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RAILROADS. MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAdT JUNE 24, 1877. SOIHO WUT, í I Y U $ U - - ■" - - - .- ( ■- - __ ____ A. M. A.M F.M. 1'. Jl. P.H , Detroit, leave, 7 00 9 35 4 45 3 15 6 05 ó " „ (i.T. Junction, 7 15 9 50 5 00 3 30 6 20 lo ín Wayne Junction 7 46 10 17 : 5 32 3 55 6 67 ín i; Vpiimti, ; a 17H0 sí' 6 oo 4 ís 7 25 ï t Ann Arliur, 8 40 10 50 6 30 4 32 8 00 TTT, Delhi, 8 56 : 6 43 1 ' ■' Dexter, j 9 03 1 6 531 4 53 s 22 Chelaua, ! 9 23 7 12 5 07 8 37 OraiwLake, 52! j 7 37 5 27 9 O2iZI3 i F. M ' .„ Jackson, 10 2O12 15 8 00 6 10 9 30' ii?; Alhion, 11 04 12 53 a 7 00 10 18 1 5 Mamhull, 11 60 1 35 -" o 7 30 10 461 J " I'. M. M ë Battle Creek, 12 20 1 5 J 8 00 11 16 au (iulesburg, 12 45 i 8 38 11 5J _!_ A.M. A.. Kalamazoo, 1 15 2 40 5 00 9 00,12 16 2 Lawton, 1 67 ' 5 35 1 00 __; Decatur, 2 19 5 44 1 Jj _ Dowagiac, 2 41 8 17 2 00 Nües, SU 4 07 7 00! í 35 4 2, Ituolianan, 3 23 ; 11 12 60-___ ThreeOaks 3 52 4 43 7 S7l S 20 5 M New Buöalo, i 4 08 4 56 7 49 i 3 35 __ Michigan (;ily, i 4 40 6 20 8 101 4 05 5 iLke, 6 23 6 02 8 5OJ 4 52 6 M Kenaington, 6 03 6 50 9 I "I S 40 7 ÍJ Chicago, arrive, 6 65 7 40 10 w! 6 30 og OOIHOEAST. 3 & 4 .,12 í& I 'li'l. = A. f. V. K. P. M. P. M. "T Chicago, loave, 7 00 9 Oo! 3 45 5 15 H Keimington, 7 50 9 50 4 35 6 05' t u Lake, 8 3710 28 5 23 1; 4 lu '.'.' Michigan City, il 23 11 10! a 20 j 7 35 II 15 New Buffalo, 9 45 11 26! 6 61 1 u u, Three Oake, .0 00 11 36 7 0 8 12 11 j) Huchanan, 10 32! 7 4 jJJ; Niles, 10 46; 12 15 8 JO 9 00 1] ] Uuwugiac, 1 1 I, 1 8 48 j 1 M Deoitur, 11 39r '9 15! 1 j Lawton, 11 57 1 : S J5 A. lí. i ltalarnaoo, 12 3T 1 38 lu lu 30il0 26 2 1) Cialesburu, 12 65 , .1 6 53 2B Battle Crcok, 1 32 2 17 M 7 45. n ls' jy MarBhaU, 2 17 3 00 f 8 12'il 40 T Albion, 2 45 3 21 a.m. 8 43 12 oj' 4 1} Jackiion, S 35 4 06 6 20 9 45 12 50 4 J lira I.ako, 3 37 5 48 10 06 , Omines, 4 19; j 15 10 24 j . Deiter, 4 35 I 6 30 10 85 . Delhi, 4 43 6 4 Ann Arbor, 4 54 5 10 7 cu lu Si 2 1 11, (ediles, 5 03 i 7 06; Ypsilanti, 5 12 5 24. 7 16:11 05, 2 2? 6 a Wayne June, 5 38 & 46! 7 40111 22 2 4Í 7 15 (i.T. June, 6 10 '6 16 8 ÍS 11 50 3 20 } Detroit, Ar., I C 24 6 30 8 40 12 05 S 35 8 rfunJaya excepted. tBaturday and Suuday exceiHed. TUally. H. B. LKDYAKI), Oen'l Supt., Detroit. H. C. Wentwouth. Uen. Paa. Agt., Chioago. DETROIT, HILLSDALE & INDI. ANA KAILJIOAD. To tuk.i effect June 24, 1876. OOINO WEST. OOIMO BAJT. TATION8. Mili;. Exp. STATIONS. Exp. Hlil A. X. P. M. Ypsilanü.... 8:20 7:2."i Á- Saline 9:15 7:67 Banken 5:00 im liridgewati-r.. 9:42 8:15 Hilladale .. 5:20 2:11) Manchenter. 10:12 8:37 ManchtMter... 8:20 4:00 p. m. Bridgewater 8:55 4:21 HilWale 12:45 10:33 1 Saline 9:35 4-40 Bankers 1:00 10:45 Ypihmti.... 10:20 5:05 Train run by Chicago time. W. F. PAKKER. Bnp't, YpoiUnti. THE HEALTH LlI A THOROUQH GYMN'ASTir SYSTEM FOR I.ADItü AND ÜENTLKMKN, IN TKN MINUTES ONi ti A iAY. The lli-nHU Litt ís a Scientific System OF EXERCISE. Forthe uttuiriment and preservation uf ileallh. It ís the beat meaos oí PHYSICAL CULTURE AND DEVELOPMENT. IT Ití THE SIMPLEST, SAFE8T AND MOST KKPrclENT MODE OF TAKING ALL NEEDED EXECI8E. In the brief space of ten mi nut. s all the muiclea are gradually, thoroughly, and ayinmetricallT brought into action. Concentrated tsxercise for t}te buay and scdentary. ANN ARBÜR OFFICE AND l'ABLORS, 1 1 East Huron 8 South of Court House A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR KAttNED ! NEW GOODS! And pricoa l.OW'lilt THAN KVER, T have purchaed in New York, for cash, sod I am now daily recoivini; one of the largeat uil Nio-it select „turk of Uroceriea in Washtena County, conaisting f a tull and well aelected LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop - including ; 11 11 iu dors, luiporinls, Voune II)soiiv. Il ) som-. Japau, oloiin, Kur111UHUM, C'aniraUHi üoiichanira, umi Twaukayi, Together with a full line of COFFEK8, consiilïng of the following branda: MOCHA., OLD OOV'T JAVA, MARACAIBO, LAGUAYKK.SANTOSand K1O, bith roaated and ground ; a full aud well eelected stock of SUGARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with OverythinK Ín the line cf Pure ïpicus.Canued fruiu, umi Vegetables. W ba vu t uil :trul complete line of BOOTS & SIIOES, IIATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. Aldo, n chgice aasortment of LiuliM1 imlUenllüUien's Uuderweur. Uall and umin fooda and TiiceH tind wo will innurcsutúfactioD. KDWARD DUFFY. 11 MtiynarU'ë Block,-1 cur.Maic and Ann slreeti Ana Arbor. Mich. WKi?hest cash price pftid for all far"1 prodacü,":fca Two Taliai Honses FOB. SALE, "he propertT bolonging to the WELLES föTATK, Ituated on DIVISIÓN 8TEEET, M lbo lioad of VNN STREET, and tlu? propvrty latily owmilud ow occupled by A. WIDKNMANN, will be oW t a VKKY LOW PRICE, AND ON I.ONU TIME IF DE9IBED. Apply to S. It. I)OULAS.__ AND SRE TUE JACKSON TKUSS KÜD.WAGON Alao, Ui New RIKbt-Hand Burrall I ron o ni Mullir, al M. ROUERS'.


Old News
Michigan Argus