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ICüluuibia (íi. O.) Cpr. ('iiicinnati Kníjuircr.] Ex-Gov. Bcott, at present iu Ohio, oiiii probably explain tho letter I send yon below. It was scen by hini on the iiight it was written, and was by his consent photogrtphed bef ore renching itó clcstiniition, himsclf aml anodn r distinguished liepublienii receiviug each a jopy. The moiiey alludod to va-s used 'to bribe niembers of the Legislature íor passing billa in the interest of tho Blue líidge railroad wlieu " Ilonest John Pat.terson" 1Wte l'nsident of the road. Although this document is in itself a bad-looking feature in the Senator's case, it is mere bagatelle eonipared with the evidence produocd ))efore the committee to-day. The faco of the Chairman of that comenittee ia wroathed in smiles over hís big lind to-day. Not only " Ilonest John," whoso rallying 'cry to tlíe thieves whou they became déspondont was, "Wliy, gentlemen, theie is uve more years of good stealing iu South Carolina," will be brought to bnt Maxwell, i famoiis negro rascal, roprescuting the good county of Marlboro, aiu'l kuown iih the Duke of Mariboro amonf; the thieves ; "Uuok ■Nash," Riehlaud'.s Senator; Myors, exmjember from Columbia ; Swails, a Philatlelphia Albino, ex-President ofthe Senatc, and, in short, every other scouudrel, wíiit'% yellow and black, who was in tlie ring, took a part of this moiiey, and their receipts iu thcir own hand-writing, or their marks, witnessed by resiwnsiblo witnesses, will bear witness against them when the hour of trial arrivés, which will not be far olí'. Thfl following is the order : Vu k i'nisiiiKNfs Office, "i Gbeenvii.i.e ani Columiii Bailboad 0o. y OoLUMlHA, 'H. C. March i, 1KT_. ) H(m. Mk O. Piirkcr. StiU Tri'iisuriT, Soulh Carolíua : Pfétise doliver to H. H. Kimpton revenno bond scrip duo tlie Blue ltidgo llailroad Company according to aot panscd Marcli 2, 1873, Snlouuíing to flíá.250 at par, uoon the following condilions : That Í42.S57 of said scrip at par Viiluc isto bo osed for pflng the cxpenHes of passing thi"ougli tliü Hous(f of lictn'srutittiv'e bilis stylod "A bilí tel&ting to Un: Koinls of the State of South Carolina" and '■ A hiU to authorizo thc Financial lioard to eettío até acomiuts of tho Fiimin'.ial Ag;nt. " Now, if tlii'sc íibovc-nained bilis are passod and becomo lawn, this orÍJer for $42,857 in scrip at par is to bo paid Kiiid Kimpton : and, if not p&sséd, lüën tliis order for that amountto bo void, and the scrip is not to bo deliverod. Also, that 871,414 of scrip at par yon shall deliver to said Kimpton if sald bilis tSUil become laws, and prervíded that he shall pay Ote rara of tfiOjOOO, thr inuccds of said scrip at 70 cents on the dollar, in paying theexponses incurrcil in passiug tlirouli tin1 Senate tho bilí kiowna8(íA bill to roliove tbu State of all liability on account of (he guaranty of the Bino Riágo rajlroail bonds," etc, passed March 2, 1872, whioh Aid exponaos said Kimpton lias oomrftctvd to ay; and if said Kimpton faü or rofuses '.( aj said amount in dcfraying eaid expense, wlien required by mo, then this order to b0 void. If said conditions are complied with and tho omount of scrip delivered to Kaiij Kimpton, he is not to bo held Hable for or t account for itK value. The above two sunie of 512,85!) and L71,414, in Bcrip, at par, make np ;.he amount of ecrip firnt inentioned in tbiii order. John J. 1'attekson, President Bino Iïidge Kailroad Compauy jB South Carolina. WitncBS : 11. B. Elijott. The authenticity of tkis precious saA carefully-drawn contract is beyond cavi!, as it is attested by the two photograpll coiicB, by tlie evidence of Jndge Mackey and Gov. Scott, who saw the origina], and by tho testimony of Elliott, wIiobc signature as witness is attached. Elliott. svas before the Grand Jury on Thniv day, at the same time the indictment was being considered by them, and, as a trae bilí was found, the inference is irrrwisti. blo that he testified in person to the gi'iminenefis of the signature and of tlie paper itself. ïhe next link in the cbain is supplied by the iudictment of Puttersou, Parker and Kimpton for conspiracy, etc., concerning wliich it is sufficientto repeat üere that the evidence of Priace Rivers, S. J. L. Leo and J. B. Dennis lias been given as to the mannrr j„ which tlie moncy so obtained was misup. plied. The comments of the New York Times and of the Washington Republi. can in regard to this branch of the pending Democratie prosecution of in. nocent and honorable llepublicans wfll be anxiously looked for, and will 110 doubt iurnish interesting reftding.


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