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State News Brevities

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The farmers of Orouoko township Bomen county, have lost 374 hogs frooi obolera since March 1, involving a loss of $1,8G6. A fine ledge of marble has been discovered at Lake Hamburg, about forty miles west of Escanaba, near the Breitung Mine, on the Menominee range. The Eaat Side Canal at Grand Rápida gave way on the 27th, and now upward of 1,000 men are idle pending the coinpletion of the necessary repairs. The shailo tree of Grand Rapids, par♦icularly the mnples, show evidence of soiue kind of disease or the ravages of soine insect which threatens to kill them. It is stated that a new daily and weekly independent Demooratic paper is soou to be issued in Grand Rapids under the business and editorial management of Mr. M. H. Olark, formerly of the Daily Vemoerat. The Port Hanilao Beporler ssys that "a waterspout of considerable dimensions was observed on the lake ou the morning of the Aug. 13th. It pasaed down the lake, about a mile trom the shoro." At Grand Kapids on the eveuing of the 24th 300 workiugmen formod and marched through the principal streets. The processiou went to the -City Park, wheru speeches were made in English and Germán, favoring the adoption of a National Woikingmen's Association platform, and the eight-hour sygtem. The d welling house of George Glazior, in Ovid township, Clinton county, was dostroyod by fire oii the 22d. A chest n the house was rescued from the lililíes, juinus the $02 in currency whioh t eontained before the fire occurred. Lt is suspected that a tramp entered the muse, robbed the chest and then startod ihe fire. The house and furnituro were insured in the sum of $000 Benj. Hulick, of " Wildwood Farm," in the township of Burus, in this coun;y, has just sold to the Commissioner of Agriculture, for distribntion by the Agricultural Department, 330 bushels of lis " Gold Modal wheat." This is the ïrst instanoo in which the Agricultural Department bas purchased wheat in Vlicuigan for distribution ; and in view of tho 8UCC08S attained we ruay hope for 'urtlier invostigatious by the Commispionor in this direction. - Corunna American. Last year there wore 90 places in Oakand county assess3d for selliug liquors. Of this uumber ül sold spirituous liquors and 21) sold malt liquors. This year the ïumber in both branches of the business is largely reduced, viz.: places asessed for selling spirituous liquors, 40, a reduction of 21 over last year; plaoes assessed for selling malt liquors this 'ear, 23, a reduction of 0 over last year; ml a total reduction of 27 groggeries n tho county. Tho reduction for the ïext year undor tho now law will probably be in a larger ratio. - PoiUiac Oaette. Thure aro at present G5 convicts in he State House of Oorrection, 60 of wboui were transferred from the Htato 'rison at Jackson on Tuesday, Aug. 21. ?he others were brought in by sheriffs 'lom different part of the Statu, having Kien genteneed to imprisonment at tbis lace. Although but just opened the n-st. of order and disciplino are observable in evcry departmeut of the prison, already the different ofücers give evilenoe ot their fitness for the positions o which they have been assigned. Vork on the wall around the grounds a boiiic nushHd ruidlv forwiinl and


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