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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ÜONALD MMLEJlIf, M. I)., Physician and Surgeon. Office and rcsidcnce, 71 Huron street, Ann Arbor. Office hours f rom 8 to 9 a. m. and froiu to 3 p. m. LE. McFAELAKD, Surgical and Mechan. cal Dentiet, eorner of Main and Huron (reets (Jackson's old stand.) Great pains takeu in jll operïtioiis entrusted to my care. Prices to snit hp times. All work warranted. Teeth extracted witiiout po''n. Office hours : 8 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 6 p.m.; 7 to 8:30 p. m. TIJ" H. JACKSON, Dentist. Office corner of yV Maiu and Washington streets, over Bach & Abel's store, Ann Arbor, Mich. Anesthotics administired if required. E CLARK, JuBtice of the Peaci-, Notary Pub, lic and Conveyancer. Will loan money for othfrs on rea! istate security. Office over No. 8 Huron etreet, Ann Arbor, Mich. SrlNES & WORDEN, 20 Sonth Main atreet, TV Ann Arbor, Mich., wholesale and retail dealers in Dry öoods. Carpeta and Groceries. MACK & SCHMID, dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, etc, Ho. 51 South Main etreet. BACH & ABEL, dealers in Dry Goods Groceries, etc., No. ÜG South Main street, Ann Arbor, Mich. TTTM. YVAGNJSK, dealer in Ready-Made ClothW ing, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Trunks, Carpet Bags, etc, 21 South Main etreet. JFREDEBICK SCHAEBEKLE, teacher of , the PIAKO, VIOLIN ANI GUITAB. Jííeideüce soutlieast corner Main and Liberty treets, Ann Arbor, Mich. "VIT" n EIr Organist at the Presbyterian TT Cüurch, will give iustruction upon the Piano or Organ, or in vocal culture and harmony. Lessons given at pupilB' residence. Terms, $15 per couree of 20 lessons. Pianos tunod and repaired. Cali or address 15 Bowery street. 1620yl MISS MANTIE M. MILNEB, TEACHER OF THE PIANO. InBtruction given at the residence of the pupü if desired. For terms inquire at residence, No. 48 South State ■treet. ■ 16H EUGENE K. FBUEAUFF, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND JDSTIOB OF THE PBACE. 111 business promptly attended to. Office No 8 Eaet Washington street, Einsey & Seabolt's block. NOAH W. CHEEVEB, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office east side of Court House Square, Ann Ariior, Micii. JOHN L. BUBLEIGH, Attorney and Counselor at Law, No. 24 Bank Block, second floor, ANN ARBOB, - - MICHIGAN. HENEY E. HILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Dealer In Real Estáte. Office, No. 3 Onera Honse Block, ANN AKBOR. EVEEYBODT SAYS THAT REVENAUCH IS THX Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. 28 Kast Huron Street, up-stairs. A. HL WIN8LOW, 32 East Huron Street, DEALEB IN PiCTURE FRAMES, BRACKETS AND m TIOLIN SIRINÖS. J. H. ZSTIOKELS, FRESH & SALT MEATS, Ham, Sausages, Lard, etc, 81ATE STREET, OPPOSITE NORTHWEST CORNER OF UNIVERSITY CAMPUS. Orders promptly filled. Farmers having meats to Bell should give him a cali. 1568-yl THE ANN AEBOK SAVINGS BANK -A-iin Arbor, Michigan. Eeceives deposita of One Dollar and.npwards and allows Five per cent. interest on all deposits remaining three months or longer. STEREST COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALLY. Also, bujs and sells U. b. Bonds, Gold, Silver and Interest Coupons, and New York, Detroit and Chicago Eichange. AIbo sells Sight Drafts on Great Britain, Ireland, Germany, or any other part oí the European Coninent. This Bank is orgaoized under the General Baak ing Law of this State. The stockholders are indiïiclually Hable to the amount of their stock, and the whole capital is security for depositors, weil "ith Banks of i6sue the capital is invested for the "ecority of bill-holders. This faot makes this Institution a very safe deposit of moneys. Married Women can deposit subject to their om imita only. Money to Loan on Approved Securltleg. I Dieectoks- R. A. Beal, C. Mack, W. D. Harriman, W. Deubel, W. W. Wines, D. Hiscock, W. B. Smith. OFFICERS : 0. Mack, Pres't. W. W. Wines, Vice-Prea't C. E. Hiscock, Oshier. EBEEBACH & SON, Driasis aai Planutís, 12 South Main St., Keeps on hand a large and well selected stook of BRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, MTS' & WAXFLOf ER MATERIALS Toilet Artlcle, Trusses, Ktc. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. Special attention paid tp the furnishing of Phycians, Chemists, Schools, etc, with Philosophical ud Chemical ApparatuK, Bohemian Chemical lilassware, Porcelain Ware, Pure Ragentis, etc. PyEiciane' prescriptioas cwefuüy prpared ai


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