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IVIaíllCt - John Hawkins is lecturing in Maino. Political Tcmperance is rife there. Petitioning and voting for the suppression of intcmperanco are the order of the day. IV e w Hampsliirc. - John P. Male hns been elected Speaker of the House. The vote was for Hale 130, Sunsey (Dem.) 118, sent. 3. The Senate will stand - whigs and indepcndenls,8; democrots 4. The Houso, whigs and independent?, 140; democrals, 118. Colby, whig, was elecled Governor. - It is probable that Ilalc will be sent to the U. S. Senate. A "Patent Indian Rubber Baby Jumper" has been invented in New Hampshire. Probably by an old bachelor. - The harder the darlings kick after they are placed in the machine, the faster it rocks them till finally they ';covp," and are lullnyby'd to sleep, at "a greatsaving of time and labor." Thus scienco and ihe Yankee have divestèd matrimony of halfits horrors. The official canvass of tho votes for Governor shows as follows : Wholc number, . 55,194 Nccessary to a choice, 27,598 Scattering, 368 Nathaniel S. Berry, Lib. 18,379 Anthony Colby, Whig, 17,707 Jared W. Williams, Dem., 20,740 The clerkof the House, T. J. Harris is a Iaibcrty man. A Pcace Convention was held in Concord on the 12th inst. John P. Hale has been elected U. S. Senator for six 3rears from the 4th of March. The vote stood, Hale 139 Hubbard 129 ; scattering 8. UlassachuscUs.- Albert J. Tirrell, acquitted of the murder of Maria A. Bickford, bas plevided guilty of the crimes of adultery and lascivious cohabition with her, for whïch the penalty is six years in the State Prison. A Byfield correspondent of the Newhuryport Herald says that Messrs. Lewis Rogor-s and Wm. II. Wentworlh, took at one draught cight hundred I3ass, weighing six thousand pounds, lost Saturday P. M., in the Parker river, half a mile bclow the factory. There are 93 places of religious worship in Boston. They cost 83,246,500, and accommodate 84,185 persons. The}' are maintained at a yearly expenso of S70,82G.. There are also 80 Sunday Schools in the good city of Boston, having 1804 teachers and 17,000 scholars. ICW York. - The canal boat Independence, says the Rochester Daily Advertiser, is on her way to A'.bany with 239 barrels of Eggs. Each barrel contains ninety dozen, so that the New Yorkers ma y look out for 258,120 eggs! Tl e Boston Tra veler statcs that a gentleman in Esscx counly has reeently imported a kind of grass soed yhtch is said to havo yielded, in a single season, fivc clipping, an nggreg-ite length of twenly-cight feet. Mnjor Jcsse Buol presenled the Albany Journal with an egg taken from the nest ofa black Polnnd iien, which measures eight and a half nches by six and three quarters, and weighs four ounces. The "Journn.l of the Amercan Tempernnce Union" gives returns from 632 out 856 towns in the state. Of these 528 voted "no liconse," and 104 "license." ITIai'ylaiBd. - An antislavery tract of 24 pages has beeii published in Baltimo're, entitled "Slaery in Maryland.' A writer in Baltimore says that Tor rey's death in ■ prison made a great a mount of talk in that city. The citizren's of Baltimore are favorec with an' insiglit tito the future, from the extraordinary prescience of two ladies whosc adverüsem'ents appear' in the Sun as follows : MRS. REYNOLDS respectfully in Ibrnis tho ladies and gentlemen of Balti iti'orc, thatshe hns arrived frnin Philadel phia, and is rcady to bo consulted on pre sent, past, and futuro events at her resi dence, No. 69 Salisbury-strcet. Pricc (ladies) 25 cents, gentlemen 50 cents. MADAME MANAAK, from Paris the most wonderlul Astrologer and Phre nologist in the world, not bemg able to pursue her journey on accout of H heallh, has ügairi relurned to her old resi dence, No. 22 Spring-row. She use neither dice or cards, nor nny kind o witchcraft, hut guaran tees thal all who visit hor will not regret it. Price 25 cents. Ollio. - There are eight old Banks ii this State, seven independent Banks, anc sixteen State Bank branches. Tolal, 3 Banks. There is a hill-top near Cincinnati Ohio, vvhence may beseen at tho presen time, the handsome number of licenly thousand fruit trees in full blossom. Dr. Plagg has presented to iho Horti cultural Society an elabórate report showing ihat there are seventy eigh vineyards in Hamilton county, Ohio mostly cultivated by Germans. Abou two hundred acres are planted with th grape, of which one hundred are in bear ing order. Air. James M. Willis of Bloominghamays the Ohio Waéhingtonian, a few ays sinceslnughtercd a calf of his own aising of the age of nine months and ourteen days old. It weighed as folüws: - Nett Beef, 520 pounds; Rough Talov, 50; Mide 62; Total, 632 pounds. t was of the Durham and Pulion slock; bout 3-4 blood. It girted six feet six nches. One milo below this city, nbout onebrtli of an acre of land over which a road vas construcled, and on wliich therewerc number of large trees, became detachcd rom the hill sidc and slipped with a tremendous crash into the river. There vas on the land at the time a two-horse 'arrtóge - the driver apprehending sonie unusual disaster from the singular commction of the earth, became alarmed and nade his escape to a more safe retreat. o injury was sustained or datnage done o tho horses and carriage, though large imbcrs fel! on all sides. - Stcubcnville (Ohio) Herald. - The Southern Metholist Conference have elected Rev. Mr. Sehon thoir missionary Secrelary, and resolved to establish a mission in China. )uring the past year $68,000 have been collccted for missions, and a balance on land of $15,00. After a protracted de)ate, the Book concern was established at Richmond. The new Bishops were ordained on the 14th by Soule and Andrews, Messrs. Pierce and Early assising. TVorlH Carolina. - There is in Moore county a boy 17 years old, 37 inches high, and weighs 27 pounds. He ceased to grow at 4 or 5 years of age - is !right and active. Souflt Carolina. - Judgo Gilchrist, United States District Charleston, on the 12th instant condemncd the schooner Merchant and cargo as forfeited to the United States for being engnged in the slave trade. iTïisïssippï. - A terrible tornado occurredat Grenada, a short time since killing and wounding many persons, anc destroying buildings. liOUisïana. - The sheriff of the N. Orleans district authorized the release of all the prisoners in the city prison on condition that they would cnlist, but mos of the poor fellows prefered to remain in their quarters, to running the risk o life as well as liberty in Mexico. We learn with regret that an unusua number of cattlc have been lost ihis season in Western Louisiann, in consequence o the hot Tliousands of cattle lie doad upon the Attakapas and Opelous as prairies. - Planlers lianner. At the latest dates f rom New Orleans business was very much depressed. Th Philadelphia Ledgcr says failures wer taking place, and that private letter agreecl in stating that unless relief i speedily obtained, the results of the nex Ibrtnight will be disastrous. At New Orleans, the extent of the American ÍSlave Trade is enormous. - In portions of the City, ir. pleasan wealhor, wliole squares are lined wilh human beings standing in rows, in per fect order, svaiting for purchasers. Whet thus exhibited they are usually neatly dressed. The steamship Alabama was to leave New Orleans for Point Isabel on th eveningofthe 13th, with five companies The Alabama Ins been chartered by the Government at sixtecn thousand Jive huadred dollars a monlh! The New Orleans pólice made a descent recently on a cliqtie of gamblers in a hotel in Co.nmon street. On searching their rooms some 200 or 300 packs of cards were fou'nd, with an cndless variety of paraphernalia, chccks,faro cloths, gambling covers, d'ealing boxes, cnrd cutters, card racks, &c. The implemenls ofti'adeand machinery tobk five men to carry them to the pólice office. TcXaS. - A correspondent of the Journal of Commerce, writing from Austin under date March 30th, says butter ia selling at 3'7' cents, and cheese 40 cenl.s per pound ín' that city. The profits oí raising neat caltle in tliat región are described os very great. Austin is surrounded by fine mountain scenéry, and is rcmarkabl'e heallhy. Kciltlicky. - Nothing can exceed the patriotic enthusinsm manifested by the ladies of Louisville. Sinóe the cali upon Kcntucky for volunteers, they have been busily engaged, day and niglit, in making upuniforms and clothingfor their hunsband?, brulhcrs and lovers, in order to facilitate their speedy despatch to the seat of war. - Piïof. In a Kentucky court, before Mason Brown, Judgo of the 17 circuit, on the trial of the kidnappers, at Frankfort. Balhsheba Long, proved that she had bonafide purchased 26--:J7ths, i. e., 26 of tho 27 parts of a man. Verüy human fiesh is capable of very nice divisions. A duel took place on the Indiana shore thirty miles abovo Louisville, on the 19th, between James G. Jackson and Robert Patterson,of Lexington, Kentucky - T. F. Marshall acting as the second of the former and George Crittenden of theatter. Afier an unsuccssful fire, the ïattcr was made tip. A lady was in the ' ase. An extract trom a letter to a friend rom Mr. Fairbank, imprisoned in Kenucky Penitentiary for aiding slaves to scape, reads as follows : "I am spiritally happy ; I am a Teacher in the abbath School, and have 38 prisoners in my class." Missouri.- The Cincinnati Herald ays that there is not a single foot of nilway, canal, or even McAdamized oad in this whole State. Rather barbarus. A Mr. Swartz, ofSt. Louis, has discovred a new varnish for oil painting? or aper, which may bc laid on a doz on mes,then rubbed down and polished like mirror, retaining all the while ís impid and colorless translucency. The hiñese use something very similar. The company of California emigrnnts, f which ex-Governor Boggs and Rev. ames Duntlevy aro leading members, assed ihrough Independence early in lay. They have 141 fighling men, 71 women, 109 children, and 128 wagon?. - The shipments of W heat 'rom Chicago since the first of May, ave been 220,435 bushels. A disposition to attack the remaining íormons has been manifested, and Mnj. Varren has issued aproclamntion to preent it. A Mornion of about 60 had een taken from his horse and severely courged, and attempts were making to harass them. About 10,000 Mormons had left the State. From -April 28, 1815 to April 28,1840, there were received at the Dixon Land Office over $271,000! This has been paid almost exclusively by actual settlers. Dr. Richard Eells, of Q.uincy, anc Abraham Smith, of Vermillion county, were nominated for Governor and Lieut. Governor, and by a unanimojs and enthusiastic expression of feeling. The Fort Wayne Sentinel says: - We learn that a few days ago a fight took placo on the Reserve near Peru, between the Eel River andtheNe-shin-gua-ne-che bands of Miamies. Knives and rifles were freely used, and several Indians killed. Some accounts state that fifteen were killed. The most rcliable accounts, however, stato that only fouror fivo were killed. The figlit was the resultofan old feud between tho two bands, caused by previous murders. ITlicllïg'ail.- Christ Church, in Detroit, was day before yesterday, consecrated in solemn form to public worship. The services were perfbrmed by Bishop McCrosky, ossisted by several othei clergymen. Rev. Wm. N. Lyster, i the rector of the parish. The Odd Fellows are about erecting i public hall iu Detroit. loiva. - The Convention to form a State Constitution met on the 4th inst. - The Democrats will have a nïajority of 8 tol2. The population, by the census of 1844 was 84,670. It is now cstimate'd at 163,224.