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Washington Notes

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The Conunissiouer of Agriculture will recommend the creation at Washington of a mamtnoth agricultural museum, to contain samples of all the improved agricultural maehinèry of the varions States. He thinks that this will improve ngriculturo. The custom of business firma printing advertising cards closely resembling greenbacks has become so prevalent that the Government, for the protection of its citizens, has deterinined to prosecute all w ho thus transgress in the future, and so put a stop to the pructice. The fractional enrrency is being redeemcd very slowly, and 815,000,000 is a siiüiü estímate of the amount which will never be prosented for tedemption. Of the first two itffuies, amounting to $7,400,000, not a dollar was presented for redemption in the last month ; of the next issue, amountingto over $3,000,000, less than $1,000 was redeemed, and of the two last issues, amounting still to $9,300,000, only some $600,000 was redeemed. Hon. Green B. Baum, the United States Oommissioner of Interna! Bevenue, has issued p. circular, limiting the number of consanguineous persons who may be employed in the public service in the various reyenue districte of the country. Theue is a falling off this year in the Government receipts for postage of over $100,000. Up to the commenoement of the last nn;'al yenr the increase of ralue in tho stanipe", stumped onvelopes, iostal cards, etc. , haiï been very large and steady. The inf erencc is tliat in times of great depression in busmess people do not write as mauy letters as wheu they are comfortable and cheerful. ,. A becent Washington dispatch says : " The late newsf rom Spain is that the failure to subdue the insun-oction in Cuba is maiuly duo to corruption, incompetency and maladministration on the part of the Spanish officials, but there are no indications tliat Spain has any intention oi abandoning the contest, or tliat she fears outsiders. It ia probable that the present S.panish Ministry intends to make a formicíablo eífort to subdue the insurgents in the coming fall camp.aign. Fif teen thousand additional troops are to be sent to Cuba next month_ with abundant funds, and great conüdence is placed ia the new General." In past years the Department of Agriculture has at times made itself somewhatridiculous by predictions of shorl cotton crops, which were based on imperfect estimatos and the fears of correspondents who told terrible tales oJ drought, flood, or army-worm. This year the mistako, if any is made, vñU not be in that direction, tho Augnst reporta of cotton being very encouraging. In graiu there are similarly bright prospeots of abundance, and speculators who took a different view have lost money. The Pennsylvania Kepublican Assooiation at Washington has been dissolved, owing to the President's recent order prokibitiDg persons holding Federal ofíices from parfcicipatiñg in political meetings or contests. Tho, association addressed a letter to the President stating the purpose of the organization, and inclosing a list of the members, with the inquiry whether its future existenfp would bc a violation of Iris order. The President roforred the lotter to Atty. Gen. Devens, who replied in the affirmative, and the association diBbanded.


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