voluntarily we understand, on Wednosday last, and joinod a band of atrolling gyp sios. Information was given to the of5oer8 aiyl chase cotnuiencod. Officor Camburn overhauled the tribe with which the girl had taken refugo noar Napoloon, Jackson Couuty, and brough) ier back. - Adrián Timen. On tho 2Oth James Foster was roeused from tho Stato Prison on a pardon from the öovurnor. ïïe was the uldost man in prison, and was sent from l.ikhuul Cuuuty thirty years ago for ife. He murdurcd his wife in a crazy it, and aftor he carne here lost bis rea son and bocanie as near a brute as a nan can. Five years ago his intolli;enco returuod, and to-day he is sane, hough not of stroug ïind. Ho will go ;o New York to live with a nophew. John W. Glennio, secretary and treasurer of tho AuSablo River Boom Conijany, was in the city to-day, and from lim we learn that tho boom company ïas boomed out 18,000,000 feet of logs so fav this season, with 30,000,000 feot yet to come. Mr. (ilennie says all the ogs put in Ui Sable are now safe, with ;he exception of a few on tho South [iranch, and he thinks tho roceut rains, which have been quite heavy in that region, will bring the latter out. - liay City 2'ribune. The oiembers of Arcadia Grango, ■Calamazoo, discussed the wheat quesion last week, and tho genoral opinión was that the Clawson wheat is tho best variety of white wheat, while thore does not seem to be much choice in tho varieties of red. Probably two-thirds of the white wheat sown the present eaaon will be Clawson, jet thero are overal cases whero that has been at.acked by the üy, whore sown vory eary on stubble fields. As to tho quality of tho Clawson the sisters make no coin)laiut, and if it is good enough for the 'armers it will sell in spite of chemical analyses or inillers' conventions. Bloven years ago four young men in n thia city, all promising young lusine8s men, formed a club for tho purpose of passing their evenings in conviviality. ?hey had thoir hot suppera, with chamlagne and brandy accompanimenta, ightly, and aa the years passed their rinking habits increased ao fast that he usual evoning sproo was vory ofton xtended into weeks of debauchery. Since the orgauization of the club two f the niembers have committod Buicido i thia city by cutting their own throats, no died of delirium troraena in Chioao, and tho romaining one of tho quarottoput on tho red ribbon about three weoks ago.-


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