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- Mack & Schmid are receiving their New Goods, and offer great inducementa to buyers. - That old and reliable olothier, Wm. Wagner, has a new advertieement in this day's Akqus. - Revenaugh photographed the " Pioueers '' in front of the Qregory House on Tuesday afteruoon. - C. H. Millen & Son'a new advertisement must surely tempt the money out of the poekets of buyers. - Atter having been closed for three weeks the Ladies' Library rooma were re-opened on Saturday last. - On Tuesday Lewis Moore, at the Agricultural Works, cut off the httle finger of lus Ieft hand in the " Yankee Whittler." - Washteuaw County has the honor(?) of payiug the largest State tax of auy county in the Stata except Wayne and Kent. - The Ked Ribbon Club is to have a series of invitation hops at their club rooms, the first to be held on Thursday evening next, - Autumn weather put in a prompt appearance on the first inat,, and has continued with us ever since. Warmer weather accepted. - Senator Christiancy and Hon. Wm. L. Webber were in our city on Tuesday : looking up the University suit against Dr. Douglaa we Buppose. - Geo. E. Lawton, of Battle Creek, many years a resident of Pittsfield, has been lookiug at the old landmarks in this city and viciuity this week. - At the annual school meeting in Dexter on Monday eveniug last, Messrs. Qregory and Oopeland were re-elected trustees for the term of three years. - Justice Noyes, of Chelsea, haa graated a permit to John Flynn to bottom chairs seventy-five days in the Huuse of Coirection ; that assault ou his wife. - If persous having houses to rent would advertise in the Arqus they would enable us to answer mauy questions weekly asked us. Ageuts sliould also take the hint. - Local telegraph rates havo been reduoed, and messttgös to points within 100 miles of this city will hereaftor rate at 25 cents, inatead of 30 and 40 cents. Milo will continue to dispatch thom. - l'ostmaater Clark is making some radical changes in the iuternal arraugements in the postoflice. When completed the public will soon discover whether improyement has come with change. - A nuinber of ladies exercised their right as taxpayers by voting at the school district elcction on Monday. They should have ottended the business meeting and had their s;iy about the taxes. - Eoscoe Beaman, sou &f Judge Beaman, of Adnan, and some yeara ago a student in the Uuiversity, died in Chicago on Friiiay night last. ïhe deceased married the daughter of Byron Green, of this city. - The authorities did a very wise thiug in inoreasmg the thickuess of tlie wails of the large cisteru or reservoir fu Main street at the crossing of Liberty. Uisterus ia the public streets should be made strong and saté beyond question. - The annual fair of the Eastern Agricultural Society is to be held at Ypsilanti, Sept. 25-28, four days. As no fair of the Washtenaw County Agricultural Society is to be held this year our fair-going citizens will piobably give the Eastern Fair a benefit. - August Widenmann, Jr., whose arrest for stealing pears was reported in the Register of last week, was honorably discharged on Tues. day morning by Justice Beahan,- of which iact Mr. Widenraann justly complains that the Register failed to make a note. - We make no apology for the space w give this week to the reporta of the School Uoard and of the Superintendent of Schools. Acareful reading will show the citi.en and taspayer what the schools cost and what return is made for the investment. - Prof. E. L. Walter, of the Univerity, who has been absent in Europe for three years, artived home yesterday in good condition, and will enter on duty at the oyening of the college year, full of vigor and zeal. A host of warm friends welconvj him back. - "Look and take a walk," " take back seats," etc., etc., are the legenda whioh now stare the array of idlers who are eugaged in superinteiuling the work öu the new Court House. When will tlie " staiidurounds " and " do nothings " ba appreciated 't - Thia is what an Iowa paper saya : "Nevergo nito a store where you are not wantod. If a mau wants you to come to his place ot business, he will iuvite througb. au advertisement in your local paper. It is wrong to iutrude upon his privacy, so dou't do it." Sensible, every word of it. - Prof. Merriman, formerly of the Uuiversity but for the last two years at Albion College, has been speudiug a few days among his old frienda here. He lett yesterday, accompanied by his inother and sister, for New Brumwick, New Jersey, where he takes the ckair of mathematics and astronomy in Kutgei's College. - A uew subscriber and new-comer to our % says that wishing to put some insurance on his furnituro he looked through the columns ot the Akgüs in vain, failing to find the card of any insurauce agent. He must certainly We overlooked the advertisement of C. Mack üther agenta have no reason to complain that tty lost his patronage. - At the last regular meeting of the St. Uwrence Benevolent Society ot St. Thomas' Church, the following officers were re-eleoted : Vioe-President- Thomas Clarken ; Treasurer, -Anton Eisele ; Becording Secretary- C. . Carey; Corresponding Secretary- M. J. U'Brien; Trustees- EJward Duffy, Patrick O'Brieu, John Finnegan. Father Van Erp is Permanent President of the Societ y. -,0a Tuesday while Mr. Israel Hall and his ted man were driving to the depot with a load of hogs, the horses beoame frightened at soroe"ing, started suddenly, breaking the bolt holding the whiffletrees, and letting the tongue órop down. Of course the driver could not told them, aud they ran wildly down North Dniversity avenue until one of them, one of the '"ge aud fine span of blacks, struck hia head 'gainst a maple tree in front of Dr. Wincheli's reaidence knocking him down. The injured horen died aftor a lew hours. Neither Mr. Hall "w Ms hired man was thrown from the wagon. - The Register, speaking of the animal ichool meeting, aays : " Upon the subject of 'ext books there was a very general dissatis'action expressed at the frequent changes relied to be made. We have no doubt, bowler, that the board will give the subject the 'tlention it deserves." Whioh is off the same !"ece of the rest of the Registeis gabble bout the schools, the " school board ring," ttc. The subject of text books was not dis'nsatd at the annual meeting, in tact was not Uuded to by any speaker during the considertion of the report ot the board and their recmenciations. The paragraph is mauufac'wed out of whole cloth. - Ou Friday evening last at Ypsilanti Wy" dotte Lodge, No. 10, I. O. O. F., after a ""pension of some fifteen years, was resuscitated by Past Deputy Uraud Master Samuel Adams, of Detroit, assiated by Past Grand Master J. Sprague, of Ann Arbor, and A. M. Hwris, of Detroit. The following officers were 'lected and installed : Prof. J. P. Vrooman, N. ■! H. T. Martin, V. G.; A. McNichol, Secy.; ■ Batohelder, Treas.; Dr. N. Webb, Warden . '1'" Spoor, Con.; Wm. Howley, O. G., N. M.' ft'JtnpsQn, I, (3. Five caudidates were elected ""1 luitiated, making the total membership 'venteen. The lodge will hold ita meetings M tlia present at Good Tetnplar's Hall on friday evenings.


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